A/N: Hey thanks to all who have been reviewing my other stories or following me as an autor! This is going to be a collection of sweet short stories about Roy Wally and Dick, currently the only three sidekicks. This is my first no-novel style story so don't hate me :'( ok! so enjoy the random fluffy brother stuff!

Disclaimer: I dont own anything, except Mary Lily France and her house (sorry if that is YOUR name I didn't mean to include you in this story!)

Dick could hear the soft steady footsteps down the hall as he hid behind the corner. He prayed for dear life, he couldn't be caught! He crinkled his nose as it started to tingle; he took three deep breaths in

"Huh, Huh, HUH, ACHOO!" Dick sneezed as a bright yellow blur zipped in front of followed by a fast, cold, breeze.

"You know, maybe you shouldn't play Hide-and-Seek when you're so sick!"

"Or maybe you shouldn't play Hide-and-Seek when you're so fast Wally!"

Wally playfully ruffled his hair and Dick climbed up onto Wally's back and held onto his red hair.

"Dude I can't wait for Christmas!" Dick exclaimed.

"Me either!" Wally replied just as excitedly, "it's only a few days away! But for now... Come on," Wally whispered mischievously "let's go get Roy!" They both giggled and zoomed off.

The two tip-toed, now side-by-side, through the long hallways of the Watch Tower. They looked side to side and jumped around pretending to be spies. Wally fell at his attempt to run across the hallway and Dick covered his mouth to keep himself from cracking up. Wally and Dick were standing on opposite sides of the hallway now, Dick started running across the hallway when he crashed into a tall, blue, figure walking by.

"Woah there Robin! " Superman stared down at Robin who had just crashed into his legs and fell to the floor with a terrified look. Wally's jaw dropped as he rushed over to Robin. He looked up at Superman with a death stare then down at Robin. Robin and K.F burst out laughing in unison.

"I'm sorry Superman!" Robin said as he jumped up with a wide smile, "hey so have you seen Roy?" he said readily.

"Why? Oh," Superman whispered and huddled down to their height playfully "are you guys playing Hide-and-Seek?"

They both nodded with those wide smiles Superman couldn't resist. Too bad he had to disappoint them.

"I'm sorry but I haven't," and quickly, before their smiles could fade, he added, "how 'bout you go check around Green Arrows room, I bet he's over there!"

"Ok, Thanks!" they both answered quickly and raced off.

Roy didn't know why the heck he was even here. It was Saturday, SATURDAY NIGHT (though it was only about 5:30 pm) and what was he doing? Babysitting an 8 and 10-year old at the Watch Tower. Why did Oliver make him suffer through this? Roy was thirteen, had better things to do than play Hide-and-Seek with kids, more important things to do. RING-TA-TRING! His phone buzzed. He reached in his pocket and was about to read the message when—


Robin and K.F. laughed and high-fived eachother.

"Oh no…" Roy said un-enthusiastically and rolled his eyes, "ok are we done playing?" Roy got up and fixed his yellow hat.

"But we just started!" Robin whined, "We still have TONS of more games to play! Like Tag, Hopscotch—"

"I have a life," Roy interrupted rudely, "and I'm not wasting it with you," he pushed Wally and Dick aside. "I have friends and parties and a phone and untilled you get all those things, don't talk to me! Now go away!" he yelled at them.

Robin's eyes swelled up with tears, Wally put his arm over his head and hugged him close to his chest.

"YOU'RE, you're a monster!" Wally shouted. He picked Robin up as he gave out a soft sob and they ran off.

Whatever, they're kids. They're supposed to cry, it's not my fault. Roy thought as he got out his phone and read his message

"Hey Roy! X-Mas party tonight at 6:30! Mary's House! Star City 35680 Dandle St. Wear your WORST HOLIDAY SWEATER! Be there or be known as the loser who didn't show up like last year!

Roy rolled his eyes at the thought of last year's Christmas break; he was stuck in the Watch Tower, just like this year, and he was babysitting, just like this year, and he was invited to a party, just like this year, but he didn't go, NOT like this year. A devious smile spread across Roy's face at the thought of sneaking out and zeta beaming himself to Star City. He went into his small but surprisingly cozy room across the hall from Green Arrows, where he had a rectangular bed, and a box in the corner he dumped his clothes in he called 'his closet.' He liked how dirty his room was, the walls painted red, and the piles of junk everywhere, all of it. Though he had only been Speedy for about 1 or 2 years now, he had convinced Ollie into getting his own room in the watch tower. He went to his 'closet' and knew immediately which sweater he would wear to the party. Last week Diana had given him the ugliest sweater he had ever seen, it was red and green. One sleeve was longer that the other, the small, hand stitched dog was missing a button eye, the Christmas tree was losing strings, and the letters JOLLY were stitched on backwards. To make things even worse, the 'J' in JOLLY had fallen off and all that read was OLLY, how convenient. Diana had made it with "all her love" but Roy knew it looked like a piece of trash. He stuffed it in his black duffle bag along with his bow and some trick arrows, and other stuff he didn't want anyone to touch so he took it with him. All of a sudden the worst thing happened to Roy, and I was something that usually didn't happen. He felt like he could hear something echoing in the back of his head, he left his bag on his bed and paced around the room for a while. It was a child, and he was whimpering or rather, it was the soft cry Dick had given out before Wally had run away. Roy shook his head vigorously as he tried to ignore the noise but it just got louder and louder! He then realized it wasn't in his head, it was in front of his door. The sobbing continued and Roy pressed his ear to his door to hear better. The cry was followed by a quiet whisper, that Roy could not understand, and the whimpering trailed off. As soon as the crying was earshot it was followed by a loud hard knock on his door which blasted into his ear. Roy opened the door just a crack to see his mentor starting down at him with an evillish stern look straight into his eyes.

"Is it too much to ask to be nice Roy?" Green Arrow said pushing the door open to let himself in. "You're thirteen; I thought you knew better than this..." Green Arrow sat down on Roy's bed and sighed heavily.

"Is it too much to ask for a LIFE?" Roy said raising his voice, "I'm always 'Roy the babysitter' and I HATE IT!" Roy shouted, "I HATE THIS STUPID PLACE, I HATE THIS STUPID LIFE, AND I HATE THOSE, THOSE ABSOLUTELY STUPID KIDS!" Roy snatched his bag that was sitting next to Green Arrow and opened the door ready to leave when Green Arrow put his hand on Roy's shoulder

"Roy remember, Christmas is a time for loving and respecting and caring for one and other-"

"Well I hate Christmas," Roy said rudely "for all I care Christmas can go to-"

"Roy stop it, NOW" Green Arrow said sternly though he could hear people's footsteps as they gathered around the corners of the hallway to listen to what the yelling was about "you've gone too far this time... Christmas is very serious and religious holiday and it spreads cheer and joy-"

"Well Christmas isn't giving me any cheer or joy, especially not at this floating junk in the sky, I'm out of here. I'm going to earth, where I can spread 'cheer and joy "' Roy said sarcastically as he slammed the door and ran down the hallway. He could feel the 4 or 5 eyes of the leaguers eyes pouring down on him with confusion but his eyes were welling up with small drops of salty water known as tears. He wiped them away and ran straight to the monitor womb which was surprisingly and luckily empty. He pulled out his phone, it read 6 o'clock and he was going to that party. He typed in Mary's address and was zeta beamed to the closest teleportation hide out to Mary's. Who cared about Christmas? Certainly not Roy.

Oliver looked up at the ceiling then down at the floor then back up at the ceiling trying to process what had just happened. Why in the world did he choose such a short tempered egoistic sidekick like Roy? Why not some one small and practical like Dick? Why was Batman always better than him? Roy would grow up to be a good man, Oliver knew it. Surrounded by all these good people he really had no other option. But that was in the future, right now he had to worry about what he was going to do with Roy in the present. He touched the cold metal doorknob and slowly turned it to the left remembering the glimpse he had caught of the 1 or 2 Leaguers outside the door. Instead they had multiplied to 5; Superman, Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Black Canary were crowded in front of the door with the same look on each of their faces; confusion. He sent a silent prayer up hoping they would just leave so he didn't have to explain.

"Care to explain?" Superman said without even a hint of amusement.

"What?" Oliver said nonchalantly.

"Were not blind or deaf," Hawkgirl said glaring at Oliver sternly "it's not everyday someone gets a thirteen year old to cry."

"And that wasn't just any thirteen year old," green lantern added, "that was ROY, Roy Harper. The strongest most tough, insightful kid I know. What did u do Queen?"

Oliver didn't answer to their legit questions because he himself had no answers. He sighed and hung his head low. "I didn't do anything, honest! Let me go find Roy and he'll tell you all himself, okay? Sorry for the disturbance," they all started walking back down the hallway but he held Superman back "do u know where robin and-"

"In the cafeteria," Superman said with a small smile. He had seen them early taunting eachother about who would get the last cookie as they ran to the cafeteria with Batman and Flash close behind them.

"Thanks." Oliver replied with a small nod as he went off to find the two energy filled boys.

"Roy said that to you!?" Oliver asked in astonishment as Dick retold what had happened while trying his best to not tear up, "why was he so mean?"

"I don't know," Wally shrugged with hate anger confusion in his eyes and everything in between, "and I don't care. He hurt my brother." Wally said lightly patting Dick on the back.

"He mentioned friends and parties." Dick said softly. Oliver realized now why Roy had gone back to earth, to go to a party. He rolled his eyes at the stupidity Roy had made a big deal over, it was just a party! He would just go to the last address that had been zeta-beamed and that's where Roy would be, I'm such a genius Oliver thought. "Hey but don't forget," he said looking at Wally, "Roy is your brother too!" He said slightly uncomfortably, they both beamed at him then eachother and started whispering and giggling playfully. He ruffled the two boy's hair and went out of the door with determination.

"I've always wanted to see what they look like!" Dick said adventurously "we have to follow him now!" Wally just smiled mischievously and nodded his head.

"Let's go!" They both looked back at their mentors, who were busy talking over a cup of coffee, giggled and ran through the doors.

They were stealthy on their feet as they stalked the Leaguer through the Watch Tower. 2 right turns, a left turn, a long hallway, and another right turn later, Green Arrow had walked through the door that led to one of the zeta-beams. He walked in and K.F and Robin zipped in behind him

"Hey Uncle Ollie..." Dick sang as he rocked back and forth on his heels, "where's your bow?" he said with the biggest smile he could fit on his mouth. Green Arrow spun around, slightly startled and saw Wally and Dick with their hands behind their back, rocking on their heels. Oliver raised one eyebrow up at how strange the two were acting, but he touched his chest, then his back and realized the boy was correct.

"What if Roy is in trouble and you can't defend him? You better go get it!" Wally exclaimed. Realizing that his statement was valid, Green Arrow walked out the door to go fetch his bow. As soon as he left the two high-fived eachother and ran to the address pad. The last address it read was Star City 35680, Wally shrugged and hit the address and within seconds they were beamed to a small alleyway.

Roy grabbed another glass of soda and finished it with one gulp. The whole house was dark except for the flashing green, blue, purple, and red lights that sparked to the music. The loud, ear busting, rock/heavy-metal versions of traditional Christmas songs filled the room with girls in disgustingly short clothes and guys shaking soda cans and showering every one with the sugar coated drink every now and then. This party was outrageous; no wonder Ollie didn't let him go last year. But he loved it, the stupidness, the craziness, every bit of it. Then he thought of what Wally and Dick would be doing right now... Maybe they-

"Hey RoyBoy!" Someone interrupted his thoughts and as he met her sparkling green eyes he knew it was Mary, his crush since the fifth grade. She put one hand on his shoulder as her blonde hair flew around. The party was packed, literally, there was hardly any elbow room; at least 75 people. She pulled him from the drink table into the crowd as her small Santa dress twirled around to the heavy-metal '12 days of Christmas'. Roy danced around with her, hip-to-hip as she kept dancing closer and closer to his body. Roy had never talked to her, not even once, but she had looked like an angel to him since they was 10 and getting to dance so close to her was the best feeling in the world. He could faintly hear the door open and then close again but people always came and left. The house could be seen and heard for blocks away and the thought occurred to him it could be a cop. Who cares? Roy was having the best time of his life; he was away from those terrible kids.

Wally nervously knocked on the door, the music was terribly loud and Dick was slightly scared. A girl with pale skin and long brown hair, wearing just an over-sized Christmas sweater opened the door. Batman had always told Dick that if the girl's clothes were too short then they weren't good people, Dick tensed up at the sight of her.

"Who are ya'll?" she said with a candy cane in her mouth.

"Were, umm..." Wally stammered.

"WERE ROY'S LITTLE BROTHERS!" Dick shouted without a second thought. Immediately the girl's expression changed from 'go away' to 'Aww!'

"AWW! Really?! Roy Harper never told me he had little brothers! And omg!" she squealed as two other girls peeked over her shoulder to see who was at the door "you guys look so cute! Look at em'!" She pointed to them as the other two squealed with her.

"come on in!" one of them said.

They were taken through a crowd of very tall and crazy people to the back wall of the house where there were 8 or 10 girls gathered together talking and laughing. All heads turned to Wally and Dick as they blushed at the crowd of so many girls crowding over them.

"OMG look they're wearing little superhero costumes!" a girl said as she brought over a few other girls.

"You look better than the REAL Robin and Kid Flash!" another said. Robin and K.F chuckled and blushed again at all the attention. They were liking Roy's friends.

Oh my God Roy thought. Did I just do that? Mary had the same astonished expression. They both looked up at the mistletoe someone had hung above them and blushed then looked back at eachother. Mary's eyes sparkled again in the dark light as a big smile spread across their faces.

"Here," she stuffed a piece of paper in his black jeans pocket "we should do this again." Her smile widened as she walked away and blew him a kiss. Omygod I just kissed Mary Lilly France Roy thought there was nothing that could ruin this day.

"Save my Christmas you superhero cuties!" Roy heard someone say. "Wally? That is the most adorable name ever!" He heard another girl say from the corner of the room. There was a huge crowd of girls surrounding two boys. Now he knew what would ruin his day. He shoved through the small crowd that had built up around an 8 and a 10 year old.

"Omg aren't they cute?" Said a brunette with red and green braces and knee-length green dress.

"Eh their okay..." Roy said folding his arms.

"You would know!" She said cheerfully, "you're their older brother right Roy!?"

Roy's jaw dropped as the word 'brother' came out of her mouth. He swore under his breath and went closer to Wally and Dick who were being tickled by three or four 15 year old girls. He rolled his eyes, even he didn't get this much attention from girls. He pushed two of the girls aside and picked Wally and Dick up by the arm and brought them to their feet.

"What are you doing here?" he said through his teeth while trying to stay calm (though it wasn't working) "Do you have to ruin EVERYTHING?" he said a little too loud. The music stopped and everyone was now crowded around Roy, Wally, and Dick.

"They're super cute super heroes!" Mary said over Roy's shoulder. Roy looked at her then down at Dick and Wally who looked very scared at Roy. He didn't want to be feared by them...

"Don't be so mean!" Mary shoved Roy over and ruffled Wally's hair then kissed Dick's forehead. "You're so lucky to have two brothers! Now tell me," she said as she squatted down in front of them, "is Roy nice to you?"

They looked at eachother, then at Mary, smiled, and nodded. "Is he a GOOD brother?" they looked at eachother, then at Mary, smiled, and nodded, everyone was watching the two small boys and no one dared to disrupt Mary. Roy ran his hand threw his hair and sighed heavily, WHEN WOULD THIS END he thought, then Mary said, "And how much do you love your brother?" Pin drop silence as everyone waited for a response from one of the two. They looked at eachother, jumped up, and spread their arms as tall and far as they could

"THIS MUCH!" They said in unison, then they ran over and hugged Roy's legs. Roy looked down at them completely startled, why were they doing this?

"See Roy? They love you so much!" Mary said, getting up and walking to him, "love them back..." Roy looked down at the two again to see their faces, though he couldn't. Their eyes were closed and they were clinging on to him burying their heads into his sides. Now he knew what Christmas meant; it meant receiving love and giving it back. He picked Wally up, kissed the top of his head, then picked Dick up and did the same. They were his brothers, forever. The ENTIRE CROWD let out a giant AWWWW and Dick, Wally and Roy all felt eachother blush. Then someone knocked on the door. No one bothered to turn around but Mary went and opened the door. All eyes were still glued on Roy when she said

"Woah look! Dude you look just like Robin Hood!" Wally, Dick, and Roy all cringed at the word Robin Hood.

"Dude what are you talking about?" One guy said as a few other heads turned to the door "that's... THAT'S GREEN ARROW!" a crowd of people flushed to the doorway as the three boys snuck to the kitchen to escape through the back door when 5 girls followed them. One by one they came and stuffed a small piece of paper into Roy's pocket each saying something like 'I'd love to babysit sometime! Here's my number!' Or 'can't wait to see those Cuties again! Call anytime!' Or simply 'call me.' And walked away. Wally and Dick giggled at how silly Roy was staring at the nice girls. They ran through the back door, Roy grabbed his bag and they continued running when halfway down the street, they were stopped by a loud

"Get back here!" By Green Arrow. They looked back as the door to Mary's house closed and the music started again. They stood in the street with their heads low but giggling under their breath, all three of them. Without a word Green Arrow grabbed Wally and Roy by the ear and threw Dick over his shoulder.

Later that night, after each of them had gotten a lecture about leaving the watch tower from their mentors, Dick and Wally were playing video games in their PJ's in the entertainment room when Roy softly knocked on the door.

"Can I come in guys?" Roy said quietly.

"Course u can!" Wally said over the noises of the game. Roy came through the door and sat on the couch with Wally and Dick.

"So, umm back at the party..." he stammered, "did u guys mean what you said? You know about me being nice?"

"Shoosh ya we did!" Dick said as he paused the game, "you're our brother Roy!"

"Ya you're the bestest big brother in the world!" Wally added as he clung to Roy's chest.

"Sometimes brothers don't agree," Dick said standing in front of Wally and Roy, "sometimes they fight and be mean. But that's the difference between brothers and friends, brothers will always be there for eachother, like you Roy!" He said as he wrapped his arms around Roy's neck from the side. Roy was so stunned; he had expected some 'we still hate you' response.

"But I was so mean to you, I was such a jerk earlier..." Roy recalled how carelessly he had spoken to them at the party and while playing hide and seek, "I'm the worst brother in the world!"

"Don't say that!" Dick pleaded, "We love you! You're awesome Roy!" They said in unison. They both climbed onto Roy's lap and he moved to the middle of the couch. He patted their heads that lay on his lap and within half an hour the two were sound asleep. These were Roy's little brothers, they loved him and they were his, and only his.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the brother fluff! Please review and tell me if you have an idea for the next chapter, i'm open to suggestions like should there be a New Years party at the Watch Tower or should they Roy, Wally and Dick all create New Years Resoloutions, OR should it just be more random brother fluff? Review and the next chapter will be up as soon as possible!