Chapter 20

Me: I am so sorry I've been off for so long, and right before the last chapter!

Fang: you're so horrible

Me: I know, I'm sorry, but I made this chapter extra long

Fang: It's about 2000 words including the epilogue

Me: I'm not sure how well i wrote this because there was about a month between the first and last part of the chaper

Fang: Anyway,

Me: On with the chapter!

"Carlisle we haven't even trained yet, we don't know what we're doing and frankly, we're just not ready. How can you expect us to attack in six hours' time?" Chris and I were following Carlisle around the house and demanding he post pone the attack, so far he hadn't budged.

"Boys, I understand why you don't want to attack tonight, but either way, you need to hunt so get your butts out there and we'll talk when you get back. Okay?" Our shoulders slumped and we walked off, defeated. We were grumbling the whole way to the back door and the whole way to the outskirts of town.

"You pick someone, knock them out and bring them back here. I'll hang back." Chris nodded and ran into town, sticking to the shadows. He brought back a pretty scrawny looking homeless guy. "You couldn't have nabbed the good stuff?" Chris rolled his eyes and we got down to business. We set the body alight in an open patch of snow and left him to burn, making sure to cover our tracks on the way home.

"He was disgusting" I laughed,

"You picked him stupid" Chris scowled and vowed to never nab a homeless guy again. We took our time going home, not too eager to sit around listening to the battle plans, even if it meant getting mother and father back.

"Chris! Hurry up; we're waiting for you two." Carlisle called from the back door. We picked up the pace and made it back at top speed. "You have to know what you're doing, come on" Carlisle shuffled us into the already packed lounge room to listen to Jasper brief us on the attack.

"From the observation Carlisle and I did yesterday I have decided that the best time to attack is daylight, the newborns are still wary of the light; their master's haven't even bothered to tell them about what they are" Jasper scoffed quietly and continued with the plan. "Our focus is not destroying the army or their masters, no, our focus is to get Mavric and the boys up to Alec and helping Carlisle and Esme get to Isabella." Carlisle and Esme nodded, accepting their assignment. Mavric, Chris and I did likewise. "I know you all know how to fight well enough, I've trained some of you, the Volturi have trained some and the rest have trained themselves." We hadn't had much training but we had mastered the basics, it'll barely be enough against a newborn army though. "Do not engage Edward, Rosalie or Alice," Jasper's voice hitched a little on Alice's name "they can be dealt with by the Volturi when they come" Grandpa is coming? No one told us this; we thought Mother and Uncle Dimitri were going to take them home. "I will front the attack, Emmett and Dimitri will flank me, the rest of you can fan out however you see best, just make sure you cover Mav, the boys, Carlisle and Esme as best you can without being obvious or they'll become targets." Everyone gave a short nod, understanding what they had to do. "Go train until dawn breaks in a few hours." The group dispersed, mostly to the back yard to fight, but Mavric called Chris and I back into the lounge room.

"How are we going to do this?" Chris asked when the room was clear of prying ears.

"Honestly, I'm not certain yet. I know that I need to use you two and your marks but I'm not sure how to hold him down; he taught me how to fight, I won't be able to get past him." Mav took a breath and looked to us, asking if we had any ideas.

"What about mother? Can't she help you? She's got to trigger something in him as well, combining us would only make it stronger." Mavric nodded before raising his pointer,

"Didn't your father train her too though?" I let out an exasperated breath and nodded, sitting down on the couch. "It's not a bad idea, I doubt, even in the state he's in at the moment, that he would kill your mother, all I need is for him to be distracted and I can hold him down and you two can get to work trying to bring him back, make sure he sees your marks, they'll still be in his mind somewhere."

"Alright, but what if something happens to any of us? DO we just go ahead as best we can?" Mavric nodded, taking hold of my right shoulder and Chris' left.

"No matter what happens, we have to get your parents back; if you can't hold him down, just do anything you can to make him falter and listen, then show him the mark" we nodded and he nodded back, "good, now go train until we have to go" We both rushed outside with the others.

"That. Hurt." I groaned, lying face down on the couch.

"Well I told you to back off before you got hurt" Jasper laughed from the other side of the room. I turned my head to face him and send him the fiercest glare I could muster, but all it achieved was another laugh.

"Just be glad you didn't bleed or things would have gotten pretty ugly" Jasper smirked and left the room, you would think after being with half humans and even some humans for 50 years he would be used to blood but there's something about Jasper that just won't allow him to ignore the smell of blood. I stayed on the couch for another few minutes before getting up and following the others out the front door. I was healed by the time I set foot on the ground outside and I was trying not to bounce with anticipation beside my brother. Mav was watching us from his huddle with the others, making sure we weren't going to pass out. I smiled, telling him we were okay and to concentrate on the huddle.

"Okay, move out, keep quiet and protect the boys." The group nodded and we walked silently to the site where the other's found Father and Edward. We drifted into the formation Jasper told us all to use and walked straight in. There weren't too many vampires around; they were probably off feeding somewhere, but there were enough; and they were ready for us.

The fight started instantly, we kept moving towards where we could see father and mother sitting with Edward, Alice and Rosalie; watching the fight. Mav caught Alec's eye and he seemed to recognise his old friend, but not enough to break the hold Edward has over him. I tried not to draw attention to Chris and I, but the blood in our veins betrayed us and we were soon the target of the small army. Carlisle and Dimitri were the only two vampires from our side that I could see, and they weren't faring too well. I tried to look away and stay focused on the task at hand, but I kept looking around to check on the others and I caught sight of Jasper taking a run up. I followed his gaze and found it rested on Edward and Alice. Emmett came up behind him and tried to hold him off, saying he can't waste time going after them; but I could tell he wanted to launch himself at Rose too.

"Duck!" Someone shouted, I think it was Anek. I had no idea if they meant me but I ducked anyway, pulling Chris down with me. The shadow of a body cast itself across the ground and I could tell it wasn't one of ours. I stood back up and looked in the direction of where the body landed and found a starving newborn. I sped up a bit and caught up to Mav,

"Someone needs to move the trio before we can move in" Mav nodded and set his sights on the trio in question, who were sitting in between our parents. He charged and managed to knock all three off their perch and then he bolted, making them chase after him. Mother filled the space between her and father, making it that much easier for us to get to both of them. "Mother!" I called, not wanting to wait until we reached her to make a move. She looked confused, like she didn't recognise us. Great. Chris ran up to them and he pulled mother from her spot and dragged her, or tried to drag her, to where I was standing.

"Mum, it's Chris; Christopher, and Christian; your sons" She blinked a few timed before pouncing straight at us. I lept to the side, pushing Chris the other way, to avoid her blow. I caught sight of the diamond on my wrist and remembered what Mav told us to get dad back and hoped it would work the same on mother. I crawled over to Chris and grabbed his wrist, yanking him up.

"Isabella!" She turned to face us, ignoring Carlisle, who she was about to pounce on. "Look" I held our wrists out to her, the birthmarks were perfectly visible, and she faltered; she recognised them. I breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short lived. Mother got back into her pouncing stance and readied herself to leap.

"Here we go again" Chris groaned and we got out of the way, just before she hit us. I turned around to try something else and found her holding father down, not even a little interested in us. Father started to retaliate but Mother held him down.

"Don't you dare Alexander Michael Volturi." I looked at Chris,

"It worked?" I asked Chris, not sure what happened,

"Father's middle name is Michael?" I rolled my eyes at my brother and turned back to the scene in front of us.

"Boys, help your mother out would you" we stood frozen for a second before kneeling down on either side of our parents.

"Remember this dad?" Father didn't even flinch at the sight of the marks; he just kept thrashing and trying to get out of mother's grip. "It's not working, what are we supposed to do now?" Mother frowned before lighting up.

"If you don't react to this, you're in so much trouble." I was confused until mother leant in to father and I realised what she was doing; she was kissing him. Chris and I both got up slowly and backed off; no child enjoys watching their parents kiss.

"Do you think it's working?" I asked my brother,

"I'd rather not check" I rolled my eyes and turned around to check on the others. I could see a few piles of burning bodies, none of which contained any of the Cullens, Mav or Dimitri. I spotted Jasper holding Alice down, Dimitri holding Rose and Carlisle holding Edward down. It looked like there was no hope for them, but they couldn't just throw them in the fire with the others; they had to try to get them back first. I turned back to mother and father who were no longer kissing, thank god, but they were still on the ground.

"What the hell just happened?" Father asked. I smiled and launched at my parents.

"Oh nothing, you were just brainwashed to hate us for 50 years." Mother shrugged. Father looked at Chris and I and frowned,

"I guess I missed you two growing up then; last time I saw you two you could barely utter a word." I gave a weak smile and sighed.

"Don't worry; I took lots of photos" Mother smiled, pulling them both off the ground. They hugged for a while for the first time in 50 years and Chris nudged me, nodding his head the other way; telling me to leave them for a while. I went to Dimitri and Mavric, who were standing to the side watching one family crumble and one reunite. The Alaskans had already bailed and the Chicago, Greenland and Swiss covens weren't hanging around for long either.

"You did great" Mav ruffled our hair and pulled us in for a hug. We smiled at him before moving to Dimitri. He just held out a fist and waited for us to pound it.

"Nice work sprites" I rolled my eyes and hugged him, Chris followed my lead. Esme came over, her face solemn.

"I don't think we can fix those three, but we have to try. We won't be going back to the house," she dropped a set of keys into Mav's hand, "It's yours now, we'll be spending a few decades in Antarctica." She kissed Chris and I on the cheek before leaving, the rest of the Cullen's in tow. I frowned, I would miss them. Mother and Father were finished hugging and had walked over.

"Christian," He smiled at me, pulling me into a hug that spoke louder than his words; he was sorry for everything he had put our family through, and he's sorry for not being there and not watching us grow up and for everything else that cause even a little pain in the past half a century. He moved on to Christopher next and did the same thing. "I'm so proud of you two." He smiled and we returned it.

"Well don't I get a hug? I only managed to keep your two bone heads of sons alive for three weeks, and then through all of this." Father looked to his age old friend and they shared a man-hug and laughed.

"Nice to see you after so many years Mav," he saw the set of house keys in Mavric's hands and smiled, "are you quitting the nomad gig?" I laughed,

"He quit a while back Dad." Father smiled,

"Well not you can create your own coven, or join the Alaskans." He scowled,

"I don't think Anek and I can deal with each other for long" We laughed and he bid his farewells before heading off. Mother smiled when we turned back to her and we headed home. We did it; we got our family back. It only took 50 years, but we did it.

Isabella POV

"What happened here?" Alec asked, pointing to a photo in the album.

"That was their fourth Christmas; Aro bought them each a car and they totalled them, they were arrested for three hours until Aro went and bailed them out." I laughed, remembering the day. No one was hurt but Aro was furious the boys trashed their cars. Alec laughed along with me. We were in his special room off the elite hall. We were sitting on one of the rafters in the ceiling, well he was anyway; I was in his lap.

"What about this one?" He pointed to another picture. I laughed,

"That's their 48th birthday, Christian and Christopher fought over the presents and there was a box filled with packing peanuts from Felix and it exploded everywhere. Alec laughed and lost his balance, though I think he did that deliberately, making us fall onto the bed below. I laughed when we hit the mattress and curled into Alec's chest. "I missed you so much" He kissed my head and breathed into it.

"I may not have known it, but I missed you too" I smiled and nuzzled his throat. "but now we can stay together for forever" I smiled and let out a short laugh,

"and Always"

Me: Thanks for reading guys, you've been great

Fang: after exams, we're starting an new story :D

Me: yep, it will either be a Maximum Ride or Rise of the Guardians fic

Fang: keep your eye out for it

Me: thanks to everyone who reviewed and favorited and followed and just liked the fic in general

Fang: and this concludes the 'Forever & Always' fics

Me: Bye guys!
