Hello Again :D
Sorry for kinda abandoning this story, has had a lot on my plate recently. New school, new friends etc.
So to make up for it I included a lemon for you guys just to show that haven't forgotten you and appreciate that you have followed and reviewed.

A special thanks to finderlov, for the great ideas, and for getting me to start writing again :D Thank you :)

Chapter 4.

Later that day when Asami came home early from work, he was greeted at the door by Aki.

"Asami, Asami can Tao come visit me?"


"Yeah, Tao, you know the child that is always following Feilong around. Can he come visit me? He says Feilong has been talking about visiting you, so we can have a slumber party and watch movies, play games, eat junk food..." Akihito rabbled on.

'Oh that child. I guess it would be okay, but I feel like messing with my kitten so I'll see if he has a way to convince me' Asami thinks while smirking at his little kitten.

"Why should I let Feilong come into my territory? Why would I let him roam about here when the last time we saw him he kidnapped you and then lost you resulting in you getting hurt."

"I knowbut that didn't have anything to do with Tao, and it's so long ago. Come on Ryu. Please, please." Aki begs while slowly tearing up. He knew how to manipulate Asami when he wanted something, that is one thing he learned after having been together with the bastard for 2 years. Aki grabs Asami, moves over to the couch, and pushes him down. Aki then straddles his lap, running his fingers through Asami's hair, while grinding his hips down into Asami's.

Asami can feel himself getting aroused, he lets his hands run over Aki's back and have them rest on his perfectly shaped ass. When he feels Aki starting to kiss his neck, trying to leave marks, he grabs Aki's ass and starts to massage it, at first with both hands but after a while, he moves one hand to the zipper of Aki's pants and pulls it down so he can cup his kitten's cock.

Aki was trying to mark Asami when he suddenly feels something massaging his cock, it feels so good he end up biting Asami's neck, he lick it inapology, when he hears the growl Asami lets out. Akihito moves his fingers down so he can open the shirt that is hindering him from feeling Asami's warmth.

Asami pulls Aki's shirt off and starts attacking his pink nipples, biting them and licking them. Continuing to do so making Aki moan. He shrugs off his own shirt and starts working on getting Aki's pants completely off so he can prepare him for what is to come, as Asami know he can't hold on much longer. He succeed in getting the pants and briefs off and holds three fingers in front of Aki's mouth.

Akihito makes sure the fingers are extra wet, as he knows it is going to be painful otherwise. So when Asami deems the fingers wet enough he takes them from Aki's mouth and lets them move toward Aki's hole. He slowly let one of his fingers make its way inside, twisting and turning to make more room. When it is in to the knuckle he slowly pulls it out and once more let it go in, he continues until he deems Aki ready for more. He then lets another finger enter together with the first and start a scissoring motion. Aki doesn't even notice when a third finger enters. Suddenly Aki lets out a scream. Up until then Asami had on purpose been avoiding Aki's sweet spot. He wanted to let it last for as long as possible and he knew that as soon as he touched his sweet spot Aki would come. And he was right, as soon as he touched it Aki came, screaming "Ryu!"

"You are definitely ready for me now." Asami says with a smirk. He pulls his fingers out and enters right away, loving the moan Aki lets out. Asami pounds into Aki harder and faster every time. Making Aki moan and scream louder and louder. By the time Asami finally comes, Aki has already come thrice.

"Can Tao come for a visit?" Aki asks.

"Ok, but Feilong can only be here when I'm here to make sure he isn't doing anything. Deal?"

"Deal. Now I want to sleep, you have WAY too much energy for someone your age. Night Ryu, night baby." Aki falls asleep with his head on Asami's chest and his hand on top of Asami's which was on his stomach.

"Night my little kitten."

I will try and update as soon as possible :D