Disclaimer: I do not own Kaze no Stigma. Just this story and Hiroshi Akiyama is an OC. I hope you guys like it !

Ch 1. The Unexpected Challenge

Kazuma , Ayano and Ren were sitting in the meeting room as the Head of the family had summoned them. Jugo who was as usual drinking his tea looked up and said "I have an interesting mission for you young people to solve today….it involves intelligence, wit and even physical strength."

Intrigued by his words the said young people listened attentively as he continued.

"I had a childhood friend named Hiroshi Akiyama who was an excellent spell caster. He had always got a keen interest to solve puzzles and riddles since childhood, and even now during old age. About five years ago, he had this idea to build a maze….which no one could ever escape. A few years ago he finished building it and has been inviting young spell casters from all over the world to try and find a way through it…." He paused and took another sip of his tea…

"No one has ever been able to reach the end and escape this maze to this very day….So therefore as his old friend, he recently sent me an invitation to send some Kannagis to try and solve it and I have been thinking about sending both Kazuma and Ayano on this mission…" He looked around as there was silence in the room.

Finally Ren said "I want to go along as well…it sounds like fun…."

Jugo answered "Only people above 15 and below 25 with high magical power are allowed to go, so unfortunately Ren….. you cannot join them…." Ren sighed unhappily.

Ayano said "It sure sounds easy…..and fun…..I could handle it myself without HIS help…"

Jugo shook his head and said "No , that doesn't sound like a good idea….besides ,considering Hiroshi's level of excellence…I'm sure the maze will be difficult to solve….You will definitely need a strong partner to back you up…."He paused and looked directly at Kazuma.

"So Kazuma, what do you think….I will pay you a very good amount of course…"

Kazuma replied "It sounds easy enough…good way to earn easy cash…..I'll do it" At this Ayano growled and mumbled something that sounded like curses. At her behaviour, Ren sweat dropped, Jugo just sighed and shook his head, and Kazuma of course merely smirked. "This is going to be an interesting mission..."he thought.

"A car will be here to take you to Hiroshi's house tomorrow morning at 7 am. Make sure to be ready on time." With this Jugo mentioned for the three of them to leave. They got up and left the room in silence, wondering what kind of maze Hiroshi Akiyama had built and if they would be strong enough to find a way through it…

It was about 8 am. Ayano and Kazuma had just reached Hiroshi Akiyama's house, behind which he had built the maze. As the two youngsters entered, an old man about Jugo's age appeared to greet them. He had graying hair, a long beard, wore a yukata (like Jugo) and had twinkling green eyes which held a little mischief in them. Overall, he looked like a wise old man who liked to have some fun, even at his age.

He greeted them with a smile saying "Long time no see Ayano. Wow, you sure have grown up…..the last time I saw you, you were just a little girl of ten….."At this, he started laughing heartily. Ayano and Kazuma immediately took a liking to him.

He stopped laughing and looked at Kazuma "And you must be Kazuma Yagami .Jugo has told me about you. He said you were a very excellent spell caster…" Kazuma merely nodded his head (as we know, he isn't the talkative type).

The old man continued "Now let's see if you two can solve this maze. Let me remind you it requires a lot of mental, physical and magical strength. If you lack any one of these, I suggest you turn back right now…"He opened his eyes and looked at them. Both Ayano and Kazuma stood their ground.

Ayano smiled and said "Don't worry oji-san, we'll definitely try our best and make it through this maze of yours." She looked at Kazuma and nudged him to say something.

Kazuma merely said "I'm sure it's nothing we can't handle."Ayano merely sighed at his arrogance.

Hiroshi said "I have invited other spell casters for this challenge. They're waiting inside." With that he turned on his heel and started walking towards his house (it's just like the Kannagi residence, just smaller). Ayano and Kazuma just followed silently.

Who are the other challengers? What exactly does this maze consist of? Can Ayano and Kazuma make it through or will it be too much for them?

This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me. Any corrections of spelling mistakes, compliments and ideas are welcome….Please read and review so that I get encouragement to write more….

Stay tuned for the next chapter of this story. Until next time~~~~~