A/N: Welcome to my story! I've recently gone back and read through everything I've posted so far, and it motivated me to continue writing. When I started posting parts one and two were already finished, but part three was still in progress. I do intend to finish this story eventually, but I admit that it might take a while. I write when the mood strikes because I don't like to force the story forward. I know that sucks for readers. Sorry :(

Anyway, please enjoy the story of Danielle and Draco!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter (Danielle is mine though, as are the other original characters that you meet!)

Chapter One

"Do you think we made the right choice?" Danielle asks her friend as the two of them look up at the train so famously called the Hogwarts Express.

"I hope you're joking," The smallish, dark haired girl looks over to her friend, "Hogwarts is supposed to be the best school of magic in the world. We were lucky to even be accepted! Albus Dumbledore is the headmaster! He's the most powerful wizard alive!"

Danielle still looks at the massive train with some hesitation. "Well, I hope it was worth traveling half way around the world for. There's been some weird stuff that's happened over here."

"It's a school of magic," Tracy laughs at her friend as they drag their luggage on to the train. "Of course weird stuff has happened." The two girls look for a place to sit and luckily find an empty compartment so that they both had window seats.

"What house do you reckon you'll be sorted into?" Danielle asks after she pulls out her gameboy. It was a muggle device but she didn't mind. Pokémon was addicting.

"I don't really care, honestly," Tracy admits as she gets comfy too. "I don't see the point in separating students anyway. We didn't do that at our old school and it seemed to work fine. But I guess Hogwarts does it to honor the original four founders of the school."

"Yeah, and as soon as we're sorted you know we'll inherit all the stereotypes that go with it," Danielle shakes her head at the device in her hands. "I swear I'm never going to beat Ash. It's really starting to get annoying. It's the stupid Lapras that gets me every time!"

Tracy lets out a laugh, "Well, as long as we're in the same house I'll be happy." The two are interrupted by someone clearing their throat in the doorway. They look over to see a tall boy standing there with a frown on his face. Danielle immediately gets a weird vibe from the guy with his expensive looking robes and dress clothes. They were just going to school for crying out loud. This guy was dressed for a business meeting or something… maybe a funeral.

"Excuse me ladies, I didn't mean to interrupt you," He says as his bright blue eyes scan their compartment and give each of the girls a once over.

"Did you need a place to sit? We have room in here," Tracy offers, "But you aren't getting my window seat."

"No thank you," The pale boy says. "I was just curious as to who you two are. I've never seen you before yet you look much too old to be first year students."

"We just moved over here from the U.S" Tracy explains with a shrug, "We're transferring in as sixth year students."

"The United States, really?" The boy pressed on with a look of interest, "that is fascinating. I'm a sixth year as well. What are your names? Perhaps I've heard of your families."

Danielle and Tracy exchange a nervous glance but Tracy answers the question, "I'm Tracy Ross." A smirk grows on the boy's face.

"I've heard of your family. Purebloods, am I right? Your brother does research for the American magical transportation bureau," he then leans over and offers his hand to Tracy. "I'm Draco Malfoy by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The boy then looks over at Danielle expectantly. He narrows his eyes at her when he sees that she is frowning at him. "Why did you ask if she was a pureblood?" Danielle asks accusingly, "You're not one of those people obsessed with blood statuses are you?"

"Danielle," Tracy looks to her friend in shock.

"What?" Danielle responds with a sigh, "I told you the people here were sketchy." Tracy looked mortified by her friend's behavior. Danielle was being pretty brazen right now.

"Her name is Danielle Emmings," Tracy tells the boy.

"Emmings? Yes, I've heard of you as well," Draco drawls looking a little put off. Danielle huffs when he doesn't offer to shake her hand. She was a pureblood like Tracy, but there had been some bad publicity about her family in the wizarding world lately. Her parents had recently divorced and it had been pretty messy. Because her family had been well known in the states there had been a lot of rumors printed and the story had been twisted. One of the reasons Danielle had come to Hogwarts was to get away from all of that.

"Don't judge me by anything you've heard ok?" Danielle tells Draco seriously, "You don't even know me." Draco curled his lip and looked Danielle over again, this time with a disgusted look on his face.

"Right," Draco says ignoring Danielle's comment, "Well, it was nice meeting you two ladies. Enjoy the rest of the ride and I'll be looking forward to seeing what houses you end up in." The boy gives Tracy a nod before turning and walking away.

"Ugh, did you see how he looked at me?" Danielle asks her friend. "I didn't think people over here would know our business."

"Well, you didn't have to get all up in arms with him as soon as he walked in," Tracy advises.

"The first thing he asked was if you were a pureblood," Danielle argues. "Why would he ask that at all if it didn't matter?"

"True, but not everyone will be like that here. Hogwarts has one of the highest populations of half-bloods and muggleborns in our word," Tracy explains. "Plus, that guy didn't have much room to talk. I've heard of the Malfoys. They are one of the oldest richest pureblood families around. They're rumored to be death eaters."

"You're kidding!" Danielle gasps in shock and horror, "Well… I guess that explains his attitude." Danielle sneers at the thought of anybody wanting to help some mad man commit genocide.

"Wow!" Danielle looks up as she is led into the great hall by a strict old woman named McGonagall. The room was gigantic with four long tables containing all the students. There was another table in the front where all the teachers sat. The ceiling mimicked the night sky that they had just seen while they were outside. It was dark and cloudy with a few stars shining through. There were also hundreds of candles floating around above them.

"Jeez! I didn't think it would be this huge!" Tracy says, admiring the scene as well.

"That's what she said," Danielle jokes and Tracy just shakes her head with a laugh.

After a few moments, an extremely old wizard with long flowing white hair and an equally long and white beard stood up in front of the room. The girls already knew this was the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Everyone knew who he was. He was the one who had responded to the two girl's letters inquiring whether or not they would be able to transfer to Hogwarts that year.

"Let the sorting begin!" He announces with a small smile. Danielle couldn't help but smile too. She was feeling a lot better now that they'd arrived. This castle was beautiful and she was excited to spend a whole school year here. And being in the presence of Dumbledore was inspiring her. She'd thought he'd be intimidating but in reality, the old man seemed very warm and welcoming. McGonagall waved her wand and a wooden stool with a very old hat on top of it appeared in the front of the room. She called Danielle's name first since she wasn't really a first year and her name came before Tracy's alphabetically. Danielle walked over hesitantly and sat on the stool. She felt awkward having a couple hundred people staring quietly at her. McGonagall placed the hat on her head and it was so large that it slipped right over her and covered half her face. Danielle tried not to think about how gross the old smelly thing was.

"Ah! Refreshing!" The hat began to speak into her ear, "The mind of a 16 year old is a truly interesting thing." Danielle had known about the sorting hat before but it was slightly freakier than she'd pictured. She could feel the hat searching through her mind and she didn't like it. She hoped this would be over soon. "An American pureblood," The hat continues, "I sense great wit and intelligence from you as well. Yes, definitely RAVENCLAW!"

McGonagall removed that hat and pointed over to a table full of cheering students. Danielle headed over to the table and a few people moved over to make room for her. They were patting her on the back and congratulating her. Danielle just looked around to make sure the annoying guy from the train wasn't sitting at her table. She'd hate to have to live with someone like that. Tracy was called next and she walked up and sat on the stool. The hat slipped down so that all she could see was the black fabric from inside.

"Another American eh?" The hat states sounding intrigued.

"Just put me with Danielle, please" Tracy requests. She wasn't sure if she was allowed to converse with the object but she didn't want to be separated from her friend.

"You are a pristine pureblood," The hat hums, "you have an impeccable pedigree and would be a highly valued addition to Slytherin house." Danielle slammed her fist onto the table and stood up angrily.

"You're going to sort her based on her heritage alone?!" Danielle asks feeling outraged. Everyone in the great hall turns to look at Danielle with shock. Nobody had ever questioned the sorting hat before. The other people at the Ravenclaw table glared at their new addition. She was going to lose them house points and the year hadn't even begun yet. The teachers were exchanging looks up at the front of the room, wondering if they should step in or not. Dumbledore, on the other hand, still had that satisfied smile on his face and seemed to find the new girl's outburst amusing.

"Yes, Ms. Emmings, you are quite right," The hat suddenly breaks the silence. "Your friend is overwhelmingly creative and possesses great individuality. I can see that she belongs with you in Ravenclaw!" McGongall looks relieved to be done and lifts the hat off of Tracy's head so that she can go over and join Danielle with the other members of their new house. They ate their dinner before heading back to their new rooms to go to bed.