He sits in the dark hallway because he can't sleep

A refined insomniac sipping at His 3 am nightcap

Scanning the halls with crimson tinted night vision

He sees them stumble in drunken and snickering

Both trying to hold the other up and get down the hall

They stop and she pulls herself up on the window ledge

He's surprised The Animal has not noticed Him at all

The alcohol has proved a thief of The Animal's senses

But she peers through the darkness and sees all

He feels like a voyeur but she says nothing and smiles

Pulls The Animal in and lets The Animal desecrate her

Degrading herself while watching Him watching her

He wants to burn her with His eyes, no , His mouth

She mouths His name while The Animal thrusts

He wants to burn her with His hate, no , His passion

The Animal moans for The Redhead and shudders

She licks her lips and blows Him a lusty kiss

He doesn't move until The Animal drifts away

As she leans against the wall and smirks at Him

He says nothing and returns to His room

He slips under the covers and stares at the ceiling

The Redhead sleepily asking when He got in

But he doesn't hear her or acknowledge her

Lost in thoughts of The Gloved Girl

Degrading herself while watching Him watching her

Mouthing His name while The Animal thrusts