Wind an darkness swirled around me, I couldn't move or speak. A coldness spread through my body. I could see a great statue before me.

Attempting to see clearly past the darkness a pink light emanated from it. It wasn't a statue I knew what this was. Trying with all my might I tried to move.

Waking up with a start, breathing out a sigh of relief realizing it was only a dream. Looking down at the clawed hand that loosely clung to my waist.

Slowly and gently laying back down not to disturb him, his arm tightened around me as I moved. His silver lashes moved, not waking but bring our bodies closer together.

He looked so peaceful, gingerly moving a piece of hair from his face. I hadn't been this close to him consciously since the forest. His scent saturated my every breath and the heat from his body was like a fire. Memorizing the plain of his face, the stripes, and crescent vibrant against his pale skin.

Whenever I was around him I did the opposite of what I was supposed to do, my mind ceased to function. I felt like a damned school girl that couldn't control her emotions.

Looking at his lips, remembering how soft they were and the things they could do. Shaking my head and snuggling into his neck.

There was something here, as much as I wanted to deny it and attempt to be oblivious to it. How could I deny that I felt something that I had never felt with anyone else in my entire life? Should I continue to resist and avoid what felt so … natural. Every fiber of my body wanted to melt into him and give myself away to him but when I was able to form a coherent thought everything else got in the way.

The things he had done and the things he hadn't. His ferocious bleeding eyes glaring at me as he held Sango up. The pain as he forced me to submit.

I had always thought that the reason I fell into the feudal era was that of the jewel but after Naraku the well sealed, sealing me in the past.

The fates had a plan for me and it appeared it involved another silver-haired Taisho. Sora's family was bound to the Taisho bloodline I wonder if my soul was. First Kikyo before me falling for Inuyasha.

He took a deep breath and stretched expecting him to get up I looked up expectantly but he continued to slumber.

I thought I knew who Sesshomaru what kind of man he was, I had put him in a mold a stereotype but he had shattered that mold. He had a past, a past that was hidden not even Sora would attempt to tell me.

Yumi. Her name it had been reverberating in my mind since it Sora had spoken it. It pulled it parts of me, was this jealousy to know that there was someone before me. Someone that may have felt about Sesshomaru as I did.

But I wasn't the same girl from the jewel hunt that thought she was madly and irrevocably in love with Inuyasha. I don't even know what kind of relationship he and Yumi had hundreds of years ago in his youth.

Were we both bound by the way we once felt and the decisions we made. No, no we were n't, people could change, feelings changed. I didn't know how or where this would end but I could give in a little, let myself try. There was something here and I could see where it lead.

Sesshomaru stirred and a lazy growl emanated from his chest. Looking up, golden eyes stared back at me, his warm breath tickled on the tip of my nose. I didn't know what to say. Licking my dry lips, I pushed up from against his body and planted a kiss on his lips.

It was meant to be a peak but as I went to move back his arm wove up my back and pulled me taut as he continued the kiss. Leaning his warm body into me, closing my eyes I deepened the kiss winding my hand around his body. His hand moving to the back of my head wound in my hair.

Breaking away to catch my breath, I pulled him into me, his body covering my smaller one. His mouth moved to my neck, planting feverish kisses. Wrapping my legs around his waist I ground against his body as a moan left my lips.

His skin felt like embers burning mine, I wanted him to engulf me. My kimono slipped off my shoulders. Barely covering my breasts. Sesshomaru sucked my neck, I needed his lips. Grabbing his face I brought it back to mine. His kiss was strong and dominating.

Moving against his body, I opened my eyes and caught his golden eyes but they swirled with red. Feeling as though splashed with ice water, I stopped and pushed him away quickly sitting up.

Panting, I put my hand on his bare chest to put some distance between us. Courting, marking and consummation that how demons mated and we had gotten pretty damn close to consummation.

Closing my eyes, I peeked out to look at him. He looked at me panting as well. "Good morning?" I squeaked out.

His eyes gleamed and he let out a bellowing laugh. All I could do was stare at him with my mouth open. He was laughing, laughing the great terrible lord of the west was laughing.

Fixing my kimono and soothing my hair I stood up. "I should go." Whispering as I moved toward the door I could feel him move behind me.

Opening the door, and walked looking at the ground I collided with a warm body. Hands shoot out to catch me as I bounced off.

Looking up I was greeted with shinning mercury eyes. An arm from behind me wound around my waist.

"Here I was told that things between you two weren't going well, but from what I seem they appear to be going very well." Laughed the stranger. Turning red, I smoothed out my disheveled kimono. Muttering some words I ran to the room and leaned on the door.

Quickly bathing in an already drawn bath I sat on the bed with wet hair thinking of what had just happened.

Smiling to myself I sat down and got ready.

Hesitating by the room door, I knew Sesshomaru and the stranger was downstairs from their voices.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I opened the door and began to walk to the voices while concentrating on the floor. I couldn't hide and avoid them forever so might as well face them head-on.

Looking up as I came to the bottom of the stairs I looked up at three pairs of eyes watching me. Akira winked at me and patted the space between her and Sesshomaru.

Giving a smile I went and sat down. Sesshomaru grabbed a plate and began to put food on it, I watched him as I nervously twisted my hands in my lap.

Who was this person, sitting in front of me? Peering at him, he shot me a vibrant smile.

"The claims of your beauty I had heard Kagome do not do justice. I believe you may not know who I am. I am Keitaro, Lord of the East." He bowed his head slightly to me.

He was the lord of the East. Sora had spoken of Keitaro that grew up with Sesshomaru. Beyond that, I didn't know anything about him.

Giving him a smile and turning back to my food. I felt as though all three of them were waiting for me to combust in some sort of way.

Akira and Keitaro began to speak of their armies and training, Sesshomaru pipped in a few words here and there. Watching them converse they seemed completely relaxed and there was no formalities or rules that I knew were to be followed in court.

Softly coughing, a cup was handed to me. Looking up at Sesshomaru and taking the cup. "Thank-you" Softly Whispering.

Turning to Keitaro I had finally gathered my thoughts and now had questions. " Lord Keitaro what has brought you to the West ?" Asking as his silver eyes turned toward me.

"Well, I had received word that Sesshomaru had found a mate and I just had to see for myself" He answered with a smile.

Pursuing my lip, I glanced over at Sesshomaru who just slightly shrugged. Did the great and terrible lord of the West just shrug?

"And now that you're here what do you make of what you see." Asking as I turned my head.

Akira began to cough and peered at Keitaro from her glass. Keitaro wiped his tanned mouth before speaking.

"What I see is that you are far more powerful than what I have heard and even now with your powers constrained you are fully capable of holding your own. I also see that Sesshomaru is changing may he realize it or not." He answered leaning forward as he spoke.

Not sure how I felt about his answer I continued my inquiry. "Do the Eastern Lands not need you?"

He let out a laugh. "You may not have realized but as the role of the monarch it can be redundant at times which is probably what allowed Sesshomaru to wander the forest for so long."

Smiling I accepted his answer, he began to stand. "Well you will have to excuse us, Sesshomaru and I have some things to see to."

Offering a smile I was taken but surprise as a soft kiss was pressed into my temple.

Here it is Y'all I had been working on this chapter for almost a month and it is the shortest one to date. I was going to drop this story but then a review here and there kept popping into my inbox and nudged me into writing a little bit every day. Tell me what you think and how you feel about it. Also, would you guys flashback into the past when Akira, Sesshomaru, Yumi, and Keitaro were younger or should I just reveal through the plot. I am not exactly sure since usually when I read flashbacks I am not overly enthusiastic but if you guys want I can

Lots Of Love Amateur Angel