A tribute, to Neji Hyuga.

I do not own Naruto.


The shriek pierced through the godforsaken battlefield. No one turned to see who has suffered. This was war. Death was imminent. They could do nothing to stop it.

Yet , as the young kunoichi cried out once more, the ninjas couldn't help but feel her pain. They could sense the anguish in her voice, the edge of panic.

But still, no one turned. Not the Iwas, not the Sunas , not the Kiris. Not even the Konohans - the young girl's friends and fellow shinobi. They knew what had happened. They knew, and they could not bear to look.

The weapon's mistress ran as fast as her tired legs could carry her, past the dead bodies, past the wooden spikes embedded in the ground. Right to the spot where a young man lay. The Hyuga who had laid his life down, to protect a friend. Her comrade, her team mate, her best friend. Neji. And now, he was gone.

She never got to say good-bye .

"Tenten!" called her team mate. Lee. He effortlessly caught up with her.

He gasped when he saw the head she cradled in her arms. Hot tears ran down her face. He got down next to her, wrapping his arms around. He wouldn't cry. He would be strong.

Strong for his team.

"Tenten," he whispered. She continued to stroke Neji's hair, his face. She didn't let go.

"Tenten," he repeated. She shook her head. She couldn't bring herself to walk away.

Memories flooded into her mind, as vivid and fresh as could be.

Who would be there to put up with Gai's crazy schemes with her? Who would she train with? Who would she go to, when she just wanted to hang out? Who would be her shoulder to cry on?

Neji was gone. Her Neji - gone. And there was nothing she could do about it.

The reality of the situation hit her like a ton of bricks. This was actually happening. This was war. This was real . All those people who had died, they weren't coming back.

But she could do something about it. Like Neji, she could help. She would help.

Tenten laid her hand over Neji's face, closing his eyelids over his glassy orbs.

"You know what he would want you to do." said Lee, as she laid their team mate on the ground and stood up.

Tenten nodded, determination painted over her delicate features. Lee attempted a weak smile.

"Good, now let's go kick some Uchiha butt ."

The weapon's mistress proceeded to send weapons flying in the direction of the Juubi. She would win this. For Konoha. For Lee.

For Neji.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Please R&R, it would really help.