Betrayal and Turkey.

Chapter One.

By Hopping Hamster.

Paramount own Star Trek and its characters, I give them the fun they need to be real.

Chakotay stepped down from the busy Transport onto the docking port in San Francisco. It was a brisk December evening a week before Christmas and Earth was in full swing of celebrating the holiday season. Chakotay had never cared much for the holiday nor was it his purpose for returning to Earth just before the 25th as was everyone else who had travelled the long and difficult transport for the Devron System with him. His purpose rested solely with the request of an old friend who he hadn't seen since his resignation of Starfleet and his leaving of Earth for his home planet some five years ago. When B'Elanna Torres was determined Chakotay found he was unable to resist and so here he was 37 hours after leaving his home planet of Trebus, back on Earth for the first time in those five years. Looking face to face with the younger woman charging towards him to grip him in a large bear hug. "You didn't have to come and get me B'Elanna" he almost growled as he managed to finally pull her clinging form from him.

"Five years old man" she beat his arm with her fist as she insisted "I wanted to"

Chakotay stared at her for a long second feeling slightly stunned to even be her. "Hard to believe it's been that long" he admitted running his hand through his pepper coloured hair which he had now let grow into a more unruly longer fashion.

the half Klingon woman put her hands on her hips with her belly clearly protruding from her as she nodded "five years since we were all together in the delta quadrant" the unspoken words said much to Chakotay, five years since they were together, all of them, even their commanding officer, five years since they had parted on less then joyous terms, five years since he had half ran away to Trebus out of principle, or perhaps just plain spite to Voyagers' radiant captain.

Shaking those thoughts from his head he asked "how's Mirral?" though the water filled blue eyes of his former commanding officer still lingered in his mind as he remembered the fateful day he packed his bags and left, left not just her but Earth, left all of them behind.

"Stubborn" B'Elanna offered in answer to his question about her daughter who had only been a few weeks old when he left. B'Elanna knew deep down Chakotay cared about her daughter but she also knew what else had filled his thoughts, she knew that slightly pained look in his eyes. She had seen it before, countless times while they were on Voyager.

"like her mother" he smiled wistfully was he added "thanks for the holo images you send"

"that's ok" came her reply as she watched him extremely closely.

"and congratulations" Chakotay found himself whispering slowly as he placed a gentle hand on his old friends protruding abdomen, the sadness that he had never yet been a father clearly shown in the lines of his face.

"Thanks" B'Elanna replied staring at him closely, it was clear what he was thinking but she wasn't going to say it, not now after all this time. Five years was a long time. She had little knowledge of what his life was like now and even for Kathryn B'Elanna knew things had changed so much.

Chakotay saw the look in B'Elanna's dark eyes, the look many had given him when he had chosen to end his early and budding relationship with the captain of Voyager shortly after they had returned to Earth from their seven year exile in the Delta Quadrant "what's that look for Lanna?" he asked firmly knowing exactly what it was for.

"I can't believe your actually here in the person" she sighed embracing the broad shouldered man once more "five years is a long time Chakotay" she smiled as she looked up at him as his tired and strained facial features seamed to soften a little.
Chakotay turned in the busy building full of people darting about trying to make it home for the holidays, old style Christmas carols rung in their ears as the busy reception hall of the transport terminal was decorated with tinsel and missile toe decorations. Strategically placed for those who were reuniting after long journey's to 'kiss under the missile toe' as was the old tradition. "I didn't think I would ever see earth again" he admitted glumly, all of his pain seemed to stem from this planet and it's almighty Starfleet. He had left it behind, and good riddance, but somehow the plea from B'Elanna for his onetime visit on this anniversary and forced him to consider those who had formed his family while in the Delta Quadrant, even her.

"Are you happy with that?" B'Elanna asked slowly knowing the answer.

"Mostly" he admitted looking back at the radiant young woman that part of him would always love as a sister. The sad and distant look on his face said it all to B'Elanna. His dream of living is life happily on his home planet of Trebus was not all he had dreamed it to be, and yet something was keeping him from returning to Earth.

"Good, just as long as your happy" B'Elanna shrugged, fully aware there was little else she could say. She pulled her coat tighter around herself, pulled her blue knitted hat back of her head, bent down and picked up his one and only bag and made towards the door of the terminal with him stoically trailing behind as they entered the bitter cold of the frosty street outside.

B'Elanna silently led her dear friend to her transport vehicle as she threw his bag in the back and climbed in the front seat where he came to sit beside her. It was some time after they had been winding their way through the city roads heading far out of the city when Chakotay finally broke the icy silence and asked "will everyone be there tomorrow?"

"Yes" B'Elanna nodded. She seemed to say nothing else for some time but Chakotay didn't speak either for he knew what everyone really meant as much as B'Elanna did. He meant her the one member of Voyager's crew he had absolutely no contact with for the past five years, the one member of Voyager's crew that anybody could actually accuse him of avoiding and he wouldn't deny it. "I'm so glad you made it this year" B'Elanna told him breaking into his thought of the pâté red headed woman. "it's been a hard five years for all of us, there is something special about having everyone together for the five year anniversary"

"perhaps" he found himself sighing, somehow the idea of facing her again did not bring the word special to mind for Chakotay.

"Tom sends his love" by way of breaking the silence as they once again had travelled a fair distance with no words passing between them.

"His love?" Chakotay flashed his dimples at her in full force for the first time since he had seen her. He was still the same old Chakotay, maybe a little older, a little more toned, a little more rugged but he was still Chakotay, the angry warrior and brave defender of the weak.

"He says hi" she laughed back at him, for they both knew love was far too strong a word to describe Tom's feelings for the Native American. "He's got to work late, but we might see him in the early hours" B'Elanna told her friend to quickly fill in the awkward silence that was now beginning to seep back between them.

"Are you and he still ok?" Chakotay asked as he looked out at the now farming land far from the city, he had forgotten how suddenly diverse Earth could be, Trebus was forest all around.

"he made me fat and touchy again" she laughed gesturing to her heavily pregnant form "it must be good"

"you're not fat" Chakotay insisted to her "your radiant" To which the half Klingon merely snorted and shook her head in retort. After a small comfortable silence Chakotay asked what he knew he would have to face sooner or later, though where one person in particular was concerned he hoped it didn't have to be at all, though he knew it was a tall order to think she wouldn't have to be part of his visit to Earth after all this time. "How is every one? Mike, Sam and Naomi? Harry and the others?" he found himself asking in a hurry to not have to wonder what she was doing with her Starfleet Admiral's life.

"Well Mike is in Starfleet Security at headquarters. Sam works as an aid to…" but stopped herself abruptly before continuing "an admiral" Chakotay gulped hard, he didn't have to ask which admiral, nor was he planning to, nor did B'Elanna say any more on that matter as she continued "and Naomi is getting top marks at school and is well on her way to the academy" Chakotay smiled at this news, he had missed young Naomi as much as he had missed seeing Mirral Paris grow "Harry is married to a nurse on the Enterprise called Liz, he's serving as Picard's first officer" B'Elanna said proudly, at this Chakotay had to smile "Tuvok retired to Vulcan but is working with the science academy there. The Delany sisters are still stirring up a storm" Chakotay let out a loud snort at this news and shook his head, B'Elanna needed not to say anymore on the infamous twin's Chakotay understood. "the doc is head of Starfleet medical now" the Half Klingon informed him as though listing off a shopping list, both knew sooner or later the list would run low and the last item would need to be addressed.

"I bet that grew his ego" Chakotay laughed referring to the holographic doctor, anything the keep his mind of the one person who was a constant in his thoughts for over a decade.

"you have no idea!" laughed B'Elanna knowing soon she would have to bring up her dear friend and old commanding officer "seven and Susan Nicolette work together on Jupiter station in integrating Borg technology into Starfleet systems" she finished slowly, that was it, that was all of the senior staff, all but one, she glanced at him and knew he was thinking the same judging by the pained look that had now flood his features.

"What?" she asked slowly dreading the answer.

"Very thorough" he muttered not looking at her as she drove the vehicle as he glanced out the window pulling on his ear lobe.

"sorry I'll stop" B'Elanna sighed, she didn't know what else to say "that's almost every one anyway"

"almost" he growled and shot her a 'don't you dare mention her' look "go on B'Elanna say it"

"there's nothing to say" B'Elanna snapped back keeping her eyes fixed dead ahead.

Taking a breath Chakotay spat out slyly "how is life for her at the top"

"Don't Chakotay" B'Elanna raised her voice at him. Chakotay wasn't sure but he was sure he had sensed some kind of pain or upset in her voice.

"Oh no B'Elanna who am I to question the great admiral" he replied sarcastically raising his hands in mock surrender and rolling his eyes as he lowered his hands.

"your still angry" B'Elanna sighed softly next to him but didn't give any more indication as to what exactly he should be angry about or whether or not she agreed with him and his anger.
Chakotay let out a long breath and let his whole body slump as he said softly "no not really"

"a lot has happened in the last five years Chakotay" B'Elanna told him hoping against hope that she wouldn't have to tell him, how could she?

His bitterness flared again and reared its ugly head as he spat "what did she get an even bigger office to sit all high and mighty on her principles?"

B'Elanna growled in return without having to answer his question "I hope you're not going to be like this with her tomorrow?"

"this is exactly why I never came back before" he pointed out, he didn't really want to angry with the most beautiful woman he had ever known but they had not parted as the best of friends and he didn't know what to do other than pick up where they left off. If he was honest with himself it was to avoid her he had never bothered to be in much contact with the Voyager crew those past five years.

"don't Chakotay" B'Elanna looked pained as she almost begged "please, she doesn't need it"

"aww are things difficult for her at the top?" the Native American retorted harshly before he really realised what he was saying.
"please Chakotay" B'Elanna asked, he could kick himself when he saw real sadness there, this futile feud between him and their old commanding officer had nothing to do with his dear friend B'Elanna "she's still my friend just like you are, don't stick me in the middle"
"all right B'Elanna" he nodded "sorry"
Just then B'Elanna swung the vehicle round the corner to stop abruptly in a large hidden courtyard and on old manor house as she hissed "were here"