Looking for you in the sky, part II

Based on Vocaloid

"Tsunade-sama, you're almost there." Mikoto responded to her screams. "Just one more push then your done. Now, push!"

Tsunade screamed loudly to the top of her lungs gripping the sheats beneath her body. She knew that Mikoto and Fugaku could see her baby's head. But she was too exhausted to push any further, she was loosing her breaths.

"I can't.. I can't..." she huffed.

"Yes, you can. Now shut up, quit trying to give up and push!"

And so, Tsunade did as she was told. She gave one more push with such powerful scream loud enough to be heard in the village. Just when the baby came out of her vagina, she heard a high-pitched cry. Sakura, Sakura was finally born. The blond broke a weak smile and she was somehow far too exhausted than any other women giving birth. Her eyes were becoming heavy that she needed to sleep, she slowly closed her tiring eyes.

"Look, look, it's Sakura-chan," Mikoto stroke Sakura's pink hair. "She's so beautiful, don't you think?"

She whispered to the baby softly while Fugaku checked Tsunade's condition. When he stared at her sleeping form on the bed, he noticed something a little off. He leaned his ear by her mouth and his eyes snapped wide in shock. His mouth became dry, his body trembled in fear, his voice wouldn't come out for that mere second.

"Mikoto..." he spoke.

"Yes?" she happily turned her head away from the baby to smile at her husband.

"Tsunade's" he swallowed a lump in his throat. "not breathing..."

Mikoto's eyes widen, shock came over her making her body shook in slight fear. She landed her eyes over Tsunade laying still on the queen sized bed of the guest room then to Sakura and back to her mother. Imagining the fact of her closest friend be dead in front of her eyes tore her dropped heart. Her grip tightened onto the baby as tears started building.

"What do you mean she's not breathing!" she yelled making the little child in her arms burst out crying.

Fugaku stayed silent for a moment then sat on his knees to hold up one of Tsunade's wrists to press his index and middle fingers on to her pulse then next on the pulse of her neck. Sadly, he didn't felt any beating at at all since he realized that she haven't been breathing either. Gritting his teeth, he pushed himself back up to respond to his wife.

"I didn't feel a pulse anywhere," his bangs shadowed his eyes as he spoke.

"NO!" the raven haired woman cried. She couldn't believe itshe wouldn't believe it. Tsunade couldn't die like this. She couldn't leave Sakura when she's just a new born. "It can't be! What about Sakura? What will happen to her?"

She heavily grasped for air before hushing the baby to sleep. Then continued, her tears burning her flushed cheeks. "She doesn't have any other relatives, even her father's gone!"

Her husband's lips pressed together into a straight line and thought about Sakura's future situation. One thing's for sure, he didn't trust anyone to look after her one bit and Mikoto should have already known that already. When he told her just now, they were completely at loss. Then, what were they going to do? They couldn't abandon a child just like that, especially the Haruno's kid.

Mikoto thought about an adoption, but she had forgotten what Fugaku had just told her that he didn't trust anyone to look after the toddler nor taking care of her loud and clear. He didn't want any stranger touching her.

The room echoed some ticking from the small alarm clock in the room. How many minutes has it passed since Sakura was born? It felt like hours or maybe even days with all the crazy stress in their hands. Then the wife finally spoke.

"But, Sakura would be" suddenly, Fugaku interrupted her.

"Would you..." his voice was low but strong. He wanted to make this a right decision, but it would all depend on Mikoto herself. "Would you like us to take care of her in her parent's place instead?"

To the woman's surprise, she couldn't believe what the man was saying. Her thin brows wrinkled her forehead. It was completely and very unexpected that she had forgotten how to breathe. At first, she never thought about raising Sakura since they have Sasuke. But it was an incredible idea. Sakura didn't need to be adopted by unknown men or women, her husband wouldn't complain nor be against it. But just in case, she had to make sure.

"You won't mind..?" she spoke softly and carefully. It surprised her even more when she saw a smile krept into Fugaku's lips.

"Of course," he replied. "after all, the Harunos has taken good care of us for all these years, right?"

That's right. For many generations, the Harunos has always taken care of the Uchihas. And since all the Harunos are now deceased, its time for the famous family to take care of the last Haruno from then on. Mikoto beaned.

"Then, we shall return the favour."

"That's right."

The female Uchiha happily held up Sakura in the air, her hands under the kid's under arms after kissing it's tiny head and smiled until it reached her eyes. It was time to make Tsunade proud for giving birth to this wonderful girl and to show her that her effort weren't a waste.

"Sakura-chan, welcome to the family," she said. "We'll make sure you grow up strong and healthy along with Sasuke-chan."

Fugaku walked right up beside his wife and patted the child's head when she was back into the woman's arms. The feeling of raising another new born tingled his stomach with confident and excitement. This would be an interesting experienced for the married couple. A new member to the family as a Haruno.

"Here's a little something for you," he pulled out of his yukata two charms of a jeweled cherry blossom. He placed one into the baby's hand having her clutch it tightly in her sleep. "I'll give the other to Sasuke later, when I'll get into his room."

Later that night, in the undergrounds, the place was quiet. Light tapping sounds of shoes walking along the hall echoed and bounced around by the long walls. Those slow tapping sounds were made by a young man, his hair in a colour of gray and tied in a low slightly spiked hair. His black eyes behind his glasses. He held a tray filled with different kind of medicines and medications.

Stopping in front of a certain door, he knocked first to have his patient aware of his appearence before twisting the knob to enter having the door creaked open as he got in closing it behind him.

Loud coughs filled the room. The man with the glasses's patient was dangerously ill. The young man settled down the tray by the bed to rub his patient's back under his very long hair. Just because the patient's skin was pale didn't mean that he got it when he was sick. No, he was born that way. There was purple marks around his snake like dirty yellow eyes half way down towards the point of his nose. And his long tongue slightly stretched than normal.

"Are you alright," the so called doctor asked his illed patient. "Orochimaru-sama?"

Orochimaru panted heavily from his coughing since long before. He snapped after coughing some more roughly.

"Do I look alright to you?" he hissed as blood spilled out of his lips. "Kabuto."

"Well then," Kabuto straightened himself to reply with a smirk in his lips. "I'm sure you'll be alright after i give the classified report."

The snake man's head turned to his doctor. Sweat travelled his temple to his chin. He wished to be cured as soon as possible. So in any case he were to be nice other than impatient, this better be some good news instead to have his time waste.

"What is it?" he said.

"Well it seems like that Madara-san's been suffering in thought lately." Kabuto lifted both his shoulders and hands giving Orochimaru a shrug in amusement.

"Get to the point!"

There was a long pregnant silence in the room. Then the young man's voice broke it off.

"He has accepted the deal." He smirked.

*A/N: Ah, just in case you're wondering. Sadly, Itachi's not in this story, I was just going through the story of Vocaloid when I first made this.