* This story was inspired by previous works that I've read in the past. Key authors being Holly Black and Melissa Marr. I take no credit for their work. Furthermore, I don't carry the rights for this anime. Some of the characters will act OOC; all of these characters are of age. Constructive criticism is very welcome. Enjoy.

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Chapter One; AMU'S POV:

Have you ever listened to a song so absolutely stunning that it hindered you incapable to focus on anything else?

Amu looked up from the book she held in her hands, scanning the park around her in intrigue. The real question here; where was it coming from? Of course it wasn't entirely unnatural to hear someone practicing or performing in the park; but for it to be at this time? It was just about three in the morning. Just about. Way too early in the day for someone to be playing here. The birds aren't even awake.

The pinkette closed her book, and shut off her reader's light; stuffing it into her jacket pocket. She had reason herself to be out so early. She wouldn't doubt that her parents were drunk as all hell, screaming at each other over small details. Being the only child in a house full of addicts wasn't uncommon, but it was still a pain to put up with. If she wanted to keep her sanity, this was one of few escape options. Amu kicked up her feet, jumping off of the swing she had been on; shoving the paperback book under her armpit. She looked around curiously once again, trying to get a good sense of where the music was coming from.

It wasn't too hard to pinpoint the source; the park was hardly spacious enough to contain two parties worth of people. There were, however, two rows of neatly aligned pine trees that separated the park from the community soccer field. Amu did her best to step through them, doing her damnedest to keep from getting poked and prodded by the needles. Once passing, she stopped and gazed at the amount of space that was in front of her. She felt a cold chill; and although her jacket was already zipped, but she felt the need to clutch it tighter around her torso.

"Some soccer field," she muttered under her breath. You'd think that the main point of a soccer field being a soccer field would be because of the flat area and nicely cut grass.

But this park looked as if it was rarely tended to. The grass grew to immeasurable lengths in some areas, and the ground was beyond uneven. There were even small hills, and dips in the ground. Two nets were carelessly tossed opposite of each other, vines weaving their way through the diamond-like netting. All in all, it looked a bit desolate and neglected. She had reason to believe that she was the only person to walk through here in months.

Soccer field. Amu snorted, and rolled her eyes. She sighed and shifted her weight around before moving her book from one arm to the other, She dared to step forward; careful not to catch her foot in the unruly grass. She'd barely moved four feet before she halted her steps altogether.

Standing in the center of one of the hills, playing his beautiful music on a beautiful violin, there was an extremely sexy- no, beautiful man.

The pinkette blinked a few times. Partly to test this reality; and partly because the sight of him hurt her eyes. Like in a good way, y'know? She made attempts to move again, tightening her grip on her book, standing up straighter. An inside voice chided at her. 'You wanted to know who was playing that music so early; now you know. You can leave.'

Oh, how she loved her reasonable side. 'Twas a shame she was going to ignore it.

She eased closer to the man, trying to make herself look both put together and casual at the same time. She assessed him with her honeyed eyes, biting her lip with shy intent. Part of her knew what she was doing was both ridiculous and dangerous, but she couldn't stop. It was as if the music just drew her in the more she looked at him. A solution for that would be to look away, right?


His hair-like hers-was an unnatural shade. Instead of her bubblegum pink, his was an interesting cobalt. It was silky and shiny; the qualities she needed her hair to desperately have. His skin was the color of caramel, and he was tall. Taller than her, most definitely; about two heads taller. The other few things she took notice of was his clothing. They were beyond... different. Odd for her, anyway.

He wore two tunics, instead of one. The one underneath was long sleeved while the one on top cut off at the shoulder. The fabric tied together at his wrists and bunched up at his waist before spilling down to his ankles. The two cloths contrasted greatly together. While the long sleeved tunic was the exact color of the night sky, the one on top of that; the short sleeve, was the color of the morning; the color of dawn. Rope was tied at his waist, pulling his outfit all together, slimming him down.

A single earring glistened under the beam of the moon, while the melody of his tune pitched high, the pace of his song quickening until the notes hit an abrupt stop only to pick back up, nice and soothingly. Amu felt herself fall into the music, not realizing the breath she held until she practically fainted. An exaggeration, but the feeling is there.

Amu couldn't help but to look at him. His face. The way his lashes looked grazed against his cheeks-the tall, refined nose to the slight purse of his lips. She blushed at the sensual expression he had. It was a look both peaceful and full of mysteries. She shook her head, as if shaking away the lustful thoughts. She had not heard nearly enough of his music, but decided it was best if she left for home.

She thought that was best, but when she turned, that was conveniently the moment the music stopped abruptly for the second time. Only this time, she heard a faint intake of breath and the shifting of the violin behind her.

It was too late to run.

"Oi! The one with the book." The boy called, She turned around just in time to see him walk towards her; almost floating-as if the mere thought of him tripping over his tunic was unthinkable. If she walked that way she was sure to fall over a good 10 times. And the fact that he spoke as if there were more than just he and she in the field confused her, causing her to look around.

Seeing no one, as she expected, Amu turned back and raised an eyebrow, hoping to play the nonchalant, apathetic role. "...Yes?"

He stopped a few feet from her and respectfully bowed his head. Only when he lifted his head did she feel her heart hit her stomach, a soft inhale taking the place of a gasp as she took a step back. His eyes... They were bluer than sapphire itself. Bluer than anything she'd ever seen before. She could see even the purplish flecks that surrounded the pupil, and it was then that she fell in love with them. Him, even. In fact, the amount of love and warmth she felt just by looking at him this entire time was starting to cause her to grow anxious. And worried.

Amu paused and moved her focus to the grass, eyebrows pulled together. She didn't just 'fall in love' with random 3 AM violin players; what is wrong with her?

"What is your name?" He asked curiously, seemingly ignorant of her crisis.

She blinked, keeping her eyes on the grass. "Hinamori."

"Hinamori?" She looked up when he said her last name. His face was incomprehensible, and she bit her lip once again. She already told him what she wouldn't tell any stranger. Eye candy or not, no one she most likely was never going to see again, needed to know her name. But still, he asked.

"Hinamori Amu. Just call me Hinamori, please."

The man looked at her for a few more silent moments, and she couldn't help but to think that he was debating her doom before he flashed her a killer, brilliant smile. "Amu. Pretty." He tilted his head to the side, the arm in which he held his violin shifting from his side to her, in a gesture. "Did you enjoy my music? Was it to your liking?"

"It's Hinamori. And, I did but... Don't you think it's a little to early for that, though?" It was a good question. Looking at her watch, she saw that it was already nearing 3:30.

"It's never too early to listen to a song." He replied candidly.

She frowned, shaking her head, "that's not what I think. I think music should be played at a certain time of day. No one will enjoy your song if you play it so early. Everyone will be asleep." She shifted her weight to the right, and sighed, changing the subject. "And... You didn't tell me your name."

His eyes gleamed and he gave a slow, sexy smile. "Does it really matter?"

Before she knew it, a blush was staining her cheeks. "It does!" She replied haughtily, folding her arms crossed her chest, her book falling onto the ground. She barely noticed it. "You asked for mine."

He blinked, and for the first time seemed off guard. She could've sworn she saw a moment of confusion flash across his features before leaving an expression of seduction in it's wake. "That's merely because your name was important to me, Amu. And such a lovely name it is. Have I said that, already? It fits you."

Amu's face was burning, and she exhaled using unnecessary force. "Please just call me Hinamori, alright? It's what I'd prefer."

He grinned, stepping forward. "But it's not an absolute order, is it? I must call you by that name?"

Amu swallowed. Something was incredibly off about this guy. He had way too much sex appeal. Just the thought of him having any appeal struck her stupid. She was never the type to flirt and mess around! It was one of her rules she'd given herself.

"Well... No." She stammered out finally. She'd seen too many guys dump and make fools of her friends and she wasn't about to go down that same, dramatic path. She preferred the guys that were considered 'nerds' in school. The guys that went unnoticed by everyone else. The guys who were easy to dump, if need be. Her friends disagreed with her methods, but she didn't care for it.

"Good," he said finally. "I prefer to go by the first names."

She blinked, raising an eyebrow again. "Why?"

He smiled softly, and stepped forward, holding out his hand. "Come, and I'll explain it further."

Something about his hand threw her off. Maybe she was just overcome with the lack of sleep, but it felt as if there was a ripple and pull in the air that made her want to step into his arms and relax. It made her want to be ready to be loved. If she held his hand, she would receive everything any woman; or man, even, has ever wanted. To be loved. She stepped back immediately, shaking the strange thoughts out of her head, reaching down to pick up her book.

"Oh, no.. That's alright, thanks.." She said after a moment. "It's getting to be dawn, and I haven't slept yet... School's in a few hours, so..." She picked up her book, the cover of the cool jacket cooling her warm, clammy hands. She dared to look up at him and paused. The boys' face was worth laughing at if it wasn't the situation. He stared down at the hand he had reached out to her with as if it wasn't his hand. As if it had betrayed him greatly, and was ready to be amputated.

"Excuse me, no name?" Amu pressed hesitantly. Seeing him unhinged gave her unprecedented bravery. She felt brave, but braced herself a little when he looked up. She should've just left. Why wasn't she leaving?

With a forced smile, he shook his head, shaking a finger. "I cannot tell you. Not yet."

"And why not?!" Amu asked impatiently.

He grinned. "Come back tomorrow and maybe I will explain."

Amu narrowed her eyes, and gazed at him suspiciously. She sighed and turned to leave without a word. Her book almost slipping from her hands when her foot got caught in some tangled, tall grass. 'So much for a smooth exit..' she thought whimsically. Thankfully, she caught herself in time. She didn't make a smooth exit, but she was at least making one.

"Come back tomorrow!" He called after her once again, his voice lost in the wind as she stepped back through the bushes and made her way out of the park, mulling over the idea of returning to see him again.

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RR. I would appreciate it.