the one where jade went to one of tori's soccer tournaments


Jade sat alone in the bench, it was a hot summer day, what the hell was she doing here? There we're people around her before, but the minute she shouted at a kid to back off was the moment when everyone seemed to sit at least thirty inches away from her.

"YO, TORI. KICK THAT BALL. OH COME ON, THAT'S A FOUL." She screamed at her girlfriend, who was playing, sweating and grunting in the field. "THE COACH IS BOUGHT, HE'S A FUCKING FAKE."

"Excuse me, young lady." An older man, about 32, walked towards her, touching her elbow. "There are children here."

Jade's lips we're a thin line but didn't fight back. She had promised Tori she wouldn't cause a scene, again. "I'm sorry." She said and it almost pained her too.


Tori came panting all sweaty and gross and Jade actually considered not letting her touch her.

But the minute Tori smiled and opened her arms, Jade smiled and ran towards her, hugging her tight. "We won!" Tori screamed. "We won! We won!"

Jade laughed. "Yeah, sweetie. You did."

"I heard you yelling 'He's a fucking fake'."

Jade groaned. "Look, Vega, I'm—"

"No, it's okay. Your yelling convinced the officials to check him and he was bought. They changed the coach and we won, fair and square."

"So for the first time, my big mouth helped?"

Tori grinned. "I wouldn't say first time."

"Wow, Tori, you're really direct aren't you." Jade grinned, wrapping her arms with hers.

"Shut up, Jade." Tori said, kissing her nose.


the one where jade and tori come out to their friends


"So, you two, huh?" André asked, signaling towards the conjunction of hands between Jade and Tori with his champagne glass. He took a sip. "Well, it's about damn time you two hooked up."

Tori laughed, while Jade just grinned. "What makes you say that, Harris?"

"Tori's been crushing on you since she saw you, she may not have told anyone, but it was obvious." André says and he swears he saw Tori turn three shades of red. He laughed and said goodbye as he spotted Mr. Sikowitz and went towards him.

Tori looks down at her girlfriend and she can't believe she's hers. She was dressed in a dark olive gown with black lace beautifully adorning it and wow, Jade West was hers, finally hers.

Jade looks at the crowd of people staring at them, most of them look like idiots, couldn't they at least try to not draw attention? She drinks some champagne with her free hand, still not letting go of Tori.

It was her idea to do this anyways, to finally come out as a couple on graduation night, nah, but she didn't regret it. Looking at Tori all fancied up, with her brown hair in a messy bun and her body wrapped up in nice strapless lilac dress, she was beautiful.

"I'm going to get us some of those little cakes, want any?" Tori sweetly suggests and Jade nods. They're hands grow apart and it's almost a sensation of cold when Jade wasn't around her.

Walking towards the dessert table, she bumps into Beck. Handsomely dressed in a tuxedo and Tori swallows a lump. Ever since she and Jade had started dating she hadn't dared to look at him and yet, here he was.

"Oh, hi beck."

"Hi, Tor. You look nice." He says awkwardly and Tori would kill to break the tension.

"You too." She smiles and she sees Beck stretching his arm to the back of his head. She knows what's next.

"So, you and Jade, huh?" And ding—ding—ding— we have a winner for most awkward speech with a friend. Tori blushes and looks at her feet.

"Yeah, listen Beck—" She's interrupted by Beck. Her eyes grow wide.

"I-Is she happy?" He asks, almost whispering, but Tori could hear him. She tries to smile but she only feels sympathy for this man.

"Yeah, Beck. She's really happy." Tori hugs him and he hugs her back. She can feel Beck trying to suppress a sob. She looks up and he's smiling at her.

"Keep her happy, Tori. God knows I couldn't." And with that, Beck hugs her one more time and exits the room.

Biting her lip to keep the tears from flowing, she walks towards Jade with the two cupcakes she had promised. "Tori, you okay?" Jade asks, worried over Tori.

She just smiles. "Are you happy, Jade?"

"Of course I am, Vega." She says as she intertwines her hand again with hers. it was nice, feeling the warmth again. "I'm very happy."

They kiss when Lane announces they're are the graduated class of Hollywood Arts.


the one where jade and tori come out to tori's parents


a/n; trying out in point of view.


Her hand was clutched to mine as tight as possible.

"Vega, calm down." I tried telling her, but in all honestly I felt terrified myself, but if she didn't want to do the brave front, I had too.

"Sorry, Jade." She said and I tried to smile. Dating Victoria Anne Vega had become a lot more problematic than I thought it would. Holding hands had to be kept secret everytime I was at her house, even though in school she had shoved me into the janitor's closet, several times, to 'show me how much she loved me'.

That's Tori for you, making everything sound more romantic.

I had told her a couple of nights ago that I came out to my parents and they reacted indifferently. When I suggested that she should do the same, she laughed until she saw how serious I was.

Now here we we're, just a couple of girls, holding hands, in a fancy French restaurant, waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Vega to come over. When the bell by the door rang, Tori started shaking, gripping her hand tightly I smiled towards her.

"It's all going to be okay," I said. She smiled in reassurance. Her parents came closer and closer until they noticed us and sat down. They eyed me strangely as if wondering why that weird goth girl was with them on a family night.

"Mom, Dad," She started, not letting go of my hand, which was underneath the table. "I have something very important to tell you,"

"Is this about Jade staying over the other night?" Her mom said and I froze. "Not to be so blunt, but seeing as how you two are girlfriends it worries me a little."

I felt my eys wanting to pop right out of my skull, Tori let go of my hand and placed them both on the table. "What? You knew?"

Her father laughed. "Well, of course we did, sweetie. You aren't the world's greatest liar to be blunt."

"Did you even realize how many times you wrote 'Jade' on the paper I asked you to write Aunt Sally's number on?"

Tori's face went three shades of red before I laughed. "So, I got your guys approval?" I asked, trying to be polite. It might have not worked with Beck's parents, but maybe'll work on Tori's.

They both nodded. "Why not? It's not like you can get her pregnant or anything."



I smiled. Oh, this was going to be fun.