Hey guys! Guess what? I finally updated this dinosaur with fancy new text and a less-awkward plotline and style. Incidentally, this also doubled it in length, but I hope this doesn't deter you from reading it! It's way more lemony than before. Please let me know what you think :) I'm hoping to revamp all of my old fics to make them less awkward, but since this fic gets a lot of traffic, I figured it needed the most help.

Without further ado, here's the new and improved Rosa And Hugh at Floccesy Ranch!


Rosa wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead that threatened to drip into her eyes and gave an exasperated sigh. She wasn't even two full days into her Pokémon journey and she was already feeling gross. Sure, she was athletic and loved the outdoors, but it was scorching hot outside. It made her feel restless and uncomfortable, but she knew she couldn't just laze around Floccesy town's Pokémon center all day. She decided to move on ahead.

After adjusting her visor to keep the sun out of her eyes, the brunette was struck with an idea. She reached inside her bag and pulled out her only occupied pokéball. Snivy was a grass-type! It would probably love to spend some time in the sun.

"Come on out, buddy," she said with a smile, pushing the button in the center of the pokéball. In a flash of white light, the small grass snake Pokémon appeared. It stood in front of its new trainer and looked up at her with its big brown eyes, awaiting command.

After it realized this was not a battle, it looked puzzled. "Sni?"

Rosa crouched down to see her cute little starter at eye level. "Relax, we're not battling right now. I just thought you'd enjoy the sunshine. It's really hot today."

The green and yellow Pokémon folded its tiny arms, looking up at the sky for a moment before closing its eyes and sighing contentedly.

Rosa giggled lightly. "I thought so," she said good-naturedly. "Do you want to keep walking? Maybe there's a place up ahead where we can lay down in the sun or something."

"Sni Snivy," the starter Pokémon chirped in agreement.

The two walked on together for a little until they saw a large open field with tall grass and a barn.

"This looks like a nice spot," Rosa commented with a smile. "I'm sure whoever owns the land wouldn't mind us taking a little rest."


Rosa turned to look at Snivy and realized that it had wandered over to a sign. "Good thinking," she said, walking over to meet it.

"Welcome to Floccesy Ranch…" she read aloud. She smiled lightly. "Well, it doesn't say we're not allowed," she told Snivy with a grin. "Let's go!"

The grass snake Pokémon nodded and followed its trainer over to the gate entrance to Floccesy Ranch.

As the brunette got a better view of the inside of the ranch, she noticed a familiar figure slumped against a wooden fence.

"Is that…?" she mumbled, squinting to try to see more clearly. As much as she hated to admit it, she needed glasses.

Her smile grew when she noticed the red athletic jacket and spiky head of blue hair.

It was Hugh!

She broke into a full toothy grin as she ran towards her childhood friend, all but leaving the grass snake Pokémon behind. "Hugh!" she cried a little more enthusiastically than she had intended. Hugh looked up and smiled at Rosa.

The slender brunette jogged over to her slightly older friend with enthusiasm, forgetting for a brief moment that it was blazing hot outside. As she came close to him, the sticky, humid air caught up to her and she stopped running to catch her breath.

She leaned over with her hands on her knees, feeling the sweat practically pouring from her head.

"You good?" Hugh asked her with a chuckle.

Rosa held up one finger as she tried to steady herself.

"You know better than to exert yourself on a day like this, Rosie," the bluenette tsked.

Rosa wrinkled her nose at the childhood nickname and took a playful swing at the taller teen. "Don't call me that!"

Snivy squeaked as it caught up to its trainer, who had left it behind when she ran over to her friend. It looked cross, its little arms folded over its chest.

Rosa looked at it shamefully. "Oh man, that was really inconsiderate of me," she sighed with her shoulders slumped. "I'm so sorry Snivy."

Hugh's brow furrowed. "Wait, did you seriously leave your Pokémon over there without you?"

Rosa looked at the ground. "I didn't mean to..."

"That's so naive, Rosie," the tall boy taunted.

Rosa felt a blush fill her cheeks. "Snivy knows I'm sorry, right?"

She looked at the little green Pokémon for confirmation. "I'm really sorry about that. From now on I will make sure to always keep you with me."

Snivy smiled and nodded.

"See?" Rosa said to Hugh, sticking out her tongue."

Hugh rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, Rosi-"

Suddenly there was a cry for help nearby.

"Did you hear that?" Rosa asked.

"We'd better go check it out," Hugh said. "Come on."

The two trainers from Aspertia ran toward the source of the voice. As they came closer, they saw a middle-aged couple dressed in farm clothes.

"Did you yell for help?" Hugh asked.

"Is everything okay?" Rosa asked worriedly.

The woman shook her head sadly. "Our Herdier ran off and we haven't seen him since."

Hugh suddenly exploded. "What!? Why would you let it run off like that? Something bad could happen!" he fumed, taking off in the direction of the trees.

"What's his problem?" the man asked.

Rosa blinked, confused. "I don't know what that sudden outburst was, but we're going to find your Herdier for you guys! I promise." she said.

The woman lightly held onto her husband's arm and smiled. "That would be wonderful, sweetie," she said, her light smile barely masking her worry. "That Herdier is so loyal. I don't know what we would do without him."

"Well, you won't have to worry about that," Rosa promised. With that, she took off in the direction Hugh took in search of the missing Pokémon.

Rosa entered into the more wooded area of the ranch when she heard the sound of a dog yelping. She rushed to the source of the noise and saw a person dressed in all black clothing.

They were struggling with a Herdier!

Rosa's heart skipped a beat at the realization of what she was about to do. "Let it go!" She yelled bravely. "I know this is not your Herdier."

The person in black turned around and scoffed at the sight of the young trainer before turning back to Herdier. "I told you not to attract attention, you stupid Pokémon!" the mysterious person growled at the dog menacingly.

Herdier cowered and began trembling.

Rosa furrowed her brow. "Let it go!" She repeated.

The person in black sighed, clearly frustrated with this teenager's diligence. "And why should I be afraid of you?" They asked.

"Because I have this," Rosa began, pulling out Snivy's pokéball.

The mystery person put their hands up in mock surrender. "Oh no, I'm sooooo scared!" they said dryly.

Rosa folded her arms across her chest and frowned. Why wasn't this person taking her seriously?

"Get away from her, you plasma scum!" Rosa heard a familiar voice call from behind her. Rosa turned her head and saw Hugh standing there. He looked absolutely infuriated - his face was almost as red as the sports jacket he wore.

"Plasma?" Rosa asked. "As in Team Plasma?"

Hugh clenched his fists and walked up to his friend's side. "The very same."

Rosa gasped. "I thought you guys disbanded years ago," she said angrily.

The plasma grunt chuckled. "What a silly little girl. Now that you know I'm part of Team Plasma, do you regret challenging me to a battle?"

Rosa stood her ground. "Not one bit," she said confidently. Hugh frowned. "Be careful," he urged.

Rosa smirked and sent out Snivy. "We've got this."

"How is this even possible?" The Plasma grunt asked fearfully, having just lost the battle. "Why are you so strong? You're just a kid."

Rosa blew a strand of hair that had made its way into her face and flipped one of her long ponytails back over her shoulder. Even though the battle had been short, it was intense and hard-fought.

"That was nothing," Rosa feigned. "I wiped the floor with you, so leave!" Snivy crossed its arms and squeaked, mimicking its trainer.

The Plasma grunt fled the scene, humiliated.

Hugh ran up to the Herdier, who had been on the ground behind the Plasma grunt. "Are you ok?" he asked it, petting its fur and checking for any injuries. Herdier barked and licked his face. Hugh chuckled and squirmed under the dog Pokémon's grateful show of affection.

"We'd better take him back to that nice couple," Rosa said, smiling. "They're probably worried sick."

Hugh stood up and nodded in agreement. "Let's go."

The two led the medium-sized dog back to the clearing.

As soon as the two trainers walked into the open field portion of the ranch, the Herdier took off running.

"Wait, don't run off again!" Hugh called after it.

"It's probably going to its trainers," Rosa reasoned with him. "Why are you so worried?"

Hugh didn't answer. He jogged up ahead to follow the dog.

Rosa frowned. What had gotten into her friend all of a sudden? Why was he acting like this?

She decided to jog over to meet him and see for herself.


When Rosa made it back to the main ranch, she saw Hugh standing by the old farm couple and talking to them. Herdier was excitedly running around the couple, barking here and there.

She joined them with a smile

"Thank you so much, dear," the woman said with tears in her eyes.

"What for?" Rosa asked.

"This young man told us that you battled Team Plasma to take back our Herdier. That was very brave," the man said kindly, gesturing at Hugh. Rosa looked at her childhood friend with wide eyes and saw him nod.

"Well I wasn't going to let that Plasma guy get away with taking your Pokémon," Rosa reasoned. "I'm just so happy we were able to return Herdier safely."

The couple turned to one another before looking at the pair of teens. "After all of this excitement, I really just want to rest and enjoy Herdier's company," the woman said to them.

"Feel free to stay on the ranch as long as you want. You two are welcome here!" The man called as he, his wife, and Herdier went into the house.

Rosa and Hugh walked away, smiling.

Hugh slumped down against a fence with an exhausted sigh. "I'm dyin' out here," he admitted. "This heat is making me dizzy…"

Rosa frowned a little. His cheeks were rather red and he was sweating something fierce. "You should take off your jacket, then," the brunette said, sitting down beside him. "It's really gross outside."

Hugh's face turned a brighter shade. "Right," he said. "Silly me."

With that, the blue-haired teen began to unzip his jacket. He slipped his arms out one by one and set the red garment aside. He was just wearing a black muscle tank underneath.

Rosa blushed a little at the sight of Hugh's body. She didn't remember his arms being quite so muscular or his chest quite so toned. The black muscle shirt was tight against his body and Rosa could see every contour of his torso underneath.

Hugh looked at the brunette and found her blushing, her eyes transfixed on his body.

"Hey Rosie, don't get so hot and bothered," he teased. "Your face is starting to resemble your name."

Rosa quickly changed her line of sight. "Don't call me that," she said with a smile and a roll of her eyes.

Hugh leaned forward, his eyes narrowed slightly. He had a mischievous grin on his face. "Call you what?"

Rosa's eyes widened and she puffed out her cheeks in protest "You know what! I'm not saying it"

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," Hugh shrugged, feigning ignorance. "You'll have to explain.

Rosa gave a small growl and playfully shoved him by the shoulder. "The name, Hugh."

"Ohhhh," Hugh said slowly, faking realization. "You mean Rosie?"

He said it slowly and deliberately, maintaining eye contact with the brunette as he did. His shit-eating grin was a dead giveaway that he enjoyed teasing her.

"Stop that," Rosa giggled, leaning in to shove him again.

The bluenette leaned backwards, avoiding the younger teen's hands as she attempted to shove him.

Rosa gave a small yelp as she leaned too far, falling over onto Hugh. He fell back from the sudden added weight and caught himself from behind with his elbows and forearms. Rosa did the same, her arms going on either side of Hugh. They paused for a second, their eyes wide.

Rosa blushed at the realization that she was straddling Hugh, only inches from his face and definitely less than a few inches from everything else.

"Hey there..." Rosa whispered timidly, her deep blue eyes round with surprise. She was frozen and unsure of what to do next. They were in a rather compromising position and she was suddenly feeling things she never felt before, like the urge to kiss her best friend.

"Hey there," Hugh repeated breathlessly.

"Have you always been this good-looking?" Rosa asked softly, studying her friend's face. He had sharp, defined features, but they were not mean in any way. His sharp red eyes were narrowed and focused on her. His thin lips were parted slightly, his dark blue hair sticking to his sweat-dampened forehead. From this close, Rosa could see a bit of stubble on his face, serving as a reminder that they were no longer children. He was 17; she was 16.

"Have you always had such beautiful sapphire eyes?" Hugh whispered in amazement.

The two felt their faces pulled together slowly as if by some weak magnetic force, but they certainly weren't resisting.

Their half-lidded eyes were focused on one another until the weight on their eyelids became too much to bear. Hugh shut his eyes and closed the gap between their faces

Rosa felt her head swimming with the rush of hormones that surged through her body. This was exhilarating.

The two friends continued to kiss as Rosa shifted to a more comfortable position. Hugh leaned to lie on his back, encouraging Rosa to come closer while they kissed. The female trainer pressed her body against Hugh's taut stomach and put her hands on his shoulders, her bottom sticking in the air slightly.

Hugh placed one hand along the back of Rosa's neck, deepening the kiss, while the other hand rested on the small of her back.

Gasping for air, the brunette pulled away.

Hugh sighed contentedly and looked at the girl on top of him in adoration. "I don't think you realize how long I've wanted to do that." He said with a smile.

Rosa could only watch him in bewilderment. She had only just felt the urge to kiss him a moment ago, so she couldn't say the same.

"You like me?" She asked instead.

Hugh put his hands on her petite waist and blinked slowly. "Of course I do, Rosa. You're so beautiful and we've been best friends for as long as I can remember. You really didn't notice?"

Rosa felt herself blush in embarrassment, opting to hide her face in the crook of his neck instead of responding. She smiled against his warm skin and pressed herself close.

Hugh took this chance to kiss Rosa's neck tenderly, rubbing her back as she lay on top of him.

"Let's continue this somewhere a little more private," Rosa said, suddenly sitting up and looking over at the farmhouse in alarm.

"Good call," Hugh replied, kissing Rosa's cheek and propping himself up with his arms. He thrust his hips up gently, grinding into the brunette. "But I'll need you to get up before I can."

The brunette made a small noise at the gesture, feeling just how aroused Hugh was already.

She got up and held out a hand. Hugh took it and she helped him up to a standing position. Hugh held onto her hand tightly and didn't let go, lacing his fingers between hers.

Rosa looked at the handsome bluenette in amazement. The black muscle shirt he wore over his lean torso was bunched up slightly, revealing a sliver of toned stomach. His muscular chest was rising and falling as he took in heavy breaths. His eyes were focused on her lips and he had a loving look of desire on his face.

Rosa gave him a peck on the lips before taking the lead, walking towards the more secluded forest where they encountered the Plasma grunt and motioning for him to follow.

Hugh leaned down to grab his discarded jacket before jogging up to the slender brunette and picking her up in his arms bridal-style.

"Hey!" Rosa squeaked in surprise as her friend lifted her with ease and continued to walk towards the trees.

"You're so strong," she said breathlessly, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck.

"You're also not heavy," Hugh countered with a gentle smile.

He picked up the pace a little, hurrying towards the trees.


They arrived in the forest clearing where the battle took place, deciding that this was secluded enough.

Hugh gently placed Rosa in the grass and took off his muscle shirt before getting down on the ground with her. He knelt between her legs and set his shed clothing aside, looking at the beautiful girl before him.

Rosa took the opportunity to study him closely. He was flawless.

Her eyes wandered lower and she felt a heavy tug of arousal in her lower abdomen as she feasted upon the sight. His spandex athletic shorts/pants combo was tight and it was easy to see his erection straining against the thin stretchy material.

"Do you want to take this further?" Hugh asked.

Rosa nodded without hesitation. "I do."

Hugh smiled and leaned in close. "Good. I wanted to hear you say it."

With the green light to go ahead, he kissed her neck and began to run his hands along the curves of her waist. Her hands found themselves cradling the back of his head and neck as he worked his way up her jawbone and towards her lips.

"Wait..." Rosa interjected.

Hugh pulled back and looked at her in alarm. "Is everything okay?"

The brunette shook her head with a smile. "Calm down, silly. I was going to take my shirt off, that's all. I want to do this."

"By all means, go ahead," Hugh encouraged.

Rosa grabbed the bottom of her baby blue and white shirt and pulled it off over her head. The shirt got stuck on her visor.

Hugh chuckled as his childhood friend struggled with the shirt. "Hold on," he said, gently working the visor off of her head.

With that out of the way, she pulled off the shirt and tossed it aside, her twin buns disheveled from the struggle.

Hugh looked at the beautiful girl lying in the grass and sighed in amazement. She was clad in nothing but her bottoms and the pink halter bra that was normally partially visible under her shirt, and she looked stunning.

"May I?" Hugh asked her.

"Go ahead," she replied. "You can do anything."

The spiky-haired trainer placed his large hands over her perky breasts and thumbed the hardened nipples, causing Rosa to moan his name lightly.

"Mmm, that's what I like to hear," he said in a husky voice, toying with her nipples through the soft pink cloth of her bra.

He leaned in to kiss her while massaging her breasts, and she happily obliged, moaning softly into his mouth.

With a free hand, she decided to reach down to his waistband. It would, after all, be unfair of her to not give him the attention he needed.

Her hand wrapped around his erection, which was straining against the tight fabric.

She broke the kiss apart and snapped his waistband once. "Let's get rid of these," she said, referring to the pants.

Hugh smiled mischievously, one eyebrow raised. "Anxious for something?"

Rosa snapped the waistband again. "Just thought they might be a little tight, that's all. If you want to keep them on, I mean, go for it."

Hugh sat up for a second and slipped out of the spandex pants, revealing a tight pair of gray boxer briefs. There was a huge tent in the crotch region where the fabric was being stretched to its limit, a small wet spot of precum by the outline of his tip.

Rosa blushed and swallowed once, looking in amazement at what her childhood friend had been packing all this time.


"Like what you see?" Hugh asked flirtily.

"What do you think?" Rosa asked in response.

"I'd like to think you do," he said, kneeling on all fours above the brunette.

"You would be correct."

Hugh leaned in and kissed Rosa passionately with an open mouth. He ground his rock-hard erection against her core and she wrapped her legs around him to get closer.

"Hugh..." Rosa moaned, breaking away from the kiss.

"What is it?"

"I want you," Rosa pleaded, resting her hands against the sides of his face.

His eyebrows rose and he looked pleasantly surprised. "Are you sure?"


Hugh nodded in understanding and got up to where his discarded clothes were lying in a heap. He fished out his bag and pulled out a condom before walking back to the half-naked girl.

He knelt by her legs, set the wrapped condom down beside her, and clicked his tongue. "You're still wearing far too much clothing, my dear," he said.

"How are you going to fix it?" Rosa flirted.

She lifted her hips off of the ground and Hugh slid her yellow shorts around her ankles, leaving her in just her black spandex tights and her pink halter bra.

As Rosa untied the bra from her neck, Hugh made quick work of the tights, leaving the slender brunette in nothing but a pair of pink panties that matched her halter bra.

Hugh paused for a second, his eyes soaking up the sight.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered breathlessly. "Damn."

Rosa squirmed a little and blushed as she watched his eyes drink up every little detail of her body. This was her friend - her childhood friend - and yet this felt so right.

He placed a finger under the waistband of her panties and looked into her eyes for permission.

She nodded and felt them slide out from under her.

"Fuck," Hugh cursed. "You're soaking wet. That's so hot."

Without any more hesitation, the spiky-haired trainer pulled off his boxer briefs, revealing himself to Rosa.

Rosa gasped and felt another aroused jolt tug at her lower abdomen at the sight of Hugh completely naked.

The brunette watched in anticipation as Hugh removed the condom from its wrapper and unrolled it onto himself.

He positioned himself between her legs and looked into her eyes for permission. "Ready?"

"Slowly, please," Rosa whispered.

Hugh nodded and very carefully eased his way inside of the slender girl, hissing in pleasure at the heat and tightness. "Fuck."

Rosa whimpered and dug her fingernails into the bluenette's shoulders as she felt him fill her to the hilt with his erection. "Mmm Hugh..." She moaned.

"Are you okay?" He asked her. "Are you hurt?"

"No, no, it feels good," she assured him. "Fuck, it feels so good."

With that, the bluenette kissed her nose and began to slowly thrust in and out. "I'm glad to hear it. Tell me what you want and what feels good, okay?"

"Ah-" Rosa moaned, feeling his hard length moving in and out of her.

Hugh's thrusts became faster as he passionately kissed her, prompting the female trainer to moan and mewl at his every move. Rosa was seeing stars and she could not possibly keep her eyes open. Her head was swimming with ecstasy and she wondered for a moment how Hugh was so good at this, but decided to let that slide. She focused on the feeling of his thick, hard cock entering her body and touching places she didn't know could be reached.

"Fuck, Rosa, I'm getting close," he grunted, pulling away from the kiss and making a face of intense pleasure. "Oh man..."

Rosa tightened her eyelids and felt herself getting closer to the edge as well. "Me too," she said hurriedly.

Hugh placed his hands on her hips and thrust a few more times, the rhythm becoming erratic as he neared his release.

"Rosa, I'm... I'm ahhh-"

Hugh's face shifted to a look of pained bliss as he thrust slowly, riding out his orgasm.

The look on his face sent Rosa over the edge as well and she held onto him tightly as the waves of pleasure coursed through her body and head and oh gosh she needed to kiss him right now.

They locked lips and enjoyed the end of their climaxes before Rosa went limp beneath Hugh. Her chest heaved as she breathed ragged breaths. Hugh pulled out and quickly removed the spent condom before lying down beside Rosa.

"How are you feeling?" he asked her in between breaths.

"That... was... Incredible," she panted. "Did you like that?"

Hugh chuckled and brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Of course I did."

They laid there for a moment and enjoyed the post-orgasm high before scrambling to put on clothing again, the fact that they were out in the open becoming increasingly apparent.

Just as Hugh pulled on his pants and Rosa put on her yellow shorts (no tights), they heard a twig crack underfoot.

Turning to the source of the noise, they saw the farmer from before.

"Hey there, kids," he said cheerfully. "I hadn't seen you two out in the field, so I wasn't sure you were still on the ranch or not. I wasn't expecting to see you here."

Rosa felt a warm blush spread across her cheeks as she looked to the shirtless male standing beside her for answers. Did the farmer know something?

"We're still here," Hugh said, putting a hand behind his shoulder and chuckling. It's very hot so we decided to take a rest in the forest where it's cooler."

"Fine by me," the farmer shrugged with a smile. "You kids have fun."

Rosa and Hugh shared a glance once the farmer left again.

"Oh yeah, I think we have had fun," Hugh said finally.

"Do you want to have more fun?" Rosa asked suggestively.

Hugh raised his eyebrows and smirked.

"How can I say no to that?"



What did you think? Let me know in a review!

Thank you so much for sticking around. I hope you enjoyed.

Much love - Gallade