I have spent several summers in Tuscany, Italy and I am in love with the landscape, the villages, towns and its people. It is every bit as stunning in reality as presented to us in books and movies. I just couldn't resist to have Harvey and Mike walk the streets of this beautiful part of the world. Hope you will enjoy.

As always, I owe a big 'Thank You' to my beloved betareader Stetsonblack. 3

And 'Grazie' to Silvia who has been so kind as to help me with the Italian phrases.

Reviews will be greatly appreciated. :)

Harvey checked his watch. The plane was about to descend on Rome. He looked out the small window and saw the ancient city of seven hills laying beneath him. Going back to Italy always felt like going home. He loved the country, the warm and passionate people with their impeccable taste in fashion, the gorgeous landscape, the food, the wine; the rich cultural history that breathed from every ancient street and building.

He was looking forward to meeting his Italian friends again. He was going to stay in the beautiful town of Siena, located in the heart of Tuscany. He had been there three times before and during his stays he had gotten to know some of the locals very well. The thought of endless evenings at big outdoor tables filled with delicious food and wine, and having passionate debates about love and life, that were undoubtedly awaiting him, made Harvey smile.

The small lights above his seat switched on and the familiar little ping sounded to warn the passengers that the plane was about to start its descent. He buckled up and switched off his phone.

At Fiumicino airport he picked up his car to start his 170 mile ride to the city of Siena. Whenever he was in Italy he just couldn't resist renting a Ferrari Cabriolet. When in Rome...

Driving to his hotel should take no more than two and a half hours, which meant he should arrive in the early evening. Although he was tired, he somehow always gained energy from the sights and smells of the stunning Italian countryside so the ride wouldn't be a problem.

Steering his Ferrari down the A1 highway he left the city of Rome behind him and after two hours, he turned off the A1 to drive into the heart of Tuscany.

The sun was starting to set by the time he reached Siena and the surrounding hills were alight with a soft golden glow. It was a dreamy, almost majestic landscape that Harvey never grew tired of. He drove his car up the hills to the ancient city and parked it at the hotel. He got his luggage out, checked in, took a quick shower, and changed into a fresh pair of clothes.

He left the hotel and headed towards the town main square through the small streets that always stayed cool even on the hottest of days. The streets were so narrow that the ancient houses seemed to embrace each other when you looked up and the sun barely kissed the pavement.

He turned the corner and descended down the steep stairs to the Piazza del Campo. He smiled.


The town square was busy. The terraces that surrounded more than half of the square were filled with tourists. Harvey crossed the square, and like always he marveled at the idea that he was following in the footsteps of people like Michelangelo, who used to live and work here. He entered another narrow street just left from the impressive town hall that had been overlooking the shell-shaped square since the early thirteen hundreds.

Upon entering a small restaurant Harvey was warmly greeted by Luciano, the owner of the establishment. He gave Harvey a big hug and kissed him on both cheeks-an Italian habit Harvey was finally getting used to.

"Buongiorno, Luciano, come stai?"

Luciano rewarded him with a big smile. "I see you haven't forgotten your Italian lessons. Very good. We will teach you more." The man pulled back a chair from one of the tables close to the kitchen. "Sit, I am going to make you my famous linguine myself." He looked at the waitress standing behind the bar, a beautiful Italian girl. "Sophia, vino rosso per Harvey."

She smiled when she saw Harvey and immediately poured a ridiculous amount of wine in a glass and brought it over. "Harvey, how nice to see you again." Her eyes beamed with delight.

Harvey knew better than to flirt with her, because apart from the fact that she was way too young for him, she also happened to be Luciano's daughter. However, pretending not to notice that she was gorgeous would also be an insult to the big friendly Italian who, if he wanted to, could probably snap Harvey's neck like a twig. "Sophia, you truly are becoming the most beautiful woman of Siena. And I hear that you're entering law school this year? Brains and beauty; that is a combination that will get you anywhere."

She winked at him. "All the way from New York to Siena, right?"

Luciano raised one eyebrow while trying to figure out if he had just heard his daughter flirt with the American lawyer. But she turned on her heel and walked away before her father might reach the right conclusion.


It was past midnight before Luciano finally let Harvey go. Feeling pleasantly light-headed from the delicious wine, he stepped into the warm summer night. The street lanterns cast shadows on the ancient walls and the old cobblestones. The town was quiet apart from the sound of voices, music, and the tingling sounds of glass and cutlery from the restaurants and bars. No traffic, no sirens, no noise.

The stroll back to the hotel was a perfect end to a perfect evening. The food had been Italian food at its best; simple, fresh, and absolutely divine. The conversation had been, well... Italian. They had laughed, discussed, and finally agreed on the matters that Italians were passionate about; politics, love, wine, food, and soccer.

God, he loved being back. When he entered the lobby of the grand and lavish hotel he wondered why he only took a week off. Why not stay longer? He had worked almost non stop the last years and the occasional week to Italy had been his only escape. He decided that he would seriously entertain the thought of prolonging his stay after a good night's sleep.


The next morning, while having a strong, hot espresso at the small coffee shop just around the corner of his hotel that was always packed with Italians, his phone rang. He had to dig it out of his jacket, and while he did, a quick calculation told him that it was three o'clock in the morning in New York, so either all Hell had broken loose at the office or it was one of his local friends.

Finally able to pull the phone out, he looked at the screen and to his relief he found that it was Luciano.

Harvey expected an invitation to a family dinner, but the conversation took a very unexpected turn. Not that he wasn't invited at the dinner table with the whole family that evening, but Luciano had another request. One that put a big smile on Harvey's face. It was the perfect answer to his own question on whether he should prolong his stay or not.

"Grazie, Luciano. Of course, I'd be honored. Yes, I'll be at your house at seven. Ciao."

He put his phone down, stretched lazily, and ordered another espresso. That was settled. He was going to spend his summer in Tuscany. And Jessica might agree because she would surely appreciate the status that came with one of her lawyers giving summer classes at the University of Siena.

Unfortunately Jessica didn't. But there was a reason why Harvey was considered the best closer in New York. Eventually she gave in to a stay of six weeks on the condition he would come back in case of an immediate emergency and that he kept his Mondays free to handle all of the affairs concerning Pearson Hardman. And the sworn promise that he would find an associate when he was back in the States.


Harvey spent his day putting his credit card to good use in all the little shops filled with handmade shoes and bags, designer watches, sunglasses, tailored shirts, and ties. Harvey smiled when he imagined how much Rene would like it here. The man would have an absolute field day.

He had lunch in a restaurant placed on the outskirts of town with a stunning view over the hills that were thick with luscious green and endless rows of vineyards and olive trees.

After the delicious lunch he strolled back to his hotel. When he was in Italy there was another custom that he embraced. Siesta. When he woke up after a relaxing dreamless sleep he took a long refreshing shower, changed into one of his new Italian designer jeans and handmade shirts, and walked over to the parking lot to pick up his car.

Luciano lived just outside Siena and it was a fifteen minute drive to the old farmhouse that Luciano's family had lived in for centuries. When Harvey arrived he was greeted by Luciano's four grandchildren and their two dogs. Harvey loved the place. He always felt like he stepped back in time. Francesca, Luciano's wife, came out of the kitchen to welcome him with a warm hug. She was over fifty but still one of the most beautiful women Harvey had ever seen.

"Harvey, I'm so glad to see you again. How is my favorite American? Did you find yourself a good wife yet?" she said while she looked at him with a smile in her dark eyes. When he shook his head, she sighed. "It's such a waste. Good men like you are hard to find Harvey. You could make a woman very happy." When he just smiled at her she looked at him pensively. "Harvey Specter, I get the distinct impression that there is something you are not telling me."

He gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Francesca, how could I ever hide anything from you?"

Before she could answer Luciano came in from the garden. "Harvey! Don't you steal my wife," he said with a wide grin.

Francesca watched as the two men walked over to the vineyards where Luciano was going to show Harvey how well his grapes were doing. She had a feeling that the handsome American was hiding something.

"He's gay." The voice of her daughter startled Francesca.

Surprised, Francesca looked at her. "Why would you say that?"

Sophia shrugged her shoulders. "Because he just is," she said in a matter of fact tone. Then she frowned. "Do you think papa would mind?"

Her mother pouted her lips. "Mmm, I don't think so. He really likes Harvey. And your father has no issues with gay men. In fact, maybe he would feel better about Harvey being your summer teacher at law school. He told me yesterday that he got the impression that you were flirting with him."

Her daughter chuckled "Of course I was." When her mother frowned at her she smiled. "Come on mama, what woman wouldn't?" Her mother sighed. She couldn't really come up with a good answer to counter that question. And, if he really was gay, and she tended to agree with her daughter, it was harmless anyway.

While Francesca set the table outside on the big terrace overlooking their vineyards, she imagined that the classes at summer school would fill up very quickly once word got out that the new teacher was a successful and handsome New York lawyer. She heard the two men approaching and she looked up from placing the glasses and bottles of wine on the table. Harvey just got better looking every year. She smiled. If the word about his arrival were to be accompanied by a picture it would be hard to find an empty seat in the college hall.

Harvey was glad he'd remembered just in time the amount of food and wine that Francesca would feed him before he'd left the hotel. He had told the receptionist he wouldn't be in that night. He would never be able to keep his alcohol level under the legal limit, so he couldn't drive back. But the farmhouse had ample rooms and Francesca had already set up the best one for Harvey. She walked up to the room with him and leaned against the doorpost while he glanced around the room, marveled at the stunning view and finally sat on the bed.

"Like it?" she pointed at a door left from his bed. "There is a private bathroom through that door."

"Like it? I Love it. Can't I just rent this room?"

She smiled. "I am glad you like it so much because Luciano and I discussed it, and since you will be staying for six weeks, we believe you need a home instead of a hotel. You're welcome to stay here. It will give me the chance to take care of you, and the whole family would love to have you around."

Apart from Sophia they had two more daughters and a son. Eliza, who was fourteen, and Laura, who was married to Julian, one of the kindest people Harvey had ever met. They had one child. And the son, Franco, who was married to a stunning beauty from Florence, Helena. They had three children. All twelve of them lived on the farm.

Harvey smiled blissfully. Francesca taking good care of him meant that he had to find a gym very quickly but then again there was a huge pool behind the house and he could help out Luciano.

This trip was getting better by the minute. "I would love to stay but only if you let me pay for room and board."

Francesca looked insulted. "Harvey! You are staying and don't you dare insult me like that. We don't charge our friends." But she knew he would feel obligated so she continued, "I am sure Luciano would appreciate your help in the vineyards and maybe you can help him on some legal matters. You know how he feels about lawyers, but he trusts you."

Harvey knew it would be no use to argue so he gratefully accepted her offer. Looking very pleased, Francesca closed the door behind them while they headed back down to join the rest of the family already gathered round the table. "You can pick up your luggage tomorrow after you've been to the university. So I expect you to consider this your temporary home from now on."

When he stepped outside he caught the inquisitive look that Luciano threw at Francesca. When she nodded, he raised his glass, wearing a big smile. "Benvenuti a casa nostra, Harvey. Now sit down. We must eat."