James dropped Henry off at Granny's quickly telling him he would be back for him later before racing back off to the stables. He needed to be sure she was ok. He knew the brunette could certainly take care of herself but the problem was he wasn't sure if she would. His mind flashed to the last moment he had seen her. Her face had been a mix of fear and hope. James could see that she believed she could save her true love and that she may finally get her happy ending. Unfortunately he didn't think this meeting was going to go quite like she thought it would and he worried that she may not do what was needed to protect herself.

Regina Mills was not an easy woman to figure out.

In the last several weeks she had been doing her best to change, to redeem herself for her son and it surprised him but James found himself hoping that she could succeed. No matter what Henry said about it he knew the boy missed his mother. How could he not? No matter who she was or what she had done she was still his mom and it was pretty obvious that she loved him completely. Something he never would have expected from The Evil Queen. He found himself secretly rooting for Regina to be able to turn things around…for Henry.

They still had their problems of course. She had cursed an entire kingdom and tried to kill his wife on more then one occasion which could not be easily forgotten. He had to admit that she had seemed to grow softer over the last few weeks and there was vulnerability he had never seen in her before and passion he admitted to himself. His mind flashed to the one night he had spent with her, before the curse had been broken. He had helped her when her car had broken down and she had repaid him with dinner. After eating and drinking a bit to much wine they had ended up in her bed.

James grew slightly uncomfortable as he thought about that night. The memory of her glorious body beneath him, the way her hands had rushed over him in a heated frenzy. He had been disappointed the next morning when she told him that it probably wouldn't be a good idea to continue the affair. Things in his life were just to complicated and she did have a son to think about. He had agreed because, well, an affair at that point wasn't the best idea with all the Kathryn/ Mary Margret business, but it hadn't stopped him from being a little upset he wouldn't get to spend more time in the Mayor's bed.

His wife knew nothing of this one night stand and he supposed he would have to tell her at some point. That was a conversation he was not looking forward to.

His mind drifted back to Regina. She had always been a striking woman even in the Enchanted Forest when she was The Evil Queen. He remembered her coming to see him in his cell to gloat about her plans to defeat her enemy. He had been so angry and so worried about Snow, but despite all of that when she walked into his cell he hadn't been able to take his eyes off of her. Even hating her as much as he did she was unbelievably intoxicating. When she reached out and ran her hand down his arm his blood had instantly heated and he jerked way as if he had been burned. The Queen had given him a knowing smirk as he let his eyes linger over her again and it infuriated him that she seemed to know what he was thinking. He felt instantly guilty about the way his heart quickened but tried to console himself. He was just a man after all and the Queens outfits did display her "assets" quite nicely.

James scolded himself as he pulled up to the stables. Here Regina was in a life threatening situation and he was thinking about her breasts. "Real heroic Charming" He muttered to himself as he climbed out of his truck.

As he neared the stable doors he heard it. Her sobbing was loud and bordered on hysterical. He rushed in to find her crumpled into a corner and the sound of desperation coming from her was almost to much for him to take as he rushed to her side.

"Regina?" he asked gently but received no answer.

He needed to be sure she hadn't been physically hurt so he took her gently by the arm and pulled her chin up with his other hand so she would look at him. "Are you ok?"

The only answer he received was another sob but when her head was lifted he saw the dark bruises on her neck. His heart lurched painfully in his chest for her.

"Regina, where is Daniel?"

She sobbed again and simply said "Gone."

She lowered her head and again began to cry even harder then she had been before. He sat there on his knees helplessly wishing there was something he could do for her.

He sat back against the stable and let his arm fall lightly around her shoulders, it was the only thing he knew to do to comfort her and he was surprised when she leaned into him. He tightened his hold on her and she turned her face into his neck as she continued to cry.

"I had to kill him James." she said it quietly. "He was in pain and I had to kill the only man I have ever loved"

"It wasn't him Regina."

She sobbed again and this time James brought up his other arm and plucked her up to sit almost on his lap. Her head turned into his chest as she began to cry again. The sounds of desperation coming from her tore at his heart. All he could do was hold her close to him. It was the only comfort he could offer.

He wasn't sure how long they sat like that but was relieved when her sobs started to die down. She still had her face turned into his chest but she had finally started to calm. He gently stroked her hair in a gesture of comfort. She had become completely quiet.

"Why don't you let me take you home?" He asked gently.

She finally looked up at him with tear stained cheeks and nodded her agreement.

He helped her up and kept his hand on her back as they walked to his truck. He opened the door for her and she turned to him before getting in.

"Thank you" she said looking him in the eyes and he knew she wasn't talking about his opening the door for her, but instead for the comfort he had offered her.

"You're welcome' he said as he wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb.

She turned and climbed into the truck.

The drive back to the her mansion was quiet. He snuck a peek at Regina to find her head leaned back against the seat and her eyes closed. He thought how vulnerable and soft she looked without her normal defenses in place. She was still beautiful even with her tear stained face.

He stopped in front of her house but she didn't move. He said her name quietly but still no answer. She had fallen asleep. He started to reach over to wake her but thought better of it. It seemed almost cruel of him to wake her from this peacefulness only to bring her back into the pain she would have to face when awake. He considered carrying her into her house but the thought of her waking up with nothing but her grief in the morning didn't seem right either. His mind made up for him he started his truck again and drove toward the apartment he had called home since the curse had been broken.


He was attempting to fit his key in the lock while holding the sleeping brunette in his arms when the door swung open in front of him. Henry had been waiting for him and a look of horror came over the boys face when he saw James carrying his mom.

"What happened?" He said in a panic.

"Shhh, it's ok Henry she's just asleep" James walked in with Regina and took her to the bed that Henry normally occupied. He had expected Henry to still be at Granny's but apparently he and Red had decided to wait for him here.

Henry ran to his mom to see for himself that she was ok and his eyes filled with tears at what he saw. He turned to James "She has bruises on her neck." His breath hitched a little.

James walked to the boy and pulled him into a hug. "She's ok Henry, she just needs to rest now." Henry pulled back not quite as convinced and turned back to his mom. "I'm going to sit with her for a while" he said it almost defiantly.

"Ok" James said simply. "I'm sure when she wakes up it will be your face she'll want to see." He smiled at Henry.

Henry smiled back a little before walking to the bed and laying down beside his mom.

James smiled again at the sight, He turned to head towards the kitchen and nearly ran smack into Red. She was standing with her hands on her hips and she was not looking very pleased with him at the moment.

"Would you care explaining to me why you have brought that woman into my best friends home after everything she had done?" James thought if looks could kill he would most definitely be a dead man.

"I would be happy to explain it you Red, but I need a drink first." He tried his most charming smile but the girls face didn't change. He tried making small talk as they headed into the kitchen but she just continued to stare at him waiting for his explanation.

He had to hand it to her she was a loyal friend to his wife.

He offered her a drink which she declined and after pouring one for himself he lead her to the table where he explained everything, at least everything he knew about the situation. About how Regina had lost her true love years ago but Whale had brought him back. How he was no longer the man she loved but a monster and then told how Regina had been forced to kill him.

Red's eyes softened dramatically as he told the story. If anyone could understand what it was like to kill the person you love most it was her after all.

"I couldn't just leave her alone Red. I know she's done a lot of terrible things but she really has been trying and the look on her face when I found her….I just thought maybe she might want to wake up near her son tomorrow." He told her truthfully.

Red gave him a small grin and muttered something about him being to charming for his own damn good, but got up to leave. He thanked her for keeping Henry for him and walked her out.

He leaned heavily against the door after closing it behind her. He was exhausted and wanted nothing more then a shower and a bed but he wanted to check on Henry first. He walked to the boys bedroom and what he saw made his heart melt. Regina was in the same position she had been in when he laid her down but Henry had curled up next to her and had his arm draped protectively over his mother's stomach. He was fast asleep. The two of them looked so peaceful in that moment. James walked to the bed and removed Regina's boots, then pulled the blanket from the bottom of the bed to cover both of them. He stood for another moment watching them both sleep before turning the lights off and walking from the room.

He hoped Regina would find some comfort and happiness in the morning when she woke with her son's arms around her.