Disclaimer: don't own anything

Note: I am happy to present you an all new chapter :) I finally made it and I hope you like it!

First off I need to tell that I try to get every issue regarding law as correctly as possible, but don't imagine it being real ^^ I will make the law in this story to my liking :D I am not a lawyer and the knowledge is so complex that I really can't gain that knowledge and if I could it would be German law anyway... so yeah xD I hope you are not mad regarding this :)

PaulaGay: Well I can't possibly tell you already, now could I? ^^ It won't make things easier, but as you know me this story will have a happy end ^^

I thank you all! It is very nice to see how understanding you guys can be and I am happy that you are not angered for the lack of update ^^ I try my best to get the next chapter done, but I can't make any promises on when it will be done.

I hope you enjoy the chapter :) Please leave me some reviews, they always keep me going ;D

Special thanks to the awesome Scarlotte O'Hara for beta-reading! :D

Chap 13: Begin Anew

"What is it you need to talk with me about that can't be spoken in front of my family?" Isshin asked, he was both curious and suspicious of Kisuke.

"Well first I had no idea that you have an adoptive son Isshin." Kisuke said in a provocative tone.

Of course he understood now why Byakuya had send him here. The raven-head had to know about the relationship between Kurosaki Isshin and the stripper.

With a mental shrug the blonde returned his attention back to his old friend.

"How long has he been part of your family?" He asked after Isshin didn't reply.

The bulky dark haired man sighed, not knowing what to say or do.

"Okay… Listen Kisuke, whatever I tell you now needs to stay between us." After a confirmative nod he continued. "I found him and another several years ago under a bridge, it was a harsh winter and they were barely wearing anything. He was ill and we took them with us, you know how we are… Kisuke… They were so small and undernourished; we couldn't just let them stay there." Isshin said while rubbing his face with his hand.

Kisuke nodded his head, he could picture the Kurosaki couple doing just that, but there was still one thing he needed to know. "You don't have their documents, right? That is why you told no one about this adoption." The other nodded his head in agreement and now Kisuke knew that his job was done and Byakuya would be on his own again.

"You have an idea where they are?" He asked, maybe he could get some information; that would make everything easier for Byakuya.

"Unfortunately not and they never told us which orphanage they fled from, they probably never will. It's not as if we wouldn't like to get the documents, but they simply refuse to tell us, because it would get Masaki and me in trouble and we had enough of that with them already; their words by the way." He replied with a shake of his head.

The dark haired doctor could understand the two young men's feelings, but he and Masaki were older and perfectly capable of making their own choices. All Isshin wanted was that Renji and Grimmjow would be able to lead normal lives.

"What a pity… What do you plan on doing?" The blonde asked with a curious glance.

Shrugging his shoulders Isshin didn't know how to answer to such a question. "Well you don't know them. They are incredibly stubborn once they set on their mind to not tell us anything… But the way you ask one could think that you have a plan…" There was a glint in Isshin's eyes, a glint that betrayed hope and maybe even knowledge.

"Ah, you still know me too well Isshin. An acquaintance of mine might be able to help you with that. He is determined to get those papers, no matter the cost, in all aspects mind you…"

After a moment of giving the words some thought Isshin's eyes widened suddenly, a realization hit him square in the face: "Kuchiki Byakuya." He whispered and he nearly would have missed the smirk that graced his long time friend, but he looked just in the right moment at the blonde and saw that, indeed, his assumption was correct.

Kisuke was about to exit the room, when he took Isshin's left arm and whispered into his ear: "Don't tell your sons, he wants to surprise them." And then he left, leaving a dumbfounded Dr. Kurosaki behind.

When Kisuke left he found himself in the living room, where Masaki and the red-head still sat on the couch.

He bent his head and wished them a nice weekend, "Maybe we will see each other more often from now on." He said before leaving the house.

Kisuke was of the opinion that now, since their secrets were out in the open and he promised to keep it to himself, he would see Isshin more often from now on.

Although he pretended as if everything was alright he had to admit, if only to himself, that he missed Isshin dearly.

It took Isshin a moment to get himself back in order. Taking a deep breath he left his room and went back into the living room, where Masaki and Renji anxiously awaited him.

"Isshin?" The one word question from his wife told him all, despite the few words. 'What did he want?' or 'Did you tell him?' and in consequence 'Will he report it?' were probably the things she wanted to know; Renji looked at him with angst in his eyes.

"Calm down, everything is alright. Kisuke won't say anything to anyone regarding Ren and Grimm. It was a nice chat, nothing more; you two would have been bored as he said." The man said while sitting back down on the couch, hoping the other two didn't see right through him.

But of course they did. Masaki and Renji knew the doctor way too well and could see the nervousness that radiated from him, but they let it slip and decided that whatever happened Isshin would tell them when it became important.

"Well son you were talking about that guy. Do you plan on meeting with him?" Isshin asked Renji, hoping to get them distracted by changing the subject.

It seemed to have worked too, Renji was leaning back against the couch with a dreamy and sad expression on his features. "I don't know… I want to see him of course, but it's complicated, you know? Although he says that the gender doesn't matter I think that for the press and his family it does. So I'm a little lost here…" He sighed in frustration.

He really dreamed of seeing the beautiful black-haired man again, but how? Renji thought arranging something for Ichigo with Byakuya's sister; they could be the "chaperons" and have a nice talk between themselves. There were some advantages to the plan. For once they could pretend to be just brothers looking out for their little siblings, secondly they could bring Ichigo and Rukia together by showing how comfortable they felt around each other.

On the other hand, and these were points that frustrated Renji to no end, they really couldn't speak openly… and although it is just one point it angered the red-head the more. How could he get closer to Byakuya when someone was always around? That simply was not possible.

Inwardly Renji cursed the Japanese culture for their intolerance towards same-gender relationships; it certainly would make things easier…

"Why don't you just meet privately?" Masaki asked her son and brought him out of his thoughts.

After contemplating the question he answered, "Nice idea, but where? I don't want him to come to us… Grimmjow would never leave us alone or shut up. Ichigo would try getting Grimm out of our hair, making it even worse… At his house it would be even worse. I would bet that paparazzi would be standing in front of their house and as soon as I entered the rumor mill would be working, just like what I wanted to avoid… and here? Well don't take it offensive, but no. Dad wouldn't stop bothering him and the whole drama with Grimm and Ichigo would happen anyway."

It was frustrating how nothing really seemed to work out for him…

Suddenly Karin came barging down the stairs screaming something about soccer. Yuzu and Ichigo hot on her heels demanding that she returns, because Renji and their parents probably weren't done talking just yet.

The black-haired girl came to halt in front of her big red-haired brother, arms crossed in front of her chest. They looked each other in the eyes, Renji was a bit puzzled, but had a good guess what his little sister wanted. Yuzu and Ichigo followed soon and stopped too. They watched the whole scene unfold curiously, just like Masaki and Isshin.

"You wanted to practice soccer with me…" The girl stated bluntly and Renji nodded, smiling at her. "I sure did. Alright let's go to the gymnasium then, it's too cold to go the field. Let me just change my clothes." He said while standing up and going upstairs.

The three men always had spare clothes at the house, even for sports. It was a measure of 'what might happen' and now was just a moment where Renji was happy to have something here, so he needn't go back to their apartment.

With Renji out of hearing range Ichigo let a loud sigh escape him.

"So how did it go?" He asked his mother and father in hopes of getting enlightened what was wrong with his beloved brother.

"Rather well I guess… But he is confused, you should later talk with him and alone. I am sure you can be of help to him." Isshin replied somewhat cryptically and Ichigo shrugged, taking the answer as 'better than nothing' and letting it slide.

It didn't take Renji long to change and come back into the living room. Before Karin and Renji could leave Yuzu declared that she wanted to tag along, ultimately dragging Ichigo with them.

When the four were gone Isshin leaned back into the couch, exhausted from everything that happened this day.

"You know Isshin, I really hope that this Byakuya will be good to our Renji." Masaki said, leaning against his shoulder and inhaling his scent, which she still so desired.

"Yeah, I hope too." Was his solemn reply. Leaning his cheek on her head he replayed the conversation he had with Kisuke. 'That Byakuya really seems to be nice, I just hope that everything works out for them.' Were his last thoughts on this matter.

Kisuke drove through Karakura, his destination: the Kuchiki household.

He recalled the first moment when he entered Isshin's living room. To say that he was shocked when he saw the handsome red-haired stripper from the night of Byakuya's Birthday was really an understatement when the realization hit him that the guy said Kuchiki meant was, in fact, the red-haired stripper…

Kisuke had the feeling that there was more to all of this… The young Kuchiki was determined to help the red-head, the blonde even had a slight suspicion why that was, but he would observe this and keep Soujun and Ginrei up to date.

He feared that whatever was between Byakuya and this Renji would mean the downfall of the Kuchiki business. Sure Kisuke had no direct affiliation with the business, but he knew the family and unlike their competitors the Kuchiki were a nice family. People that respected every living creature, it would be disastrous if the economy would be without them.

'Let's face it… They are the only ones who care about their employees' Kisuke thought while turning for the street the house stood in. It was always amazing for him how they lived.

'They sure are living rather down to earth.' Kisuke thought while parking his car in the front of the stone house. It was true. The Kuchiki home was an ordinary one-family house with enough room to inhabit three, if not someday four, generations. The land it stood on was just like the ones next to it from the 'simple worker' as other company owners like to call them. Only in the back was some wealth shown.

For example was there a large pond with koi, a lot of sakura trees and nicely done stone paths that led the way to the pond, a marvel bench to sit on or the porch trough which they could enter the house.

All in all it is a very charming home the family had built for themselves, traditional even, and Kisuke was sure that it was example for the whole neighborhood they lived in.

He knocked before entering through the front door and no one greeted him. Curiously he searched the house for its owners and found at least the two oldest men sitting in the living room, playing a game of chess.

Looking at the board the blonde saw the white chessmen winning; of course it were Ginrei's.

"So how did it go Kisuke?" the oldest of them asked, not troubled to divert his attention.

Soujun listened in on their conversation while figuring what he could do to possibly win the game, but it looked like luck had run out and he would soon admit defeat.

"Well not so good I guess… Our little Byakuya will be disappointed I assume. Where is he anyway?" The blonde replied while looking around; still no one else was in his sight.

"They are in Byakuya's room, I think your wife is harassing him again and Rukia is probably trying to interfere and play peacemaker. You really shouldn't tease him this much." The old man scolded with a glance so sharp it made Kisuke cringe inwardly.

"Ah I think I should go then…" He said while turning and making his way for the stairs.

The two Kuchiki men didn't let themselves get bothered and continued their game.

As soon as the blonde reached the first floor he heard loud talking, but he couldn't make out the words.

He inhaled deeply and prepared himself for the onslaught that surely was about to happen.

Kisuke burst the door open and screamed "I AM BACK MY FRIENDS!" Which of course gained everyone's attention. And as soon as he saw the state the others were in he wished he would have never entered the room in the first place.

"Urahara! I demand of you to remove your wife immediately out of my room!" Byakuya was fuming at him. That in itself spoke volumes of the intensity Yoruichi seemed to have overstepped her boundaries with the young Kuchiki.

As a good educated man Byakuya would never scream, that he was speaking in such a way with him wasn't a good sign either.

His wife was of course smirking like a Cheshire cat, satisfied to have successfully riled the young man.

Rukia was standing awkwardly between them, surely she tried to calm things down, but without the desired effect. So it was left on him to calm things somewhat.

"Well do you mind telling me what is going on?" He asked them and got a shrugging from Rukia, a snicker from Yoruichi and a scorching glare from Byakuya. It seemed like no one really wanted to tell him…

He sighed in frustration and decided to change the subject entirely. "I am sorry Byakuya, but I couldn't get you the information you wanted, it seemed that not even HE knows it…" They exchanged meaningful glances and of course the raven-head knew instantly what the blonde meant.

It shattered the mood the second Byakuya understood and Kisuke didn't know what exactly was going on the raven-head's mind, but Byakuya simply left the room. Every one stared after him and when the sound of the main door closing resonated did they look at each other totally confused and decided that they probably really should leave him alone this time.

Of course the two women bothered Kisuke to tell them what was going on, but he refused just as he promised.

Eventually they settled down in the living room too and waited for Byakuya to return.

Ginrei and Soujun didn't seem to care, deciding that they were old enough and didn't need to be pampered anymore and that includes leaving them to their own business.

The snow crunched under his winter-boots while he walked through the streets of Karakura.

The dark-haired man was glad that he thought to take his black, heavy coat with his long scarf. Without those items the strong and chilly winter air would surely leave him with a cold or worse.

Usually Byakuya would enjoy a walk in the snow, but lately he found himself desiring that less, maybe it came from being lonely?

As much as he honored the memories his Hisana left him with, but he was only a human being himself and as such the desire to be with someone became stronger every passing day. Of course he tried to hide it, but he couldn't hide it from himself; he was becoming lonely. He refused to search for a partner, convinced that love couldn't be searched, but simply happened.

But love, it seemed, wasn't so eager to find him. Or was it just him being oblivious to it? Whatever it was, Byakuya couldn't deny that a certain fiery-haired man wouldn't leave his mind. He was not quite sure why though… Sure there was some kind of attraction between them, but was it enough? They didn't even know each other that good.

'That is the problem isn't it?' He wondered in silence to himself.

Although he barely knew the man Byakuya had the deep wish to help him get his documents, but why? The attraction couldn't be the reason, no one would do something difficult only for a fling. Was it that? Was his unconsciousness seeing more in the red-head than a simple fling? More than a love-interest?

He frowned at the thoughts. Surely it had to be, why else did he feel as if someone pierced his heart with a very sharp icicle when Kisuke said that he couldn't get the desired information?

But he simply couldn't let himself indulge in such things. The memorial of Hisana was still too fresh in his past to forget, but his heart seemed to disagree. He felt the hurt of his loneliness, but was the red-head worth it? Was he worth risking the family reputation and their economic success? He wasn't sure. His elders seemed pleased with the decision to help, but would they still support him if he were to actually fall in love with the other?

The questions lay heavy on his mind and shoulders, unsure how to answer them, because he simply couldn't at this point.

He wondered though… Could forming a friendship make them more than just friends? Byakuya surely found Renji attractive, but was it reciprocated? Deep down his heart hoped, it would mean not being lonely anymore and having someone to warm him on cold days as those now. And the other made insinuations regarding that matter, but still he doubted…

Lost in his thoughts as he was Byakuya didn't even paid attention to the path he had walked until he reached a gymnasium from which emitted light. 'Strange… it is a Sunday, why would there be light?'

Curiously he entered and made his way to the barrier that separated the trainings field with soccer goals and basketball hoops. The sight that greeted him brought a soft smile to his face.

What might Byakuya have found? You will know in the next chapter :)

That's it for the 13th chapter, I hope you liked it! Please leave a review ^^