100 Kick Moments

One-shot 1- " Nerdy."

Kim Crawford had never told anyone, but Kimberly Anne Crawford wears glasses and a retainer every night. During the day, she wears her contacts. But it wasn't any ordinary glasses, they were huge and thick. Yes, Kimberly Anne Crawford was close to being blind. It ran in the family but all of them wore contacts, expect her brother. Yes, she was one of the unfortunate one to have it passed down to her. Kim didn't mind however, but she never told anyone because she was afraid that everyone would judge her. Kim definitely never told Jackson Anderson. Why? Because she was practically in love with him and if her having glasses and a retainer would make him hate her... Well, Kim didn't like talking about that. Currently, she was on her bed. On her stomach, feet in the air, and was doing homework. Of course she had her retainer and glasses. Her high ponytail swung back and forth as she looked back and forth from her book to her notebook.

Downstairs, most of the Crawford family were down. Cade was watching his mother cook dinner, Claire, the second youngest, was talking to her boyfriend on the phone in the dining room. Mr. Crawford, who was a lawyer, was still at work. The eldest, Morgan, was busy in the living room practicing her dance routine. Everyone froze when the door bell rung. Cade hopped off the chair on the bar side and yelled,

"I GOT IT MOM!" His mother flinched and rolled her eyes, as well as the rest of the Crawford girls. As they saw Cade run off to the front of the huge mansion/house, they all continued with what they were doing. Opening the door, Cade saw Jack. He had a sweatshirt in his hand and an awkward look on his face.

"Uh, hi Cade. Your sister left this at my house." Cade looked at him and blinked repeatedly, trying to think on what to say. Jack gave him an awkward smile. Cade smirked slightly before yelling once more,

"KIM! YOUR BOYFRIEND'S HERE!" Jack's eyes widen as he shook his head no. Even though he too liked Kim, he figured that she would never like him. Cade opened the door wider and let him in. Jack followed.

Upstairs, Kim froze. Looking down she saw that she was in one of Jack's gray shirts he left and ugly pink and knee long, basketball shorts. Gasping in realization, she saw that she had her glasses and retainer. Jumping up, she ran to the connecting bathroom and threw her retainer in one of the drawers. Kim panicked, looking all around the room on where to put her glasses. Meanwhile, Jack was already halfway up. Kim then stuffed her glasses under pillow and tried to look normal as possible. But she could not, as everything was blurry in her eyes.

Jack, carefully knocking on the white door, Kim opened it, smiling as normal as possible. Jack gave a genuine smile to her. While laughing nervously, she says,

"Jack...What's up?"

"You left your sweatshirt at my house." Jack paused and looked at her outfit. "Are you wearing my shirt?" Kim's eyes widen. Cursing herself in her head, she knew that she forgot something.

"Yeah." Shrugging, Jack went in her room and flopped down on the bed. Closing her eyes, she slowly closed the door and turned around. Still with a blurred vision, she didn't really quite see Jack motioning for her to come over. All she saw was a huge blob moving back and forth. But, being the smart girl that she is, she just went with the flow and followed her gut. Moving toward the bed, she didn't see the pillow that she carelessly left on the floor. So, she tripped. Jack raised an eyebrow, she was usually so cordinated. Kim recovered, laughed nervously, and slowly as possible, careful not to "miss" the bed, sat down.

"Are you ok?" Jack says, looking at her crazy. Kim just smiled and gave him a smile and thumbs up. At least that's what she thought. Instead she gave the wall a thumbs up. Jack turned her so that she was facing him, she smiled bigger. Jack then saw something peeking from under the pillow. Raising a eyebrow, he suddenly knew what it was. Looking at her once more, he saw she was struggling to see better. Testing to make sure he was right he says while putting four fingers up, "Hey, Kim? How many fingers am I holding up?" Kim panicked on the inside, but she shrug slightly while taking a guess,

"Five?" Jack shook his head and grabbed the glasses from under the pillow.

"Missing something?" Kim grabbed his arm and moved it close to her face. Blushing, she nodded while looking down as she put it on. Jack smiled and thought in his head that even though she had glasses, he still thought that she was beautiful. Putting her chin up with two fingers to face him, he says, "You still look beautful." Kim bit her lip and said,

"Really?" Jack nodded, inching closer and closer.

"I think you look like a cute nerd." Shaking her head, she closed the gap. Sparks flew in the kiss. The kiss was slow and passionate. When they both needed air, they pulled away. Putting their foreheads together they both breathed out,

"Whoa." Both were smiling huge with a flushed face. Both were getting lost into each others' eyes, until Jack broke it and picked up the sweatshirt he was still holding.

"Uh, here's your sweatshirt." Kim pulled away and grabbed her sweatshirt. They both looked down awkwardly. Kim looked at him,

"Jack, I think, I think I like you." Jack looked uo and smiled huge before kissing her again.

"Answer your question?" Kim smiled and pulled him into a 3rd kiss today. The moment was interruppted however, by Kim's little 12 year old brother saying,

"EWW!" He paused before running down the stairs and yelling, "MOMMMMM! KIM'S MAKING OUT WITH HER BOYFRIEND!" Kim rolled her eyes.

Brothers are a pain.

But glasses are awesome.

(Hey! One one-shot DONE! What do you think? I got this idea from You Belong With Me video. I know, I listen to old music, whatever. But anyway, saw Tay, wearing nerd glasses and soo I got inspired. I know it isn't really, really, good butttt. Whatever. And I know it's kinda cheesy as well, meh.


Also! PM me or review if you have any ideas! I'll make sure to give ya cred! :))