Special thanks to Yumii and Hanareader for beta-reading.

Chapter 6 Where We're Going

After their quick breakfasts and a much-needed caffeine dose, they reached the deserted factory where the Spiders let Kuroro know they'd be waiting.

The rest of the Ryodan were in NGL, dealing with the invaders. Thus, here in the dilapidated building stood only a few members: Nobunaga, Machi, Franklin and Coltopi. They scattered about the well-lit hallway with a good amount of light from the window. Franklin and Coltopi occupying different sorts of cargo boxes. Nobunaga and Machi standing against the wall. The latter two moved towards the doorway upon Kuroro entering.

Kuroro could tell Kurapika's features relaxed with only four Spider members at present. He'd kept to himself that the feeling was mutual. No Feitan and Phinx here took half the load off the circumstances, there'd be much less dispute for his concern.

As expected, his comrades all wore a shocked expression on their faces, save for Machi whose face quickly turned expressionless after two seconds of a stunned look. They were told of the news, but nothing compared to the real Kuruta, well and alive, next to their Danchou himself. And of course, the only individual who flipped was none other than Nobunaga.

"Why is he still standing there?" At least, the man wasn't yelling, but his voice strained with dangerous implication.

A sense of déjà vu filled the entire Ryodan and even Kurapika, reminding them of the first time

Kuroro had brought him amongst them. Except this time, it was with a different intention. The factors and variables were altered.

At any rate, everyone had questions of their own; it was only Nobunaga who had the biggest mouth to voice it. Most of them were aware of this thing developing between their Danchou and the boy. They could admit Kurapika was a remarkable individual. But still…for real?

As Nobunaga drew closer, most likely to his Danchou rather than to the object of his resentment itself, Kuroro extended his hand towards the boy, putting the blond behind him –an evident gesture of protection.

To everyone's surprise, that made Nobunaga stop dead in his tracks. The swordsman stared in shock, his posture stiffened.

Via phone conversation, he had been given a direct restraining order to behave. But it was about time his Danchou gave him a good reason as to why Kurapika was still standing there. Face darkening, he called, "Danchou." His voice dripped with dangerous implication.

Kuroro nodded in response. Not only to Nobunaga, but to the entire Ryodan whom he owed an answer to.

"I'm still bound by Kurapika's Nen," Kuroro started. He hadn't really thought about what to say

in order to convince them. For all his time as the Spider head, he had not been one to lie to his arms and legs. Treating them as his own was one of the reasons their ties were stronger than family. All of his motives and thoughts could be trusted with them. Yet for the first time since the Spiders were established, he was standing on uncertain ground.

"Seriously!? Danchou! Maybe you're missing the part where his Nen is sealed and you should kill him!" Nobunaga raised, his vein already popping on his forehead.

Somehow his vengeful swordsman's words served as a lead for Kuroro on what he should say.

He regarded his comrades again with a slightly different expression: resolve. "Yes, his Nen was sealed. I went there, planning to put an end to him, along with this dilemma I was in. But I changed my mind." He tilted his head back looking at the boy who returned his look, face betraying nothing. "This tie I have with Kurapika, I do not want it severed, Nen imposed on my heart or not."

If earlier, Nobunaga's anger had simmered, it was now completely deflated. His mouth closed and opened, then closed again; no words could come out.

Behind him, the other Ryodan members had a brief look of surprise before their leader's words dawned upon them. As far as Kuroro could see, they seemed to have almost no qualms accepting the fact. Although the biggest question formed in the unspoken air.

This itself put the future of Genei Ryodan in question.

"But Danchou! How could you just change your mind like that!?" Nobunaga began again.

"I just did." Kuroro responded with a straight face.

"Are you out of your mind!?" The swordsman cried, throwing his hands in the air.

Kuroro put his hand under his chin, his eyes concentrated sideways, mind going over

Nobunaga's words. Him? Out of his mind? He gave Kurapika another brief look and just decided, 'Whatsoever.'

Things were a bit unclear earlier but his thoughts were being sorted by the second. While at it, the quiet Kuruta didn't escape the observing eyes of some keen Ryodan members. If it were weeks ago, his sharp tongue would have made some snide remarks already. Now hewas just standing there, looking dazed and bored. Did he just yawn?

Not a word in his own defense, Kurapika just allowed Kuroro to protect him.

They hadn't agreed on what or how to explain to Kuroro's comrades. All Kuroro did was ask of the boy to leave it to him and Kurapika accepted it. He'd go with however Kuroro wanted it.

"So you still want him in our troupe?" Franklin raised, stopping Nobunaga from another outburst. Any acceptable reason was all they needed.

"No." Shaking his head, Kuroro responded. That medical student's words still as clear as day in his mind, mostly because of how Kurapika regarded his friend at that time. "Kurapika is no longer a part of the Spiders."

"Eh? Then what is he?" Machi asked, even her usual uninterested facade turned into curiosity.

Her hunch had been right all this time yet she hadn't expected it all to come to this.

Blinking, Kuroro had to turn to the boy behind him. Like earlier, the boy looked back at him with an almost equally lost expression.

Exactly what were they to each other?

"He's my…property," Kuroro said, not tearing his eyes from Kurapika. He caught a passing glint of aggravation in the boy's eyes, but it was barely there at all. He had no intention of provoking

Kurapika, he just needed to lay on the ground of what he was to be in relation to his Ryodan. That much Kurapika should have known. His reason to them was the same one he gave to Kurapika's friends back then.

"That's not even an answer!" Nobunaga retorted as he began to pace around in frustration. At one point he stopped to realize his outrage wasn't going to work with his ever calm Danchou.

Dropping the attitude, he took a deep breath and let out in a much calmer manner, "Okay, putting my personal vendetta aside, he put you through a hell of a lot of trouble. Months of being Nen-less, our troubles of finding the Nen-exorcist, not to mention we were always on the uncertainty whether or not our leader will come back to us." Here he settled his gaze on his leader, eyes bore into him. "You may not realize it, Kuroro. You enforce all those rules about how the Spider can live on without you, about getting a replacement and shit, but you will be our only leader."

As soon as he finished that, he faltered as his eyes settled on Kurapika. He let the most valuable information slip in the heat of the moment. But no one made a move on that, maybe they were still caught off guard at his emotional revelation. As much as he knew Machi shared his outlook; Franklin and Coltopi were likely neutral. Well, if Feitan was here, this wouldn't end well.

The stunned look on said leader's face surpassed the look of surprise on Kurapika's face behind him.

"He's got a point," Franklin filled in and said what he knew was on Nobunaga's mind but he dared not say it, hating to be sentimental. "Kurapika sort of took you away from us…I'm saying this on behalf of Nobunaga," he added anyways. When Nobunaga sputtered curses at him, he finished. "-who said it on behalf of all the Spider members, presenting here or not."

Machi and Coltopi nodded firmly to that.

If Kuroro's stance wavered, he did not show it, or so he thought.

One glance at Kurapika and he knew the blond was keeping his rising anger in check. Kurapika was most likely thinking about Nobunaga words; that the troubles Kuroro and the Ryodan had to go through was the smallest damage, incomparable to what they had done to his Kuruta clan in the first place, and in turn himself.

Despite agreeing to allow Kuroro do all the talking by himself, Kurapika now shifted at their words. Before he opened his mouth, a firm hand held him back.

"Kurapika. Go wait outside. I need to talk to them, alone," Kuroro said, realizing a bit too late he shouldn't be ordering the boy around like he did before. The atmosphere of the Ryodan and all could upset the boy's state of mind. He had thought about coming to meet the Ryodan alone, but they wanted to see Kurapika with their own eyes and to his strangest surprise,

Kurapika said he didn't mind. Still, there were things he'd like to keep Kurapika away from, as of now. "Go, I'll take care of this."

There was hesitation, there was restraint, before Kurapika turned around and left.

Once the Ryodan found themselves only amongst their own, Kuroro sauntered closer to them, putting more distance between them and the entrance with a broken door. He'd wanted to make sure their voices wouldn't reach Kurapika. He remained standing while posing a question at

Nobunaga: "Do you think Uvo and Paku's soul is haunting Kurapika?"

Nobunaga's face turned flabbergasted. He was about to ask 'What?' but he knew he heard the question just fine. Given their history and that the question came from Kuroro, the strange question was nowhere near strange. He gave it a thought and responded in a firm tone "No."

"He thought he was haunted by Uvogin and Pakunoda. Remember how he collapsed and fell sick after killing that one mafia who attempted to shoot me? His illness at that time wasn't the product of his one kill alone. The major factors were from killing Uvo and Paku; that mafia was just an added variable triggering the repercussions of killing someone." Kuroro relayed and waited.

"…well," Nobunaga's response came slow with uncertainty at first, seemingly coming to terms with the idea that Uvo and Paku's death were responsible for Kurapika's guilt. But he stood his ground with a dismissive: "That is his problem…not mine."

Kuroro simply nodded to his answer, and he moved on. This time, he directed his question to all of his Spiders. "Do you think Uvo and Paku want any of you avenging them?"

The swordsman frowned. When he provided no answer, Machi gave her response. "No, especially for Paku." Her usual cold gaze softened for the briefest moment as she repeated herself in a softer tone. "… no."

"Yeah, there was no resentment in Paku's memory," Franklin recalled, his thoughtful eyes turning upward.

"Maybe not. But this isn't about what they would have wanted. It's what I want, as their friends." Nobunaga stood by his will.

"Remember what I said to you when I ordered the Ryodan to leave York Shin but you persisted on staying just to avenge Uvo's death?" Kuroro recounted.

Nobunaga nodded, looking solemn.

"Given vengeance is no longer our primary concern since these few years back, you should let the matter rest. If you can't go on a day without the desire to avenge, then out of all of us here, you should understand what he's been through, and is still going through, the most."

Nobunaga made a face. Well, that irked him to the core of his being. Kuroro comparing him to the chain-user sent unwanted goosebumps down his spine. Yet against his will, those words from the little brat he actually liked came back to him.

'Why can't you share the feeling you have for a friend with all the people you've killed!?'

Whether anyone believed him or not, he did give a thought about it, despite how little said thought was.

"Danchou…" There was a hint in Nobunaga's voice, indicating his Danchou's words were sinking into him. Not to mention he actually knew this all along, the thing was just… "But since when do we give a damn about other people than from our own?"

Kuroro regarded his comrades for the longest while before his eyes turned towards the ceiling above. He too wondered when exactly was it he actually and admittedly started to care about Kurapika. Regardless, he was going to be honest to them. "I'm afraid I can't pinpoint the exact 'when' either. But as of now, I think of Kurapika as one of my own."

He looked down at the ground, thinking hard. Earlier, he was considering making it a rule for his

Ryodan. Have them treat Kurapika as they treated his property or the robbed valuables; no damage or harm done whatsoever in any way.

Ultimately, having Kurapika under the protection of the Genei Ryodan would cut down a hell lot of possible threats lurking or tailing after the boy.

One brief look at each of them had him reconsider the idea. Kurapika wasn't his comrades' best interest, especially to some (if not most) of them. While he took himself as a selfish man, he couldn't find it in himself to regulate the whole Ryodan just to serve this one personal motive.

At last, he deviated to clarify, "Kurapika is being tailed by a variation of enemies. Be it the Mafia wanting his eyes, hired thieves, body collectors and whatnot. I've taken down men who were a threat to his life…" He thought of Makiya, "-or a woman for that matter. Gave her and her bosses my worst for the damages they've inflicted on him. I won't hesitate to do it again."

His eyes looked up at the ceiling again, refusing to fixate them on anyone in particular while having said this. As much as he'd like to think 'there'll be no exception' when it came to the boy, his greatest concern was that any threat to Kurapika's life wouldn't be from any of his Spiders.

"This is…unbelievable," Nobunaga grumbled with a face-palm, but his features were somewhat relaxed.

Kuroro hummed with a smile. "I share your feelings on that one." It truly was unbelievable, very much so, even for himself.

"What has he done to you, Danchou? How did it come to this?" The swordsman questioned, altering the question around after failing to obtain a direct answer prior.

When Kuroro's response was a blank look indicating he had no concrete reply to this one too, he made it evident with a slow shrug. Nobunaga slapped his hand against his face before his last question.

"Okay, what about the threat to your life?"

"He's not going to kill me anytime sooner than I do him," Kuroro assured them. Upon seeing the irrepressible doubt on their faces, he recounted what had taken place back then. "I told him the truth about Shal's plan, of making him believe the Mafia hired us to kill the Kurutas." There was a collective gasp from his comrades. Kuroro continued on, "By then I was already positive that he wouldn't kill me. I left myself unguarded to him, only to have my anticipation concretized when he let me be at last, despite the resentment that was there."

"You told him the truth," Franklin trailed off with an air of reminiscence. "Did you tell him the entire truth? That there were more factors to the Genei Ryodan wanting the eyes?"

Kuroro regarded his comrades and shook his head. His thoughtful gaze dropped to the floor. "It won't change the fact that I led the Ryodan for his clan's eyes, other causes or not."

They allowed the silence for a while, before the leader resumed the conversation.

"As far as I can tell, even confirm… Kurapika can't find it in himself to kill me, or any of us for that matter. He wasn't born a killer, and I doubt he could really become one. You see, even

Paku and Uvo weren't instantly killed. They were given a choice in which Kurapika must have hoped they'd obey his rule and live." Kuroro recalled of that one certain mafia's death. That must have been Kurapika's first genuine deathblow, no doubt it'd upset him that much. "He didn't want to, but he had to; I figured he felt it was his responsibility for being the sole survivor. What he had done to us was an act driven by his past alone."

Kuroro arrived at his answer. "My objective is to get him out of living in the past and move on."

He made eye contact with each of them until he settled on Nobunaga, "Nobu, I'm asking you on a personal level. Trust me on this."

No matter how ambiguous or complex Kuroro could be at times, his explanation somehow sank in. Nobunaga had been with them for a long time and two weeks with the Kuruta. A whole lot of him could be vengeful but part of him could see how things were now. The chain-bastard did save his Danchou's life, uncalled for or not. He'd lost his best friend and one good friend, and he didn't want to lose another. Kuroro might be his leader, but he was a friend before that.

On top of that, when it all came down to it, Kuroro was a person whom he'd still follow to the ends of the world.

A life for a life, huh?

After heaving the longest sigh in two weeks, he complied, "Fair enough, Danchou. But only because he's not a threat to your life. If he ever relapses, so will I."

Kuroro nodded in acknowledgement and appreciation to Nobunaga's former point. For the latter point, he responded, "Like I said, not on my watch. Unless if I died, I won't be there to stop you."

As he was saying, Kuroro noticed a gleam in Machi's eyes, similar to Nobunaga's. One thing

Machi hated was the thought of him dying. Her unswerving loyalty towards him was distinctive despite the higher level of indifference she achieved. Their history dated a long way back after all. It was then he came to think her hostility towards Kurapika, a supposed threat to his life, was almost nonexistent. Whether it was her confidence in his ability to handle Kurapika, or simply her hunch suggesting that Kurapika wasn't a threat, was a question for another day.

"Then what's going to become of us? I mean, how do we rob and kill if Kurapika is around?"

Franklin inserted, again, on behalf of his comrades' pressing questions.

"In general, we don't rob everyday. We will do the usual grand scale heist only once every few years. I'm sure I can put him somewhere else during those times." Kuroro answered as if this wasn't even an issue.

That drew another question from Franklin. "You mean you'd let him out of sight?"

"I let him out of sight before, we caught up later at a designated place." Again, Kuroro said as if it wasn't a big deal; as if it were natural to him and the chain-guy.

"Wait, wait, wait, Danchou," Nobunaga interrupted, his expression bewildered. "If I was convinced I already understand the half of it, I sure as hell am lost again. You mean you let him… free?"

"Yes. He's no longer a prisoner." Kuroro was reminded he need to make that clear.

"And he actually agreed to meet you at that designated point after he was out of your sight?"

Nobunaga's eyebrow went up further than Coltopi thought was possible.

"Yes. When I fought Hisoka, he wouldn't want to be anywhere near us, of course." Kuroro realized maybe his explanation was not done well. The occurrence was foreign to him and he wouldn't be surprised if his Ryodan shared that thought. Then again, this whole thing with

Kurapika was all foreign to him. He was still working on understanding it himself. "We… worked it out, Nobu. It is mutual. He did support us with our raids back there, I'm helping him look for the Scarlet eyes in return. You could probably call it a truce."

Nobunaga only responded after ten seconds of gaping. "…O…kay?"

'Well..that should do it?' If he could get past Nobunaga, then it'd be a safe bet talking Phinx and

Feitan into this shouldn't be too hard.

'Maybe the hardest part is understanding this myself.' But he smiled at that thought, he'd take it as a challenge. Trying something different and starting out somewhere was somewhat… pleasant and refreshing.

An audible sigh came from Franklin as he put a hand on Nobunaga's shoulder. "Nobunaga, there have always been hints and signs dropping, scattering everywhere they go. It'd take an idiot not to know."

Someone giggled…

They all turned to the source of that voice. It was Coltopi, the kid stopped the moment everyone's eyes were on him, sinking back a little and looking sheepish.

Kuroro smiled at that. Well, at least one person found this situation amusing enough.


In front of the deserted factory was an empty, non-functional fountain void of water. Kurapika was sitting on its ledge, under the shade of a dying tree with countable leaves hanging from it. He acknowledged Kuroro's presence since he exited the building, eyes fixed on him as he made a way towards him. When Kuroro sat himself down right next to him, a palm span apart, he didn't make an attempt to put distance between them.

"So?" Kurapika asked, his mood seemingly returned to being neutral.

"We're in the clear." Kuroro hummed, looking upwards at the bright blue above. "Don't worry. None of them is any threat to you. But let me know if any of them becomes more than you can handle." He turned to regard the boy. "And I'm sure you wouldn't do the same to them either, yes?"

"…Of course, as long as they keep away from me." Kurapika gave a slow answer, but it was firm enough. When Kuroro chuckled, he narrowed his eyes with a bored expression, asking, "Find anything amusing again?"

"Yeah. I just realized how we took turn explaining ourselves to our comrades…about us."

Eyes swaying downward to the ground, Kurapika remarked, "They're…awfully loyal to you."

The Spider head gave him a slight surprised look at the given comment before he smiled to himself with a hum. "Not what you really expected from bandits, huh?"

"Not what I expected from Genei Ryodan," Kurapika corrected, his tone with controlled frustration. "Before all this I was anticipating…" He stopped himself, looking unsure whether to continue what he'd started. Yet upon seeing Kuroro's attentiveness and curiosity, he surprised himself by carrying on, "Either you'd be a group of bandits sticking together to reap each other's benefits, or a band of murderers who expend lives without reason in Ryodan's best interest. Not glued to each other out of loyalty and killing someone else to save one another."

'… and saving me.' He kept that last bit to himself.

From having observed so far, Kuroro could tell Kurapika was torn from that kind of expectation.

Without a doubt, he most certainly did not expect those sacrificing traits from the Spiders like Uvo and Paku, else he wouldn't have carried the burden of ending their lives for this long. He needed them to be one way or another, not something in between. They just made much more problems for his conscience. Further complications.

It was evident in the way he turned deaf ears on him during their first few days together, only to return later to ask if he felt anything when he killed. Most likely he had been hoping for a different answer from before.

'But there was nothing you and I can't handle,' He mused and clarified with honesty, "Can't say we don't reap on each other for the benefits. But everything is a give and take, on an acceptable level."

"I know. Not allowing a fight amongst the Ryodan speaks a lot for itself," Kurapika found himself accepting that fact, following by a short moment of gaping at himself. No, he did not justapprove or contribute to any positive attribute on the Ryodan in any way. He had to make a follow up with a firm point, "Still, none of these equates to my acceptance. These…don't change anything."

"You've got yourself good friends too," Kuroro returned, pointedly ignoring those last few statements.

There was it again. The smile on Kurapika's face upon the mention of his friends.

It dawned upon him that he might have only known and learnt about one side of Kurapika. Undoubtedly his bad side…or the worst side for that matter. The boy took him as his sworn enemy. Naturally, Kurapika would carry himself differently with Kuroro. Albeit their tension was gradually shrinking, in the wake of what had happened, Kuroro couldn't help but wonder what kind of a person Kurapika truly was if there was no resentment against him.

Even Kuroro himself was weirded out at his own thought. Sure, previously he might have been captivated by that anger driven determination and his resolute goal to bring the Spiders down.

But that shouldn't be all that ever was to a person, much more so for an outstanding individual like Kurapika.

Out of nowhere, evoked the desire to see the boy's true self. The idea was alien to him. The man who wanted nothing in the world except worldly possessions now wanting nothing but to see the true colors of this one boy. And this one thing he couldn't just rob to gain it, he had to work on it.

He wanted to know what aside from his friends could make him smile. He wanted to bridge that gap, to reduce their distance to zero. With that thought spinning in mind, he leaned in. He couldn't quite catch the sudden shift in expression on the young face, too focused on wanting to get closer.

Their faces were inches apart before Kurapika fell off the fountain's ledge, having backed away till there was nowhere else to go.

"What… the hell… were you…?" Kurapika failed to complete the question, voice shaken with doubt. His green eyes widened in disbelief.

"…" Kuroro brought a hand up to his lips, looking sideways. "….Was just… taking a closer look at you. Your eyes have so much detail in them. They aren't merely red, they have a nice blend of violet and orange in them." He paused when the boy narrowed his eyes at him. Did it seem to the boy he was muttering nonsense? He better make sense now. "Fortunately, Coltopi is one of the members present. I've already spoken to him about faking your corpse to the underground world."

Kurapika frowned up at him, skeptical. "Well…shouldn't you be looking when we are actually letting him set up?"

"Just taking precaution. Post quality control." Wiping the uncertainty off his face and his hands off his lips, Kuroro smiled at him. He drew himself up and offered a hand for the fallen boy. He spared a comment on the boy's ungraceful fall. No doubt Kurapika must have lost his composure from having his alarm gone off.

After a short moment of hesitation, Kurapika took that offered hand to get himself up.

"Post quality control, huh? Aren't you so full of shit?" Kurapika attempted to look smug with that remark.

"That makes the two of us." Kuroro sneered. As the boy gave him an incredulous look, he reminded Kurapika of his previous remark, "These don't change anything."

He watched the boy gape back at him with another look of disbelief, most likely realizing his own prior mistake. The opening and closing of his mouth indicated his failing attempt for a smart comeback. He could retort, but Kuroro already caught him lying, another one only he could see through.

The boy's face was all red, yet his eyes remained green.

Kuroro spoke through laughter, "I'm trying to make myself as clear as I can, for you. I'd appreciate if you'd be honest with me."

By that time Kurapika could do nothing but growl, Coltopi appeared at the entrance of the building, looking at them with interest clear in his round eyes.

To help the boy save some dignity, Kuroro casually changed the subject, dipping his head towards where his comrade was standing. "Come. We don't know how long they'd stick with us. Let's get your corpse rolling."

"Don't you have better ways to say this?" Kurapika grouched as he ambled towards the man waiting for him.

"Just being direct, so we'd be on the same page." Kuroro said, his voice still light. He extended his hand towards the boy, palm up. His laughter was held back when Kurapika faltered and stopped death in his tracks, looking at his hand with a twitch of eyebrow. Kuroro's amusement must have shown on his face in the form of a shit-eating grin, if the boy was giving him that kind of glare.

"Do you think I'd get lost on my way from here-" Kurapika threw a pointed a finger to where Coltopi was standing at the building's entrance, some sixteen meters away. "-to there!?"

"No." Kuroro shrugged. Taking one step closer to the boy, he kept his hand outstretched, nothing but persistent. The boy stared at him in disbelief, then it turned observing and calculating. As much as he was having fun at the other's expense (how active the wheels inside that blond head must be spinning now), keeping Coltopi waiting was downright inconsiderate. "Kurapika, you're overthinking again. My hand is not a booby trap. I'm just showing my sincerity."

"What can your hand say about being sincere?" Kurapika scoffed, his voice lacking its usual ire. Then he looked at Coltopi and sighed, knowing better to get this over with.

Kurapika closed the distance between him and Kuroro and grabbed at his black sleeve, tugging him along. The day he willingly took Kuroro's hand could come much later, if ever that were to happen…maybe in the next life or in some damn parallel universe.

"You know, there's no different-"

"Shut up."

Kuroro hummed with a smile, trailing alongside the boy. To him this was good enough as it was.

He knew he wasn't alone in this seemingly endless journey of mutual understanding.


NOTE: It's done! For this story^^; I hope I didn't leave anything out. If you think anything's left unanswered, do let me know. Some unsettled things are on purpose, some are not. I'd probably tie up all the loose ends in "Carry On."

If I finished this story years back, Kurapika would have the Ryodan as his protectors, under Kuroro's order. Now I just think otherwise, lol. I'd need to fix Carry On too; my priority is that damn cliché kiss!

Kuruta massacre: so after volume 0, we learned that it could be a revenge. I already made clear in TSASAN Kuroro's wanted the eyes yet i'd like to make it conform to canon.

Coltopi…well, I just knew that he was just a kid.

Machi and Paku: I shamefully admit that years back, I thought they were cold to each other. I didn't read them well enough.

THANK YOU to all of you who sticks up with me up until now :D, I'll see you in CO! and as always, feedback will be nice, whether it be positive or negative ;). Thanks!