Palo's End Chapter 3


Chancellor's Office

"Master Windu, such a pleasure as always to entertain you. What brings you here? What can you tell me about the war efforts in the outer rim? With the amount of jedi in the area I can accurately assume that you only come bearing good news."

"Actually we're overwhelmed, as always."

"You don't say." Said the Chancellor.

"We captured Palo months ago because we had reason to believe he was helping fund the war, yet we've noted that separatist defenses have only doubled. They seem to be getting more reinforcements in heavy numbers in the most conflicted areas. We are holding out as much as we can but we believe Palo is still involved, we've heard rumors that he's still funding the war even from his jail cell."

"That's quiet impossible master jedi we both know Palo is in a heavily guarded cell with the best surveillance possible."

"Deceiving us all the separatist is." Interjected Master Yoda.

"We were under the impression Senator Amidala would be responsible for his quick sentencing but we haven't seen or heard of her in the longest time. Where is the senator?" Inquired Master Ki-Adi-Mundi.

"Yes Chancellor! Her office hasn't been in use for months!" Said a concerned Senator Organa.

"Senator Amidala's whereabouts are unknown even to myself. Believe me, had I known months ago where she was located I would have demanded her presences for this trial but my hands are quite tied, my friends. She still sends her paperwork everyday like clockwork and we communicate with Holograms but they are merely recordings. She says she is in the middle of investigating Palo but gives no excuse as to her absence and there is nothing I can do when she is still filing the required work." Informed Chancellor Palpatine.

"So what are we suppose to tell the media? That the public's favorite political figure is missing?" Asked another Senator.

"She could have been kidnapped." Moaned Sio Bibble, Governor of Naboo.

Whispers instantly gave way in the Chancellor's office of the mention of such a terror. The jedi, on the other hand, remained as stern as ever.

Finally Master Windu stopped the manic, "We can spare a jedi that can look into the current location of the senator as long as she is taken off of the Palo case. We need someone that can get to the bottom of this now for the good of the war."

"I agree with you all but even if the senator is found I doubt she will want to come back willingly." Said the Chancellor.

"She would if made to sign off on the rights of the Palo case." Reasoned Master Windu.

"Has anyone here tired to make the senator do anything before?" Asked Senator Organa.

"Send a friend, Kenobi or Skywalker perhaps." Advised Sio Bibble.

The chancellor thought for a long while, "I will send Senator Silya Shessaun. The two are very close and Shessaun served as Amidala's mentor in the political areana many years ago. I suppose this would be a lot easier than sending in a jedi when their efforts are required elsewhere."

"And this Shessaun is skilled enough to find a senator that does not want to be found?" Asked Senator Mon Mothma.

"It's truly the only option we have but she will not disappoint I assure you." Promised the Chancellor.

"Then settled it is and found the senator will be."


Jedi Temple

"So how does it feel to see your face on the HoloNet, master jedi?" Smiled Auhna, a reporter for the Galactic news.

"My apologies m'lady, I am not authorized to speak to reporters. If you want to know about the lastest Outer Rim conflict I'm sure the senators and Chancellor Palpatine are the only accurate source to hear it from."

The holograms were spinning in every which direction making sure to catch every angle of the jedi's tired appearance. He had been getting hounded by reporters the moment transport ship had landed in Coruscant but he wanted no part of it. He only wanted to sneak into the temple unnoticed but someone had gotten word that word that he'd be here. The Padwans where staring in amazement from the entrance of the temple at the jedi that single handedly led troops to the Republic's latest victory.

"But master jedi," smiled the young reporter, "you are the only source we are interested in hearing anything from. Is it disappointing that after all the good you do for the Republic and the months of complete isolation you cannot even come back home to the love of a family?"

The hologram recorders where spinning wildly around Anakin and his head snapped up in shock for the first time all day.

Looking her straight in the eyes, "Everyone in the temple is all the family I require."

The reporter no longer smiled, instead, the disappointment stretched vividly over her face giving enough time for another reporter to push his way through the crowd and intervene.

Then suddenly, "Anakin do you have any insight as to the whereabouts of Senator Amidala? It has been months since we last had any recording of her."

Knowing that this was being broadcasted live to millions of viewers that were ready to scrutinized his every move, Anakin kept his demeanor calm just as any war general would.

Looking as confident as ever he added, "Where ever the Senator is we can rest assured that she is doing her duty and that she is where she belongs."

The crowd could not get enough of him before he entered the safe haven of the temple, leaving all reporters behind and still lingering over his words.

Later. . .

"What do you mean Senator Amidala is missing?" Anakin Skywalker nearly shouted.

"Haven't you seen the HoloNet reportings?" inquired a dumbfounded Ahsoka.

"Of course I don't watch such things and you should know I just got here!" He yelled, running a hand through his hair.

"I don't see why it's such a big problem, lots of senators go without living in the capital."

He ignored her.

"Where are you going?" Ahsoka asked when she noticed him strapping his lightsaber to his person again.

"To look for her." He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"You will do no such thing." Came a voice from above a staircase.

Obi-Wan Kenobi raced down the massive staircase to his apprentice, "Anakin it is not our place to bring the senator back. We just got here and the Chancellor is sending another to investigate Padme's whereabouts. This does not include us for once."

"Who did the chancellor send?" He asked impatiently.

"Someone who has known her longer than us." Reasoned Obi-Wan.

"Master she could have been taken hostage or she could have gotten lost in an asteriod belt and lost communication or she could have ..."

"Anakin, she's fine! Feel that?" He asked motioning to the air.

"Feel what?"

"Exactly, the force is quiet now not a constantly negative nagging feeling that means something is wrong. She's absolutely fine," then he leaned in and whispered, "now stop overreacting and enjoy the little time we have left here before they ship us back out."

"If she's not back soon then I will ask the order to put me on this case." He said defiantly.

"Master?" Ahsoka interupted to which both Jedi turned to.

"The council is asking you both to go debrief."

Both jedi knights sighed before following Ahsoka out.

'Somewhere on Naboo'

"Where ever the Senator is we can rest assured that she is doing her duty and that she is where she belongs."

"That jedi is still quite the looker." Sola said to her sister while squeezing a lemon into Padme's tea cup.

The two were dressed in silk nightgowns and lounging on the immaculate couch in Sola's living room while watching the HoloNet news.

"Really? I haven't noticed." Padme responded.

"Are you kidding? What I wouldn't do to have the privilege of those strong arms wrapped around me." She smirked.

"Sola! Your married!"

"So? The galazy is in love with jedi knights and so am I."

"It's this war," said Padme, "So far the fighting has remained isolated and hasn't reached Coruscant. It gives people the ability to glorify the jedi and not stop to think about what a war really means."

"And what does a war really mean?"

"It means heartbreak. It means people are dying everyday. People are choosing duties over love. It means that a family shrinks or remains empty instead of flourishing into something that can last generations."

"You want a baby don't you."

Padme put her tea cup down, "Don't be ridiculous Sola I can't have a child."

"And why not?"

For once Padme did not know how to answer.

"Padme you've always been serving others it's time you learn that you are a successful woman who can do anything she wants. Starting a family isn't prohibited for you, or any senator for that matter. Granted, war isn't the most ideal time to have child but if you are waiting for the ideal time, know now it does not exist."

"I wouldn't even know where to begin with a child. I'm a senator, not a mother and finding a husband that is ready to be a father when your ready to be a mother is difficult."

"Only if there's no communication happening. Rue and I had our rough patches but you'd be surprised about men. Most of them are ready before we are, they just haven't had someone bring it up before."

Padme remained silent.

Sola laughed," Dear, the only problem that little head of yours should be having right now is finding that perfect man out there to marry. It wouldn't hurt to give the Anakin Skywalker the time of day."

"He's a jedi." She spat instinctively.

"Not when he stares at you," reasoned Sola," Sometimes I have this feeling like he'd do anything for you."

This only elicited a frown from her sister.

"Listen, I'm going to retire now and but you keep working on that proposal for the chancellor before he comes looking for you." She chuckled before getting up and handing her cup to the closest droid and leaving the room.

It was only when her foot steps grew fainter that she began to hear a chirping coming from her transmitter. Someone was leaving her a message, she sighed at the possibly of it being the Chancellor again. She glanced around the spacious room looking at every shadow but her eyes did not deceive her, most of everyone in the home must have been sleeping. She opened the transmitter to view the recording and was greeted with the sight of her husband that nearly made her jump out of her skin.

"Padme..." He whispered, his expression was sullen and he kept his eyes on the ground and his hands behind his back. He seemed afraid and tortured but of what she did not know. What ever battle he had just endured had definitely left it's scar, just looking at him made her feel just as tired as he. This was not the man she saw on the HoloNet but the whisper only served to remind her that he was speaking so that he wouldn't be caught speaking to his wife. The wife he was never suppose to have. The life together they kept secret and the very reason their last encounter broke her heart.

He continued, "I heard you were gone. I snuck out of the temple to see if perhaps you were at the penthouse but the guards said you hadn't been there for months. Padme I know that we left things the wrong way, we really need to talk, to see each other again. I know I didn't leave such a grand impression on you last time but I can make things right, I promise. I am so sorry for mistreating you, you deserve better as my wife but I just lost it at the idea of some other man touching you because that idea haunts me everyday of this war. I thought giving you some time would help, it's why I took on that last mission but I miss you so much and I'm done with time. Please tell me where you are and I will come get you. I love you Padme..."

"Padme? Did you say something?" A voice from the distance called.

The senator immediately shut off the transmitter and turned to face a half naked Palo, "Of course not. How was your swim?"

"Pleasurable. Join me?"

They both stared at each other and then at the beauty of the Naboo skyline during sundown.