A/N: okay so i saw this amazing picture on tumblr it's just sO SDFJKGHASKLDJHFGLASD I HAD TO DO THIS

Picture that this was based off of can be found at tumblr user sandbang . tumblr . com (remove spaces).

Characters: Frost!Pitch and Black!Jack, and fancharacters Tanya and Patrick Boho (TFP characters)

Snow fell lightly in the cityscape, covering trees and the sidewalks far below in a white dusting. Kids happily running up and down the concrete, catching the flakes on their tongues, taking some snow off the ground and throwing them in the air again, and trying to make snowballs of the powdery substance only to fail and throw powder at each other.

Pitch stood atop a building, watching the children carefully, standing at ease as he noted how much darker it was getting. The kids were slowly being corralled into their homes, talks of how much more fun they'd have tomorrow, once the snow got a chance to really pile up, and Pitch smiled. He'd make sure to make the snow falling slightly thicker- more packable to make snowballs and igloos and all the other wonderful stuff they enjoyed.

He started to do just that, when out of the corner of his eye something black shoot past the building he was perched upon, and he looked just in time to see it disappear into a window that had trusty Sandman's gold sand seeping into. There was only one spirit he thought of as he had the wind take him to the window that would do this.

He settled down on the fire escape and looked into the room. Two occupants lay resting inside, one a 10-year-old blonde girl and a two-year-old baby boy in a crib. The stream of gold separated into two, going to each sleeping child. Bunny and dog faces danced around the little boy, happily sucking on his thumb. the girl was wrapped in a comforter, and her dreams depicted herself, the baby, and who he assumed was her father and mother. He guessed it was a memory of some sort, because he knew the mother was no longer there. He particularly liked this city so he came often, and he'd watched this girl grow from three-years-old. Around a year ago her mother left for unknown reasons, but it tore her up inside. Every time she'd toss and turn too much in her sleep, he blew some cool air in that was enough to jolt her awake, and get her on a track to some decent sleep.

But tonight was different.

Crouching by her bed was a boy- looking to be eighteen- dressed all in black, a shepherd's hook loosely in his grasp. He reached the staff up and was about to touch it to the sand when Pitch couldn't take it any more.

"Of all the children to choose tonight, Jack."

The shadow jolted and looked over his shoulder, bright yellow eyes meeting bright blue, and he jumped up, holding his staff out in front of him in case of an attack.

"I-I'm not looking for trouble, I-I just follow the fear to where it takes me-"

"But why her? She has already been through enough."

He slipped in and towered above the shadow, the other flinching and scampering to the other side of the room, jumping up and perching on top of his hook.

"You know how it-it i-is for me. Just doing my job."

He frowned at the hooded figure, the full blackness interrupted by the specks of yellow, and used his own staff to gesture.

"I have seen her grow up, her mother ran away and she still is not over it yet. This is the best I've seen her sleep, and I care not for your job. I do not fear you, I will not hesitate to strike."

The shadow was silent until a chuckle escaped him, adjusting to a more comfortable position on his staff.

"What good will it do? You know she won't see you- just like everybody else."

Pitch winced at the jab- because of the truth behind it.

They all walked through him, adult, teen, child, everybody. No matter what he did, nobody was ever going to believe in Pitch Frost.

Another brutal truth was that Jack Black was in the same position, he used to be believed in during the Dark Ages until the Guardians came about. They were equals in their work, and most of the time they tolerated each other- but Pitch refused to let Jack feed on the fear in her heart.

They stared each other down, neither refusing to move.

A gurgle from the crib distracted the frost for a split second, but it was enough time for the shadow.

He leaped from his perch, taking the staff with him, touching his pale fingers to the gold-turning black at his tips- and was out the window before Pitch could comprehend what happened.

He watched helplessly as the black sand changed the dream, making it into her worst nightmare, her family disappearing and leaving her alone. She frantically looked around before she started running in a random direction.

She groaned and twisted around in her bed, a frown appearing on her face.

Another sound came from the crib, and Pitch saw that the boy had awakened and was looking around with a lost look. A cry came from the child, and Pitch was grateful to see the nightmare break as the girl woke up at the sound. She shivered and rubbed at her arms, standing up and walking over to the crib and lifting the baby out.

"Shh, hey calm down, I'm right here Pat."

Pitch deemed it safe to leave, she would calm the boy down and fall back into a peaceful slumber, and he was going to insure she would.

He left, leaving a frost pattern in his wake upon the window, and directed the wind to carry him in-between the buildings. He locked onto the moving shadow, and brought it down with a blast of powerful wind, knocking him into the side of a hotel and to the ground.

Pitch landed gracefully in the alley Jack had dropped into, the latter giving a gasp and quickly scrambling to his feet a wolf fearling appearing by his side as he stuck his staff out, a mass of shadows clustering at the top.

"I-I told you! An entities got to do what an entities got to do!"

"Do you not have a scrap of mercy anywhere inside your black heart?!"

Bright-fearing-yellow eyes were wide in panic.

"I-It's all I know how to do! You should be the one asking yourself that, attacking as I-I go about doing what I was meant to do-"

"And there are lines that are made to not be crossed."

" . . . No child i-is safe. You of all of us should know that."

The fearling howled and leapt at Pitch, him hitting it aside and freezing it to the brick wall, making enough of a distraction for Jack to melt into shadows and disappear into the night.

Tanya awoke to the psychedelic sound of a song on the radio, groggily sitting up and rubbing at her eyes. Despite the nightmare, something she'd scarily gotten used to, that had been the best sleep she'd gotten in a while.

She stood up and went to get Patrick out of his crib, bouncing him slightly as she wandered over to the window, studying the frost covering the window.

"Hmm. . . that's weird. This is the third day in a row I've seen some kind of frost design on here." she wondered aloud, watching as her baby brother reached out to graze his fingers against the window, squealing as he drew it back from the cold.

Frost never usually did what happened on her bedroom window, but she liked it.

Helped her believe that somebody was watching out for her.