A/N: Written because I think Phan is real... and I love it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Phil or Dan... though I wish I did...

Phil was never the type to really express how he felt — especially to his friends. Best friends. Because then they would look at him weird, and their friendship, no matter how strong, would be thrown out the window.

So why the hell was he doing this?

Dan was sitting in his and Phil's shared living room when Phil ran upon him that fateful day. He was sitting silently and motionlessly, causing Phil to wonder what had gotten into his usually extremely cheerful friend.

"What's wrong, Dan?" Phil asked sincerely. Dan just seemed so... distant at the moment. And it was killing Phil.

Dan finally seemed to notice Phil's presence. "Oh, hey," Dan said, shifting postions on the couch.

Phil noticed how reluctant Dan was to speak and was becoming exceedingly worried. "Dan, are you okay? You seem a little... off," Phil finished, afraid of how what he wanted to say would come out. He didn't want to frighten Dan when he seemed so... delicate.

"I'm fine," Dan said quickly — a little too quickly. "Just... insomnia," he lied as smoothly as he could. But Phil, being as perceptive as he was, saw right through it.

"You were fast asleep last night," Phil said. "I saw you."

Phil didn't have time to retrace his words — he had just admitted to watching his "best friend" sleep. No, not creepy at all, Phil.

Okay. So maybe Phil didn't think of Dan as "just a friend." Maybe he thought about Dan the way he was supposed to think about a lover. Maybe he had a deep yearning to be held by Dan, loved, kissed, caressed... Maybe he was a little bit in love with him.

"Wait — saw me?" Dan asked. "What do you mean?"

Phil was sure to be tomato red by now. "I, uh, was walking to the bathroom. And your door was open and I looked in... You were asleep."

It was no secret that Phil was a terrible liar — especially not to Dan.

"There are so many things wrong with that statement, Phil," Dan began. "For one, I always shut my door before bed. For another, you don't have to walk by my room to get to the lou."

Phil's eyes widened, just as a deer caught in headlights. Dan had a valid point...

Sighing, Phil sat down beside Dan on the couch. Dan scooted to give Phil room, crossing his legs and facing him as he always did when he and Phil had a "serious" talk.

"I want to say something," Phil muttered. "And I want you to listen to every single thing I say before you make assumptions, or run away, or laugh in my face."

Dan nodded, becoming afraid of what Phil might say. Phil had never been this serious when talking to Dan, and the idea of what might come out of his mouth frightened him. "I'm listening."

Phil stopped. What was he doing? He definitely could not just blatantly tell Dan he was in love with him. No! That would ruin their friendship, Phil would be heartbroken, and Dan would probably not speak to him ever again.

But the look on Dan's face let him know he was too far in now to get out. Gulping, he began.

"Dan, you know you're my friend. My best friend," he corrected, chancing a glance in Dan's direction. He was met with Dan's shining smile. "We've been through a lot together... And every minute I've spent with you, I've cherished." Phil was getting close to tears. "And I trust you more than I've ever trusted anyone before."

Phil was silent for a while, causing Dan to speak. "Where are you going with this, Phil?"

Phil shook his head, finally turning to face Dan. He couldn't just... say it. Running a hand through his dark hair, he said, "This next part's going to decide my fate, Dan. And I at least want to be able to say I did this."

Dan was confused until he saw Phil leaning closer until their lips were together in a deep, passionate kiss.

Dan was shocked. Phil was his friend. A close friend that he told everything to, and cuddled, and was probably a little too flirty with. But he wasn't in love with Phil. He didn't want to be in a relationship with him.

Then why did it feel so fucking good to kiss him?

Dan began to get a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach, a feeling he'd never experienced before. It was inexplainable. It made Dan feel protected, safe, loved, joyful. Yet at the same time, it terrified him.

Phil was feeling something similar. He was kissing Dan. Kissing. And Dan wasn't pulling away. In fact, he was encouraging it. He had threaded his hands in Phil's hair, pulled him as close as possible, and leaned down on the couch until Phil was lying on top of him. Their legs tangled together as their lips continuously met again and again.

When they each needed air, Dan cursed the stupid need to breathe — there were much more important things he could be doing.

They were both panting heavily, their breaths mixing together from the proximity of their mouths. Phil began to examine Dan's face, looking for some sort of reaction to what had just happened.

"Wow," Dan said. It may have been the most cliché thing to say at the moment, but Dan honestly couldn't think of another word to describe it. "That was, uh..."

"I'm sorry," Phil burst out. "That was out of hand, and stupid, and — "

"It was perfect," Dan cut him off. Phil gazed up at him in wonder.

"Really?" Phil asked meekly. He'd been so ready to face rejection...

"Really," Dan assured him with a smile. And once again, the two were kissing without a care in the world.

Of course they had to face the world — it was one thing to be gay, and another to act on it. And of course there was the fanbase which they hoped would be supportive. And the most stressful thing to worry about — homophobia.

But they would survive. As long as they had each other.

A/N: Review? I LOVE YOU!

