Last chapter! I'll warn you now, it's corny but I wanted it that way. It's Helen's dream so it is all meant to be what everyone thinks she wants, even if it's not so realistic.

It's so exciting to be here yet still kinda sad. I really hope you all enjoyed the story as much as I did, this one has been my baby for so long... Anyway, I might take a little break before I write the next Should Have because uni goes back this week and I really ought to concentrate and be good :P

Anyway, let me know what y'all think!


Dropping the carton of milk, Helen ducked down, letting loose an earthy curse as she hit her head on the kitchen bench.

"Bugger," she muttered angrily, holding a hand to her head as she scrambled after the milk in the hopes of stopping it from emptying its entire contents on the floor.

"Bugger, bugger, bugger!" she said again, rubbing the side of her head gently. What was he doing there? Stupid little toad.

Unsure of what to do, she carefully poked her head up just enough so that she could look out the window.

And dammit to hell, he was still standing there. Holding her cat. Letting loose another round of curses, she scampered back to the lounge, grabbing Nikola's suit jacket with which to cover herself.

What was with him? Hadn't she made it perfectly clear that him and his clean cut, cookies and cream wife had no place in her life? And why, after catching an eyeful didn't he turn and leave?

Now edging on furious, Helen clutched the suit jacket around her, storming towards the front door.

Opening it a crack she glared out at him.

"Put Henry on the porch and leave," she barked and the young man swallowed nervously, apparently unable to move.

Growing impatient, Helen yanked open the door, levelling him with one of her iciest glares.

"Give me my cat and get off my property now," she ordered.

"Ss-sorry," the doctor choked out, putting the little white creature down on the bottom step before staring up at her in pure terror.

"Helen, is something the matter?" Nikola called, descending the stairs. "I heard you swearing and while I do appreciate your filthy mouth I much prefer it when I'm the one to illic-."

"Oh god," the young doctor moaned, taking in the sight of the completely, 110% naked man standing on the bottom step.

There was a beautifully long pause in which no one said anything.

"Shut the door, Helen, I think I can feel a draft," Nikola finally drawled, staring the man down as Henry padded his way up the front steps and through the open door. As soon as the poor little dear was inside, Helen slammed the door shut, turning to lean heavily against it as she stared at Nikola.

"You could have put some pants on," she muttered, reaching down to scratch Henry as he wound himself through her legs.

"Oh finish making the tea and then you can chastise me," he said with a sigh, leaning over to give her a peck on the cheek before reaching down to pat Henry. The cat purred, leaning into his touch before moving to rub against his ankle.

"You know, I think the little guy likes me," he said, sounding surprised. "And I suppose he is rather cute."

"Go upstairs," Helen ordered, still bristling slightly. Nikola looked up from the cat now half asleep on his foot to give her a smile.

"Helen," he said softly, reaching out and pulling her closer, "There's no need to be so tense."

"I spilt the milk," she muttered and he laughed.

"Well then forget the tea and come back upstairs. I told you I wasn't done with you yet."

Helen rolled her eyes but, as he tugged gently on her hand she couldn't help but laugh.

"And leave the jacket on," he said over his shoulder. "It looks better on you than it ever did on me."

It wasn't until a good hour later that they managed to get some tea and even then, by the time Helen made it back up to the bedroom (and stripped off the robe she'd had the foresight to throw on) tea was the last thing on her mind. Putting the steaming mugs down on the bedside table, Helen turned back to the bed, enjoying the look of complete satisfaction on Nikola's face.

He was grinning up at her lazily, the sheets pooled around his hips and, despite knowing exactly what wonders lay under said sheet, Helen couldn't resist ripping them off as she crawled over to him.

"Not again," he half moaned, dragging her adventurous hands up to rest on his chest.

"Oh, poor little Nikki," she cooed, breaking one hand free and leaning down to stroke his flaccid cock gently. "Have I worn you out?"

"Only you have the ability to make me feel like an old man and a randy teenager at the same time," he groaned, closing his eyes as she snuggled closer to his side.

"You're younger than me," she reminded him primly.

"Yes, but when a woman reaches-."

"When a woman reaches what?" she asked dangerously, tightening her hand around his quickly hardening cock.

"Well, let's just say that if a woman only gets hornier as she gets older and we take into account the amount of sex we had back at university..."

"Did you just call me old?" she asked softly, tilting her head to the side as she stroked him.

"What? No! Of course not... I just..." he stuttered uncomfortably.

"You just called me old!"

"Did not!"

"Did too," she whispered huskily.

"Did not!" he cried once more but, just as she saw the gleam in his eye, he flipped them over.

"Di- OH!" she whimpered as his now proud erection nudged her wet centre.

"You're beautiful," he murmured quietly, stroking her face gently with one hand. "The most beautiful woman I've ever met and just being able to be here, to love you, to be loved by you... Well, it's enough to drive most men insane."

His words were soft and gentle yet sent pangs of longing straight to her core. She knew he was trying to distract her from his faux par but, well, she couldn't find it in herself to care.

"Nikola," she began warningly.

"Helen," he breathed as he pulled back, sitting between her legs. He smiled at her, pure joy emanating from him as she sat up too. She wanted to be mad at him for teasing her but the way his hands rested so tenderly on her hips made her want to smile more than anything else.

"I mean it," he said, tugging her legs to rest over his, pulling her closer. "Being with you, like this or in any other way is... is... It's everything I want, Helen. I love you, more than anything."

"And I love you," she breathed, sitting up so she could stroke his cheek. He smiled down at her, his joy making her body sing so she reached for him winding her arms around his neck as he dragged her onto his lap, holding her tight. His tongue danced lazily with hers as his hands wandered over her body, leaving trails of fire that soon had her nearly delirious with pleasure.

As his lips sought out her pulse point, she threw her head back, closing her eyes as she blindly tried to manoeuvre her body to sink down onto the deliciously warm cock that was jutting against her belly.

"Look at me," he whispered after a moment and she opened her eyes to stare down into his. Slowly and with a small smile on his lips, he helped to lower her. Biting her lip to keep in the desperate scream she wanted to let loose, she fought his grip until he sped up the pace, allowing her to sink down onto him in one smooth movement. Once he was fully impaled within her, they both paused for a moment, eyes locked as they silently dared the other to move.

"Wow," she breathed, squeezing her inner muscles, making him grit his teeth.

"You can say that again," he agreed, voice thick with desire. Helen opened her mouth to make the obligatory smart arse quip but he was too quick, pushing her down onto the bed. Somehow, even as he manoeuvred himself to be kneeling before her, her legs wrapped around his waist, he managed to stay sheathed within her, only pulling out fully when he'd positioned her under him. She was about to whimper at the loss of fulfilment but then, as he thrust back into her powerfully, she half screamed in surprise.

"Nikola!" she cried, hands flying to clutch at the sheets beneath them. He grinned down at her before pulling out and thrusting back in just as hard as before, ripping another cry from her throat.

"I love you, Helen," he whispered roughly. "I always have and I always will."

"Don't," she began, bucking under him as their sweaty bodies moved faster and faster. "Don't ever... ever leave."

"Not even if you kicked me out," he growled and she wrapped her arms around him, holding him close as her eyes fluttered shut. Her soul was singing, positively overjoyed at being so close to the one man she knew would always be hers. Pleasure was snaking up her spine as he continued to move, grunting terms of endearment in her ear as his fingers dug into her hip.

"Ljubavi," he whispered and she shuddered. She had no idea what the word meant but it only increased her pleasure. Tears sprang to her eyes as she began to shake and quake, only his warm, solid body keeping her ground. He surrounded her completely, her every sense filled with him and it was divine. She could feel herself getting closer to her climax, the pleasure building to almost immeasurable heights but she almost didn't want it to end. Biting her lip, Helen tightened her hold on him as a tear slipped down her cheek. He continued to pound into her, each hard thrust silently telling her to let go, to scream for him.

And so she did, arching her back as her entire body burst into flames.

"Niko, Niko, Niko," she chanted and she scrunched her eyes shut, a blinding light piercing them as she began to climb that final peak.

She bolted upright, cool water rolling off her body as she screamed, the overwhelming emptiness of her entire being forcing the tortured sound from her throat. Scientists fluttered around her, monitors beeped and her body was shaking but she could focus on none of it. She saw Will in a tub to her left, noted the worried looks of both Henry and Kate but as hot tears poured down her face she didn't give a flying fuck. She knew instantly that it wasn't real but it didn't make sense. How could something that felt so... so... so much more than right be... be not reality?

"Nikola," she gasped, her voice shaky as sure hands slowly helped her from the tank. She slipped and slid, her knees giving out but the sense of loss was so acute that nothing else could penetrate her bubble of grief. She needed him, needed his arms around her, needed his touch like oxygen. People were talking around her, settling her into a wheel chair with a thick blanket around her shoulders but when Henry leant down, grasping her hand gently she was only able to say one thing.

"Nikola," she whispered as more tears sprung to her eyes. "Please Henry, I need... I need Nikola."

"Tesla?" he asked, confused as he squatted by her side. "He's not here Doc, this one isn't his fault, I promise."

"No," she whimpered, squeezing his hand as tightly as possible. "I need him, please." She swallowed, trying to stem the tremor of her hands or even bring some kind of order to her thoughts.

"Henry," she whimpered, leaning closer to him. "I... I... Please."

"Shh," he soothed, moving to wrap his arms around her. "It's O.K, we'll find him, I'll get him here, I promise. It's gonna be all right, Doc."

He rubbed soothing circles on her back as he spoke, allowing her to sob uncontrollably into his shoulder. It mustn't have been comfortable but he held her none the less, whispering promises into her sodden hair as he tried his best to console her.

It took them a few days to find a way to wake up Will, gently easing him from the coma. His awakening was far less violent than hers but he'd been very disorientated. Helen had been there to ease him through that but other than that, she'd spent most of her time holed away. She'd spoken to very few people since her uncharacteristically public outburst, keeping to herself. Henry had popped in from time to time with food and updates on Will though he'd only dared to mention that day once.

He'd been very polite about it, asking if she wanted to talk about it, if there was anything he could do. Even when he'd had to tell her they'd been unable to contact Nikola, he'd been supportive, speaking quietly as he held her hand. Helen would have thought it sweet if she hadn't been fighting the urge to break down once more. After a long, sedative induced sleep after her awakening, she'd managed to stop crying though the overwhelming sense of loss hadn't disappeared. She knew it was silly, that Nikola was out there somewhere, wreaking havoc no doubt but in the last few hours of her coma she'd experience a closeness to him she was eager to find again. The relationship her mind had been fed, while partially fake, had elements that hit close to home for Helen. And that was discounting the idea she'd been married to her ex-fiancé.

The Nikola in her dreams had been just that, the Nikola of her dreams. He was still himself, snarky and arrogant in a way that made her want to scream but also far gentler than the Nikola she'd seen in the past few decades. Not that they'd been together for much of that time but it the years leading up to his 'death' and the few following his rather dramatic re-entry into her life he was a harsher man than she remembered. He'd always been nasty, snippy and vitriolic if you crossed him but in private he was one of the warmest men she'd ever met. Their tender moments were something she would always treasure.

Yet now, while he was back in her life, he wasn't. The young man she'd held so dear, while very clearly buried somewhere in there, was refusing to make an appearance. Perhaps she should have tried harder, been more forthcoming in her welcome but after sixty years without a single piece of communication from the man she'd considered her best friend... Well, it was hard.

But now she felt a new sense of determination. She'd not be put off. There was fear, sure but if Helen was certain of just one thing, it was that she needed Nikola to be a part of her life once more. She needed his friendship, his companionship, hell, she'd settle for just sitting by his side without the degrading innuendo.

She had to know, even if the chance was painfully slim, she had to find out. Was he her Nikola? Was she his Helen?


*insert evil laughter here*