AN- I have always loved AtLA, and I am now absolutely obsessed with LoK! My OTP is Makorra (Duh!), but I can't stop fangirling over Pabu. :P
Anyway, this is my first LoK fic, so wish me luck!

This is a series of (hopefully!) 100 drabbles/one-shots based on the prompt list I found here: ?offset=48#/d341l2l

Disclaimer: I do not own Legend of Korra or any related characters, plots etc. (Though if someone could give me Pabu, I'll love you forever!)

1. First Impression

He wished Bolin would stop bringing his crazy fangirls along before their matches. After all, he especially needed to learn focus and self-control. For an earthbender, his brother wasn't very grounded.

He insisted that this one was different, though… special, even. He was stubborn, though, and would never admit that he thought so too. He ignored her to keep up the façade – he wasn't about to let Bolin know he was actually a warm-hearted firebender… his coldness was his trademark. He left the happy-go-lucky attitude to his brother, that's why they were the perfect team.

There was definitely something about this girl, though he simply couldn't place it. She had such an air of confidence about her, and she actually seemed quite fierce, no matter the fact that she had just been rescued by Bolin, of all people. He didn't have time to dwell on it, though; they had a match to win. Everyone knew he was really the only one even keeping the Fire Ferrets in the game half of the time, what with Hasook's uselessness. That's not to say Bolin didn't have his moments, he did, but he was a lot less focused and was still young.

After the match that they had only just managed to win, he discovered the girl still hadn't left. He brushed off a compliment, still maintaining his cold, irritated demeanour. Usually these fangirls were silent by this point, and as he intended, left; but this girl was different – she retorted with an insult of her own. True to his self, he made sure not to display any outward signs of actually finding this amusing – no-one had ever stood up to him like that before… aside from maybe Bolin and Pabu.

After she revealed herself as the Avatar, it finally clicked. He couldn't believe he hadn't realised before! That was what he'd picked up on before. Confidence bordering on cockiness, and a ferocity that was hard to rival, of course she was the Avatar. He was an idiot. He'd gone and made himself an enemy of the Avatar, of all people, and that put his brother in danger. Luckily, she seemed to have taken a liking to Bolin, and surely the Avatar had more important things to worry about.

While she was talking with Bolin, he thought back to the way she had treated him so far. She'd been trying to befriend him, and then mocked him. He'd developed a fairly good sense of character judgement while living on the streets, and she came across as nice-enough. He agreed with Bolin – there was something special about her, and not just being the Avatar. He still made a mental note to ease off of her – he had a feeling she'd be around for a while.

AN- Sorry, I know it's short! I'll try to make the next ones longer. Please let me know what you think! :)
