Here is the blanket disclaimer for the entire story.

I do not own The Big Bang Theory, Nebraska, Hello Kitty, or my cat. My cat owns me, that psycho bitch. None of this is mine, I just enjoying playing in other people's minds every now and then.

My name is Penelope and I am 11 years old. I am supposed to write in you because Granny died. I guess I didn't handle that very well because mom and dad sent me to a shrink. And the shrink thinks that I will handle my feelings better if I write in you. This is stupid. Mom and dad are stupid. My shrink is stupid. Everyone but Granny is stupid! STUPID STUPID STUPID! Why can't they just leave me alone? I don't want to keep coming to a shrink. I don't want mom to cry anymore. I don't want dad to get angry anymore when he sees Granny's blanket. I don't want Granny to be dead anymore. I want everything to be back to the way that it was.

Granny was my favorite person in the world. She made me cookies and let me play in her barn out back. She was an actress before she got married. She used to say that she left the stage for a kitchen and a house full of kids. Why would anyone want to be a mom? She had everything and trashed it for some boy. Even if that boy was Gramp-gramp, I still think it wasn't a good idea. Boys are gross. I'm never gonna get married.

Penny had been sitting quietly while her therapist read her journal entry. It was taking forever. She didn't have to write everything down when Granny was alive. That's because Granny would actually listen to her. She was the only person in the world who understood her. When Granny died Penny refused to leave her house. She climbed up into her grandmother's huge four poster bed and laid there, surrounded by the smell of the only person she could say that she truly loved. Her grandmother always smelled like soap and nature. It was what Penny had started to associate with the feeling of comfort and home. She threw the biggest fit she had ever made in her life when her mother washed her grandmother's favorite blanket. It still smelled like soap, but it was the wrong soap, and it didn't smell right anymore. When Penny didn't finish grieving fast enough for her parents, off to the therapist she went.

"Penelope, did you like writing in your journal?" Was he kidding her? It was like extra homework.

"My name is Penny. Only Granny gets to call me Penelope." She shot daggers at the man across from her.

"Penny, did it help you at all?"

"A little bit." Penny admitted reluctantly.

"Why did you draw Hello Kitty all over the inside?"

"Because I did." Penny snapped, looking away. She knew that the silence in the room would continue until she answered him. He learned very early on that Penny didn't like talking about herself. The only thing she liked less was silence. "Granny gave me a Hello Kitty doll before she died. I like them now. Is that ok, or is a Japanese cat off limits for me too?" Thankfully for Penny (or her therapist) it was the end of their session. Penny jumped off of the sofa to leave. Thank the angels that was over. She was tired of it. She was tired of feeling broken and lost. All she wanted was someone who loved her like Granny. Was that too much to ask?

She headed to her dad's pickup and climbed in.

"How'd it go Slugger?" He asked carefully.

"The same way it always goes. We sit, he makes me talk about stuff that I don't want to talk about, the alarm beeps, I leave." Penny gave her dad a sideways glance, "Daddy, how much longer do I have to go?"

"Until everything is ok again."

"Daddy, Granny is dead. Dead. A shrink can't make her come back. I promise I won't freak out. I swear! I'll do whatever you want me to do. Just please don't make me go anymore?" She pleaded.

Her dad looked over at her when they hit a red light. She really was pulling out all the stops. Her lower lip was pulled out so far it almost covered her whole chin. She was playing with her short blond hair, twirling it almost absentmindedly. She gave him the biggest doe eyes she could pull off. Her dad sighed as the light turned green. "I'll talk to your mother." Penny laughed and reached over to give him the tightest hug she could while in a truck.

A/N: Yep, we are starting with Penny as a kid. It won't last for long though because there is no Sheldon in Nebraska and I refuse to force Penny to live in a world where she doesn't get to at least make out with Dr. Sheldon Cooper! I am also looking for a Beta. I have problems catching all my grammar and spelling has NEVER been my strong suit.