Chapter 9

Disclaimer – I own nothing.

Sorry this took so long, my laptop broke. Let this be a lesson, don't ever let your two year old cousin jump on an electrical device.

Thanks for reviewing. :)

Maddie's POV

The room went black again, but this time I wasn't scared. I knew, well I hoped, this would take us to our present. This time I had Lucy's hand, she squeezed it tight as the room finally came into view and light filled the darkness. I looked around grandma's office and it looked the same as it had done before only it was empty now, no teenagers or adults who didn't know who we were.

"Do you think it worked?" Noah asked from the other side of Lucy, I just shrugged because I mean how on earth was I supposed to know, Lucy did the same. Noah didn't look happy about our lack of knowledge but there was nothing he could do.

"We should find grandma." Lucy said, being the voice of reason. Noah and I both nodded and we all let go of each others hands and walked towards the door, hopefully we would find grandma quickly because it's boring looking for someone who isn't even hiding or aware that you are looking for them.

We had nearly made it to the door when it was swung open, we all stopped and held our breath, you know since we didn't know what time or year it was or if we were supposed to be alive or not yet. Time travelling was so confusing. Never doing that again.

The person coming through the door was grandma and she seemed to be her normal old self, seriously she seemed old again. And she smiled at us, I could have jumped for joy. Noah didn't have my restraint and did just that and proceeded to run and jump at grandma, fortunately grandma is a spy and caught him without much effort and she was used to Noah's unusual behaviour so she didn't question him or us. High five for us!

"Hey Noah, guys I know I told you within reason but I didn't expect you to have finished exploring already." I looked at her with confusion and a worry about her sanity, Noah looked as confused as I did and grandma looked confused because we were confused.

"Oh we, umm, we thought we'd see if you wanted to look with us but then we remembered that you are busy working, so we'll just go and explore some more." Lucy grabbed my arm, "Come on, Noah." Grandma gave Noah a kiss on the cheek and put him down, Lucy grabbed his hand, "Bye grandma, we'll be back for lunch." Noah and I still looked confused as we walked past grandma and left the room.

"Wait, you three left this on the table, is it a toy of yours?" Grandma was stood at the door holding the time machine, which was weird because the last time we had used it the machine hadn't followed us but I didn't really care we just had to get it off grandma, before we went back in time, at least people would know her if that did happen.

Before Lucy or I could stop Noah he had stepped back to grandma and reached for the machine, grandma gave it to him and I think Lucy and I let out a sigh. "It's a time machine, grandma, see you later." Noah said this as if it was a normal thing to say, which it wasn't, but thankfully grandma just laughed and went back into her office, "Be careful." She shouted and we looked at Noah.

"Why, Noah, why tell her that?" Lucy asked, Noah just stuck his tongue out at her and started walking down the corridor.

"I guess it did work." I said and she nodded, we both ran after Noah who was actually quite a fast walker, when he put his mind to it. We found him at the small room that we had first found a few days ago or was it a few minutes, I really don't get it.

"We should leave this here." Noah whispered for some reason as he put the time machine where we had found it before.

"And we shouldn't use it again." Lucy said, but she didn't look happy about it and I knew I wasn't happy about it.

"In the next two weeks... but next time we visit..." I said, and we all smirked. We were totally using this again, it was too much fun to just never use again.

"Come on lets go explore!" Noah jumped up and down, we exited the small room and we walked further down the corridor and turned the corner quickly when we heard voices. We stopped and popped our heads around the corner and what we saw was not normal but was very cool and weird and awesome.

It was us. It was us going into the room and I knew for a fact, since it was us, that they... we... whatever were about to go to the past. This was so cool.

"Hey, that's me!" Lucy and I clamped our hands over Noah's mouth to stop him shouting any more.

"Shhh Noah! We know it's you. Now come on, lets actually explore this year." I laughed at Lucy and Noah giggled a little too, because it was funny that we had done more exploring of the past than we had in the present, which could definitely only happen to us.

"This is gonna be a boring two weeks, isn't it?" I asked Lucy and she nodded while Noah crossed his arms, unhappy that we would be bored for longer than ten minutes. I mean once you've been to the past and hung out with your parents and family when they are teenagers everything else seems to pale in comparison. Just our luck. Why did we have to have all the fun so early? This just wasn't fair.

Two Weeks Later...

Zach's POV

I had missed my three little munchkins. I loved being a spy, the rush, the mystery and everything but I would give all that up just to get the car I was driving to go faster than the 110 miles per hour it already was, to get me to my precious children already. Yeah I was soft but I loved my children and they meant the world to Cammie and I and being away from them almost killed us, if I didn't have Cammie I would have definitely stopped being a spy even though I loved it so much.

I missed seeing my cheeky girls smirk at me as they pretend not to have broken the vase in the living room and my son's hand in mine as he told me about his day. They were cute, smart and mine.

The car entered the Roseville and I slowed my speed somewhat, even though it was late and the roads were empty, you just never knew who would be out. Cammie whimpered slightly in her sleep and I placed my free hand on hers and she calmed down. She had missed the kids and had been having nightmares, which she only got when she was worried. She joked saying she was just worried about her mum and aunt and the safety of everyone in the school, but I knew she just wanted to hold her little children.

I made it through the town and to the mansion, I waited until the guard let us in. "Good Evening, Mr Goode." The man said before allowing us to enter, I nodded at him and raised my hand to show my thanks.

A few lights were on in the mansion but not many, it was after midnight so that wasn't much of a shock. I parked up at the entrance and started to shake Cammie, lightly as to wake her up.

"Cammie, Gallagher Girl." She woke when she heard my pet name for her and smiled sleepily at me, "We're here, Gallagher girl." She smiled wider and sat up, "Let's go get our babies." She laughed at my word choice but still nodded and got out the car. I followed her lead and climbed out of the car, she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front door when I didn't move fast enough for her.

I laughed at her rushing but she just shushed me and opened the door. The entrance way was dark but my eyes were adjusted to the dark and it didn't really hinder me and I knew this place like the back of my hand, especially in the dark. All that sneaking Cammie and I did really paid off. We didn't know where the kids were sleeping exactly so Cammie just lead me to her mother's office. The light was on so we guessed she must have still been up, I was about to knock when the door opened and my light boy in his pirate pyjamas, he rubbed his eyes and looked up at us and reached up for Cammie.

She leant down and lifted him up, he hugged her tightly and whispered, "I missed you, mummy, I like you when you're older better than when you're a teenager." Cammie looked at me, over Noah's head, with confused look, I just shrugged. Noah said weird stuff, when you have kids you just have to go with it.

"I missed you, too, my little Noah." She kissed his hair and hugged him tightly, "I love you, Noah." Noah whispered it back and then looked up and reached out for me, Cammie passed him over to me and entered the office while I hugged my little boy. I heard he talking to Rachel and turned my attention to Noah.

"Hey little man, I missed you." I poked his nose and he smiled at me.

"I missed you more, daddy." He giggled when I shook my head in fake indignation at his comment, "I did, daddy, I missed you this much." He let go off me, but thankfully I still had hold of him, and spread his arms making a wide gap between his hands.

"Really, that much?" He nodded enthusiastically and I laughed a little, "Okay then, buddy." He put his arms round my neck and put his head on my shoulder as I walked through the door and into the office.

Maddie and Lucy were asleep on the sofa, in their minnie mouse and tinkerbell pyjamas, I smiled at them and their innocence and cuteness.

"They tried to stay up but they succumed to their tiredness after about half an hour." Rachel laughed and passed Cammie and I a cup of tea, and we nodded in thanks. Cammie sat down and I sat on the sofa arm and put my tea on the table to let it cool.

I noticed that Noah had stopped talking, which wasn't like him once he got going, and I looked down to see that he had fallen back to sleep on my shoulder. I kissed his hair again, I really had missed holding my little boy.

We drink our tea and talked for about half an hour before we realised we had to get going, I put Noah on the sofa, next to his sister's to get my hands free because he was a four year old and after thirty minutes they are actually very heavy, even for a spy like me.

"We should wake them up, so they can say goodbye before we go." Cammie said and I nodded, they would be grumpy if we woke them up but they would be angry if they couldn't say goodbye to Rachel before we left. I'd rather go with grumpy because that would only last a few hours, anger can last at least a few days. "I've got Maddie." She said then she smirked, I was rubbing off on her obviously, she picked Maddie because she was the easiest to wake in the morning. Lucy normally needed the bribe of food to get up.

"Guess, I've got Lucy." I said in a moody voice which made Cammie smirk even more, it was hot but annoying and I knew how she felt when I smirked all the time. I let Cammie wake Maddie first, putting off my torture by a few vital minutes so I could psych myself up.

"Maddie, kiddo, it's mummy, wake up, sweetie." Maddie's eyes opened and she smiled weakly at Cammie, then she seemed to realise who it was and flung herself into Cammie's arms.

"Mummy, I missed you! Did you catch the bad guys?" She said all of this quite loudly and I almost thought she had woken Lucy up, but unfortunately I was not that lucky and Lucy just rolled over with her eyes closed.

"Yep, Maddie, we got the bad guys. And I missed you, too, baby." Cammie let go of Maddie and I opened my arms for her to give me a hug, she noticed me and ran over to me. I picked her up and kissed her forehead.

"Missed you, too, daddy." She said into my neck.

"I missed you, princess." I held her for a moment longer then placed her back on her feet, "Go say bye to grandma, we're going soon." She nodded and went over to give her grandmother a hug goodbye.

I prepared myself mentally to wake Lucy as I knelt down next to the sofa, I could hear Cammie and Maddie laughing but I just ignored them. "Princess, time to wake up." I shook her shoulders lightly but she didn't open her eyes, "Lucy, it's daddy, we've got to go, wake up... please." I begged silently and now I could definitely hear them laughing hysterically. After few minutes of this she finally opened her eyes and looked at me with an evil look, that made me glad she was on my side; well she normally was on my side, just not when I woke her up.

"Dad, you better have a good excuse for waking me up..." she stopped when she seemed to realise Cammie and I were actually in the room with her, "Daddy!" She dove into my arms and hugged me, which made me think I was forgiven for waking her up. Phew, that was lucky.

"I know, Lucy, I missed you too." I kissed her forehead and let her go so she could hug Cammie and tell her how much she had missed her. I picked Noah up and he woke up from the movement.

Lucy finished hugging Cammie and hugged Rachel goodbye, as I walked over so Noah could say goodbye.

Ten minutes later we were all sat in the car and the twins were nearly asleep again but Noah seemed to have gotten a second wind and was wide awake, for the time being. But I knew he would be asleep within ten minutes.

"Did you have fun in the mansion?" Cammie asked as we drove through the town. I saw through the mirror Noah nod, "What did you do?"

"Went back in time." Noah said and I just smiled at his imagination, Cammie laughed a little.


"Yeah! It was so fun, mummy!" That's all he said on the matter and he was quiet for a few minutes, I thought they were all asleep after the silence went on for longer than five minutes, but then somebody spoke.

"Daddy?" Maddie called from the back seat, I nodded but didn't take my eyes off the road, "You never did explain."

"Explain what, sweetie?"

"What 'get laid' means?" I choked slightly and slammed the brakes on. Oh great, this was going to be a long ride home.

Hope you liked this story.

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