Part four.

The sensation of cold metal permeated through Kirk's face. His eyes slowly opened. It took a few seconds for his brain to remember what was going on. He lifted his head to see Spock kneeling over him.

"Are you alright Jim?" Spock asked.

Kirk, with Spock's help stood up, his jaw aching painfully. He looked around and saw the Doctor upright and hanging onto the console, his face pale. Mr Scott was sat on a nearby cream leather seat, sagging as if totally exhausted.

"How are we still here?" Kirk managed.

"Mr Scott was able to locate the correct control to shut off power to the warp engines" Spock explained.

"Well done Scotty!" Kirk said.

"Aye…..thank you sir" The engineer seemed in a state of shock.

The Doctor moved over form the console, he seemed to be recovering quickly.

"I see why you call him the miracle worker Captain! My console is not the easiest to understand"

He reached over and took Scott's hand and began shaking it.

"Nice job Mr Scott! If you're interested you cut the power nine seconds before the Enterprise would have been destroyed"

"Nine?" Scott looked like he was going to be sick.

"Yes" The Doctor said "Loads of time." From the look that passed over the chief engineers face Kirk thought Scott might actually punch the Doctor.

Oblivious the Time lord turned back to his console and busily worked controls.
"Captain if you're interested we've stopped just outside the star system of the Forever planet"
"Thank you" Kirk looked around and saw the stunned body of Lawson still on the floor nearby.

"Spock. Have security take Lawson to the brig and have McCoy examine him there" Kirk ordered.

"Yes sir" Spock left the TARDIS and a few seconds later came back with two security officers. Looking round in amazement at the TARDIS they carried Lawson out.

"Scotty, I need you to continue repairs to the ship" Kirk said,

This seemed to have a galvanising effect on the engineer.

"Aye sir" He stood and glaring at the Doctor, left the time machine.

"Doctor! Can you explain why Lawson attacked you?" Spock asked.

"Oh he was a Dalek agent" The Doctor said, matter of factly.

"He was working for the Daleks?" Kirk asked a note of anger in his voice.

The Doctor stopped and looked up at the Starship captain.

"Yes, but not willingly. The Daleks have techniques to brainwash and control individuals. Mr Lawson was under their control. He had no choice".

"How was he so strong?" Kirk asked.

"Stimulation of the adrenal gland" The Doctor said. "Unfortunately it also burns up the body" He looked sad. "I'm sorry Captain but I don't think Mr Lawson will have long to live. Another victim of the Daleks!"

"Doctor I am confused as to why the Daleks would program Mister Lawson to kill you and thus destroy the Enterprise. They must have known the factory would be destroyed". Spock said

"Hmm…yes…hang on" The Doctor twirled levers. "A signal! The Daleks sent a signal about six minutes ago"

"That would coincide with the time of their destruction" Spock said.

"See? Plans within plans! They had a back up. When is became obvious that they were going to be destroyed they sent a signal to Lawson to kill me. He was hiding in here and would have seen and understood everything we were doing. Hmm no one ever said the Daleks were stupid" He stood up.

"By the way, thank you for saving my life gentlemen"

"Seems like I owed you one" Kirk smiled. "Now let's get to the bridge and save the universe!"

In the turbolift the comm whistled.

"Bridge to Captain Kirk" Uhura said.

"Go ahead"
"Sir I have received a signal from the USS Achilles. They have responded to our call and will be in range in eight minutes"

"That's excellent news Lt thank you" He pressed the button. "Our first piece of good luck Mr Spock"

"Why is that Captain?" The Doctor asked.

"The Achilles is a Hektor class escort carrier" Spock explained.

"You mean a warship" The Doctor said.

"Starfleet doesn't like the term warship but yes that's what she is. Heavily armed and shielded with a full compliment of Starfleet assault marines" Kirk said. "Just what we need "

Minutes later they were on the bridge. Kirk had received a report from Scotty telling him that the shields were up but not at full strength.

"They'll have to do Scotty" Kirk had decided.

"Spock how long have we got?"

"According to the Doctor's original estimate we have sixty eight minutes until the Daleks can activate their device" Spock said.

"Doctor what can we expect on the planet?" Kirk asked.

The Doctor was perched on the red railing opposite the science station.

"Well there will be at least five attack ships on the surface; I noticed earlier that they weren't docked with the cruiser you destroyed. Each one has a lot of firepower and carries at least fifty Daleks. They will form a perimeter around the planet and destroy any vessel that comes close." He paused "I'm afraid your outgunned Captain."

Kirk smiled

"Not with the Achilles"

On the viewscreen the Hektor class starship Achilles eased into view. She was slightly smaller than the Enterprise. The ship seemed to be made up of a secondary hull, with short pylons and twin nacelles. She had a bulge at the front of the hull that housed the bridge. The ship was not meant for exploration but combat and landing operations. She had a crew of a hundred and fifty but carried three hundred marines, plus combat shuttles. She was tough and powerful.

"Captain we are being hailed" Uhura reported.

"On screen" Kirk said.

The screen flickered and a grey haired man appeared.

"Jim, what the hell is going on?" Captain Ethan Devlin was a veteran Starfleet captain, smart, experienced and as tough as they came. He had joined as a Starfleet marine and worked his way up the ranks. Now in his early fifties he could still keep up with the marines under his command.

"Ethan, we're really glad to see you" Kirk said "Have you read the log entries we transmitted?"
"Yes, and Starfleet has ordered us to assist you in anyway possible"

"Thank you Ethan" Kirk said "We need to come up with an attack plan and quickly" He looked at the Doctor. "Doctor? You say that the Dalek ships will stop us before we can get to the planet?"

"Yes, Plus there will be Daleks on the planet. You won't be able to fight your way past the ships in time to stop them".

"And our attack ships are too slow to make it to the planet while the Enterpriseand Achilles engage the Dalek ships" Devlin commented.

The Doctor jumped up, excitedly
"Ah ha! Your ships are but mine isn't!" He said "I could get there in minutes!"

"Could you take a squad of marines with you?" Kirk asked.

The Doctor looked at him.

"Oh" He said "I can do a lot better than that!"

"We are down to fifty minutes Doctor. Are you ready?" Kirk looked at the Doctor on the viewscreen. The Time lord had described his idea to the Starfleet officers and after a few looks of disbelief the plan was put in motion. The two starships would head for the planet at full impulse power in an attempt to draw out and engage the Dalek ships while the Doctor would try to pass them in his TARDIS with a strike force on board.

"I'm ready Captain" The Doctor answered.


"Ready Jim" Devlin's voice echoed over the speaker.

"Ok, let's go, Mr Sulu ahead full impulse power. All hands battle stations!"

The Enterpriseand the Achilles surged forward, leaving the TARDIS hanging alone in space. Inside the Doctor had company in the shape of a Starfleet marine called Commander Edge who was hovering nearby.

"I still can't believe what you did Doctor"

"Well, it was nothing really; I got the idea when I saw your ship"

The Doctor said.

"What's the Achilles got to do with it?" Edge asked.

"Hektor class? Achilles?" The Doctor raised his eyebrows,

"Sorry no, still don't understand "Edge said.

The Doctor sighed.

"Oh well, I suppose you don't need a classical education to pull a trigger"

He checked readout.

"It's working! Time to go!" He pulled a lever and Edge was nearly thrown from his feet as the TARDIS jolted forward, towards the planet.

Kirk saw the five Dalek attack ships approaching fast on the viewer.

"Sulu! Let's not give them time to react! Target lead ship and fire full phasers as soon as we're within range"

"Aye sir" Sulu looked in his targeting scanner.

"In range, firing phasers"

Kirk heard the hum of energy as the ships phasers lashed out.

On the Achilles Devlin was watching as blue beams erupted from the constitution class starship and hit the bronze disc. Each Dalek ship was about half the size of the Enterprise's primary hull and was well shielded. He saw the phasers impact, but it seemed to have little effect.

"Captain, phasers ready" His first officer reported.


Four phaser beams lanced out from the emitters on the Achilles' hull. They smashed into a Dalek ship.

"Minimal damage to enemy vessel" Came the report.

The warship rocked as she was hit.

"Shields holding!"

"Helm!" Devlin said "I want you to engage one ship with phasers and target a second with the torpedoes, fire when ready"

"Aye sir"
Beams lanced out, hitting a ship and at the same time torpedoes launched and smashed into a second ship.

"Damage to that vessel Captain" His first officer reported.

"Good! Keep the pressure on! Fire!.

On the EnterpriseKirk was rocked in his chair as the ship heeled to starboard.

"Hit on our forward shields. Down to fifty percent" Spock reported.

Kirk saw that the Dalek ships had split into two groups. Two were targeting the Enterprise while three were battling the Achilles.

"Sulu. Course 020 mark 30! Fire torpedoes!" More blazing balls of light flew out and blasted pieces off a Dalek ship.
"Sulu! Full phasers now!" Kirk ordered.

The Enterprise fired all she had at the ship. Kirk saw that the Achilles, like a shark, had seen the wounded ship and fired as well. The Dalek ship exploded, sending debris hurtling into the shields of Kirk's battered starship.

She shuddered but held together, fighting on.

In orbit of the Forever planet the TARDIS appeared with its usual grinding noise. In the console room the Doctor looked at his scanner closely, Commander Edge next to him.

"What can you see?" Edge asked.

"Its as I thought, the Daleks have put up a shield around the Guardian and their rift projector. I can see that they've established a command base as well. The shield control will be in there."
"If we destroy that base will the shield collapse?"
"Yes" The Doctor said "However it's guarded by at least a hundred Daleks and I can see another five hundred in the surrounding area" He paused.

"They've detected us. I'm reading several hundred lifting off the surface. They'll intercept us in two minutes"

"If they can fly in space why do they need ships?" Edge asked

"They have limited range" The Doctor said

"My men can take them on Doctor" Edge said confidently
"I hope so" The Doctor checked a clock " Because we've only got thirty minutes left till they activate the projector"

"Time to go Doctor" Said Edge, moving a door that led deeper into the TARDIS.

"Good luck Commander" The Doctor said.

"And to you" The marine left the console room.

A few minutes later his voice echoed through a speaker on the console.

"We're good to go"

"Ok" Said the Doctor "Stand by"
He looked at his viewscreen. He could see at least two hundred objects getting closer to his position. They grew larger and the Doctor could make out the burnished hull of the travel machines the Dalek mutants lived in as they encircled the TARDIS.

How many times will I fight you? The Doctor wondered. You are willing to risk the destruction of infinity. He brought a fist down on the console. I should have destroyed you on Skaro when I had the chance.

A signal flashed on the console. The Doctor flicked a switch.

"Doctor" The familiar grating voice said "You will surrender or be exterminated"

The Doctor crumpled his face.

"Nah, I don't think I will, in fact I intend to stop you once and for all"

"You cannot. You are alone and surrounded"

"Surrounded maybe" The Doctor grinned "Alone? That's where you're WRONG" He finished with a triumphant shout and yanked a control.

From space the TARDIS grinded and howled as she dematerialised. Anyone watching would have seen the blue box disappear and in its place faded into view ten fully armed Starfleet attack shuttles, full to the brim with marines.

They burst forward, literally ramming Daleks out of the way and raced for the planet surface.

On the Enterprise the crew hung on grimly as the starship was shaken hard. She lurched as she was hit again and again.

"Shields down to ten percent!" Spock shouted over the noise."

"All emergency power to shields!" Kirk said. "Keep firing"
"Captain! I've received a signal from the Doctor! The horse has emptied"

Kirk smiled.

"It worked!"

The ship rocked again around him.

The Starfleet attack shuttles sped towards the planet surface, the TARDIS keeping pace. Around them Daleks were chasing and zooming round them firing for all they were worth. The bolts were not powerful enough to bother either the time machine or Starfleet shields. On the lead shuttle Edge stood over the helmsman, holding onto a rail in the roof.

"If this is all they have this will be a quick fight".

In the aft section of the shuttle two gunners were in weapons pods, firing short bursts of phaser fire at the Daleks, destroying them easily.

Edge called the Doctor.

"Doctor I read, one hundred and fifty Daleks in the air, a hundred around the Guardian and two hundred and fifty more on the ground a kilometre away."
"Yes that looks about right" The Doctor answered. He was troubled by something, a nagging thought.

"Commander would your base have had any defensive weapons?"

"Yes, standard type four phaser banks, why?"

"It's just that the…." He was cut off by the sound of a blue phaser beam erupting from the surface. It hit one of the shuttles, vaporising it instantly.

"What the hell!?" Edge shouted.

"…Dalek are good at using other technologies" The Doctor finished.

"Evasive manoeuvres! Scan for those phaser banks!" Edge shouted. A phaser beam screamed past close to the shuttle. Air molecules were incinerated, causing a shockwave that rocked the shuttle.

"Shuttle one to two, three and four, head for the surface, I want a strafing run on the Daleks on the ground. The rest lock on and take out those phaser banks!"

The combat shuttles dived down towards the ground.

The Achilles was being battered by two Dalek ships; between the two of them the Starships had destroyed two Dalek ships. One was firing on the Enterprise and the other two were hammering the Achilles. The warship turned and fired everything she had at one ship, causing its hull to collapse and fly apart. Devlin turned all his attention to the remaining attacker.

Kirk ordered the Enterprise into evasive manoeuvres to try to protect her shields. It felt like they'd been fighting for hours but a quick glance at the chronometer revealed only a few minutes had passed.

"Sulu! Torpedoes! Lock one on the rear of the Dalek ship. Then fire another directly in its path!"
"Ready sir"

"Fire one!" He paused "Fire two!"

A torpedo sped out and swung round to the rear of the Dalek ship, exploding against the hull, jolting it forward and into the path of the second torpedo.

It exploded with even greater force, sending a shock wave through the hull of the ship, destroying it instantly.

The last Dalek ship was being hammered by the Achilles. The Enterpriseswung into view and fired at the Dalek cruiser.

"Dalek shield integrity down to twenty percent" Spock reported.

The Dalek ship was closer to the Achilles than the Enterprise and it suddenly darted towards the warship.

"The vessel is on a collision course" Spock said.

Kirk reacted instantly. "Intercept course, all power to impulse engines! Fire torpedoes!"

The torpedoes lashed out from the starship just as the Achilles fired. The Dalek ship exploded only one hundred kilometres from the Achilles.

Inside the crew were thrown around as pieces of debris hit her shields.

Devlin looked around.

"Damage report!" He ordered.

His first officer spoke up.

"Shields down to thirty percent, damage to warp engines and number two phaser bank"

Devlin sank back into his chair.

"Could have been a lot worse"

The first officer was silent as he listened to his earpiece.

"We have casualties Captain, Ten confirmed dead and twelve injured"

Devlin rubbed his hand over his face.

"Understood" he said quietly. There was no time to grieve though. He called over to his comm officer.

"Call the Enterprise"

Kirk appeared on the screen.

"How are things with you Jim?" Devlin asked.

Kirk looked grim.

"Our shields are down to ten percent and we've damage to our secondary hull, but we're able to make to the planet when you are"

"Excellent! Let us go first; our shields are in better shape"
"Agreed, Spock says we have thirty minutes left"

"Ok, we'll see you there Jim. Devlin out"

Kirk watched as the Hektor class ship pulled slightly ahead of his starship.

"Full impulse Mr Sulu, get us to that planet"

"Aye sir"
The two federation starships headed for the planet.

In the air over the forever planet the Starfleet shuttles raced over the Dalek positions and rained phaser fire down on them. Scores of Daleks were destroyed but the shield over the rift projector withstood the onslaught. They fought back and the captured Starfleet phaser banks brought down four shuttles before Edge and his team took them out with torpedoes.

The Doctor scanned and found the Dalek command base. He landed nearby, grateful that the Daleks were distracted. He checked a watch. They had ten minutes before the Daleks could activate their rift projector. He snuck out and took a look around. About a hundred meters ahead of him was the command base. It was a flat roofed structure, about ten metres high. In the same bronze colour as the rest of the Daleks, it hummed with power as it covered the rift projector with a forcefield. Beyond the base, about fifty metres distant was the rift projector itself. The Doctor could see the ruins of an ancient city in the distance. Aged structures now crumbled and decayed that the Doctor found vaguely familiar. He saw that there were large boulders between him and the command base. Darting forward he ran, from boulder to boulder, trying to get close enough without being detected.

Edge ordered his shuttles to land. The remaining craft landed and the marines stormed out, firing at the remaining Daleks. He could see a shimmering forcefield around an alien device. In front of it he could see the mysterious torus shaped object that was the Guardian of forever. There were only about thirty Daleks left on the surface. He waited in cover, then sprang up and ran forward, his men following in a criss cross of Dalek disruptor and Starfleet phasers.

In orbit the Enterprise and Achilles hung over the planet.

"I am reading energy signatures consistent with weapons fire" Spock reported. "There is a strong defensive shield over the Guardians location"

Kirk sprang up.

"How long?"

"We have six minutes"

Kirk headed for the turbolift.

"Have security meet me in the transporter room, Spock, when the shield comes down, fire full phasers on that location. No matter what"


Kirk ran to the transporter room where three security officers were waiting for him. He collected an equipment belt and the four men mounted the pad.


Kirk materialised on a slight hill, overlooking the battle site. He could see marines engaging Daleks and the Doctor, who was nearly at a bronze structure.

That must be the command base he thought. Kirk quickly scouted a path down to the Doctor and ran down the slope towards him.

The Doctor had now reached the base and was adjusting his screwdriver when four figures, one in a gold coloured shirt skidded to a halt next to him.

"Hello Captain. Nice to see you!"

Kirk was out of breath.

"Can you bring that shield down?"

"Yes, it's just a case of finding the correct resonance harmonic to disrupt the power frequency"

"And how long will that take?" Kirk demanded.

"Oh a few minutes" The Doctor said, calmly.

"We don't have a few minutes!" Kirk protested.

The Doctor pressed a button and a high pitch shriek emanated from the screwdriver, causing everyone nearby to cover their ears.

The Doctor held the screwdriver against the hull of the base. Kirk swore later that he saw the base start to vibrate. It certainly felt like his teeth were being shaken loose.

Suddenly the noise stopped and Kirk felt deafened by the silence. He shook his head clear and saw the Doctor smiling.

"All done, the powers off"
He checked a readout on his screwdriver and his face fell.


"Oh, what"? Kirk asked

"Something I hadn't thought off. There is still residual power in the shield. It will take at least four minutes to dissipate"

Kirk grabbed a tricorder from a security guard.

"I'm reading a power build up in that device!" He pointed at the rift projector. The Doctor looked at the small screen.

"Oh dear, they can fire in three minutes"

Kirk pulled out his communicator.

"Kirk to Enterprise!"
"Spock here"
"Spock lock onto the shield. I want you and Devlin to fire full phasers, now!"

"Captain, you are very close"

"Don't worry Spock we're moving! Fire as soon as possible"

"Yes sir"

Kirk pulled himself up and turned and ran the Doctor and the security officers following.

The last of the Daleks were destroyed and Edge had taken a deep breath when he heard the shriek of phaser fire. For a minute he thought that the Daleks were somehow firing again. He saw four beams streak down from space, as if an angry god was throwing bolts of lightening. They impacted the Dalek shields.

Kirk and his group had moved to a low wall about sixty meters away from the Guardian and watched. The phaser beams struck the shield. Kirk watched in impatience. He looked at a countdown on his tricorder. One minute to go. Inside the shield he could see Daleks moving around the projector. It looked like a bronze cylinder sat on upside down semi circles, a long wide barrel projected from the front. It was pointing right at the Guardian of Forever. The artefact stood impassively silent, as if watching and waiting. Kirk could see an orange nimbus of energy appear from the front of the barrel.

He looked at the Doctor.

"I'm sorry Captain" The Time lord said.

A bright orange beam shot out from the mouth of the barrel right into the portal opening of the Guardian. For a second nothing happened, and then Kirk could see the Daleks moving around the device with urgency.

"Its happening" The Doctor said, in abject defeat.

Just then phasers from the starships burst through the shield and obliterated the Daleks and their device. Kirk shielded his eyes from the glare and when he looked again he saw the Guardian was still amazingly in one piece. The portal was in its centre was a swirling mass of energy and Kirk sensed it was building up to a massive explosion.

"Doctor what can we do?" He shouted.


Kirk looked on helplessly.

Suddenly the Guardian spoke.


The energy in the centre began to fade and then it was gone.

Kirk turned to the Doctor his mouth open.


"I have no idea" The Time lord answered.

They stood and moved towards the Guardian of Forever. Edge and his surviving marines joined them and Kirk heard the familiar whine of a transporter. He turned to see Spock and Devin appear nearby.

"Captain" Spock said. "I registered a build up of power that went off our scale but my estimate would suggest something on a scale of several times the magnitude of the big bang that created the universe"

The Starfleet officers and Time lord all stood before the Guardian.

"Guardian" Kirk said memories of his time here flooding back.
There was silence.
"Guardian!" Kirk called again.

The Guardian spoke.

"I am the Guardian of Forever. I was built to protect all time and space and show its wonders to all who wished to"

The Doctor stepped forward.

"Who built you?" He asked.

"A question" The Guardian intoned "But not the right question. I offer you a portal home Time lord"

Mists appeared in the central opening and an image of a planet surface formed. Kirk could see that it was an exact duplicate of the plain they were standing on.

"Guardian, how did you stop the reaction? How did you save everything?"

The Doctor asked.

There was silence.

"I don't think we're going to find out Doctor "Kirk said.

The Doctor turned and faced the Starship captain.

"No I suppose not, Oh well" He clapped his hands together "I have to say gentlemen that it has been a real pleasure to meet you all! But I have to be going"

Kirk and Spock walked to the TARDIS with the Doctor and he opened the door.

"Thank you Captain"
"Thank you Doctor"

The Doctor grinned, and went to step inside and then stopped.

"I wonder if you could be me one thing?" He said to Kirk.

"Of course"

Smiling the Doctor leaned over and whispered into Kirks ear for a minute. A look of puzzlement came over Kirk's face.

"Yes please" The Doctor eyes shined with excitement.

"Well ok" Kirk turned to Spock. "Time we were going"

"Yes sir"

Kirk opened his communicator

"Really?" He asked again.

"Yes" The Doctor nodded a happy smile on his face.

"Kirk to Enterprise".

"Scott here"

Kirk looked at the Doctor and took a breath.

"Beam me up, Scotty"

As he was swept up in the beam Kirk was sure he heard a loud "YES" shouted from the Doctor.

The End