This just popped into my head while I was rewatching season three. May turn into a series of oneshots if the feedback is good. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Not mine!


"What's that on your neck, Carol?"

The innocent question made Carol choke on the sip of water she had been enjoying. She looked at Carl, who was watching and waiting patiently for her explanation. Her cheeks flushed.

"Well, I… uhm…"

"You weren't bit, were you?" The boy's tone immediately became guarded.

Oh, God… "No, Carl, I wasn't bit."

"Then what is it?"

Luckily, Carl's father chose that moment to walk in and call for his son. Carl felt relieved as Carl eagerly jumped up and chased after his father, no doubt to interrogate him about the strange mark on Carol's neck. Not wanting to chance continuing the conversation, Carol left the room.

As she went around the corner, a pair of strong arms caught her. A hand came over her mouth before she could let out a sound.

"Shh," a familiar voice whispered, and Carol rolled her eyes, playfully nipping at his palm to get him to let go. She succeeded and spun around in his embrace, thumping his chest with a small hand.

Daryl just grinned at her cockily. "Kid's curious, ain't he?"

"You heard that?"

"Course I did." He pulled her tightly against himself and nuzzled the bruise he had left on her neck the previous night.

"You have to be more careful," she admonished gently.

"Hey, I didn' hear you complainin' last night…"

A shudder went through her at the thought. "Mm…"

"Exactly." His hand slid under her shirt and up the small of her back. "You're mine. Jus' remember that."

Suddenly he let her go, but not before kissing her hard enough to bruise her lips. Then he touched her cheek affectionately and walked away.

Carol stared after him, her hand touching the side of her face where his hand had been.

"I'll remember that tonight!"

His only response was laughter that echoed off the walls.

"Damn you, Daryl Dixon."

The End...?

A/N: Cute, huh? Kids say the darnedest things... Thanks for reading, and please review!