A/N: Hi guys, thanks for all the fantastic reviews and +alerts woot! So here is another, I'm desperately trying to finish this so that I can continue with my others but I really don't want to rush it so that's why it takes so long to update (and life gets in the way...meh). Anyway, thanks again and here it is! Enjoy :)

I've Loved You For A Thousand Years

Stefan was asleep on her bed in her motel room after they'd talked for hours about Elena and Caroline's newest revelation. Of course, Klaus had caught onto this little fact much earlier since it was him who had given her the clue in the first place; on their 'date' which had taken place today.

And then her thoughts immediately went back to today's events. The day had gone without a hitch, sort of, until Jeremy went into 'vampire killing' mode. The ceremony itself was almost flawless; it was seeing Hayley and Tyler and fighting with Elena that had brought the whole day down..oh and Jeremy almost killing Elena too.

She would have been there but had been with Klaus quite a bit during the day. Stefan said he'd handled it, so she let it go. But she still kicked herself for being distracted by him. When would she learn?

Surprisingly, Klaus had been sweet and supportive, reminding her of their walks to the river behind their village, well, once they'd gotten over some issues with each other.

Usually it was Niklaus with the problem that she needed to provide comfort for, not the other way around.

But she didn't need comfort, especially not from him.

She watched Tyler and Hayley walk down the hill toward the ceremony with Klaus at her side. Her blue eyes held a hurt that she didn't realise she was showing until her eyes finally met Niklaus'.

Klaus watched her carefully, not liking the way she held a sadness that he hadn't seen her project for some time. That expression was only meant for him, not a boy who had barely begun to live.

It was the look she always had when she spoke to him. It was fondness and hurt mixed together; he knew that now. But couldn't she see he was trying?

Suddenly she turned to look at him as her lips formed into a thin line as she hid her emotions yet again. She began to walk away toward the band.

"You can't be serious, Caroline," drawled Klaus as he walked after her in annoyance.

She didn't say anything and instead began to direct a few waiters to fill up people's glasses with champagne. Once she finished, he was at her side again.

"Its no business of yours," she finally replied, not looking him in the eye and instead, busying herself with work.

Klaus scoffed. "Oh really? I beg to differ, sweetheart. We're best friends-"

"Was," she corrected, finally stopping to look up into his eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest.

They stood in the middle of the area in front of the band, glaring at each other. Everyone else seemed to be having a great time. The music was finally a bit more up beat, the waiters were doing what they were hired to do and the Miss Mystic Falls candidates were getting ready for the next event. And amongst all the happy humans who were celebrating, stood the two vampires, oblivious to all else except themselves in this moment.

"If that is what you choose to believe," said Klaus with an amused expression.

She had to admit, he did look really attractive in that suit he was wearing today. Hell, he always looked good, didn't he? That's what made her so angry. He always embodied perfection.

The way he dressed, his knowledge always being spot on, the way he spoke...even the way he killed could, in some peoples perspectives, be classed as pure excellence. But he'd had a thousand years to become this good and only few people knew that. Her being one of them.

It made her angry because even though she had the knowledge that there was a time when Klaus had been a giddy, unsure mild mannered boy...she was wildly attracted to his newer aspects as well as his nature beforehand.

Caroline had tried to cast him from her heart but today had been blatantly obvious that she couldn't do that, at least not for a long time.

"I don't need to believe something that isn't true," she retorted with a roll of her eyes.

"Oh but it is true, love. I know you're hurting-"

"You don't know anything about me," she said in a dangerously low tone. Caroline narrowed her eyes as she began to walk off again.

Klaus strode after her, keeping up with her long strides while he admired how well she seemed to walk in her high stillettos and on the grass.

"Say what you want sweetheart, but I know when you're hurting," he said, causing her to stop abruptly in front of him.

Caroline really regretted accepting this date. He always had a knack of bringing up feelings and memories she wished she didn't have.

"And that would be because you're usually the one to cause it, Klaus. You think I don't know what you're trying to do?" she exclaimed, glad that they were out of ear shot of most of the people at the ceremony.

Klaus faltered. "And what would that be?" he asked with a glare; daring her to say what was on her mind.

"If I knew you were going to live, I never would have told you what I did because I knew that you would try and use that to your advantage. I'm close with Elena and Stefan right now and they listen to me. You want control, well guess what? I'm onto you. You can't use me to control them. You're not the only one who has learnt a few things over the years," she explained coldly, trying to sound confident and uncaring.

"Do you really think that's what I'm trying to do, Caroline? If it were anyone else, maybe, but not you," he said softly, but after noticing the disbelief in Caroline's eyes, his expression changed to anger. "We're the same, you and I Caroline because I've noticed a few things about you too."

Caroline glared at him, feeling herself become consumed with rage. How dare he? They were not the same, there's no way they could be. Could there?

"You berate me for all the bad things I've done and accuse me of trying to use and manipulate you when you've done the very same thing to me. You're afraid that maybe I'm being truthful about fancying you and yet you can't chance that I may be lying," finished Klaus, his crest fallen expression causing Caroline to start to maybe believe that what he was saying could be true.

But like he said, she couldn't chance that he could be lying. Because most of the time he was. Klaus stepped closer toward her to place his hands on her upper arms, looking deeply into her eyes to try and make her see that he was being genuine, because he was.

Caroline or Carolena had been the only good thing in his lifetime of wickedness. She was the only one he'd never intentionally put in peril or manipulated or used.

"Just please...have a drink with me, that's all I ask. Just for today," he whispered as he looked down at her, hoping against hope that she wouldn't be stubborn like she always was.

Caroline sighed and looked up at him. "Fine," she said finally. "But I have to make a speech in a minute and I need to talk to Elena."

Klaus smiled and nodded. When she walked away, she realised she'd stopped thinking about Hayley and Tyler, at least for the duration of being in the presence of Klaus. She'd forgotten about their superatural problems and everything else that had been weighing down on her. Everything except Klaus. And that made her smile for a moment because for a few minutes, even though they were arguing, he'd made her forget her problems.

Caroline looked at the time. It was a little after midnight but there was no way she could sleep now anyway. She glanced over at Stefan who was sleeping soundly and quietly exited the motel room.


She recieved a text from Tyler saying that he missed her. After a coffee date and a consequent dinner date a few days later, they were sort of back on again. Of course, again she had the problem of not loving him, but she cared about him and that was enough for him for now.


She didn't know what had happened or how she got overpowered but suddenly she found herself being pushed toward a barn with vervain ropes around her wrists. There were probably a dozen wolves in the barn from what she could tell but she wasn't there quite yet.

No one actually knew how many times she'd been captured or tortured over the years but after living for over ten centuries, she'd learnt a few tricks. Firstly, vervaine rope was a sinch for her, so in seconds she'd forcibly ripped it off her own wrists with sheer force and a lot of screaming.

The two wolves by her side immediately went into attack. They were hybrids so technically are stronger than average vampires but she was stronger and faster, due to her age and experience. They were babies compared to her after all.

Suddenly she was behind the car with the two of them on the other side snarling at her, their eyes darkened and their fangs protruding.

"Why am I here?!" she exclaimed angrily, her eyes darting frantically between the two of them.

"Caroline!" she heard someone scream from inside the barn.

Her eyes moved to the barn where she could see Tyler being held back by a few wolves. However, one of the hybrids used the opportunity to attack. He jumped over the hood of the vehicle with enhanced speed to which she grabbed his neck and snapped it.

Another wolf emerged from the barn in the distance. It was a woman whom she didn't recognise but it seemed the other wolves regarded her as their leader.

"Come inside or Tyler dies!" she yelled from the entrance to the barn, her arms crossed confidently over her chest.

Caroline's eyes narrowed. "You're lying," she snapped angrily. Why would a hybrid intentionally kill or hurt one of their own? They were still a pack, from what Tyler had explained to her.

She watched as one of the hybrids plunged their hand through Tyler's stomach and his screams filled the air.

"I will end you if you touch him again!" yelled Caroline, her voice cracking slightly from the anger and slight confusion. She walked out from behind the car to meet this little girl who seemed to think she was a leader.

The girl smirked as she approached. "One bite from us and you're done for," she said. "Get in here or the next thing Jacob will do is pull out his heart."

Caroline clenched her jaw in annoyance. "Fine."

She walked inside and was immediately thrown into the barn. She slid across the ground and landed against a fence along the back wall. She got up to see Tyler standing there, looking on in horror.

"Kim. What are you doing? This isn't right!" he exclaimed, realising that Hayley was right. Kim was challenging him and he didn't like it; not when it involved Caroline.

He'd thought that he'd nipped this problem in the bud earlier that evening, but clearly not. Kim was still trying to gain control of the pack.

"Shut up. You're not fit to be alpha anymore Tyler-"

"Shut up both of you!" exclaimed Caroline as two hybrids tied her to the fence with wire and she let them. "You really aren't thinking clearly, are you Kim?"

The girl snapped her gaze downward to look upon Caroline. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Do you know how old I am?"

Kim narrowed her eyes and looked toward Tyler whom held no indication that Caroline was lying.

"I'm slightly younger than your master, I'm sure you know that means I could snap you all like twigs," she said with a smile, knowing full well they would probably overpower her.

Caroline surmised that she could probably kill a few of them, but would most likely die in the process, but it was a bluff she was willing to risk. Besides, Elena would probably have notified someone by now.

Some of the other hybrids seemed to be bothered by this information. "Kim...Klaus wouldn't like this-"

"Shut up!" she screamed before turning toward Tyler.

"If you don't stand down, I'll kill her-"

Suddenly someone entered. It was Elena.

Caroline groaned. Foolish Elena...brave, but foolish.

She'd zoned out for a while, wondering if this is what Klaus felt like when people he was invested in did stupid things.

"-wants me more." This brought Caroline out of her bubble of 'could this situation get any worse'.

Caroline looked over at Tyler. He was just standing there, taking all of this in with Hayley at his side. Why was she even here? Caroline made a promise to herself that when this ordeal was over, she was going to get very interested in Hayley's background and what not. That was a promise.

"She speaks the truth. N-Klaus would do anything to ensure the dopplegangers safety of that I can assure you all," said Caroline, inwardly cringing at how old she sounded just then.

And she really thought she had this 'teen talk' down pat. But it seemed when Klaus came up, all that just fell away.

"We'll keep them both," snarled Kim when suddenly Tyler walked over and put his arm through her stomach.

Soon enough, he was the Alpha again. When he walked over toward her, she'd already gotten herself out of her binds. She could have escaped at any time but she needed to work out what was actually going on here. And she did.

Kim was challenging Tyler's status as proclaimed Alpha and he had to ensure that he maintained leadership. God knows why. But from her observations, it seemed Hayley wanted to make sure Tyler was in power. And she was going to find out why.

Caroline had to get a handle on this town and that meant finding out everybody's dirty secrets so that she could ensure Elena's safety. That was priority one.

And as much as she really cared about Tyler, if it meant that she couldn't be with him, then so be it. She had a feeling they were planning something big and if that meant they would be on opposite sides, then that was how it was going to be. She wouldn't like him any less and she would probably regret it but when she thought about Elena getting hurt by something foolish a baby hybrid was planning, she knew the side she needed to be on was clear.

Caroline would always be on Elena's side ultimately, no matter the cost.


"You do realise that she'll live a life of misery because of what you've done," said Caroline, shaking her head at Damon's audacity.

He rolled his eyes. "How did you find me?"

Caroline laughed. "Are you kidding? You leave a trail of bodies and that girl and you ask me how I found you? Lexie was going to come but I advised her not to. She told me she convinced you to stay away from the war...and about that girl. I came to clean up your mess, Damon, which I've already done I might add," sighed Caroline. Amongst other things.

Damon turned around to face her, noticing how different she looked in 1940's fashion. She wore a tight red dress which came to her knees, her hair was curled but still quite long and she wore bright red lipstick. She was a vision of beauty. The only reason he'd never 'gone there' is because she was older than him and there was something mysterious and dangerous about her that he could never work out. Plus, she never seemed interested either.

"Ah, I see. Come to gloat about how goodie two shoes Lexie got to me?" said Damon sardonically as he threw a duffel bag into a car he'd just stolen.

Caroline watched his movements carefully and as he moved to open the car door, she appeared next to him and slammed the door shut.

"I find it ironic how connected we all are. You, me, Stefan, Lexie...Katherine," began Caroline, ignoring Damon's glare at blocking his way. "You were in New Orleans...why were you there?"

Damon narrowed his eyes. "None of your business, Blondie."

Caroline smiled sweetly and advanced toward him, grabbing his chin with her hand. His eyes widened in panic. "Oh, but I believe it is my business Damon. That girl is sired to you, isn't she?"

Damon grabbed her wrist, trying to get out of her vice like grip with no success. "Y-yes."

Caroline smiled again and let go of his chin. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Now, what brought you to New Orleans?" she asked seriously, her eyes turning to ice, showing Damon that she wasn't kidding around.

She was beautiful, that much he'd give her, but at a drop of a hat she would turn into a cold hearted ice queen and that's what scared him. And then she would show kindness and genuine care for him and his brother...he couldn't understand it.

"I was travelling, that's all. I didn't even know where I was going to be honest," he said off handedly, his eyes trailing away from her and to his car. "Look, what is it you really want to know, Caroline?"

Caroline frowned at this information. So he wasn't in the dangerous war that Niklaus had begun in New Orleans, there's no way he could be. It was just coincidental that he happened to be there.

"No reason. But it was cruel what you did to that girl...is that really who you want to be Damon?" said Caroline, her blue orbs searching Damon's face for an indication of his intentions.

He shrugged. "I am who I am. I don't care," he said, before opening the car door and getting into the drivers seat.

It was a 1942 soft top cadillac, so very new. Whom ever Damon stole this from, they were very rich.

Caroline nodded. "Can you give me a ride?" she asked with a smile.

Damon nodded. "Sure, Blondie. Where are you off to?"

"My business is finished in New Orleans, so I'm off to anywhere but here."

Caroline pulled the car over, stopped the engine and got out. She was on a short road trip to which she told no one where she was going.

She'd managed to find out Hayley's mobile phone number a couple of days ago, courtesy of Tyler when he'd gone to the bathroom at some point after they'd taken it to the next level after a dinner date. She searched through his phone without his permission.

Caroline hated going behind his back, but it was the only way she could find out more information about the mysterious wolf girl.

She had then compelled one of the deputy's at the Sherriff's department and they'd done a phone search on the mobile number she'd given them. One particular number that came up often was a New York number, to which the deputy narrowed down to an address of one Professor Shane.

That piqued her interest, so she decided it was time to either meet him or at least go through his office to see if she could find something.

When she reached the address, she listened to see if anyone was currently in the office. Nothing.

She smiled, kicked open the door with ease, not caring that she was breaking or entering and went straight for the desk ahead of her. She spent a few minutes going through his stuff, when she finally came upon a spell book.

Caroline narrowed her eyes when she realised it was all about 'expression'. The very magic that Bonnie had said she now delved in with the Professor.

She would read it later, but for now she'd keep searching. Finally she found a drawer that was locked underneath the desk. She broke it open and found a laptop.

Once she opened it, she found that it was password protected which is what she had suspected to begin with but it was worth a try.

Caroline pulled out her phone to check the time. If her sources were correct (a compelled student of his) then Shane should be in class for another few hours. That gave her some time.

She unlocked her phone and thought for a moment who she could call that would be skilled in technology. Slater would be the obvious choice, but he was dead. The Salvator's knew no one who would be able to help. Neither would Elena.

She pursed her lips. Desperate times, she thought.

"Yes, sweetheart, what can I do for you?"

"Kol. Do you know of any techies that could help me with a password problem?" she asked sweetly, her eyes and other ear focusing on the door a few metres away, just in case. She held the phone to her hear with her shoulder so she could further rummage around the desk for any other clues.

"Carolena? Asking for help? I'm shocked!" said Kol in his usual playful manner.

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Can you help me or not?" she asked sternly.

"Now, now, darling. Its not often that you call me, in fact, I haven't seen you for a while...not since mother arose in Mystic Falls," he said in mock sadness. "What is it that you need to crack open?"

Caroline sighed. "Do you know someone or not?"

There was silence for a moment on the other line. "I may have someone...from my time at College with little Jer Gilbert. But what would be in it for me, darling?"

She mentally kicked herself for asking. Did none of the Mikaelson's just do something for nothing? For friendship? Clearly not...

"Not a date, if that's what you were wondering. I can do you a favour at some point, I have nothing that would be of interest to you at this moment," explained Caroline quickly. "I can't believe-"

Caroline frowned at a photo she was now holding. It had been underneath the laptop, along with some other notes. It was a photo of Hayley with a date stamp from over a year ago. She flipped to the other side to find that it had a note hand written. Original bloodline?

That struck as odd to her. She was a wolf...did Shane suspect that she was a descendant of the original bloodline of wolves? And what did that have to do with Shane? Was he using her for something?

"Carolena?" asked Kol suddenly, with mild concern.

"Oh sorry, I'm here...so, can you help Kol?" she asked as she shoved the photo into her handbag quickly.

"Yes. I will, but only for you sweetheart," said Kol.

"Good, but I need him to be here like...right now. I'm in New York, I'll text you the address," she said as he eyes scanned the room for anything else obvious.

She grabbed the phone from her shoulder with her hand as she walked over to a book shelf; her eyes scanning the spine titles.

"Oh really? That desperate are you? What exactly are you snooping around in, Carolena?" he asked curiously.

Caroline sighed. "Look, please Kol. I only have an hour, I need to get into this laptop ASAP...I really don't feel like killing anyone today and you know I hate torture," whined Caroline, her fingers gliding across the books above her slowly as she read what each title was.

"Yes, I do," said Kol sincerely. "I'll organise it straight away...but you owe me, Carolena. And I will collect, no matter how beautiful you are."

Caroline smiled. "I know. Please hurry, I'll text you the address."

She pulled the phone from her ear and ended the call, straight away typing the address into a text and sending it to Kol.

She continued to scan the shelves until she came to a book that she felt would be odd to have in Professor Shane's collection since they were all about history, archaeology and witchcraft.

It was a novel, a fiction novel. She hadn't read it before but could tell by the cover that it was a romance. When she opened the cover, she found it was just a normal book. But then why would he have it amongst all the other non fiction books?

When she flipped through it, there was a passage that was highlighted. "She betrayed him. The banging on the lid indicated that she was nailing it tightly down, but there was nothing he could do. He could hear as she threw the dirt on top of the coffin and the muffled sounds of her cries of anguish. But he would lay in wait, because there was someone who knew where he was and what had happened. He would get vengeance and find his beloved; no one would be safe."

The passage made no sense to Caroline, when she scanned the page for more clues, there was a foot note at the bottom which was hand written. Silas and Qetsiyah.

Caroline had heard that name before. Silas. Just who was that?


Half an hour later, she had a USB filled with the laptop's information, straight from his hard drive. She sent off the young boy with a few dollars for his trouble since she assumed that Kol wouldn't have compensated the kid whatsoever.

It was time to hit the library to find out what she needed to know.


She was in a bit of shock with the information she had just found out from Shane's laptop. One, Hayley wasn't just Tyler's friend, she was working with Shane to unsire Klaus' hybrids. She couldn't ascertain exactly why she was unsiring the hybrids for Shane but if track records with mysterious people served her right, it wouldn't be good.

However, there was a reference to some information about Hayley's past...her parents to be exact and some information about the 'expression' triangle thing. She skipped over that for now since she was focusing on Hayley mostly, but she was sure the other information would prove useful at a later time. Not that there was a whole lot really.

Caroline got into her car as she thought about the connection between Shane and Hayley. It had to have something to do with the hybrids, what other connection was there? Shane, from what she'd heard from Elena and Bonnie, was quite knowledgeable about the supernatural after all and his intentions weren't exactly known. In her book, that meant he was a danger to them all. But why unsire hybrids? What was in it for Shane?

Hayley claimed she was freeing them but why have Tyler as an Alpha, why did it matter? If she truly wanted their freedom, wouldn't they just tell them to leave Mystic Falls once they're un-sired?

Either way, if she got wind of some end game move Tyler or Hayley were planning, she would have to take care of it.

Caroline texted Elena, asking how things were going with Jeremy and began to drive to her destination.

It was time to again talk with Klaus, despite how much it pained her to go there, she had to now. She had to warn him of what Hayley and Tyler might be doing since she'd probably need his help and she had to find out Rebekah's whereabouts. She shook her head slightly at her stupidity of forgiving Rebekah so soon after her betrayal, but what else could she do? Rebekah was her longest friend and she wouldn't condemn her to death over one betrayal.


When she turned off her engine, her phone began to buzz. She looked at the screen; it was Stefan.


"Hey Care. Where've you been?" he asked with concern.

"Uh, road trip? Look, I can't talk right now, but we need to later. I need you to keep an eye on Elena, she told me earlier that she was roping in Bonnie and Shane to help with Jeremy. But most importantly, I need you to keep a close eye on Shane," said Caroline quickly as she raced up the steps toward the mansion.

Stefan paused. "Why? What did you find out?"

Caroline sighed. "He's not a good person, at least, I don't think he is. Just make sure Elena is safe. I'll talk to you tonight-

She looked up and saw Klaus staring back at her with confusion, holding his hand on the door handle. He stepped aside and she automatically walked in without acknowledging him.

"- I'm just at Klaus' house, so I'll talk to you later," finished Caroline, after the mild shock of Klaus opening the door before she could get to it.

She heard Stefan chuckle in the background. "Ah, I'm like around the corner from his place. I was gonna visit him this morning too, I'll see you in a bit."

Caroline pulled the phone away from her ear and ended the call, throwing the phone into her hand bag before gracing Klaus with an annoyed expression.

Klaus opened his mouth to greet her, however, Caroline cut him off but holding up an index finger to silence him. "Lets wait for Stefan, he's just around the corner."

He raised an eyebrow, curious as to what they were going to talk about exactly, not that he wasn't grateful that she was here. The more she resisted him, the more attracted to her he became.

"I hear you left Mystic Falls," he began instead.

Caroline sighed. "Is there anything that you don't know? Or do you just enjoy spying on me," she said in an annoyed tone.

Klaus clenched his jaw, mirroring Caroline's annoyance. "Spying isn't the correct term, sweetheart. More like checking up on you to make sure you don't do something stupid-"

"Stupid...stupid?!" she exclaimed, shrilly. She was both offended and furious.

Caroline's eyes widened as they snapped toward Klaus immediately. "You have some nerve! Here I am, throwing you an olive branch with what I'm about to discuss with you, even though you've used me, hurt me, betrayed me and been a downright prick since your arrival!" she spat, marching over toward him to berate him close up.

Klaus narrowed his eyes. "I resent that, perhaps I've betrayed you...once, but you forced my hand. Connor was mine and you wanted to deal with him yourself! You are not immortal like me Caroline-"

"That's your only excuse isn't it?! God! You think you're the only smart one around here?! I've kept Elena alive, I've had her best interests at heart and everyone else in this god forsaken town. Me! I'm the one going around finding out what we need to know, betraying people that I love to save the girl that you need to make your pathetic army," yelled Caroline angrily, poking her index finger into his chest with her last comment.

Klaus regarded her dangerously. "Careful sweetheart, you forget who you're talking to."

"Oh, I know whom I am speaking with, Niklaus," she said quietly, averting her eyes for a moment as flashes of her past crept into her mind of a time when everything was so much more simple.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat at the doorway. They both looked over to see Stefan standing there awkwardly, his eyes darting from Caroline to Klaus. It was then that they realised their close proximity; something that always seemed to happen when they argued.

Caroline was the first to move away. "Stefan," she smiled, walking briskly over to embrace him, which he accepted.

Klaus looked on in silent envy.

Caroline pulled away and then turned back to Klaus again. "We need to talk."


They'd moved into what appeared to be Klaus' studio. He decided to continue with his painting that he was donating to the Winter Wonderland charity event that was occuring later that evening at the Mystic Grill as they discussed some issues.

Caroline's blue orbs grazed over the painting, briefly, that Klaus was putting the finishing touches on. There was something about it that evoked a sadness within. There was a snowflake that went across the canvas and the first thought that crossed her mind was a feeling of empiness...loneliness. It was a beautiful piece to be sure, but nonetheless, pitiful at the same time on an emotional level. She made no comment, however, Klaus caught her gaze to which she looked away immediately.

"Its a giant snowflake," said Stefan in an amused tone, breaking the silence.

"I call it post modernism," said Klaus as he made one more stroke before placing his paintbrush down.

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Look, we need to talk about-" she began, but someone else entered the room. It was a hybrid. She became acutely aware of the danger of actually talking in Klaus' home and how stupid she was to think that she could talk about hybrids when hybrids occupied his estate.

When the hybrid left with the painting with instructions to deliver it to the Mystic Grill, his eyes met Stefan's. "Elena is sired to Damon," he said, his eyes piercing Klaus' in annoyance.

He turned to look at Caroline and his expression softened somewhat, since he didn't loath Caroline like he did Klaus. "Which is what I wanted to talk with you about too, Care," he finished.

She nodded. "Look, I know you want to find this cure for her and trust me we will, but we have another issue at hand which I just realised, I can't talk about here," she said, as she looked to the entrance where the hybrid had exited mere moments earlier.

"Caroline, you're making no sense. My home is the safest place in all of Mystic Falls," said Klaus with a smirk, feeling proud as he always did.

Stefan rolled his eyes.

Caroline shook her head. "Not anymore," she said, glancing at Stefan.

"Are you talking about the wolf girl?" asked Klaus with a small sigh. "She's harmless."

"God, are you listening to me?!" she exclaimed angrily, her eyes blazing with anger. "I could let you burn. I could let you defeat yourself, Klaus, by walking out that door."

Klaus narrowed his eyes at her cold, harsh words, even though he knew nothing of what she was going to say.

"What is it, Caroline?" asked Stefan.

"I have information now, I know a little of what's going on and after I question Damon some more, I will finally be able to piece together Shane's plan, hopefully. The reason I'm here is to warn Klaus," said Caroline before her gaze found Klaus whom seemed to be waiting in anticipation. "Something is going down and soon. I don't know specifics but I know its something to do with the hybrids. Hayley is working with Professor Shane, do you get it now?"

Stefan frowned in confusion. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure Stefan! I went to his office and copied everything he had on his laptop as well as snooping around a bit. I haven't been through everything and I stole a book, so I'll need help but you have to believe me when I say, stay away from her...both of you," she explained, her eyes darting from Klaus to Stefan respectively.

She dropped her hand bag onto a chair that sat in the corner as she began to pace the room as she usually did when she was trying to work out something.

"Impossible," said Klaus finally, snapping his gaze over to Caroline suspiciously.

"Wait, are you telling me Shane didn't have any protection on his laptop? Isn't that a bit too easy?" piped up Stefan, curiously.

Caroline stopped pacing for a moment and shook her head, smirking. "It was passworded, you'd have to be an absolute fool to not have protection in this century," said Caroline with a smile that was directed at Stefan. "Kol helped me."

Klaus' eyes widened. "You called Kol of all people to help you?"

"Well I wasn't going to call you, Klaus. The only reason I'm here is because we'll need your help for what ever is going to happen," said Caroline indignantly. "Besides, he usually helps me when I need it."

Klaus scowled darkly at that statement, causing Stefan to look on in slight amusement. "So what are they planning exactly?"

"I...I'm not sure," said Caroline hesitantly. She didn't want to reveal the fact that Tyler had been un-siring the hybrids but she also couldn't say anything for fear of one of them overhearing their conversation and it getting back to Hayley.

"I've heard enough. I'll just kill her and be done with it-"

"Are you insane?! Then we won't find out Shane's plan, will we? She'll make a move, that I guarantee," snapped Caroline, her eyes pointedly looking at Klaus.

He really was not happy with this news. "Fine, well, can we at least discuss the cure? We need it and fast," said Stefan. "But here you are, making post modern snowflakes."

Klaus raised an eyebrow. "I've delivered. I retrieved the hunter's sword from Italy which we'll use to decipher the map hidden in the hunter's mark. You're the one who is supposed to deliver the hunter and his mark."

He didn't like advertising their 'secret' alliance to get the cure, but Caroline had divulged information to him and he would make sure she would see things his way, in regards to the cure.

Caroline sighed. "Look, lets not argue, there's no time for that-"

"How do we know he's even got the sword, Caroline?" asked Stefan. He looked over at Caroline who seemed to see his point and then he snapped his head back toward Klaus.

Klaus could see he would have to prove it and so went to the safe. After showing them the 'product' and laying it out on the table, there became an unspoken alliance...for now.

Stefan had been planning on talking to Caroline about betraying Klaus but could see there was no point now. Because underneath Caroline's cold exterior, he could see she still cared for him; deeply. She wouldn't betray him, not unless Elena was in danger.

"I'm going to the charity today. Tyler's going to be there, I'll talk to him. I'll let you know if there's something to worry about tonight, otherwise, lets just continue on as normal," said Caroline.

Stefan nodded in agreement, but as he went over the information Caroline had told them so far, something she had said about Damon piqued his interest.

"Why do you need to talk with Damon?" he asked with a frown.

Caroline looked over at him and had hoped that he wouldn't bring it up. She would just have to be careful what she said.

"Because he talked to a witch in New Orleans about a sacrifice in 1942, I just need to confirm some details, that's all," said Caroline as she sat on the arm of the chair and crossed her legs femininely, looking at her manicured nails vainly.

Klaus watched their exchange, finding it interesting that Caroline would know such a thing, unless she had been there too. In New Orleans. And that was something he was going to find out at a later date. He busied himself with cleaning up his easle and various paint products, whilst listening in to their conversation.

"Yeah, he told me that," said Stefan, still unsure of what other details she'd need to know. "Something about a sacrifice of 12 people."

Her eyes widened as she went back in her mind to the night she had been taken by the hybrids. There were twelve hybrids, not including Tyler and Hayley (who wasn't even a hybrid). So it was a sacrifice, that's why they were needed. But to what end?

Klaus put his paint away into a cupboard in the back and walked back toward them. "Expression."

"There are twelve..." she said quietly to herself and looked to Klaus pointedly, confirming that he was correct, before snapping her head toward Stefan. "You need to go and keep a watchful eye on Shane and Bonnie, make sure nothing happens to Elena." Stefan sighed and nodded, still not having his answer from Caroline and ignoring how commanding she was being. But sometimes she was cryptic and forceful and didn't tell him stuff, it was just the way she did things. Besides, she had Elena's best interests at heart.

"I'll see you later," said Stefan to Caroline before exiting. She smiled and nodded before turning a hard gaze toward Klaus.

"I know you have an idea of what they could be planning," said Klaus evenly, regarding her suspiciously as he always did. "I'll figure it out anyway, it would just be easier if you told me."

"Where is Rebekah?" asked Caroline, ignoring his statements.

Klaus looked away and she had her answer.

"You're pathetic," she said, shaking her head.

"Its for her own good, Caroline," he said sternly, looking away from her.

Caroline shook her head angrily, snatched up her hand bag and walked toward the exit. She was suddenly jerked back around as Klaus grabbed her elbow, causing her to be abruptly met with his chest. She gasped in surprise before the fury set in and she pushed him on the chest, causing him to step back a bit.

"You always think you're doing what's best. And you wonder why I don't tell you everything? I've told you exactly as much as needed. You have officially been warned, anything you do from this point on is on you, Niklaus," she spat, anger getting the better of her.

"Oh back to Niklaus now. I knew you couldn't forget me, you can't can you? As you said before, you could let me burn, but you haven't. And you won't, because you'll always love me-"

A resounding crack was heard across the empty room. Caroline's hand stung and Klaus' face had a distinct blemish across his cheek which was quickly dissipating due to having enhanced healing, thanks to vampirisim. His jaw clenched and his eyes had flashed yellow for a second, but he didn't retaliate, how could he? He'd deserved that one. He was trying to get to her, trying to throw her feelings in her face because she was weak.

He looked up but she was gone.


She'd finally gotten the 'plan' from Tyler. He'd unsired all the hybrids now, well, twelve of them and they were making a move on Klaus tonight. She was in total panic mode and called Stefan to come and meet her where Klaus' painting was being displayed.

She stood there, looking at the painting, wondering how a man so talented could be such a prick. Of all the things he'd done to her, all the apologies, she would have thought he'd learnt by now. But Klaus never thought clearly in the heat of the moment.

She felt a presence behind her which wasn't human. She smiled. "Stefan, I thought-" but as her eyes fell upon the man she'd least expected, she folded her arms over her chest, showing her clear displeasure. "Go away."

"Come on love, don't be like that," he said with a small smile. "Can I get you a drink?"

"No, not after...I just don't want to see you right now," she said, calming herself before they started arguing again.

Caroline shook her head and turned away from him, but he appeared in front of her, looking down into her eyes apologetically.

"I'm sorry," he said softly and she could see he was genuine and he always was. But 'sorry' was all he ever said to her.

"So am I. Look, I have to meet Stefan here, so if you don't mind," she said snippily in annoyance.

The hurt in Klaus' face was evident, but she was right to be upset he supposed. So he opted to watch her from afar, like he had done since he'd first discovered she was in Mystic Falls. Things were rocky now in their relationship, well, soon to be relationship, but he would wait. He nodded respectively and walked away.

Caroline watched him leave and tried to ignore all her inner thoughts of how hurt she'd been earlier. But now was not the time.

"Hey, I got here as soon as I could," said Stefan from behind her.


Stefan lurked around somewhere, while Caroline talked with Tyler in the toilets. She gave him a great idea to get Bonnie to transfer Klaus into Rebekah, killing two birds with one stone. Obviously she would never allow it, but it gave her and Stefan time to think up a plan to stop this.

She could tell by Hayley's mannerisms that she was not happy about the alternative idea, but now that Tyler had walked out, she could finally get to do what she'd felt like doing for ages.

Caroline wrapped her slender hand around Hayley's neck with a condescending smile upon her face as she slammed Hayley's back against the toilet wall. Hayley's eyes widened, realising her moment to incapacitate Caroline had gone out the window.

"I told you not to try anything in my town, wolf girl. I may not be an Original, but hey, I've still got experience and strength," smirked Caroline before her expression turned serious and deadly. "I know that you're working with the Professor."

Hayley didn't answer but could tell that everything was going downhill. She had to convince Caroline to let her go, somehow. How exactly, she wasn't sure. But her life was on the line now, she had to do something.

"I know it has something to do with sacrificing Niklaus' hybrids. Call it off, now," commanded Caroline forcefully.

"Look, I had to do it, okay?" exclaimed Hayley, gasping as Caroline tightened her grip on her neck.

"No, you didn't. You're not freeing those hybrids, are you?" asked Caroline but it was more of a statement.

Hayley kept her mouth sealed but Caroline could tell she was right. They were going to die and she had to stop what ever was going to happen.

"I'm onto you, I won't let you-" suddenly Caroline's eyes widened as a burning pain enveloped her abdomen. Hayley had stabbed her with a vervain syringe and began to try to escape.

Caroline screamed in pain but managed to reach forward and grab Hayley by the arm to which Hayley turned around and kicked Caroline in the stomach.

She gasped from the pain but stood her ground. Hayley ran out the door, but as she turned the corner, Caroline was standing there with a dangerous smile upon her face.

Blood was dripping from her stomach and her white sun dress was ruined, thanks to the woman in front of her but she'd had worse. Much worse. And there was one thing she wasn't going to do, and that was fail Elena. Because in the long run, if what ever they were planning had big scale effects on this town, that meant that Elena would be in danger ultimately and that she could not allow.

Hayley's eyes widened in shock when suddenly fangs pierced her skin as Caroline drained the life from her. But she wouldn't kill her, not yet. She pulled out her fangs and dragged her into the toilets. Caroline put an index finger and middle finger to Hayley's neck. There was still a pulse and then she disappeared.


"Find Tyler and text me, then we'll confront him together," said Caroline hurriedly as she scanned the crowd for Klaus. She quickly did the buttons up on her white cardigan so that the blood wouldn't be noticed on her dress as she walked through the crowds.

"Alright, but what did you do to her?" he asked curiously.

"She's alive. Just...please just find Tyler and hurry," she said before ending the call.

She turned, going back toward the painting to find Klaus staring at it with a flute of champagne in his hand.

"I need to talk to you," she said quietly.

He turned and smiled but the look in his eye showed he was curious as to what she had to say. He was about to respond but she interrupted. There was no time for flirting or what ever he was about to do. And it was then that a familiar smell filled the air.


He frowned as his eyes were cast downward, toward her stomach. His eyes looked back up to find Caroline's urgent ones and he found that he was concerned. He was about to demand who had done that to her, but Caroline interrupted.

"Tyler's been unsiring your hybrids," she said quickly.

His expression soon changed to anger in a matter of seconds. "Be careful, Caroline-"

"I'm not joking around here, okay? He's been doing it for months. But before you go and do something you'll regret, know this, Niklaus. There's a reason Hayley has been helping him and its not to free them. The expression, the sacrifice of twelve lives...the hybrids...they are a piece to that puzzle," she explained as fast as she could.

Suddenly, in the heat of the moment, she walked forward and grabbed his upper arms with a sorrowful look upon her face. "I know that you don't want to be alone, its just another reason why you create pieces like that," she said, nodding to the painting behind him that he'd donated and then her eyes snapped back up to his.

Klaus looked away from her, the anger still consuming him. He shook slightly at the betrayal, the fact that his own creations were attempting to free themselves of him.

"They were going to make a move against you, Klaus, but for the wrong reasons. You can't hardly blame them-"

Klaus grabbed her hands and lowered them before grabbing her shoulders tightly. "Do you really think I will let this stand, Carolena? There is a reason people fear me-"

"Oh please! Your so insecure, its pathetic! That idiot is working with Shane, she was unsiring them for him. If you do something you regret, you will condemn Elena and that I cannot allow," said Caroline calmly, slightly afraid of what he might do.

But she had to convince him to lay low and not to go off and massacre his hybrids. She placed her hands on his arms softly, her blue orbs pleading with him to do this one thing for her.

"They may be betraying you but it was because they thought they had a chance. Hayley gave them the belief that they could be saved from you but really, she was feeding them to you on a platter. You don't need them, Klaus. Y-you hurt me today and you've betrayed me but I've never plotted to kill you, never."

Klaus listened to her words and for some reason, it calmed him a little.

"People betray me left, right and centre, they fear me, but I live in the hope that one day, you'll all see what I've sacrificed to keep everyone alive. You'll see that I only ever cared. So maybe I'm unhinged a little and cling to someone who isn't around anymore and maybe, I just wanted to know what it was like to have a normal life for a while but in the end, I protect those I love. So by helping you today, I've betrayed Tyler. I've sacrificed that relationship for the greater good. So please, will you just let me handle this?"

Klaus didn't answer straight away. He'd got a glimpse of Caroline's true thoughts, something he hadn't seen for a long time. Maybe he would hold off...for now. He didn't want to hurt Caroline, not anymore. So if she claimed she could fix this, he would give her that chance. But that didn't mean he would let things slide. After this ordeal, he would make sure there was no where Tyler could run where he couldn't find him.

"You can't handle this on your own, Caroline," he said, pulling away from her with a sigh, indicating to Caroline that he was actually agreeing.

Caroline smiled. "Of course I can. I handled you, didn't I?" she said playfully.

He smirked. "Be careful, Caroline," he said, genuinely concerned. "I won't have mercy if you fail." Or die.

Caroline began to turn to find Stefan after she felt her phone go off. "Don't worry."


They stood in the alley. Out numbered. She looked pointedly at Stefan, noticing he had a worried look upon his face...or broody, they both looked identical to her.

"You told him?!" yelled Tyler incredulously.

Caroline shook her head slowly. "Tyler, do you have any idea what mess you're in?"

Tyler narrowed his eyes from his position on the steps in front of them. "Mess? I'm freeing them, Care. But I'm afraid that you're in a mess, Caroline. I can't allow you to get in the middle of this; either of you."

And so they found themselves underground, surrounded by hybrids. Tyler left to go find Hayley and so now was her opportunity to escape.

Suddenly Stefan's phone began to ring.

"Relax! Its my brother," said Stefan whom answered the call.

Caroline overheard the conversation, finding it odd that they no longer needed the sword, but somehow, she doubted that god knows how old witches invented cheats to override something so important, like Alexander's sword.

It was time to escape the hybrids. She had to check to make sure Hayley hadn't awoken and escaped.


She was at a loss. Somehow, Hayley had escaped and was now threatening her and it was a few minutes after the threats came out that she found out that Hayley had gone to Klaus, telling him of the hybrids betrayal in hopes that he would go mental and slaughter them all. However, he didn't seem to care.

So Hayley had to resort to 'other' measures to get it done.

Shane was with Elena at her family's lake house and with a simple text, Shane could end her life.

Now, Caroline was a logical gal, she didn't believe it since Damon, Jeremy, Matt and Bonnie were all there too but she couldn't risk it. They trusted Shane at the moment and she now regretted keeping this information to a select few.

She stood in the middle of the forest, surrounded by the hybrids whom were waiting for the witch.

"Do you really think that you're free? That there's a witch that can end all this?" mocked Caroline, looking pointedly at Kim. "You should let me go."

Kim narrowed her eyes. She was both nervous and anxious, so Caroline's abnoxious tone wasn't helping. She appeared in front of her, slapping her across the face, causing Caroline to slide across the ground with her hands bound. Her back hit the tree trunk and cracked from the force.

Caroline screamed for a moment as the pain set in and glared up at Kim. "You're not-helping your cause, hybrid," spat Caroline with a pained look upon her face. "The only reason I haven't escaped and pulled out your heart is because of Hayley's empty threats."

"Then why haven't you? Look, I don't have time to listen to your shit."

Caroline leant on her elbow, using it to push herself up and got to her feet slowly. The other hybrids cautiously surrounded her in case she tried to attack Kim.

"As soon as the witch turns up, I'll gladly shut you up, for good," snapped Kim.

Caroline remained silent, glancing around at all the hybrids, looking for a way out. Where was Hayley? She was there a minute ago and then she was just gone after Kim attacked her.

What was she planning? She had to get out of here and find Stefan. She noticed they all seemed anxious and restless, anticipating the arrival of the witch and Hayley. She could make her escape.

And so she darted for the treeline to be stopped by a hybrid she recognised. It was the man that took Klaus' painting to the Mystic Grill for him this morning. He stood menacingly in front of her and grabbed her arm, shoving her forward to the ground.

She gasped in momentary pain, and looked up to see Kim walking over to a tree trunk. She snapped off a short branch and appeared above Caroline.

"We have a bit of time since Hayley isn't back-"

"He will have no mercy if you kill me," said Caroline quietly as she moved backwards. She could easily have the upper hand on Kim, but that didn't guarantee that the other hybrids wouldn't kill her in the process.

Plus, she didn't want to start killing them to complete the sacrifice. She had no choice but to do nothing.

Kim smiled down at her. "He wouldn't know."

It happened so fast. She broke her binds and managed to run one step before being stabbed in the back with the tree branch. Caroline yelped in pain and kicked her in the face as the hybrid lunged for her and quickly pulled the branch out of her back, awkwardly. Her blood spilled to the ground, further ruining her clothes. She absently wondered how much of her blood had actually spilled out over the years due to torture and the like.

A few of the hybrids grabbed onto her arms, holding her up for an easy kill. Caroline thrashed and screamed and managed to elbow a few of them in the face and neck, but more just latched on, holding her down tightly. After all, she wasn't an Original nor a hybrid. All she had was a thousand years of experience and strength; she was ordinary. They were a pack and they helped each other, so there was no hope for her now.

Tears fell down her cheeks and she wondered how she'd become so arrogant to think she could beat them on her own.

The next few moments were a blur as blood went flying, body parts and screams filled the air and she was unceremoniously dropped to the ground. When she looked up, half the hybrids were dead, most of them unrecognisable.

Caroline's blue orbs searched the area to see Klaus, with Alexander's sword, tearing the last couple of hybrids apart. Her eyes widened in horror.

"No! Stop!" she screamed, but it was already done.

He turned around, not even acknowledging her presence as he walked past her, stalking the last of one of his hybrids. Kim. She followed him; ran after him, hoping to stop the last sacrifice. Maybe if he only killed eleven, the sacrifice wouldn't count.

She raced down to the cellar to see Klaus half way toward Kim.

"Klaus, don't," spoke Caroline, her voice breaking as it always did when she was upset. She stopped at the entrance, watching Klaus from above.

She could hear Kim pleading, hoping against hope that he'd listen to Caroline.

"No mercy, Carolena," she heard his broken voice say.

And with those words, he pushed the sword clean through Kim's neck. Caroline watched on in horror as the hybrid's head fell to the ground and Klaus turned and looked at her finally.

He was bloody and broken, just like her; and his eyes vacant and empty.

She should have been furious, she should have been yelling and screaming at him; telling him that she hated what he'd become and that he was a monster. But she just couldn't.

"Why?" squeaked Caroline.

Tears had been falling down her face this whole time and she didn't know why. Maybe because of the fact that twelve hybrids had just been massacred or maybe it was because she had almost died. But if she was truthful with herself, it was really because Klaus looked so lonely and unhinged and she couldn't fix him.

"You couldn't handle it. You made me do this," he said with sorrow in his voice.

Caroline was confused. "What?!"

"I told you that I'd have no mercy if you failed; I meant it."

He began to walk toward her and then passed her; his bloody sword still in hand.

She was in so much shock, she didn't realise that he'd just walked out the door. She raced after him and appeared in front of him.

"I had no choice. Hayley threatened Elena's safety-" began Caroline as her tear filled eyes looked up into Klaus' furious ones.

"And that's why I'll live for another thousand years and you won't!" he yelled, the emotion clear on his face as tears came to his eyes. "You almost died because of your foolish attachment to a woman that died a thousand years ago!"

Caroline shook her head, her blonde curls flying around her face. She couldn't believe that he cared that much.

"Why did you massacre them when I told you not to? I told you-"

"And I told you!" he screamed down at her, his voice echoing around the forest.

Caroline flinched at his tone, looking to the ground and trembling slightly at how angry he was.

Klaus looked down at her, furious because she'd almost died and that he'd been in such a rage that he didn't realise what he was doing until he'd already done it. But that was just it. He didn't think clearly when it concerned her. He always said the wrong thing, lashed out or did something he regretted when it involved Caroline.

It was madness. But then again, maybe he was going to slaughter them no matter what Caroline had said.

"I tried. I tried to help you," she said quietly. "I could have sided with Tyler, but I didn't. I tried to keep Elena alive-"

"Yes, you claim to have everyone else's interests at heart and you back up that claim every time, Carolena, which is why I wish that I'd killed you," said Klaus darkly, as he turned to walk away.

He stopped near the clearing that headed toward the fountain but didn't turn to face her again. She didn't know why the last part of his statement upset her, but it did because tears filled her eyes once more before she could stop them.

"If I could keep you away from the world; dagger you and put you in a box, I would."

When Klaus left, she fell to her knees as she began to sob uncontrollably. How did things get so messed up?

Maybe unbeknownst to her, she had caused that massacre. She hadn't known that it would put a fear in Klaus that would cause him to lash out the way he did.

So maybe he did fancy her and maybe he cared. But it made her sick that she felt flattered by that, because twelve people were dead.


Caroline walked down the steps to the Lockwood cellar. It was the first thing she did before going back to the motel to change since she couldn't go until she had done this one good thing.

She pulled out the dagger and waited with a blood bag in hand. She sat in the corner, hugging her knees to her chest with her arms sitting on top of them. She rested her chin on top and stared absently at the dusty floor, just remembering the events that occurred less than an hour ago.

Caroline hoped this would be the last time she would have to wake Rebekah up and that she wouldn't have to plead with Klaus to not do it again.



She'd heard rumours about New Orleans, that the Original's resided there. She wondered what was so special about that place but as soon as she arrived she could tell she was being watched.

Hopefully she wouldn't get identified specifically, however, they would most likely know she was supernatural. She made her way to a witch she had been told about, but it seemed that whom ever was running this city didn't want her to get far.

She was cornered immediately by a few vampires. She didn't recognise any of them but made quick work of them.

Caroline sighed, shaking some excess blood off her arm as she'd pulled out one of their hearts. She hated resorting to killing but they gave her no choice. She would not make herself known to the Mikaelson family, unless absolutely necessary. But she wasn't exactly sure if they were in fact still in town.

Suddenly, clapping was heard from behind her. She was faced with a dark skinned man whom she did not recognise.

"Impressive," he said.

She turned to regard him carefully. "Is this your doing?" she asked suspiciously, her cool blue eyes narrowed at his audacity.

He smiled and nodded. "They work for me, yes. And who may you be?"

"Tell me your name first, since you rudely attacked me," she said as she took off her white blazer, wiping the blood off her arm more thoroughly and tossing it to the ground since it would be useless now.

The man greedily looked her up and down, noticing her slender figure through her tight red sleeveless dress. Her blue eyes stood out among the bright colour of her dress and her blonde hair. She was beautiful, no other word could describe her.


Caroline kept staring at him, mulling over whether to reveal her real name or not.

"Caitlin," she snapped, giving a false name. "Why did you attack me?"

Marcel shrugged. "One cannot be too careful. You're new here, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But you'll soon learn that we keep a tight leash on the supernatural here, to keep the city safe. I know when, say, a vampire arrives in town, like you Caitlin."

Caroline frowned, taking in this information. "Ah, so you also keep them in line. So you're like the King of the city?"

Marcel smirked and nodded. "Something like that. I'm the acting King, if you will."

Caroline nodded with a smile of her own. That was very interesting information. "Well, I must be off, it was nice to meet you Marcel."

She began to walk away when suddenly he was in front of her. Caroline narrowed her eyes, expecting him to attack, but instead, he extended his arm. "How about I show you the town? I can't let a beautiful woman walk these streets alone."

Caroline raised an eyebrow, curiously. "I thought you said this city was safe," she questioned, unsure on why he insisted that he escort her.

Marcel shrugged. "It is, somewhat, but you can never be too careful," he added with a toothy grin. A grin that gave her a bad feeling.

There was something about this man that she didn't trust.

Caroline came out of her reverie. She had blocked out most of her time in New Orleans, due to certain 'reasons', but it seemed she would have to soon re-live them to find out about 'expression' and Silas.


She got a call from Stefan whom told her about a little situation at the high school. She went there, Rebekah once again snapped her neck and now they were stuck there.

A lot of bad stuff had come out. Feelings, thoughts...a lot of truth and dare stuff really. It was awkward for everyone, except that the Caroline's anger far outweighed her feeling of awkwardness.

She glared at Rebekah the whole time, causing said blonde to look away and focus on Elena most of the time. The girl just couldn't let her feelings go, she was going to torment Elena for as long as she lived.

And then she'd called Tyler.

"Bekah," said Caroline finally, after seeing that it had gone too far and what she was prepared to do.

"What?" she asked, a little more snippily than intended.

Caroline frowned, ignoring the hurt that she felt at Rebekah's actions today. "They don't really know anything."

Rebekah narrowed her eyes at her. "And you do, Carolena?"

Caroline shook her head in annoyance. "Really?! Really Rebekah? I'm a thousand years old, just like you! Do you really think I would be in this town with no knowledge of whats going on?" yelled Caroline angrily, tears forming in her eyes.

Not because Rebekah had captured her or broke her promise of not snapping her neck anymore. No. That wasn't it. It was because no one in Mystic Falls seemed to believe in her. Why did they think she was here? For the education? Because their high school sucked since they didn't realise that people weren't actually attending.

Rebekah looked taken aback, as did most of the occupants of the room.

"I'll tell you, since you have only just awoken. And by the way, I was the one that woke you up. Not Niklaus, not Elijah or Kol...me. Not that you seem to care since you keep breaking your promises to me-"

Rebekah looked down for a moment, the expression of regret clear on her face. Yes, she was ashamed and yes she had broken her promise. But she couldn't risk Caroline ruining her plan. Was that selfish of her? Yes. Did she wish she could have done it a different way? Of course.

But Caroline always had the annoying habit of protecting the dopplegangers throughout history and that's something she couldn't risk today.

"I'm aware of that Carol-"

"No, actually, I don't think you are. Why couldn't you have just come to me? Why did you have to do things the hard way? I'll tell you why! Because you can't get over the fact that Stefan's heart is with Elena and so, to torment them, you decided this would be the best way of finding out information about the cure and other stuff that's been happening since Klaus put you in a box," exclaimed Caroline, getting up from the round table so that she was standing in front of Rebekah.

The two blondes stared at each other, both angry and upset. Rebekah hadn't retorted because it was true, but she had to say something. She couldn't let Caroline win the arguement.

"What would you know?! All you care about is the precious doppleganger, you always have! And lets not even get started on how you've been in love with my brother for a thousand years!" exclaimed Rebekah when suddenly she pulled a hand to her mouth; her eyes wide with realisation at what she'd just revealed.

Caroline looked to the side to see Elena and Stefan look away from the scene before them which was surprising for Caroline.

But of course, they'd already known. Maybe they'd guessed, maybe she'd let slip a little detail here and there about her feelings...but no, that couldn't be it.

Oh, she had told Bonnie and she'd never really gotten a chance to tell her not to reveal it to anyone unnecesarily.

Her blue orbs found Rebekah's. "They already know," she said half questioningly and half as a statement.

Rebekah seemed to relax somewhat, but Caroline wasn't going to dismiss it that easily. "But you didn't know that, did you?"

The Original blonde remained silent, realising what she'd done. Maybe Caroline was right; she did betray her time and time again.


They'd gotten out of the library late that night after running for their lives after Rebekah had compelled Tyler to change into a werewolf. Kol had arrived with the Professor but Bonnie had done a spell to keep Shane alive, causing an unsuspecting innocent, April Young, to be severely injured because of it. Luckily, Stefan had been there to save her.

Caroline was back at her motel, mulling over the facts with Stefan or more like, Stefan was talking and she was off in her own world. The thing that had irked her the most about the events of the last few hours, was how spooked Kol had been at the mention of Silas.

Kol wasn't going to let Rebekah keep Caroline in the library with the others, and she didn't argue since she'd already done her dash with Caroline, so, the three of them interrogated Shane together.

Caroline hadn't revealed everything yet about what she'd found out so she was interested to hear what he had to say. And to be honest, it was a bit much to believe.

Could Silas really revive the dead? And if so, she had to make sure that this Silas problem was nipped in the bud.


It seemed a lot of stuff was going on that people were trying to keep from her. So she played along, pretending not to know. If she needed to intervene and if Elena was in danger, she would. But so far, they seemed to have it all handled, in a way.

Klaus was turning vampires left right and centre to get Jeremy to reveal his tattoo quickly. Kol was going on a rampage and had compelled Damon to kill Jeremy on site, Elena had gone to Klaus for help to keep Kol in line. It wasn't working really but she still wouldn't help.

Rebekah and Stefan were in a 'secret alliance' to which Stefan had asked Caroline to join but she had refused. Simply because she was fighting with Rebekah at the moment and that she didn't want to get in the middle of the sexual tension.

Damon was locked up now and she was standing outside the Gilbert house, contemplating on whether she should go and say that she was leaving for a bit.

She had to find Hayley because she was aligned with Shane which meant she knew things about what his plan was. But she had to find a witch and the only witch worth having was an old friend of hers.

She looked up at the front door from the otherside of the street and realised Klaus was there. And that was her answer, she wouldn't say anything. Besides, she'd be back before anyone suspected her missing.

Caroline sighed and walked toward her car which was a few metres down the road.

"I heard you were one of Rebekah's victims in the library," said his suave voice.

She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, regretting not leaving sooner. She'd honestly thought he'd be longer, talking to Elena at her front door. Clearly not.

"I heard you were turning a lot of vampires and failing to convince Kol not to go insane and do things he may regret," said Caroline snippily as she turned her venomous expression at Klaus.

He chuckled. "Perhaps. But I thought you might-"

Caroline's laughter interrupted him and then she stopped abruptly, with a cold look upon her face. "I'm done helping you. And besides, I wouldn't be able to convince him."

Klaus frowned, his hands in his jean pockets as he walked a little closer to Caroline who seemed to have her back against her car door.

"I wouldn't be so sure, love," he said with a cheeky smile. "He's quite fond of you."

Caroline sighed. Of course she knew he was, he had been ever since they were in the village a thousand years ago. "You didn't see how scared he was," she whispered as she remembered his eyes and his voice as it had been revealed that Silas was going to be resurrected.

Klaus rolled his eyes. "I'm sure he was, sweetheart."

"Look, I saw it for my own eyes and so did Rebekah. You ask her. Anyway, I'm going away for a bit, somethings come up," said Caroline quickly, her gaze focusing on anywhere but Klaus' face. "So if you'll excuse me."

Suddenly a hand was on her forearm and her eyes met his which were mere inches from her own now, with fire within them. She pulled her arm away from his, her eyes willed with uncertainty.

"What do you mean somethings come up, love. There are more important things going on here, wouldn't you say?" he said questioningly, with an underlying commanding tone.

Caroline narrowed her eyes warningly. "First of all, you don't get to tell me where I'm allowed to go, I'm not one of your hybrids. Secondly, this isn't my fight. I couldn't care less who that cure goes to, as long as Elena is okay and she is happy."

"That's a lie, and you know it Carolena! And there's one thing you can't do to me and that is lie!" exclaimed Klaus menacingly as he grabbed her shoulders roughly.

Caroline looked up at him with anger reverberating within her body. But she didn't want to fight.

"Why do you think I would be lying? All I've ever wanted, was to protect Elena. You can't control me! When will you get it through your thick skull that you can't control anyone?! Just get over it and move on!" she yelled, realising she'd gone a bit too far.

Her anger always got the better of her.

Suddenly there was a crushing pain in her shoulders and she pushed Klaus forcefully away. He staggered backward a metre or so but his furious eyes never left hers.

"You think you know me so well, Caroline! But you don't. You think that I'm not capable of love or compassion and that all I ever want to do is control and hurt people and maybe, that's somewhat true. In fact, it is. With everyone else it is; but not you."

Caroline's eyes widened at what he was trying to say.

"Because I know you, Caroline. I know that you care about your friends and you'll do anything to protect them which is why I know that what ever it is you're going away for, its for them. So don't lie to me because I see through you everytime," he said finally, his eyes full of pure emotion.

She'd seen him a few times like this. Was it really because of her?

"Maybe so, but I see through you too," she said but stopped for a moment, wondering what she was doing. She was about to say that it was an act, all the killing, the threatening all of it. That he could be so much more if he just gave in.

But he didn't deserve to hear the truth. He didn't deserve to hear that she was still so in love with him that she wished she could give in too. And so she lied.

"You're nothing but a monster. You can't love, you can't feel. Not for me, not for anyone. I gave you a chance, so many times and everytime you choose the wrong way. I will never help you!" she screamed angrily, stepping forward to point at him.

Klaus was so angry, he began to shake. How dare she? Before he knew what was happening he had her pinned against the car, crushing her arms. Blood came streaming down and droplets of blood landed on the ashphalt.

His eyes flashed yellow for a moment and Caroline's turned black, her veins turning black, almost like adrenaline. They were so close and so, for the first time without thinking, she leaned forward and caught his lips on hers.

But before he could react, she pulled away, eyes wide with incredulity.

"C-caroline," he began with clear shock upon his face. He let go of her arms and she used that opportunity to wrench open her car door, jump in the drivers seat and lock the doors.

This moment allowed Klaus to come back to reality. Caroline started the engine, ignoring Klaus's voice outside the glass, pleading for her to get out. He began to knock angrily but she ignored him.

"Caroline," he exclaimed but just as he was about to threaten to pull off the door, she reversed the car and pulled out.

Klaus watched her leave, clenching his fists furiously. She couldn't just kiss him and leave! He hadn't even had an opportunity to kiss her back which was something he was dying to do.

Suddenly his phone vibrated. He pulled the cell out of his jacket pocket to see that it was from Caroline.

I forgot to say that I'm worried about Kol. You have to promise me you'll protect him.

Klaus frowned, it wasn't exactly what he'd been expecting.

I will.

But he always broke his promises and this was a promise that he'd wanted to keep.

A/N: Well thanks for reading. Again, I'm sorry about the length, I'm just so desperate to get to the latest! Anyway, please read and review. :)


PS: follow me on tumblr: klaroline4eva . tumblr . com (take out the spaces) and my normal one where I don't post my fics on is bullet2tm . tumblr . com