Disclaimer - I don't opwn anything yada yada yada. All belong to themselves and Vince etc. (God these are boring aren't they)

A/N - This is kind of a sappy fic because I love seeing him (you'll have to wait and find out who 'he' is) As a sweetheart not some evil heartless or mean b******.

I sit on the cold, hard, motel bed and look at my watch once again as I feel the last of my patience drip away. He promised he would be here ten minutes ago and where is he? Well I sure as hell don't know, however I do know it ain't here with me, where he should be! I guess its my own fault for getting involved with a married man, but I couldn't help it!

It was just so gradual, and I've loved him since I first laid eyes on him years ago. It seemed fair that when I finally got a chance, I took it. I was never that close to his wife, not that I thought she deserved it at first, I didn't know her well enough to judge. Over time though I've realised she doesn't deserve him' he's too good for her. He would never believe that though, if I suggested it I know he would end it, because she is his weakness, his Achilles heel.

Its not like I pounced on him and stole him from his wife. No it wasn't like that, he would never have gone for it, he likes smooth sweet romantic relationships, not that you would think that to look at him. He was always keen on my happiness, as if he was guilty that I had to share him. He is forever telling me that he doesn't deserve two beautiful women, and that I deserved better than the half relationship he gave me. He can't comprehend that I would rather die than lose him.

Now its been fifteen minutes in this cold desolate room. For once I'm glad of the wait, it gives me time to think about me, him, us. The way forward seems dark and scary so I concentrate on the past smiling happily to myself.