Hey guys! I'm back! You guys can murder me later but let me get this chapter out.
I am really sorry, but I'm on holiday now! So I can tie up all the unfinished stories and start the new ones!
Can you guys believe it! Can you believe this is the last chapter. EVER. Ahhh! I'm grinning and tearing up slightly, I really have loved writing this series, and I just want to thank you guys for reviewing, story alerting and you people are simply amazing. Thank you for everything.
Please read TO the VERY end. Please! IT IS A MUST! Or I will be very angry! ;p

Last time:
"You're Pregnant?!" Wes held two tissues wrapped sticks.
"Wait. WHAT?!"

All three men stared at the two females. However they were not the only one pointing fingers. The two females were also pointing at each other, their expressions: astonished.

"Bu-but I thought we used protection..." Soul clutched at his head, trying to calm his mind.

"Soul honey..." Maka patted him on the back

"But how? They are 100% effective!" Soul tried to reassure himself

"Actually, honey they are 98% effective." Maka corrected, still trying to sooth Soul.

"Damn me and my super sperm... If I wasn't so good" Soul muttered and grinned under his breath

"Look Mister Sperm, look at the matter at hand." Maka tried to get Soul's mind back on track..

"WHAT?!" Wes and Soul exclaimed. They looked at each other awkwardly and stared back at Maka for more information. "Why don't they say it on the packet?"

"They do." Caroline interrupted, as she rubbed her temples, sitting down on the couch. She really needed an aspirin or her mind was going to explode.

"If you look..." Maka gestured to the ceiling. Wes immediately ran up the stairs, and back down with one. Wes, Maka and Soul crowded round, examining.

"Look there." Maka pointed.

"Well... WHY DON'T THEY PUT IT IN BIGGER WRITING?!" The brothers exclaimed again.

"Stop saying what I'm saying! Ahh STOP IT"

"SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU! MAKA-CHOP!" The familiar leather bound book, and two corpses on the floor with blood sprouting out of their foreheads.

"This family will kill all of us" Trent muttered, lighting his cigar. (Yes he's cool like that.) and shaking his head.

"Look buy another set and we'll see who it is, that is pregnant. Bloody hell, the drama in this family." He rolled his eyes, as he puffed away.

So Wes and Soul left to go to the drug store, after they had recovered from their short blood loss from their "Maka chop". As they entered together, Wes started bitterly

"Never thought I would have to help buy a pregnancy test for our mom and my ex-girlfriend. Gee what a wonderful day"

"Wes, you're so full of crap. You know that right?" Soul cocked an eyebrow, as they turned into the contraception aisle.

"What? I'm just saying..." Obviously goading Soul, in a higher than usual voice. He bent down to pick up the standard test. They walked in unison towards the cashier, and both Soul and Wes took out their wallets. Almost twinlike.

"Woah you guys like twins or what?" said a low and gravelly voice, from a young male, with a grisly beard and blood shot eyes.

"No, twins with this dweeb?" They rolled their eyes. "What? Are you trying to say I would be twins with this back stabbing, girlfriend-grabbing bastard?" Wes spat out. Soul knitted his eyebrows and with a nonchalant expression, kicked Wes in the knees, making him fall. The cashier surprised at the sudden attack, stood there shocked.
Wes, annoyed, went on the offensive and brought Soul down with him.
The brothers were kicked out of the store, with the manager screaming at them to never come back.

Before the entered the house again, Wes stopped Soul.

"Soul, I'm sorry."


"Don't act like an ass, I'm sorry about what I said at the store. I guess I really liked Maka and I blew my chance. But I really am fine with you guys, being, you know, together and stuff." Wes rubbed the back of his head, waiting for Soul's response.

"Well. Thanks Wes. Thanks for that, so you going to help me put ice on my bruise?" Soul asked hopefully.
Wes contemplated, and opened the door, walking in, but still holding the door.

"Help you? NOW? Don't make me laugh Pah! Hahaha" he closed the door on Soul. His laugh roaring, as Soul knocked and called helplessly at the door. He could still be heard on the other side. Soul knocked, but knew he had to call the home phone, and as he called, squinting up at the sun he mused
"Maybe that was too much."

So when Soul had finally got into the house, the ladies grabbed the pregnancy tests out of his hands and rushed to each toilet. The men waited quietly, their father smoked, rolling his cigar with class. He may have been the perfect image of cool but god help him his intestines were tying themselves in knots.

Soul tried to empty his mind, but found, rather surprisingly the memories of the times him and his brother when they were younger. One memory when Wes thought it would be funny to lock Soul in a suitcase, push it into a cupboard and see how long it took for their parents and housekeepers to realise Soul was absent. It took 4 hours to notice that Soul was gone. Soul grinned at that memory and thought further of how it would it be like to have his own child or a younger sibling.
Wes, well being the *cough* gentleman he was, was lazing on the couch quietly snoozing.
Two ladies walked in, holding hands and pregnancy tests in their others, Soul elbowed Wes awake and the men turned to face them instantly.
"I'm pregnant"

-9 months later-

"Come on baby, push that little bit harder. Come on!" He said, comforting her.

"Ahhh, God! I would like to see you try to push harder!" She yelled at him, as she held his hand in a death-like grip.

"Congratulations! It's a girl!" The doctor cried out.

-Later on-

The rest of the family, all crept in quietly, so they didn't disturb the baby, that was being gently rocked.

"What are you going to name her?" Maka asked.
Caroline looked down at her newborn daughter, then up at Trent with a loving smile. Trent squeezed her hand gently, with his unbroken hand, as Caroline sprained his hand during labor. There was a very clear and evident ring shaped dent on his ring finger.

"We'll call her Miaso."

"So loyalty" Soul translated
Caroline nodded, tears trailing down her face happily.
"I think we also have another occasion to celebrate too." Trent announced to the others.

-1 year later- (who's getting married? GUESS! :))

"Family and friends that have gathered here on this very special day, we are all here to celebrate the joyous occasion of
this couple today." The vicar said, clapping his hands. The sunlight streamed through the stained glass windows, casting light onto the dusty red carpet. It was like déjà vu, but everyone knew the ending of this couple.

(They say all their stuff blady bladu blah!)

"Everyone rise and celebrate the renewed couple of Trent and Caroline Evans!" The vicar raised his arms so everyone stood up and a raucous applause went around as they ran down the church hall.

-At the reception-

Everything was in full swing, the band were dancing and singing around. The atmosphere friendly and happy. The dance floor crammed full of people, the renewed couple were gleaming of happiness and pride. Wes was back to his usual self and found a new girl: Blair. A beautiful, loyal, intelligent albeit forceful and sometimes scary lady. But all in all a wonderful person for Wes.

Soul and Maka were twisting and turning, well mainly Soul as he took dance lessons as a child. He regretfully admitted to Maka.
"This is for the renewed couple, Trent and Caroline! Give it up for them" The main singer said through the microphone. The trumpets blazed through, and a slim lady appeared with 3 back up singers.

This is could be (an everlasting love) by Natalie Cole.
This will be an everlasting love
This will be the one I've waited for
This will be the first time anyone has loved me

Trent lead Caroline to the dance floor, with a gently kiss on her hand and spun her in. Travelling around gracefully, like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers.

I'm so glad you found me in time
And I'm so glad that you rectifed my mind
This will be an everlasting love for me

"A dance milady?" Soul cocked an eyebrow at Maka, making her laugh.

Loving you in some kind of wonderful
Because you've shown me just how much you care
You've give me a thrill of lifetime
And you make me believe you've got more thrills to spare

"So you planning to have the same sort of thing in two years time?" Blair whispered to Wes
"Why are you asking?" As he moved with Blair, side to side
"Well you might enjoy it more it if was your wedding?" Blair joked with a gleam in her cat-like eyes, as Wes choked on his breath.

This will be an everlasting love
Oh, yes it will, now

"Don't worry Tsubaki, our wedding will be much bigger" Black*Star confessed to her.

"OUR?" Tsubaki emphasised, looking straight into his eyes.

"Yeah? It'll be way cooler and spectacular as well" Black*Star promised, squeezing her waist. Tsubaki blushed profoundly.

You have brought a lot of sunshine into my life
You've filled me with happines I never knew
You're given more joy than I ever could have dreamed of
And no-one, nobody can take the place of you


"Caroline, thank you for everything. I couldn't imagine a better wife than you"

"Don't make me cry! You'll ruin my make-up, and my dress" she pouted.

"Don't worry about that, I'll be doing that later tonight!" Trent grinned as Caroline swatted him on the shoulder

"Trent! Honestly" as she chuckled.

This will be you and me
Yes siree, eternally
Hugging an squeezing and kissing and pleasing
Together forever through rain or whatever
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You and me
So long as I'm living true love I'll be giving
To you I'll be serving 'cause you're so deserving
Hey, you're so deserving
You're deserving, yeah, yeah, yeah

Love, love, love, love...
Love, love, love, love...



"Loveyou" Maka mumbled, nuzzling her head into his tux. Hiding her red and embarrassed face.

"Love you too" Soul chuckled at her shyness. It was incredibly adorably, and a side note, very attractive.( If you get what I mean)

"Do you think we'll get married?" Maka asked, maybe hopefully in Soul's ear.

"Yeah, in 3 years we'll have a house then some kids. Don't worry." Soul comforted Maka.

"Hmm, you have this planned. Do you? Well do you know what I have planned?" Maka asked teasingly.

"Nope? What?" Soul twirled Maka around again.

"That the closet in the hallway has our name on it" she laughed

"Well we better get going then!" Soul took Maka's hand, and raced off the dance floor.

This will be an everlasting love
Oh, yes it will, now

Author's note: AHHH! I finished. *wipes away tears* OMG AHH! Can you guys believe it! I'm actually really sad that it's ended, but all good things must come to an end. I hope you all enjoyed this last chapter, and that you got my jokes during this last chapter. I just wanted to tie up all the loose ends, and keep you guys in suspense about the pregnancy and marriage. Well the renewal of vowels. Just wanted to end things with a BANG!
I just want to say that I have truly loved writing this, and that you guys that alerted and reviewed made me so happy, that it is impossible to even start to tell you how happy. And thank you so much for your time and effort to read and review. It has been a pleasure my friends.
A truly wonderful experience.
Please review, it's my LAST chapter!
Tell me what you think! Detail! Long detailed reviews please.
I wish I could thank you all individually but I would be here till morning!
Until next time my friends. (Cries)