This is my first try at fan fiction and I am so nervouse because the writing on here is amazing and I am in awe. Truelly inspiring work. The subject matter is a little racy, not in first chapter but later on. However, its about Esme and Carlisle and their love and trust for each other so wont be too explicit. (maybe.)

I don't own any characters or books, movies etc that tye in with twilight and sadly I am not Stephanie Meyer, only me. Sigh.

Please review, (big smiles)

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Carlisle sat at the table, shutting down his lap top and watching his wife, He wanted to ask her, no not wanted, needed to ask. They had never spoke about it and Carlisle did not think that Esme was even aware of this instinct that was in every male vampire to have the mate submit completely as Carlisle was afraid that Esme would see it as abuse instead of total trust in your mate. Esme felt those eyes on her and if she could have blushed she would have been red. Carlisle stood and then bent down low and kissed Esme's ear lobe, biting the lobe gently.

"Submit to me Esme!" Carlisle whispered before grabbing his keys from the table beside her. With a kiss on her lips Carlisle was gone. Esme sat stunned at the request, wondering if she had indeed heard her gentle husband correctly. The cup of steaming animal blood that Esme had been enjoying now sat congealed and untouched. It was the ringing from Esme's mobile that bought her to her senses.

"Alice, how lovely to hear from you how is the hunting going?" Esme asked. The children had been gone for two days on their hunting trip but Esme missed them terribly. (Well apart from the special time she and Carlisle got with an empty house and no nosy vampires with special gifts to interfere with their thoughts, emotions and predictions.)

"Listen mom, I am going to just cut to the chase, what daddy said is perfectly normal in a mate, it helps them to distress. So please do not get anxious that daddy is becoming like people in your past." Alice did not want to mention Esme's first husband by his name and did not want to bring up painful memories. However, Alice had saw the rest of the week and it was filled with anxiety, confusion, disappointment and longing for her mom and dad and she knew that it didn't have to be like that. "I know you don't want to talk to me about this, so call Carmen. Love you, be happy and trust your mate." Alice was gone before Esme had a chance to reply.

Esme sat looking at her phone always amazed about Alice's gift and just a little disconcerted that she had seen something so intimate and private. Slowly Esme scrolled down the phone until she came to Carmen's number and pushed call. "Esme! What a lovely surprise are you alright?" Carmen asked sipping her own warm beverage. Esme took a deep unnecessary breath and said in a rush.

"Carlisle asked me to submit before he left for work this morning. I am confused by this request and a little worried as I would never deny my husband anything therefore I am saddened that he would ask this of me." Esme sounded increasingly alarmed and regretted listening to Alice's advice.

"Oh Esme, please don't go thinking that Carlisle wants to hurt you, your his mate and that entitles him to ask this of you, it is not abuse my love it is natural. Has Carlisle seemed more stressed lately? Distracted perhaps?" Carmen asked.

"Yes, I assumed work was the cause, I never thought it was me." Esme was saddened that her mate had needed something and she had missed the point completely.

"Esme Cullen, stop feeling sorry for yourself, this is Carlisle's fault for not explaining this to you. To submit to your mate is normal and a release for you both. Carlisle will feel better and next time you will just know when he needs you to submit to him without him asking. Esme, enjoy it your mate will never ask more of you than you can give. Oh and Esme, please don't be thinking that it is because Carlisle is the man. Both mates need to take control one in a while. Next time you feel low you can make the same request of Carlisle. To be controlled or have control the feeling of release will be the same. You will feel closer after and a lot more free. If more human mates would submit without guilt attached their would be a lot less use for proazac and booze." Carmen looked up as Elizer entered the kitchen and smiled at her mate.

Esme and Carmen chatted about mundane topics after that as Carmen knew that Esme would be embarrassed if she knew Elizer was present. "Thank you for your advice and I will take it on board. You have given me much to contemplate. I will see you all at Christmas." Esme opened up her laptop and typed in submit.