Hey peoples~ this is just another random RusAme story from a random plot bunny that hit me in the middle of math class. (Don't ask me how learning about parallelograms is remotely related to Hetalia) The plot bunny is basically Russia's, then America's thoughts on the other's homophobia. I personally think it's everyone's one choice and other people shouldn't mess with it. So no flames please, especially if someone else already said the same thing.

Warnings: umm, not really anything. I hint at them having sex, but its really nothing.

Disclaimers: I think I own the plot bunny, but I obviously don't own the characters.


Russia hated when America got like this; when the ignorant and close-minded thoughts of some of his people filled his eyes with disgust. He was disgusted, horrified by Russia, by their relationship.

It was bad enough when the Russian would arrive at the American's DC townhouse for a surprise visit and America wouldn't let him kiss his soft lips or hold his scarred hand. All he would do is gape in horror at Russia's hesitant and awkward attempts at affection.

It was nearly unbearable when they were about to make love and his bigoted citizens took hostage America's mind. The American would flip out and punch Russia with all his strength; sometimes the Russian would fly across the room and land with tears nearly leaking down his cheek. It wasn't from physical pain, the Russian had endured far worse, but America was one of the few he trusted. Even though he knew it was a select few of his people who were homophobic and not actually Russia's America, his Alfred, it still hurt.

But these times would pass. A good night's sleep or a few hours away from the Russian, the American would be back to his affectionate normal. If anything, America was more affectionate afterwards as his way of apologizing for the thoughts of some citizens.

As long as his America, the bright and sunny man who lit up the Russian's life and made the vast, frozen expanse of his land somehow seem warmer, came back, he could deal with this Other America. This America who didn't hate Russia for any reason regarding their status as nations but because the Russian was America's lover. If this America came out during meeting, he would go berserk and spout off about the horrors of homosexuality.

Russia was the only one who knew how much the human America, Alfred, would cry after the hours of apologizing to the others for his uncontrollable outburst. Alfred hated that aspect of his country, personally he believed people should love whomever they love, and that love shouldn't be controlled. Ivan agreed, now only if Russia could comply.

When the Russian held the America in his arms just before they fell asleep, it was as though they were just Alfred and Ivan, the lovers, not America and Russia, the sometimes homophobes.

Sometimes Russia had to wonder why the world was so cruel. Why it had to make the one beautiful thing in his life tainted with disgust.