A/N: Good evening, wonderful viewers, and welcome to another installment of The Titan's Revenge!

Leo: And I'm your devilishly handsome host, Leo Valdez, badboy extraordinaire!

Me: *Pushes him into his crowd of adoring fangirls* That should keep him occupied. AHEM.

Klainelover913:That, my friend, is a good guess, and I regret to tell you that I can't say whether it is correct or not, although you shall find out soon enough. Hehehe.

sonofthetrigod: Thank you! And I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint!

ShadowandMadonna: NO. NO SPOILERS. BAD SHAZER. And only part of it was your idea! (Even if it was a good idea)

S&M Guest: Yes, yes he is. GOOD, SPOILERS ARE BAD.

vball17girl: Finally! Someone who agrees with me! (And thank you!)

banannibo: Gracias, muchacho!


Chapter 3

Luke's POV

Yeah, yeah, I know I should've been happy to be back at Camp, like Becca and Maple (who were jumping up and down in joy, I might add): But I wasn't.

I'd never been an 'active' type of guy, but that was who everyone expected me to be. Luke Jackson, son of the legendary Percy Jackson, savior of Olympus!

Only, that's not me. I'm Luke, just Luke, a hopeless nerd who has absolutely no hand-eye coordination whatsoever.

Lots of demigods say Camp Half-Blood is their home, it's where they belong, et cetera.

I don't say that.

Home, to me, is wherever I could read a book. I could lose myself in the characters, the plot, the story. All I needed to be happy was a stack of books, a comfy pillow, and a couple of Golden Drachmas (For food, of course).

But I can't do that. Just because my blood happens to smell delicious! I swear it's discrimination. Look, I didn't want to be a Half-blood, okay? None of us would choose this life if we had a choice.

Upon first entering the camp, I felt a strange sense of foreboding, as if somebody- or something- who was here wasn't supposed to be. I quickly shook the feeling off, watching Becca, Maple, and Sophie pet Peleus carefully dodging his playful blasts of fire. Dad and I slowly strolled down the hill, basking in the aura of a new summer while the girls rolled down on their sides- probably getting their clothes filthy- and running up to every single person they saw and yelling "HELLO!" in their faces.

Yes, this is normal. For them, anyway.

I caught Dad glancing around at his surroundings with a distant look in his eyes. "Sentimental?" I questioned, snapping him out of his reverie.

"Yeah," he answered. "Just...so many memories, you know?"

I smiled, trying to imagine my dad, a scrawny little 12 year-old, trying to swing a sword in the exact same place as I do now (And better, too). "I know."

He glanced down at me, grinning from ear to ear. "You're mature for your age, Luke." His grin quickly dissipated. "Sometimes I hate that you kids have to grow up so fast." His gaze shifted to Becca, Maple, and Sophie, who were still running around like madmen.

"Me too, Dad. Me too."

Once Dad and I had reached the bottom of the hill, my attention was captured by a red haired demon child by the name of Andrew Stoll (whose hair was still singed from his very predictable attempt at the rock wall-which he still has not mastered).

"Hey Bro! What's up?" He exclaimed.

"Don't call me 'Bro'," I responded.

He swung a still-hot arm around my shoulders. "Aw, come on! You're no fun." He leant close to my ear to whisper in it. "Hey, I hear some Romans have showed up."

"Romans?" I pulled back, looking him in the eye. "Yeah, Dad told me about them."

"My Dad said that the adults who came were part of the Prophecy of Seven with Percy, Annabeth, and Leo!"

"Really?" I mused, wondering if these strange Romans were the same ones Dad was talking about in the car. I figured as much, seeing as how Dad seemed to know them so well.

"What are their names?" I asked, just to clear things up.

Andrew shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Why don't you go ask their kids?" He pointed towards a small gathering of teenagers near the lake, seeming to surround something- or someone, more likely.

I chuckled. "I hope Becca hasn't gotten a hold of them yet. She would tear them apart, just for being Roman."

Andrew laughed at the thought. "I would love to see that! Some of them are our age, you know? I talked to one of them, Mercury, and he seems like an Asian version of you!"

"That's racist."

"Sorry. But he really is just like you! All serious and like, 'rules,rules,rules'-"

"I am not like that!"

"Yeah, you are."

"Am not!"

"Are too."

"Okay, maybe a little."

"Ha!" Andrew exclaimed, triumphant. "Now come on." He began to pull me over to the group where everyone was now conversing with each other. Great, just what I need. Socializing.

As Andrew dragged me through the group, I looked for the angry, blonde mess of hair that was my sister. I spotted her, and she seemed to be talking to a tall blonde guy who had on some very interesting pants. But, before I could get a good look, Andrew stopped in his tracks and turned my gaze to the boy in front of me. He was a couple of inches taller than me, and quite intimidating, I'm not gonna lie. He did have a slight asian look to him, as Andrew had mentioned, but I wasn't going to stereotype him to one category like most people would do. He had pitch black hair that was cropped close to his head and strange golden eyes. His U.S. Army t-shirt, combat boots, and the bow slung over his back told me that this was not a guy I should mess with. Hey, maybe Maple would like this guy! They had the same taste in shoes.

That was a joke. They were complete opposites. See, I can be funny! I'm funny, right? Right?

Anyway, this stranger was eyeing me up and down, trying to figure me out, as if trying to discern which point on my body would be best to stab if I said one wrong word.

I expected he would stay like this until Andrew introduced us. But instead, he smiled brightly at me and stuck his hand out to me in a friendly gesture. "Hey, I'm Mercury!"

Mercury? What a peculiar name. Maybe his parents had a thing for naming their kids after metals or something.

"I'm Luke," I responded, accepting his handshake. I noticed he had a particularly strong grip.

"Luke," Andrew brought me back to the conversation. "This is Mercury Zhang, the son of Frank and Hazel Zhang."

"Really?" I gaped. "From the Prophecy of Seven?" No wonder this guy seemed so tough, he was a grandson of Mars!

Mercury grinned at me. "No, the Frank and Hazel Zhang who are superheroes that defend the continent of Australia from rabid kangaroos."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Fan of sarcasm, I see." I could tell I would like this guy.

"Mercury," Andrew intervened, "This is Luke Jackson, son of Percy and Annabeth Jackson, also from the Prophecy of Seven, to avoid confusion with any other Percy and Annabeth Jackson's you may know."

Mercury looked at me curiously, and asked, "Why have we never met?"

I shrugged. "I guess our parents just never thought that it was important that we meet."

Andrew said, "Well, I'll leave you two to it." And then left us two strangers alone with each other.

"Are there others?" Mercury asked me. "You know, kids of the Seven?"

"Yeah, I have two sisters, Rebecca and Sophie, and Leo has a daughter, Amanda."

"Cool. Can I meet them?"

"Yeah, sure! Becca's right over there, harassing some dude with weird pants." I glanced behind me, where, sure enough, Becca and the guy were still conversing-or arguing, by the looks of it.

Mercury looked over my head at the pair. "Yeah, he does have some weird pants, doesn't he?" I turned my head back toward him and saw he was trying to contain laughter. "That's Caleb Grace, son of Jason and Piper Grace, and Girly-boy extraordinaire."

"Girly-boy?" I scoffed.

"Yeah, he's a bit, erm, concerned with his appearance, and he has the powers of Aphrodite, but he's cool. Mostly." He paused, glancing at Becca curiously. "Why's she harassing him?"

"Becca hates Romans," I explained.

"Ah." He said, realizing. "But I thought the Romans and Greeks made peace a long time ago.."

I sighed at my sister's antics. "She has problems."

As if to confirm my statement, Becca shouted at Caleb, "You wanna go, gaypants?"

Caleb looked shocked by Becca's insult, as if no one had ever insulted his pants before (Maybe these were his special occasion pants. I don't know.) .

"Gaypants?" Mercury asked incredulously.

"Well," I put in, "His pants are a bit... eccentric."

At that moment, Maple came running up to me. "Luuuuuuuuke!" She whined, "Come be social!"

"I am being social," I protested, gesturing to Mercury, who was just having a conversation with. Seriously, I'm not a hermit!

Maple rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

Mercury eyed her curiously before asking, "Who're you?"

Maple turned her attention towards taller boy (Who was only barely taller than her, being that she was taller than me. Embarrassing, right?). She inspected her carefully as he did to her. They looked quite peculiar next to each other. A bubbly, fun-loving, sarcastic half-satyr and a buff, calm, sarcastic demigod. The only thing they had in common was the sarcasm.

"We have the same shoes!" Maple suddenly exclaimed.

Well, there was that, too.

Mercury looked surprised at her sudden outburst. "Actually, I wanted to know what your name was, but I suppose that's an acceptable answer."

Maple giggled and responded, "My name's Maple Underwood."

Wait. Something is not right here. Maple does not giggle.

Mercury stuck out his hand to her as he did to me. "Mercury Zhang," He introduced.

"Ooh, I just met your sister!"

"My sister?" Mercury raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah! She is so sweet and adorable! Like a little chipmunk!"

Mercury looked at her like she was crazy. "Sweet? Adorable? That eleven year-old girl is a she-devil!"

Maple looked scandalized. "That eleven year-old girl is the most angelic, lovely little girl I have ever met!"

"Even more angelic than our dearest little Sophie?" I smirked at Maple.

"You and I both know that Sophie is anything but angelic." Maple clapped her hands, startling me. "Anyway!" She exclaimed, grabbing my hand and dragging me away. "Social time!"

Why does everybody keep dragging me away?

Maple had led me over to a group of people who were conversing animatedly with each other, as if they had known each other for years. Which they probably had.

"Hey guys!" Maple shouted over the din, catching their attention. "This is Luke Jackson!" She announced, gesturing toward me. "Say hi to Luke!"

There was a chorus of 'Hi's before Maple started introducing me to each of them individually.

"This is Diamond Zhang," She said, motioning towards a young dark-skinned girl about Sophie's age with wildly curly dark brown and (Thankfully) brown eyes, unlike her brother. Honestly, Mercury's eyes sort of freaked me out.

Maple directed me to the next person, a brunette boy who looked about 13 years old. He had on a Lakers Jersey and a Lakers Cap. I noticed that I couldn't pinpoint an exact color for his eyes; they would be constantly changing colors, one moment they were green, then blue, then brown. I suppose we're back to the weird eyes now. "This extreme Lakers fan is Samuel Grace," Maple introduced.

The boy smiled widely at me, revealing a set of yellow and purple braces. Lakers colors. Figures. "Call me Sam!" He practically shouted in my ear. I smiled- actually, more like grimaced- in return.

The next person was a little blonde boy who couldn't be more than 11 years old. He had shocking blue eyes that were covered by glasses. He was quiet, seeming to shy away from people and the loud conversations that were happening all around us. Actually, he reminded me a bit of myself when I was 11. Maple introduced this little boy to be Tyson Grace. He seemed to be a little wary of me at first, but once I smiled at him, he seemed to warm up to me.

"Hi," He piped in a tiny voice.

"Hey," I greeted gently.

Maple pulled on my arm, wanting to introduce me to the last person. And let me tell you, I was not ready for this. The girl I had turned to look at was absolutely beautiful. And I don't mean supermodel beautiful, I mean real beauty, the kind that radiates from within your soul and encompasses everyone within the vicinity and is impossible for anyone to ignore. That was the kind of beautiful this girl was. She had wavy chocolate brown hair and electric blue eyes that seemed to stare straight into your soul and pull out the darkest secrets. She had an intimidating power about her; her very aura exuded confidence.

So I just stood there staring for a few seconds, like a complete idiot. It was only when Maple snapped her fingers in front of my face that I was called to attention.

"Huh? W-what?" I stuttered, trying to form coherent words.

Maple smirked at me, like she knew exactly why I was so flustered. "I said that this is Destiny Grace; she's around our age," Maple added the last part for my benefit, shooting me a look. I swear, that woman could read my mind.

Destiny had been following our exchange amusedly, and now watched me flounder to find something to say, my mouth opening and closing like some kind of idiot fish out of water.

She decided to break the silence. 'Hey. It's Luke, right?"

Maple apparently thought that now that we had spoken to each other, it would be acceptable to leave us alone. "Well, I'm gonna go say hi to my mom in the forest now, bye!" She turned to walk away.

"Maple!" I hissed.

She paused in her tracks before looking back over her shoulder at me & Destiny.

"Your mom?" Destiny asked. "Why is she in the forest?"

"My mom's a Nymph," Maple explained, "And I haven't seen her since last summer, and she probably dying to see me, so I really have to get going!"

That filthy little liar.

"Oh," Destiny said in under standing. "Well, see you at dinner!" Maple set off again, looking back over her shoulder at me, as if to ask, 'You gonna be okay?'

I sent her a look, asking, 'Are you insane?'

She responded with a look, saying, 'Maybe.' Then she turned her attention to the path ahead of her and shot off into the woods.

Regretfully, I turned back to Destiny, nerves knotting in my stomach at the thought of talking to the intimidating figure that stood in front of me.

"Soooo," Destiny drawled, attempting to make things seem less awkward, have you met my brother Caleb yet?"

I shook my head, not trusting words to come out of my mouth.

"Figures. He's been too busy arguing with that chick over there."

"Actually, that 'chick' is my sister, Becca." My eyes widened at my own statement, surprised that i had managed to form a coherent be honest, I had never had trouble talking to girls; I always just considered them to be like guys, just with longer hair (Or maybe that's what happens when you grow up with Becca and Maple). But Destiny was different. She had a presence about her that was impossible to ignore. It was unlike anything had ever experienced from anyone, even adults, even divine beings. It was remarkable.

"Really?" Destiny questioned. "She's your sister? What do you suppose they're arguing about?"

"Knowing Becca," I responded, "Probably something to do with him being Roman."

Destiny cocked an eyebrow. "She doesn't like Romans?"

"Not one bit."

"We're actually only half Roman."

"Well, that's probably part of the argument. Caleb says 'I'm only half Roman!' then Becca says 'It doesn't matter, you're still one of THEM.' "

Destiny laughed at my imitation of them. "One of them?" We're not aliens or anything!" She paused, glancing over at the two arguing blondes. "Do you think we should go break them up?"

Before I could respond to her question, Becca just exploded (Not literally, that would be weird). "YOU KNOW WHAT? WHY DON'T WE JUST SETTLE THIS WITH A DUEL, BLONDIE?"

Caleb replied with a deadpan look. "You're a blonde too, you know."


"Go where?"

"THE ARENA, IDIOT!" Becca pulled the hair tie out of her braid for the second time today, transforming it into her celestial bronze sword.

"I don't know where the arena is, woman!"

Luckily, Becca wasn't given another chance to tell Caleb how much of an idiot he was, because at that moment, the horn blew throughout the camp.

Everyone began to migrate toward the dining pavillion, confusing Destiny. "Where's everyone going?"

"It's dinner time," I told her. "Come on," I said, grabbing her wrist to lead her to the pavillion. "Let's go meet the rest of the family."


THIS ONE IS LONG. It was actually supposed to be longer, but I decided to cut it down (mostly due to laziness).


This chapter's kinda mundane, but next chapter we get into the real meat and potatoes of the story. SO EXCITING.