Akane-thoughts all over!

This is based on Episode 1 of Psycho Pass. I just love this anime to death. Probably one of my favorite this 2012.

Anyway, enjoy this little thought-fic and Review please! Thank you!

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in here.

Uncertainty is her middle name.

Ever since she started her work at MWPSB, Akane is not so sure how she would make it through this. She was sure there should be a transition phase in which newcomers are supposed to have but the department in which she was assigned in is not always forgiving. She was thrown immediately into the field, met the top dogs of the house and shoved into plenty of experiences that none of the years of theories and papers taught her.

What was supposed to be a walk in the park, as told by her professors, turned out to be her biggest adversary. The stress of decisions and actions is taking it's toll on her mind and body, and even if her friends told her that she is a mental beauty for her Hue Color remains light, just thinking about certain things is not easy now.

Was it necessary to shoot a victim who Sybil now labeled as a latent criminal due to the trauma that she had received? To eliminate her from this world because the Dominator told them that she is not needed in this world?

Her colleagues are telling her that it is the right thing to do but, deep inside her, she wanted to save the girl. She is only a victim here and got dragged into this mess. She is not a criminal.

Akane need not know which side she is going to take. All she knows is that she needed to do this before it is too late.

Before anything else happened, she pulled the trigger.