Hey all! So I realize that I have a lot of stories at this point, with no real indication as to the order they come in! With that in mind I decided to put up this with the order the stores are meant to be read in. (This is the order they were released and are intended to be read in, not the in which that actually occur in the world).

1. Seasons of Love (Complete)
a. Shadow's of Love (Season's of Love written from Jack's perspective) (In-Progress)
2. Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional (Complete)
3. Tooth and Claw (Complete)
3. Down the Rabbit Hole (Complete)
a. Wonderland (Companion piece to Down the Rabbit Hole) (Complete)
4. To be a Guardian (Complete)
5. Down Time (Complete)
6. Spring (In Progress)
7. Civil War (Working Title - To be Released)

I will be updating this as more things come out/change.

I want to thank everyone who reads, enjoys, favorites and comments on my writing, it means so much to know people actually like the ramblings I call stories