
The word glared back at you as you read the pregnancy test in the hotel bathroom. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as it sank in.

A baby.

You and Tom were actually going to have a baby.

You hadn't planned on getting pregnant so soon after your wedding, but you couldn't say that you minded this new development. You try to think back to when it could have possibly happened since Tom has been busy shooting 'The Avengers'... and then you remember.

8 weeks ago...

The night you came to stay with him at the hotel for a week while he was shooting; you had brought a bottle of wine, he had managed to sneak out the helmet... Your cheeks flush scarlet at the memory of that night.

At least that explained why you had been sick. Tom had been so worried with all the times you had rushed to the bathroom in the past few days to empty the contents of your stomach, bringing cold cloths for your face as the circles under your eyes grew darker. You had insisted that it was nothing but a stomach bug and that you'd be fine as you dry-heaved for the third time, but he wasn't satisfied until you promised to make a doctor's appointment to check it out. At least you knew what it was now... As you sat in the doctor's office a few hours later, he only confirmed what you knew already. In 7 months, you and Tom are going to have a baby.


You had to tell him.


Sure you could text him or wait until he got back that night, but you're determined to tell him in person and think you'll burst if you have to wait until tonight. They're filming Loki's last scene in Central Park today; you could be there in 15 minutes by cab. The pregnancy test safely stowed in your purse, you hail a cab and you settle in for the short ride to the set. Riding in the backseat, your hand absentmindedly comes to rest on your stomach as you stare out the window and you break out in a grin when you realize it. To think there's actually something growing in there; something that's a piece of you and him...your heart feels like it would burst at the thought.

Security is tight when you get to the set, but one flash of your pass gets you in without any trouble. The whole cast is on set today and you scan the crowd, trying to find your husband. "You'd think it would be easy to find the god of mischief..." you mumble to yourself.

"Everybody, quiet on the set! And ACTION!" you hear the director, Joss Whedon, shout. Turning, you see the cast walking towards the camera, Tom in cuffs as Hemsworth pulls on his arm. Seeing him in full costume catches your breath in your throat; even though his face seems to show the scars of battle, you can't help but feel for Loki's plight. You watch intently as the scene unfolds and are amazed as he's able to get so much across without even saying a word.

"And cut!" Joss' voice breaks your thoughts. "Okay everybody, let's take 5." he says as everyone breaks to prepare for the next shot.




Looking in your direction, Tom breaks out in a smile and runs over to you. "Hey! What are you doing here?" he asks as he wraps you in a hug.

"What? I can't come visit my husband on set?" you joke before breaking the embrace. 'I went to the doctor today...' you start.

His face drops and you realize he thinks something's wrong. "And?" he asks, taking your hand in his.

You pull the little box out of your purse and hand it to him. "I think this will explain it better than I could."

The confusion on his face is clearly evident as he takes the box and begins to open it; what would a present from you have to do with... As he pulls the pregnancy test from the box and reads the symbol, the box drops from his hands. He looks at you in shock and you can't stop smiling.

"You're not..." he breathes.

"Yeah, I am." you nod. "Are you happy?"

As it sinks in, his face breaks out in a wide grin. "I'm the happiest man in the world."

Before you can reply, Tom has lifted you off your feet, wrapping you in a bear hug as he kisses you.

"Tom...the baby."

"Oh! Right!" he says, setting you down as gently as he can and you can't help but chuckle. Hearing someone clapping behind you, you turn to see Chris Hemsworth smiling as he claps. His wife, Elsa is also pregnant with their first child and you suspect that he's seen this before. His clapping attracts the attention of everyone else on set and as you smile at Tom, you know that he has to tell them the news.

"We're having a baby!" he announces loud enough for everyone to hear and the entire crowd breaks out in applause as several of the cast comes over to congratulate you two. You get hugs from Scarlett, Mark and Chris, and looking behind you, you see RDJ and Hemsworth clasping Tom's shoulders and joking that they didn't know he had it in him. Joss lets the two of you celebrate for a few minutes, but before long, he tells you that he has to pull Tom away for a few more shots. Regretfully, Tom agrees and gives you another kiss before bending over so that his head is level with your stomach.

"You be good for your mom" he says to your stomach and you try to hide the blush starting on your cheeks.

"Tom, the baby's only about the size of a bean. I don't think it can hear you." you chuckle as you rest your hand on his head.

"I know." he laughs. "But it's never to early to start." With one more kiss and a promise to see you tonight, he heads off for his next scene while you go back to the hotel, anxious for the end of the day so you two can really have a chance to celebrate.