I can safely say I had no idea where I wanted this to go till I was half way through. I hope I've done the story justice with the ending! Thank you to my loyal followers that have constantly reviewed and pm giving their amazing support (you know who you are).

Hope you enjoy (and please review)



Midnight struck on Christmas Eve, announcing rather pompously the arrival of Christmas day.

Constance Hardbroom was perhaps one of the few people in the country that were still awake working, and one of the even fewer people that were working by choice. The chime of the clock made her tear her eyes away from next term's planning in annoyance. Mistress Broomhead had always loved clocks, and that made her hate them. She had never raised the issue with Amelia though, knowing it might take some explaining.

In the corner of the staffroom, the glowing lights of the Christmas tree glinted in her tired eyes, sheltering beneath it, the badly wrapped present from Mildred.

"I guess now is as good of time as any," Constance spoke to herself and went to grab the parcel.

She unwrapped layers of rough brown paper, stuck together with far too much sellotape- in true messy Mildred style. Her heart beat quickly. A little purple book fell out, complete with gaudy golden stars. Checking inside she could see that it was a diary. A note written in large joined up letters read:

Dear Miss Hardbroom,

Please accept this new diary and fill it with lots of new, happier memories. If anyone deserves the chance to put the past behind them it's you.

'I believe the expression is 'have a Merry Christmas''

Lots of love,

Mildred x

She let out a chortle at the last line, recognising that Mildred was directly quoting herself but before she knew it a small tear had dripped down her face. It was a tear of mixed relief and happiness. For it was only that moment when she realised that she truly had nothing to be scared of anymore. Mildred was right, her past was just that…the past.

She clutched the diary to her chest, feeling the shiny metallic stars with her finger tips. She would have chosen something plainer, but this diary screamed Mildred Hubble and it was for that reason that she loved it even more.

What a remarkable young witch that girl turned out to be, Constance thought with a wry smile. She thought back to their conversation a couple of nights ago; about stories that should or shouldn't be told.

If anyone's story was made to be told it was Mildred's. Her tale would be one of true heroism, saving the school against the odds and proving herself. It would be teach people not to judge on first impressions.

Constance contemplated her role in the worst witch's story, acknowledging that she would most likely be cast as the strict, evil teacher waiting for Mildred to fail. She hoped there would be a few readers that would look past this demeanour; that would see the caring yet vulnerable woman she was hiding underneath the façade, just as Mildred had.
