Well people wanted to see more of this (I don't know why xD) so here's pretty much the rest that I wrote of it. Again, I'm not inspired at all to write this, so anyone who has good ideas please let me know! It's been too long of time and I have no idea what my plan was for it. C:

Reviews is probably make me get off my lazy butt and write more.

I do not own any of these characters.

"Do you know who I am?"

"An electronic voice that was put in here by Lex Luthor?"

"I am the Whisper."

"You're speaking pretty loud to me."

"You joke? That reminds me of that redheaded boy that was before you."


"No come back? What silences you?"

"If I don't talk, you can't get into my head. Like you did with the others."

"I do not wish to intrude. I am here to help. You may trust me."

"What a lie. You were built by the Justice Leaguer's worse enemies so they can brainwash their sidekicks. That includes me and the 'redhead'."

"I was built with true intelligence. They do not control what I say."


"Your plan to remain silent cannot last for forever."


"Perhaps I can help you start talking again. Please, sit back and relax. I have composed some movies for you to watch."

Aqualad was the last to enter the dark crawlspace in Mount Justice. He placed the metal plate back into place, covering their tracks. He then turned to his team.

The six teammates were all crouched inside of the short tunnel. The only one who wasn't crouched was Artemis. She was lying on the ground, passed out from the explosion earlier. The rest of the team wasn't doing great either. Their first battle with the villains left them tired and some of them injured.

For moments, they sat in silence and complete darkness; the only sound was their quiet panting and the only source of light outside the safety from their hiding spot.

"Robin," Aqualad broke the silence, "Give us light."

There was a moment were the sound of the hacker getting into a better position to do so before the light blue computer screen lit up. Everyone glanced around at their peers in the dim light.

"We need a plan." The leader spoke again.

"Too bad we didn't think of a plan before we got the beat down of our lives." Kid Flash muttered, rubbing his padded shoulder.

Light beeping noises were made as Robin typed.

"This doesn't make sense. Our security system should have picked up intruders-"

"Yes but isn't Lex Luthor an evil genius? Maybe he…hacked into it?" Miss Martian suggested, shrugging. The light blue light reflected off the teen's faces as they all watched the youngest teammate work.

"Even with Lex, that was triple encrypted." Robin explained.

"Robin to Batcave, come in." he talked in a hushed tone into the not seen com on the computer.

Silence was the boy's only greeting.

"This is wrong." He muttered, more typing and he shut the computer off, leaving the teens back into darkness.

"What gives-hmph!" The speedster was cut off by a black gloved hand. Everyone looked back at him now, but kept silent.

"Robin, what's going on?" The green skinned girl's voice broke through Robin's head. He fixed the teen with a glare.

"Keep quiet! Sports Master, remember?" He reminded the Martian with his mind.

She gave him a nod, but quickly held her breathe as footsteps were heard over the team. There was a small pause before, the footsteps started again and slowly disappeared.

There were a few moments of silence.

"Ok, so what's the plan?" Superboy's voice was heard through the teens' minds as he glanced back at their leader.

"Robin, have you contacted Batman yet?" Aqualad asked, as everyone's heads turned back to the boy, although they weren't really sure since it was pitch black inside the tunnel.

"No answer. There has to be something wrong, communications are still up, but they aren't answering the distress signals." Robin explained before a soft shuffle was heard as he made his way down the tunnel.

"Wait, where are you going?" Wally shouted in their heads.

"I'm trying to get to the control panel. They might have destroyed communications that are coming into the cave."

"Robin, we must stay together. We are already a teammate down." Aqualad reminded in a stern tone.

"Yeah, yeah, this will only take a minute." They heard the boy reassured, although a strong feeling up worry ran through the small enclosed spot.

The red headed speedster glanced down at Artemis who remained passed out on the metal ground. He then glanced towards the pitch black tunnel where his best friend disappeared into. He frowned and glanced back at the archer before cringing and starting down the tunnel.

"Kid!" Wally heard Aqualad call after him in his head, but he remained unfazed and kept staring ahead, waiting for the familiar figure of his friend to appear in front of him at any minute.

Meanwhile, back at the group, Miss Martian and Superboy looked back at Aqualad who sighed and hung his head before heading after the two.

The speedster caught up with the Boy Wonder when he was outside of the air duct and now crouching behind a metal pillar. He had his glove computer hooked up to a small control panel on the side. He was typing furiously.

Kid Flash could hear shouts from the villains and he glanced back at his friend with a glare.

"Rob, are you trying to get caught?" He snapped mentally, making his younger friend look back at him for a moment.

"So, you decided to come." was all the hacker commented before he went back to his job.

"We can you hear you guys, you know that right." Superboy's thoughts ran through their heads in his usual gruff voice.

"Get over here, they're going to see you!" the red head hissed, ignoring the clone's comment. But his raven-haired friend didn't stop to look up.

"Robin, have you figured out why we cannot reach Batman or the League?" Aqualad questioned, his voice much calmer than the rest.

"Not yet… it says that all communications are 'go'. But if that's true then there has to be a reason why they aren't picking up." Robin explained telepathically in a quick voice. It was his usual all business sidekick voice.

"You don't think that they were attacked, do you?" Miss Martian asked, worry thick in her voice

"Keep working, Miss Martian, Superboy, and I will be locating our unwelcomed guest without being located ourselves. We will be bringing Artemis. Regroup when you are finished." their leader ordered.

"Don't encourage him! You guys aren't seeing what he's doing!" Kid Flash exclaimed in a shrill voice.

"If you aren't going to help me; then group back with Kaldur and the team." The team's youngest hero snapped.

The speedster looked at the boy about 20 feet in front of him, and then looked back at the air duct he was crouched in. He sighed and hung his head before darting out to join the Boy Wonder.

"Ok Rob, how can I help?" Kid Flash muttered to his shorter friend in a hushed mutter. He didn't want Aqualad or the rest of the team interfering with their conversation. He was so close he was basically breathing on the boy's neck.

The teen ignored his closeness and put his computer away.

"Nothing," He said finally with a sigh.

"Nothing!? You mean you can't fix it!?" Kid Flash asked with a louder voice. He quickly corrected himself when he received a glare from the Bat's kid.

"No I mean there's nothing broken. Communications are all working; which means only one thing." Robin muttered, looking the speedster right in the eye. His face reflected the solemn look his friend held.

"Someone took out the Justice League…" Flash's nephew murmured in shock. He and Robin nodded to each other, before trying to reach the rest of the team.

But right away something was wrong. They weren't hearing each other's thoughts, only their own.

Both the boys' eyes widened.

Kid Flash reached for his com right away.

"Aqualad? Superboy? Miss Martian!" He said, his voice getting louder and louder.

There was no reply.

So again, PLEASE send me some ideas or something you guys might want to see in later chapters. I want to make this good for you guys, but I feel like if I wrote some right now it would be really crappy. Just send me a message or review on what you'd like to see.

Thank you! C: