Title: Eyes Wide Shut

Chapter: 1/15

Pairing: Randy Orton/Sheamus

Summary: Randy Orton had everything he asked for. Money, the looks, the knowledge, everything. The fact that he was only 18 years old didn't matter. But after a certain incident, he forces himself to move on to a life he thought he'd never experience. SHANDY/SLASH/MPreg.

Rating: M for violence, language, and sexual scenes.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.

Stephen cursed, slamming his hand on the alarm which screamed his head off. It beeped a few times before the sound drowned out and a crack was heard, making Stephen realize that he had broken the alarm. Again. He groaned, opening only one of his eyes and peeking at the shattered alarm. He groaned again when he realized that he wasn't able to check the time and he would have to get up and search for his phone for it.

After half an hour of tossing on the bed and realizing he wouldn't be able to fall asleep again, he dragged his lazy body off the bed to the bathroom and did his deed, before taking a shower. He strutted down the stairs wearing only a pair of boxers. The usual smell of coffee reached his nose when he entered the kitchen. He jogged to his mom and pecked her cheek, greeting her a good morning before filling a glass of water to have a drink before he gulped down the coffee.

His mum seemed happy today, her face was glowing and she had a smile on her face which was rarely seen after his dad had passed away. What made her happy was a mystery, until Stephen opened his mouth to ask about it.

"What's going on?" his tone was wary. His mum glanced at him briefly before turning her attention back to making pancakes.

"Well I've been meaning to say this sooner, but you and I both know that we didn't have time for each other," she said, her voice strained a bit. What she said was true. After Stephen's dad had died, his mum had taken up the job of earning money to support him and her. She was a cashier at Walmart, but the salary was only enough to pay the bills. So she had to work in the town's hospital at night four days a week. So when Stephen was at home, she wasn't and when she was, Stephen had either Basketball practices or work. It was only times like this that Stephen would actually meet her.

Suddenly, Stephen felt afraid. As soon as those words escaped from her lips a dread settled in the pitch of his stomach. Normally, a single mother would only start a conversation off like that with a teenager was to announce that she was seeing someone. But this wasn't a situation like that, right? It had only been a year since dad died, how could she move on so fast like that? Stephen struggled to control the rising anger. One of his weaknesses was jumping into conclusions without thinking properly. He pursed his lips in a tight line and waited for his mum to finish the talking.

She hurriedly turned the oven off and turned to face Stephen, placing her hands on the counter and resting her back against it. Her green eyes ran over Stephen's nearly naked body. She was used to see Stephen like this. At first it annoyed her and she had told him to not to go off wondering wearing only boxers, but it wasn't Stephen who had listened to her. Sometimes, Stephen was as stubborn as his father. That ginger hair was one of those reminders of his father and she was half glad that Stephen got her green eyes except of hazel browns. That would have been a lot to handle if he looked just like his father.

"You've grown up," she finally stated.

"Yeah. Would've been happier if you were there for me," Stephen didn't meant to be rude, but it was the truth. He hardly saw his mother and sometimes it was only a several times in a month he actually got to see her. He regretted saying that when he saw the hurt look in her eyes but he couldn't take those words back in.

"You know why I couldn't," she sighed. "I have to support both of us. Do you know how happy I am because you decided to work in that café? At least I'm relieved of your personal expenses. But after the end of this month, I will get to spend time with you more."

"Andy why is that?"

"Because, I noticed that we have two extra bedrooms. One I left out for Jeff since he practically lives here. The other one, I decided to rent. So I advertised on the newspaper. And surprisingly, someone answered it."

Somehow, Stephen felt uneasy. He didn't know if he liked the idea or not, but he had to agree that it was a way of earning extra money. "So who is this 'someone'?"

She hesitated a bit before saying, "his name is Randy Orton. He's….the same age as you. He will be attending your school." Stephen knew that when his mom hesitated in middle sentence it wasn't about that man's age she was going to say. But he didn't push her asking about it and waited her to finish. And 'Orton' seemed to click something in his mind, but he couldn't quite grasp what exactly it was. "He seems to be a good boy. Very polite. I think you'd be good friends."

Stephen snorted. "How can you say we'll be friends when you and I haven't even met him, Ma?"

She beamed at this. "Actually, you haven't met him. I already did."


"He arrived late last night, and I think he's still asleep. But you'll be able to see him before you go to school."

Just as she finished talking, someone cleared his throat. It wasn't Stephen. So that meant it was someone else. Stephen turned to the direction where the sound came and blinked. Steel grey eyes were looking at him blankly, before they shifted to meet his mother's. A smile curved his lips as the man greeted her like they have been friends for a long time. He pulled away from the door frame and entered the kitchen, mumbling thanks when his mother handed him a coffee. The first thing Stephen realized was, the boy had looks to kill for.

He looked to be the same height as Stephen, but he was leaner, but he couldn't say it properly because he was wearing an oversized sweater with perfectly tanned skin. Not that Stephen was ugly. He was pale no matter how much he was exposed to the sun, getting a tan seemed impossible to his skin. He body was more built, muscle-y even as a result of practices and once in a while visits to the town's gym. To say truly, he looked like a giant zombie carrot but that didn't stop the girls at school swooning over him. When he looked at Randy, it seemed nothing.

A threat was hanging in the air. What if he lost his popularity to Randy? What if suddenly the girls and guys try to hang out with him ditching Stephen? It was more than possible. But nothing happened still. He would wait and see. Again he met those piercing eyes. They seemed blank like before, empty. They seemed to hide something that was unspoken.

"Stephen, this is-"his mom started.

"I know," he simply said before leaning back on the chair and crossing his arms over his chest. He saw Randy raising a brow. "I mean who else this would be?" he nonchalantly played it off. Then his eyes traveled down and lingered on the spot where Randy was resting his palm. On his stomach. His mother noticed.

"You told him?" for the first time Randy spoke out loud, his voice deep but soft, tone wary.

"Um, I was waiting to ask you if it's okay…"

"Tell me what?" Stephen gave a curious look to them. They both glanced at him briefly before going back to talk like they hadn't even heard his question.

"It's okay, Mrs. Farrelly. It's not like I can hide it forever," Randy gave a soft smile which looked to be a forced one. Curiosity was bouncing off the hinges as Stephen gave Randy a calculated look. "I'm pregnant."

For a moment the room held a pin drop silence. Stephen's breath hitched as he stared openmouthed at Randy, like he wasn't human. Then he closed his mouth after realizing that he must be looking like an idiot, but the cloud which had appeared inside his head hadn't disappeared. He didn't mean to snap.

"What do you mean, you're pregnant? You're a MAN for god's sake. How is that even possible?" Stephen stood and thrust his hands towards Randy.

"Stephen! Sit down," his mum said sternly and sent him the 'mom look'. Normally she was like a bunny but when she got her 'Mum Role' on, she could be as scary as you could imagine. And like every other teenager, Stephen obeyed her and sat down, but not after sending a growl towards Randy who was gripping the coffee mug tightly and biting his lip. Stephen noticed how he was struggling not to let the hurt look on his face show. Deep down he felt a tug inside his chest at the man who was in front of him.

"Don't talk to Randy like that. He's a guest. And these days certain men can get pregnant too. You should have known that better than me," his mother said sharply, placing her hands on her hips. Then she turned to Randy. "I'm sorry, honey. He tends to act stupid sometimes without thinking."

That earned her another small smile and a nod. "It's fine, really. He's just new to this, that's all."

"Hey, will you two stop talking like I'm not here," Stephen scowled, trying to get his mum's attention. This male pregnancy was really freaking him out but he had one relief in his head. Randy wasn't the person to go for girls. That saved him from losing his place at school. He didn't even care how selfish and self-conceited he sounded at the time.

"Excuse me," suddenly Randy clasped a hand over his mouth and hurried out of the room. Stephen grimaced, staring after him.

"Stephen," he looked back to his mum. "Do not kill him while I'm away."

"While you're away?"

"Um, yeah I haven't told you about it. Um, Aunt Loretta is sick. She asked if I can come there and help her with work. I couldn't say no because she was there with me when I needed her."

"Okay," Stephen said coldly before standing up and leaving the room without another word. Mum had other priorities more important than him. Well, he did too. It was when a cold wind brushed past him that he remembered that he was only wearing boxers. God, he has been there in the kitchen with a stranger with only his boxers on. His face colored slightly.

He dressed quickly as it was almost time for Jeff to arrive at his house. Jeff Hardy was his best friend since three years ago, nothing had been able to separate them. Jeff was weird. He liked art. He was this fun guy you'll never get tired of even after hours of talking about the same topic. His hair was blonde, originally at least. As much as he liked art, he loved dying his hair to different colors every once in a while.

Stephen was the only one who knew his real hair color and the color of his eyes apart from his family. And also…. Jeff was gay. He liked boys. Just like Randy. But hopefully he wouldn't get knocked out like Randy Orton. Stephen trudged down the stairs just as Jeff opened the front door. His lips instinctively curved to a beam when Jeff spotted Stephen. They bumped their fists and shoulders in greeting and said good bye to Stephen's mum, jogging out of the house. Stephen spotted a brand new Chevrolet Camaro parked on his drive way.

Jeff wolf whistled. "You didn't tell me you bought a car."

"Nah, man it's not mine." Stephen scoffed.

"Then why the hell it's parked in your drive way?" Jeff jabbed a finger to Stephen's chest while asking.

"It's uh, it's Randy's."


"A guest at our house. Mum decided to rent the extra bedroom we had, apart from the one that is for you. Apparently, he was rich enough to buy an expensive car but not a house to himself?"

"Oh." Jeff was silent for a second. "Is he hot?" a wide grin spread across his face.

"Jeffy…" Stephen whined. Not that talk again.

"Tell me," Jeff whined, grabbing on to Stephen's hand and pouting like a puppy. Like always, Stephen gave in.

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Then I'mma get his ass soon," Jeff narrowed his eyes playfully and licked his lips.

"I don't think you will, kiddo," Stephen grinned, making Jeff confuse.


"You'll see soon."

They passed a black SUV parked at the corner of the street. Its windows were black so Stephen couldn't see who was inside it, but he could hear a group of men laughing loudly from the inside. Stephen never suspected about it, but he did felt someone stare at him. He turned to look at the SUV one last time before Jeff captured his attention with school's latest gossip.