A Life for a Life

Chapter One

Luffy is Leaving Windmill Village?!

One morning, Yuki woke to the sound of knocking outside her bedroom door. A loud voice, one she knew well, came through the locked door.

"Oi, Yuki! Ya gotta get up, we're leaving soon! Remember, today I get to finally leave the village!" the voice called, trying to wake her up.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. I'll be down in a minute, Luffy. Go see if Makino brought us some breakfast, will you? It's so nice of her to take care of us," Yuki called in response. Makino had been taking care of them since Yuki's parents had left to become marines. She loved the two of them as if they were her own children.

"Fine," Luffy said, and ran down the stairs to the lower level. The clubhouse they had built together was impressive, filled with drawings and trinkets the Red-Hair Pirates had given to their little nakama. In specific, Shanks had gifted Luffy with a straw hat, making a promise to see him again one he became a great pirate. Shanks also had a gift for Yuki when he left. She had taken swordplay lessons from Shanks and his crew when they were in the village, and had received a beautiful katana.

To Yuki, Shanks was like a second father, and his crew were all her family. She missed them, and was sad that they had left for good. The last gift she had gotten from him, the katana, had been given to her only three days before. Luffy and Yuki had both cried when they left, but the two kids knew they would meet again.

Yuki dashed downstairs, having dressed in her favorite clothes. She always wore her black hoodie, and a pair of sweatpants, and today was no different. Her present for Luffy was framed and wrapped, tucked under her arm.

When Yuki reached the kitchen, there were two plates on the table. Luffy, who had always eaten more than she did, had the larger one, and was stuffing food in his mouth. He often choked on his food, and at those times, Yuki would hit him on the head, fixing the problem. This meal was no different.

"Luffy! You gotta stop eating so fast, I'm tired of saving you from choking," Yuki exclaimed. She let out a sigh of exasperation. "Really, just eat slowly. The food isn't going to go anywhere."

"I'll eat how I want!" Luffy said in return. He really didn't take orders from anyone except her and Shanks, and only occasionally.

"Fine, fine. One day, though, I won't be there and you'll drop dead from food. How will you like that?" Yuki said, defiantly.

"But I ate the Gomu Gomu fruit, remember? I'm stretching more every day! It won't be a problem soon!" Luffy replied. He had that big, silly grin that made Yuki feel happier. She couldn't stay mad at him when he smiled like that. It was just too funny.

"Fine, I hope, for your sake, you're right. Oh, and happy birthday," she told Luffy. Yuki laughed, bringing out the present for him. She handed it to him, and he looked so happy when he opened it. Inside was an embroidered mini pirate flag. It had a straw hat and looked like it was smiling.

Luffy grinned even bigger than before. "Awesome! This'll be the design for my pirate flag! It's gotta be!" He was so happy. "And I finally get to go outside the village now! This day is so great! Really!"

"Yeah," Yuki said. Just as she finished her food, she noticed a note on the table next to the jug of juice. She picked it up, and noticed it was from Makino. It said something about Luffy leaving, and that the two of them should visit her bar before leaving town.

"Luffy, Makino might have a present she wanted to give to you in person. Let's head down to her place," Yuki suggested. "She'll certainly have things to give you to help your exploration of the forest."

"Okay, let's go," Luffy agreed, and grabbed his precious hat.

"Give me a minute. I'll go get my katana," Yuki said, and she ran back upstairs, picking up both sword belt and her own precious gift. The hilt had three emeralds in a line, and they somehow flashed a reddish color, like her eyes. Yuki had green eyes that flashed red when she was fighting. The sheath was wood, framed with silver, and painted black. The Red-Hair Pirates had chosen an expensive gift, indeed.

After that, she grabbed her backpack, full of drawing tools and useful tools to adventurers. She planned to help Luffy explore the forest that day.

Luffy called to her, and Yuki ran down the stairs, rechecking her things. Everything was set and ready, so she went out the back door and met up with Luffy. They raced each other to Makino's bar, laughing the entire way.

When they arrived at Makino's, they were surprised to see Luffy's grandpa, Garp, there. Luffy ran and hid, while Yuki walked in, curious as to what was happening. Garp glanced down and saw the turquoise-haired girl and smiled. He had always liked her.

"Gramps, what's going on? Did you get another vacation?" Yuki asked.

"Oh, Yuki! How have you been? And yes, I did get a vacation. Had to see my grandson turn seven, you know. Now he can start his training," Garp replied. "Where is that boy, anyways? Isn't he always following you around?"

"I'm fine. Luffy saw you and hid. I think he's scared of you, after the training you made him do before. And what do you mean now he can begin his training? Hasn't he?"

"Oh, no. That was just the basics, beginner stuff. Now he can really start to train! He'll be staying with a friend in the mountains," Garp explained to Yuki. She couldn't keep the shock off her face. Luffy was going away? He couldn't send Luffy away! They spent all of their time together.

"But... Luffy is coming back soon, right?" Yuki asked, reaching for her katana's hilt. Garp noticed the katana at that moment, and was suddenly angry.

"Where did you get that?!" he shouted. Yuki slinked back, hiding behind the counter. At the sound of Garp's shout, Makino came running in.

"Garp! What're you doing? You're scaring Yuki!" Makino exclaimed, surprised.

"You didn't tell me Red-Hair gave her a sword," Garp growled. He looked really angry, pretty much ready to rip Shanks to shreds. "And I suppose he gave Luffy something dangerous, too?"

"No! He gave Luffy his hat," Yuki spoke up, defending her friend. "And I've taken lessons from him. Shanks taught me how to handle a sword." She glared up at the old man, though she was incredibly terrified.

"He did, did he?" Garp mumbled quietly to himself. Then louder, "Well, the next time I see him, he's in for it. And I suppose you both want to be pirates now, right? I'm not going to let that happen! Luffy and you need to be separated, to teach you both a lesson. He'll be going to the mountains until he's ready to become a marine!" Garp finished by shouting out the last words. He didn't want his only grandson to be an enemy, much less the girl who was like a granddaughter.

"What?" Luffy said quietly. He was stunned into silence, which was near impossible for him to be. He just stood in the doorway, his mouth hanging open. Yuki rushed over to him, standing directly in front of him, like a shield.

Garp sighed. He hadn't meant to get that angry, but this had happened while he was away. If only he had been there, then maybe he could've prevented it, but what's done was done. He had, in truth, planned to leave Luffy to train under the care of Dadan and her mountain bandits before this discussion. It had come out wrong, as a punishment instead of a present. Garp was incredibly displeased with himself for losing control of his own emotions.

"Well, Luffy, let's go get your things. I suppose we should leave soon. Come-"

"No! I won't let you!" Garp was promptly cut off by Yuki.

"Sorry, Yuki, but you have no choice. You have to let him go," Makino said, trying to comfort him. "You can come with me to visit him in a month." She had hoped this would comfort the distressed child, but it only made it worse.

"Why? So I can see him turn on me? If it is training to be a marine, he might give up on being a pirate," Yuki said, unhappily.

Luffy, who had stayed silent until that moment, finally protested. "No way! I'd never turn on you, or think of being a marine! Remember the promise I made with Shanks?"

"Yeah, but..." Yuki trailed off. She knew, deep down, that Luffy would never give up on being a pirate. That gave her a little hope, a ray of silver light shining through the black darkness.

"Hey, the present you gave me was it's own promise between us, right? I said I'd use it as my flag, and I will!" Luffy told her. Until that point, Yuki hadn't realized she'd been crying. She wiped her tears away and hugged Luffy.

"The present you gave him? Don't tell me it was..." Garp said, surprised and angry all over again. "Luffy, show it to me. Now."


"Luffy, show me the present!" Garp said, getting angrier.

Luffy, fearing for his life, pulled out the small flag. Garp took a look at it, and was suddenly sad. He took the flag and carefully ripped it in half. Luffy started to yell at his grandpa, enraged. He really did love that gift, and it meant more because Yuki had given it to him. Garp dropped the flag pieces on the ground, and picked up the still-fighting Luffy. He left the bar, leaving Yuki sitting on the ground, crying, and Makino hugging her.