Kathryn had pant splattered all over her clothes as she tried to brush her long hair out of her eyes with her paint covered hand and stepped back and sighed. She had just finished painting one wall of the Paris sitting room and was feeling quite proud of herself. Tom came up behind her and handed her a steaming mug of coffee and smirked at the paint now smeared across her forehead. "Thanks" Kathryn smiled with gratitude taking the mug from her friend and nodding towards the wall saying "well what do you make of my decorating skills?"

Tom smiled and told her "you done well for a first timer."

Kathryn spun round and looked at her friend with an eyebrow raised and hands on her hips saying "hay, if you want it done better do it yourself" than looking down at the paint covering her clothes she rolled her eyes and added "or use a decorator probe and stop pretending you're in the 20th century"

Tom just laughed at that and then thanked her for helping him as he bent down to begin tidying up the room as he said slightly casually added "Lanna tells me Chakotay went back to Trebus last night." He wasn't looking at her, he and his wife hadn't known what had happened between their two friends. Chakotay must have called round for them the night before but they had been out, he had left B'Elanna a text com telling her he was heading to the transport station to get the next transport to Trebus and he was sorry he hadn't said goodbye.

"Humm" came Kathryn's reply bending down and helping her friend pick up the paint brushed to wash them. Tom was watching her intently trying to read her, she didn't seem overly upset about it but she was purposefully avoiding his eyes and wasn't saying anything. With a sigh she added "he has a job Tom, he is a Commander there and in charge of the rebuild efforts." Then she took a large sip from her coffee mug and walked out of his sitting room into the kitchen with the younger man trailing after her.

"Kathryn" tom whispered softly "I'm sorry" he rested her hand on her shoulder and met her eyes. The last time he had talked with her was the day before, she had come to his door upset as Chakotay had walked off when she had told him about her son. They had talked for a bit, he had comforted her and then she had gone back home for a rest. When she showed up today offering to help decorate he could see she wasn't in a talkative mood so he accepted and had left her too it.

A smile crept up in to her lips as she asked him softly "what are you sorry about Tom?" he patted his shoulder when he looked confused and told him "I am not sorry"

"You're not?" Tom was surprised.

She shook her head. When Tom just looked shocked she laughed and told him "I am going back to Starfleet, they offered me my commission back, I accepted this morning." Tom was surprised and muttered his congratulations though his concerns was evident. "I will be based in San Francisco in the week and here at weekends" she told him. Tom was still speechless "Oh come on Tom you can be happy for me."

"but what about your health?" Tom asked her concerned.

Kathryn looked at him with her eyebrow raised and said stiffly "I can't keep sitting around here with nothing to do all day can I?" when Tom was still looking at her with concern she rested her hand on his shoulder and said softly "it's only an office role. Plus" she smiled with a twinkle in her eye "The Academy is starting a new class in Delta Quadrant Missions and guess who will be teaching?"

Tom smiled a slightly sad smile and said flatly "I am happy for you Kathryn."


"I am sorry Kathryn, it's just I hoped, I mean I thought you and Chakotay might make it this time, I can't believe he's just gone back to Trebus."

"Tom" Kathryn whispered in her deep husky voice patting his chest with her left hand reassuringly "it's ok, Chakotay and I talked last night." Tom looked surprised and reached up to take her hand from his chest reassuringly in his. "He has gone back to Trebus but he's coming back to earth in about a month."

Tom smiled "does this mean you and him" Kathryn nodded in reply before he could finish his question. Both of them were smiling widely at each other. Tom almost felt like he could cry for joy for her. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze of joy and then his eyes widened and he looked down at her delicate hand in his "Kathryn!" he exclaimed looking back up into her eyes where he saw the happiest smile he had seen this woman give him in a long time. "You have an engagement ring" Tom said simply through his smile.

Kathryn nodded "it is just a replicated one, temporary until he brings another with him when he comes back from Trebus next month. He's gone home to see his people and his sister. He will get his things in order and then hand over leadership of the colony to his sister's husband. He will continue to be the Starfleet officer in charge of the rebuild efforts but will coordinate from here while teaching anthropology at the Academy." Then with a twinkle in her eye she added "of course he will have to take regular trips to Trebus but we both feel we have made the right decision."

Tom laughed and shook his head saying "and when was the command team planning on telling the senior staff?"

With her hands on her hips she shook her head saying "I am telling you now Mr. Paris." Before she could say anything else Tom engulfed her in a hug.