A/N: This may not follow the Twilight storyline; in fact, I am not a Twilight fan, but I feel like playing around with the cast so this is the result. Please leave me any suggestions you have and enjoy the ride. –Mira

All I had heard for days was the beeping of that monitor and the voices of my mother as she tried to hide her concern. She was selfish; I knew this somehow, had always known it, but as she came to see me less and less I knew that she couldn't hide it any longer. Since the accident she had been distant, not guilty but burdened, as if it was somehow my fault that the truck had hit Phil's car head-on as we were heading home from his last game.

Soon I learned that she had given up on me. She had written me a letter. A letter to tell me that she couldn't take any more pain and was letting me go; a letter to say that she had put me up for adoption, if I lived that long at least. I probably would; a few broken bones and a small head injury would never kill me. Phil hadn't been so lucky; he hadn't worn his seat belt.

I heard talking outside of my room, the nurse's familiar voice telling someone that I was doing better. A male voice said that he would inspect my head under the bandages and see what the damage was.

I did my best not to stare at the door as he came in. I never had company these days, and the doctor was young with hair the color of wheat and eyes that shined like molten gold when he spoke. He smiled when he came into the room and flipped through my file. "I'm just here to check your head. How do you feel?"

"Fine," I said, and it was the truth. The medicine had assuaged my pain well and I was alive. That would be enough.

His cold hand touched my face as he unwrapped the bandage; he seemed focused now, mechanical. I could feel his fingers probing my head with the precision of a professional. "Does this hurt?"

I shook my head. The only place on my head that hurt these days was the place where the stitches were, and that was beginning to feel normal to me.

"I noticed that you haven't had any visitors this week. Is everything alright?"

I hesitated. "My mom gave up on me... She's giving me up for adoption as soon as I'm released." The words were painful to say. I never thought something like that would happen.

"How odd; I thought that parents were usually more dedicated to their children."

I tried to make small talk. "Do you have children, Doctor?"

He smiled. "Call me Doctor Cullen. I have five, all adopted, relatives of my wife's. They're about your age now, I imagine."

I did my best to smile back. Why couldn't my mom be someone caring like Doctor Cullen? Why didn't my mom want me anymore?

"Doctor, your wife is on the phone." The nurse's head poked through the doorway.

"Tell her I'll be with her in a minute. Bella, you're doing well. Your injuries will heal if they're taken care of and you'll be able to resume your life as normal. I've filed papers to have you transferred to another hospital to be sure that the non-physical damage is taken care of, but for now get some sleep. Good luck."

He walked out the door without another word and I wondered why his wife had called. My thoughts were scattered by the medicine in my IV and I drifted to sleep again, helpless but alive.