This fanfic is rated M for lemon!

Beautiful Life

Summary: 6 long years after Chihiro left the spirit world she misses it she is now 16 and still has no friends in town. On top of that her parents abuse her. What happens when she travels back? What love awaits Chihiro with Haku? How does she stay? Read to find out!

Chapter 1: Chihiro's Back!

Chihiro ran to her room crying because of the wounds on her arms and legs. Never had she been beaten that hard by her dad and mom.


"Chihiro save it for dream land!" Her mom said smacking her across the face with a cooking spoon. "Honey I don't think that rough enough." Her dad said grabbing Chihiro by the arm and throwing her across the room. Chihiro was sobbing and thinking, Haku! Please save me tell me you haven't forgotten! "Dad mom, please stop…" Chihiro begged on her knees. "Go to your room and think about what those fairy tails are!" Chihiro's mom yelled and roughly pushed her up the stairs making Chihiro cough up blood.

End of flashback

Chihiro quickly shut her door and locked it. She grabbed a back pack and started stuffing it with clothes thinking, I have to go back! I don't care if Lin, Haku, Granny, No Face, Boh, and Kamaji don't remember! I'm still going back! Chihiro quickly put on a jacket to hide the bruises on her arms then put some light blue skinny jeans on. She opened her window with one last thought to her parents, I'll miss you guys. Don't forget. And she was out her window.

It felt like she had been running for hours but Chihiro knew that she hadn't. Chihiro finally saw the mossy statue and she knew she was there. She ran as fast as she could and made it to the 'closed' theme park entrance. "You can do this Chihiro, you can do this." Chihiro repeated stepping into the dark tunnel. She ran as fast as she could and what seemed like forever she made it. "I'm back!" Chihiro yelled to no one in particular. "Now to find Haku he should be happy to see me." She ran to the bridge and held her breath. Chihiro passed it with ease because she had bigger lungs- well she had a bigger everything. Chihiro quickly ran into the garden and found the stairs. "I'm still terrified on them but I must go." She slid on her butt to the bottom and ran into the door. "Go away." She heard a grumpy man say- it was Kamaji. "Now is that anyway to treat your granddaughter, grandpa?" Chihiro asked playfully coming out of the shadows. "Wait grandpa- Chihiro!" Kamaji yelled and gave Chihiro a hug. "I'm back! And this time for good!" Kamaji grinned and all the soot balls jumped on Chihiro. "Hey guys long time no see." Chihiro said giggling. "Hey Kamaji why do I smell hu… Sen!" Lin said walking in and jumping on Chihiro. "Hey Lin." Chihiro said smiling and hugging back then flinched because of her wounds. "Damn girl! You have breasts! Haku is going to want to see you as soon as he figures out you're here." Lin said giggling. Chihiro asked a little saddened, "Did he forget about me?" Lin looked confused but answered with a, "You're all he can think of." Chihiro smiled and said, "Then what are we waiting for?" Lin smiled and led the way to Haku's office.

"I forgot to tell you, Haku owns the bathhouse now!" Lin said grinning. "Wha…How?" Chihiro stuttered. "He competed to win the bathhouse. I mean Yubaba wouldn't let Haku go that easily." Chihiro nodded and smiled, so he did keep his promise.


"If you want to leave then you'll have to challenge me Haku!" Yubaba's voice rang through the bathhouse hallway. "Winner keeps the bathhouse loser goes away and is never to return!" Yubaba called out. Haku thought, Well if I leave I can't see Chihiro again so I guess I must win! "Fine I accept your challenge but you must know that I will not back down." Haku said getting into a fighting stance. "Bring it on Haku." Yubaba said grinning also in fighting stance. The whole entire bathhouse was watching in fascination as Yubaba shot attacks and Haku physically and magically blew them back at her. In the end Haku won by 3 points and Yubaba and Boh were kicked out.

End of flashback

"We're here." Lin said smiling and pushing Chihiro in. "Why can't you people just do something by your self's every once in a while?" Haku said not looking up from the paper work he was writing. Chihiro's eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw Haku. He was no longer a little kid- he was a hot 18 year old! His hair was a little longer giving him a masculine look. He was stronger than he was last time she saw him his robes were dark blue and he still had that rope on his waist. His eyes were still a deep emerald color but looked older. After she finished ogling Haku she went over to sit in his lap. He looked up and saw to assets in front of his face. Haku noticed the strange clothes then saw brown hair. "Chihiro!" Haku called and almost fell out of his chair. "Haha, hey Haku long time no see 6 years to be exact." Chihiro said smiling at her love. "How…when…why?" Haku asked astonished at the beautiful girl in front of him. She still held a petite frame but was more feminine. Her eyes were a kind brown and her smile welcoming, she had creamy white skin and her legs were longer. He finally looked at her breast and became hard he had never looked at any woman there but with one as beautiful as Chihiro he couldn't help. Haku quickly averted his eyes from them and looked at her smiling face. "How, through the spirit gate. Why, because…" she threw off her jacket and ripped her jeans to mid thigh. "That's why… and when, right now!" Haku couldn't help but smile but then it dropped as soon as he remembered the fresh and old bruises. "Chihiro who did this to you…?" Haku asked tracing bruises on her legs. The actions he was making sent shivers up her back and she became hot. "Ha...Haku…" Chihiro almost moaned but it turned into a stutter. "My parents…" Chihiro said putting her head on his shoulder to keep from moaning at the sensation Haku was making. "W…why?" Haku stuttered because Chihiro grinded there hips together when moving. "I don't know I think it was my body." Chihiro said pressing her breasts to Haku's chest. "How long?" He asked in anger at what her parents had done and the great sensation Chihiro was creating. "Forever... I will stay forever." Chihiro squeaked because Haku's warm breath was on her neck. "Haku there's more bruises." Chihiro said with a plan forming in her mind. "Where?" Bingo! Chihiro had her shirt unbuttoned in a second. "Here." Chihiro said using Haku's hand to point to them. Haku was mesmerized by what she had done. "Haku…" Chihiro said as Haku moved in for a kiss. There lips locked and a bolt of electricity ran through them. Haku sucked on the bottom of Chihiro's lip for permission and she gave it to him. "Well…umm… I'll set this outside…" They heard a voice say and the doors slam with a huge SLAM! Haku and Chihiro jumped apart with flushed faces. Quickly Chihiro buttoned up her shirt and put her discarded jacket back on. "Man now I need new pants I can't walk around with a bunch of bruises." Chihiro said pouting. "Umm… I'll call Lin to get you some clothes…" Haku said looking at his feet. "Sorry I kissed you I mean… it's something I wanted to do since well you left." Haku said putting his head down in shame. "It's ok I should have never left…" Haku heard Chihiro say and then felt a warm hand on his cheek. Haku gave Chihiro a soft smile and she smiled back. "Welcome back Chihiro." Haku said already heading for Lin's talisman.

A few minutes later Lin walked in with bandages and a purple kimono. "Ok since dragon breath here called me he told me what happened and Sen I'm sorry… but to say I'm sorry I came with bandages! Yay Lin!" Lin said without blinking. Lin quickly tore the rest of Chihiro's pants off leaving her in undergarments. "Lin! Haku's still here!" Chihiro yelled turning red. Haku glared at Lin with a red face. Lin asked, "What are these? These aren't allowed." Lin quickly tore off Chihiro's panties making her become even redder. "Lin!" Chihiro and Haku yelled at the same time. Haku made sure to sneak a peek at Chihiro's private space before glaring at Lin. "Hey Sen? How come you're wet?" Lin asked looking at the honey running down Chihiro's thighs. Chihiro and Haku blushed simltainsely. "Haku you want to taste it… I mean lick it off her lick what's in her… you did this to her so you should try it…" Lin said devilishly. "And Sen how come you aren't hiding it from Haku?" Haku stumbled back falling on his back. Lin quickly pushed Chihiro over to Haku and she fell with her pussy an inch away from Haku's mouth. Haku was breathing on it making her even more hot and wet. Haku looked into Chihiro's eyes and saw want and need. He stuck his tongue out and tasted it. She's sweet! Haku thought and had to restrain himself from doing it again especially after the moan Chihiro gave. "There happy?!" Haku yelled at Lin. She had a smirk on her face and said, "Yes very. Now come on Sen we need to bandage you in Haku's room." Chihiro nodded and got up lazily. Her knees felt like jelly.

After an hour Chihiro came out with the kimono on. The kimono went to the floor giving it a small train. The purple complemented Chihiro's skin tone and hair color. The design pattern was white butterflies and black stripes on the sleeves. Her hair was done in a bun with black hair sticks holding it in place. "How do I look?" Chihiro asked putting her finger to her mouth giving off an innocent look. "Be…beautiful." Haku stuttered making both have a tinge of pink on there cheeks. "So beautiful you want to taste her again." Lin said popping up from behind Chihiro. They blushed an even darker red and Haku said, "I would never be that disrespectful to a woman." Chihiro looked down a little because of what Haku said, 'to a woman.' Has he tried it before me? Chihiro thought almost breaking into tears. "I'm going to go show Sen around again Lin." Haku said giving a cold glare towards Lin.

Why they were walking Haku pushed Chihiro against the wall saying, "I noticed you were upset about what I said and to let you know you're the first person I even ever thought of kissing." Chihiro blushed at his closeness and wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him. It looked like they were kissing to the outsiders because the position they were in. A few spirits looked at the couple but then saw it was Chihiro and master Haku and they spread the rumor of Chihiro being back. "Thank you… I mean not to sound jealous or anything but I'm glad that you never thought of kissing anyone but me." Chihiro said blushing. "What about you?" Haku said putting his arm above Chihiro's head and the other to the side of waist. "Umm….same that's why I was so…wet…" Chihiro's face going an even deeper shade of red. "Good." Haku said smiling with his eyes closed. He looks so kissable! Chihiro closed her eyes and moved her head forward. She began to kiss him and he kissed back with just as much passion. "No getting lovey-dovey right here Master Haku." They heard a frog spirit call. They quickly jumped apart with blushes on there face and the whole bathhouse was there, "Welcome back Chihiro!" They all called. Chihiro smiled and everyone greeted her.