Thanks to: ProcrastinationIsMyCrime, TN Sarah, MugetsuPipefox, and Revenge of the Red Pen for reviewing the last chapter and thank you everyone for your support for this story (despite the ridiculous year-wait time). Y'all are awesome!

So, without further adieu, here is the last chapter of 'WtDN?'.

Oh, and I forgot last time...
Disclaimer: IDOM (if I did...well, I'll just leave it at that)

Chapter 6 - Resolutions and More Problems

" head" Merlin began as he woke up, his eyes squinting under the light of the bright sun. Dragon dung! I over slept...Arthur's gonna kill me for sure! Quickly scrambling, the young warlock pushed himself up from the hard ground and rubbed his head with his hand and...

Wait, my hand?

Glancing back at his hand, Merlin surprisingly found it to be an actual, very human hand. Not a claw, but...My hand, it's back to normal which means...the warlock quickly patted himself down, a scene that would've seemed rather silly to anyone watching as he grabbed and pressed his face around to make sure it was actually human skin he felt and not that of a dragon. After final inspection (and a slightly sore face), Merlin finally realized with a wide, doofy grin that he was back to normal.

Looking around he found Aithusa sleeping, curled up in a ball, by Merlin's side while Kilgharrah slept, limbs spread out everywhere, on the forest floor.

"Kilgharrah, Aithusa, we're back to normal!" he all but shouted.

At this, Aithusa jumped up, wide awake at the sound of her Dragonlord's voice. Eying him curiously, she gave a draconic toothy smile shortly after looking her Father up and down. "Father, you're you again!" she proclaimed before suddenly jumping on Merlin, effectively pinning him to the ground and nuzzling him like a dog to their master. Meanwhile, Kilgharrah didn't budge from his sleep, his body and mind already accustomed to his younger kin's boisterous attitude, especially in the mornings. "Another moment young one" Kilgharrah mumbled, turning around on his side so his back faced Merlin and Aithusa.

Grinning at each other like loons, Merlin nodded to Aithusa who, as if reading his mind, stealthily crept up behind the Great Dragon. Once she got close to his head, she inhaled a deep breath...

...and released.

"GRUMPY SCALES WAKE UP!". Bolting up at the morning call, Kilgharrah quickly made to stand when...


"Ow, Aithusa was is the meaning of this?!" he reprimanded while moving his claw to massage his head awkwardly. Turning around, his gaze drifted over Merlin before landing on the cause of his headache. "Aithusa, what did I say about - wait a minute". His eyes shot back to Merlin who looked very much human, not a dragon, before they widened in understanding. Of course, said warlock and the white dragon were still grinning (on the edge of laughing) at the Great Dragon's plight and confusion.

"Nice to see you too Kilgharrah" Merlin called whilst barely stifling a laugh.

Composing himself with the little dignity he had left, Kilgharrah straightened himself out and lifted his head proudly before looking down at his only kin. "It would seem we have returned to our normal state"

"It would seem so" Merlin responded.

"Grumpy Scales, you and Father have returned" Aithusa chirped giddily.

"That we have young one"

"It's strange to say, but after being in your skin for these past few days, it seems weird walking on two legs again" Merlin said sheepishly, taking a glance at Kilgharrah.

"That it does" the Great Dragon responded, "and it seems I have to readjust to the height difference" he continued while wincing at his slightly throbbing head.

An awkward silence (aside from Aithusa running around as usual) fell between them. Trying to look everywhere but at each other (which was rather difficult when the only things to look at were trees, grass, rocks, Aithusa, and the sky), Merlin finally let out a deep sigh.

"Well, I'm sorry we got into this mess Kilgharrah"

"It seems like the fault rest with both of us young warlock. If we both hadn't taken the other for granted then all of this never would have happened"

"Yeah, you're right... Brothers in blood?" Merlin said with an outstretched hand, as though he were waiting for Kilgharrah to shake it. Kilgharrah, on his part, saw the gesture he had somewhat become familiar with while living in Camelot (although he wrote it off as one of the many 'ridiculous human customs' people did) and chuckled just as Merlin, realizing what he had done, tried to inconspicuously take it back.

He let out a deep laugh before laying his head on the ground so he was face to face with the warlock. "Brothers in blood" he acquiesced.

It was midday when Kilgharrah flew Merlin back to the clearing where they always met just outside of Camelot's walls. "Well, this is as far as I go" Kilgharrah said while lowering his head for Merlin to jump off of. Once the warlock was off, he turned around to say his final words (for the moment) to his kin before departing for the white city.

"Thanks for everything Kilgharrah"

"And I should say the same to you Merlin"

"I have to say, it wasn't fun being you...although it was relaxing while it lasted"

"The feelings are mutual. While the chores and the stocks weren't entertaining to say the least, you have wonderful companions Merlin. Loyal too, including the King... although he can be a..."


"I was going to say the backside of those infernal Camelotian horses"

Merlin let out a hearty chuckle. "Oh, the term is 'ass'...and yes, he can be one as well". The warlock and dragon let out a unified sigh.

"Well, until next time Merlin" Kilgharrah said before turning around and jumping in the air to take flight.

"You too" and with that, Emrys entered the city. Finally home.

Merlin was perfectly content the rest of the day. After returning, he quickly stopped by to see Gaius to deliver the good news. Once he realized Merlin was back to normal, the physician gave a hearty sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness you're back Merlin. I couldn't deal with another night of that dragon's...well, everything about him. Sounding like a know-it-all and his dismissive attitude" Gaius complained. "After years of knowing him, you'd think it wouldn't kill the Great Dragon to even remember my name!"

"Yeah, he's like that isn't he?" Merlin said with a minor chuckle so as not to insult his foster-father.

"Well, I wondered where he went off to. I figured out the meaning to the curse that was set upon you both, but since you're cured and all, I guess it was all for naught"

"Thank you Gaius. At least we know it now although I doubt this will happen again".

"Maybe not to you both but for someone else, it could" Gaius responded.

This caught Merlin's attention. "What do you mean 'someone else? There are no other Dragonlord's left in the world"

"That may be true, though one can never know for sure"

"Then how Gaius? The curse only affects dragons and their Dragonlords..." Merlin stated and gave the physician a curious look. When Gaius gave his famous eyebrow raise, the warlock asked, "...right?"

"While it's not known for certain, the book never actually mentioned the curse only affecting Dragonlords and their kin. It said it was originally created to ensure the sacred bond between them be kept, but it didn't say anyt else could be affected. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if it affected those with really close connections to each other. If anything, dragons and Dragonlords were mentioned and used as an example since their connection is one of the strongest known to man...well, after yours and Arthur's of course"

Once again, Merlin found himself chuckling an exasperated laugh. For some reason, after spending a couple days in the body of a dragon, the fact that two people could accidentally switch bodies seemed trivial to him now. Shaking his head, Merlin sat up from the bench and headed to the door.

"Well, I have to makes sure his highness isn't too mad at me. Kilgharrah left before getting Arthur ready for doubt I'll have to spend the day in the stocks now" Merlin said to Gaius as he opened the door. However, before leaving, he left the physician with this last thought.

"Who knows, maybe one day the cure for that curse will come in handy"

*****Around Midnight in Camelot******

Merlin was just about to fall asleep from a rather busy day. It was nothing new really. After dealing with an angry 'where the hell have you been Merlin!' Arthur with its side effects of chores, chores, and more chores (how he got out of going straight to the stocks, he will never know although he figured it was due to the fact that Arthur needed his chores completed and being in the stocks would prevent him from doing so), it still made for an exhausting day. By the time he finished getting Arthur ready for bed, Gwaine had come by to pester the King about a rather trivial matter (from the sound of it, it was about implementing tavern discounts for the knights or something to that affect).

The young warlock had left to the shouts of both the King and the usually drunken knight arguing and smiled when a loud 'Shut up, I'm trying to sleep!' was heard by none other than the Queen of Camelot herself. Her voice could silence even the bravest of men, armies even, when she wanted to. The last thing he heard was "you have it easy Gwaine" from Arthur and "I could be a better King than you Princess" from Gwaine when he rounded the corner down the stairs to his living quarters.

Back to the present time, a large pounding on the door resounded through the physician's room. Merlin quickly leapt out of bed at the obnoxious sound. Annoyed at being woken up so late at night, he slid out of bed and went to the door.


Hoping not to wake up Gaius, who miraculously remained asleep the entire time, Merlin hissed, "Coming" as softly (but loudly) as he could.


"I'm coming!" he hissed once more with a little more force and projection.

Thud-thud-thud! ...Thud-thud-thud-thud-thud-thud-thud!

"For the love of Camelot what!" he seethed as he opened the door only to be met with Gwaine...and Arthur? Perplexed, at first, at the appearance of the knight and King at this unreasonable time (normally, the only one to come at this hour would be Gwaine begging for a hangover drought), the sight of both didn't shake his resolve, and anger at being woken up this late at night took over. If this had been an emergency, they would have clearly made it known but instead, both men were staring at the servant sheepishly as if they'd done something wrong. "What could be so important that you couldn't wait 'til after sunrise?"

No answer.

"Oh, so now you two are tongue-tied. Is that it?"

Still no answer. All the two did was glance uneasily at each other and the silence ticked Merlin off more than you can even imagine.

"Fine then" Merlin huffed, "I'll just leave..." he said and was about to close the door.

"Wait" Gwaine said while holding out his hand. But it wasn't Gwaine's voice that was heard. Eyes widening, Merlin eyed would-be Gwaine suspiciously, "Arthur?"


His head moved back and forth from Gwaine to Arthur and then back to Gwaine (or what should have been Gwaine and Arthur's bodies) for a good minute or so as he tried to figure out what the hell had happened. He pointed to the drunken knight's body. "And Gwaine?..."

"...right here" waved Arthur's hand.

"But he's...and you are...but...what?" Merlin stuttered to make sense of what happened but threw his hands up in surrender before pinching the bridge of his nose. He gave both men a resigned look. "Now tell me the truth. Do I really want to know?"

"It's all Gwaine's fault" Arthur immediately stated once Merlin gave the unspoken okay to explain. Apparently, he wanted to get the first word in. In doing so, Gwaine's body pointed at Arthur. It then crossed his arms and flicked his hair to the side.

"My fault? How is this myfault!" the usually drunken knight shouted back as the King's body angrily put his hands on the sides of his waist. "This is as much your fault as it is mine, I'm sure of it!". From there, the two kept bickering for quite some time, enough for Merlin to give the men a look that clearly said 'you two on your own' (though, with the amount of bickering and yelling, went unnoticed), shook his head, shut the door and headed back to his room for a few more hours of sleep.

Merlin would deal with this in the morning.

"What was that about?" Gaius asked, fully awake with the incessant yelling and shouting...thud!, crash!, crack!...and now crashing of the two men outside.

"Oh nothing" Merlin said smiling to himself. "I'll explain in the morning". The warlock gave a hearty laugh before opening his bedroom door. While he sure didn't enjoy the body swap himself, it was fun to see it happen to his two best friends. He would wait until the morning to fully enjoy this moment - to savor the irony - but right now, sleep was more important.

"Oh and Gaius?" he asked with his door still opened.

"Yes Merlin?"

"What was the cure for the curse again?"

So there it is. After an entire year I've finally finished a story that was only 6 chapters long. Note that this will not happen again. I have a couple stories in mind but I will write them first before I post so the wait time will not be this horrendously long.

That being said, you probably won't see another story of mine until the summer/fall of this year at best. Between college, work, and making costumes (*cough* third Hobbit movie * cough*), it's safe to say I won't be having a life this semester (...sigh).

If anyone wants to try guessing the cure for the 'curse' feel free to try. Remember, the hinted words to the passage Gaius found were: 'pride', 'hearts' and 'release'. It's not hard to be honest but I would love to see/read what you guys think (*virtual cookies shall be rewarded to those who guess correctly* - unless you're alergic).

Thanks again for the support of this story. I means a lot to me.

Until much later,
