
Series 6

Chapter 1: The Sacrifice

A/N So I'm sure I'm not the only one devastated by the finale. And this is one of the ways I thought they could have ended it, still with a sacrifice but you know...not killing Arthur before his time! This is kind of like a prologue thing, but I'd like to continue it on to do a '6th season'. As I think Merlin should not have finished and I can't accept it so this is the only way I can cope. Hope you guys enjoy :)

"I want to say something I've never said to you before… Thank you"

Cold, hard pain gripped at Merlin's heart as he stared down at the limp form of his best friend in his arms. His ears rang dimly as if the world had been silenced to grieve this moment. But, it couldn't be. This wasn't his destiny, it wasn't over. It couldn't be.

Tears threatened to blur his vision as Merlin scrambled to feel a pulse on the King's neck. Nothing. There was nothing. A wave of emotional pain swept over Merlin, crippling him with grief. His throat was too tight to make a sound and his eyes too full of tears to let them out. Turning his head to the sky and summoning the last of his strength Merlin screamed to the skies, his voice hoarse and stricken. He was screaming for the last chance he had, the last bit of hope he held, to save his King.


"Merlin," crooned the sweet voice that belonged to the Lady of the Lake. "What an interesting party you keep. A dead King, and a dying dragon."

Merlin breathed heavily, gritting his teeth and clutching Arthur tightly in his arms. "I come to beg you for your help," he began, his voice anguished, but strong. "My life in exchange for Arthurs."

The Lady of the Lake laughed soundly. "Now this sounds all too familiar. I thought you'd done all of this with Nimueh."

"This is more important than ever. This is not just for me, this is for Albion."

The lady nodded amusedly, "Oh I understand this Merlin. However Albion can still not come to be without you."

Merlin's heart was beating very fast now with stress and panic. "Then what can I do?" he hissed in despair and anger.

The woman before him glanced greedily at the silent Dragon towering at his side. "I need an ancient life. One full of the wisdom and knowledge of the oldest days. I need Kilgharra."

Merlin's heart almost studded to a halt. However before he could respond, Kilgharra bowed his head.

"I knew," Kilgharra said slowly, his deep voice reverberating off the ancient stone walls around them, "before the young Warlock asked me to enter this place with him. I knew you would not be able to resist setting such a price for his wish."

The lady of the Lake smiled widely.

"And yet I still came." Merlin stared at the Dragon, his eyes wide in disbelief.

"No," he said strongly, "there must be another way. I won't let y-"

"Merlin," The dragon almost laughed. "The witch said herself that I am dying. My life is coming to a close, and it has been a very long life that I will gratefully part from in the knowledge that Albion will be reborn. I would be proud to die such a death."

Merlin shook his head jerkily. "I didn't mean for this to happen," he stuttered, his eyes red raw with tears. "I didn't want… I don't want-"

"Lady of the Lake," Kilgharra cut across Merlin, turning away, his voice tired, yet determined. "I accept your terms. I give my life for the once and future King."

The powerful witch's smile widened with greed and excitement. The life of such an ancient and powerful being was a rare thing indeed.

Before Merlin could quite comprehend this change of events Kilgharra was slowly moving away from him toward a blinding, golden light. "Goodbye Emrys," the old Dragon's voice echoed through his head. Then every scale on the great dragon's body was a light with magic and in a heart wrenching moment, he disappeared.

Merlin stared at the empty space in which his wisest teacher had last stood, before his heart sped up frantically as Arthur shifted in his arms, breathing deeply. Safe. Alive. Asleep.

Away from Avalon and on a soft patch of ground Merlin sat beside the still sleeping Arthur, staring with blurred eyes into the magically crackling fire. He was so relieved, and so happy. Yet, he mourned the loss of Kilgharra. Such a mix of emotions made it too hard to think. Too hard to relax, and certainly too hard to sleep.

A small sound broke Merlin's reverie as Arthur stirred finally beside him. Nearly giving himself whiplash, Merlin quickly faced his friend.

For a moment Arthur stared at the Warlock. "Merlin…" he mumbled, "Merlin!" he sat up suddenly, before swaying dizzily. Merlin steadied him, his heart beating frantically. "My money," he said groggily and Merlin frowned in confusion. "I want my money back. You cheated. I knew you did. It wasn't just a cough."

Merlin was too overwhelmed with joy to laugh properly. Instead he let out a sort of half laugh, half whimper and he smiled goofily. "Not cheating," he said weakly, picking up a bowl of food he had prepared for the King. "Just utilising my talents. You're not getting a cent."

Arthur frowned while taking the food, Merlin's heart flipping happily at the typical grumpy face. After a moment of silence Arthur asked in confusion. "What…happened?" He looked at Merlin, his newly rejuvenated eyes glinting in the firelight.

Merlin hesitated. "I…got you to Avalon."

Arthur stirred the stew in his bowl. "I don't remember… I thought the horses were lost? Did you… magic us?" He used the 'm' word uneasily, but it was apparent that he was trying to hide his discomfort.

Merlin grinned slightly and chuckled. "Sort of…" his smile faded.

"What is it Merlin?" Arthur pressed on, wanting more information. "I feel great, whatever you did…saved me. Again."

"It wasn't me," Merlin said, "The Dragon. Kilgharra. He gave his life in exchange for yours. That was the price the Lady of the Lake demanded. I called him there to take us, but…I had no idea it would mean his death."

Arthur stared at Merlin dumbfounded. "Dragon." He repeated. "A Dragon. We rode a Dragon…who you 'called'. And then he sacrificed himself for me…is this the same Dragon that attacked Camelot?"

"Uh…" Merlin stuttered, "Well yes. Yes it is the same Dragon… I suppose…"

Arthur frowned again, "You were the one that set him free," he stated.

Merlin glanced at Arthur warily. "I didn't know he would attack Camelot… and I had to! I promised. It's a long story." He defended himself hurriedly.

Arthur breathed out deeply, widening his eyes somewhat in exasperation. "You've been leading such a double life…" he said lowly. Merlin watched him quietly. "I'm sorry that you…that you've had to keep all of this a secret for so long," He looked directly into Merlin's eyes still in wonderment at the man he had never really known or understood. "I don't know how I can thank you enough…"

Merlin smiled lopsidedly. "Well you did promise those two days off remember? Still feeling that generous?"

"You'll get the proper recognition you deserve when we return," Arthur said seriously. "You have my word."

"What are you going to do?" Merlin asked lowly. "About magic?"

Arthur ran a hand through his hair. "That's up to the Court Sorcerer."


Arthur tilted his head to the side acknowledging Merlin, "You. The court Sorcerer. New position, you've been promoted, well done."

Merlin blinked.

"I don't know how to comprehend it Merlin," Arthur continued, staring at his friend with a mix of emotions swirling in his eyes. "Magic. I can't…I'm still… I mean aside from you, anyone else I've met with magic has used it for evil means." He thought for a moment. "Oh, and that old woman that saved Gwen."

Merlin bit his lip hesitantly and Arthur's eyes widened before rolling back in exasperation and he fell back against the ground.

"You've got to be kidding. I knew she looked familiar. You know Merlin, I should have guessed. All this time with your fascination for dresses…"

Merlin shook his head bemusedly. "You remember what she…me..uh I said though, don't you?"

"There is no evil in magic…only in the hearts of men," recited Arthur dully.

Merlin nodded wisely.

Arthur sighed, his head so full of new information it felt heavy and stuffy. "You're in charge of it."


"Oh right…Court Sorcerer. So…what's that?"

"No idea." Arthur looked at Merlin with a half smile on his face, his eyes tired. "Merlin," he said softly. "Thank you."

Merlin smiled bashfully and laughed a little. "Three 'thank you's' in one day. Careful, Arthur. Don't want to be too grateful."

"No really Merlin," Arthur sat up and placed a hand on his old servant's shoulder. His eyes were bright with emotion, his tone very serious. "I mean it. You are…the bravest, most remarkable man I have ever known, and probably will ever know."

Merlin looked back, his eyes intense and deep with wisdom that Arthur used to joke that Merlin had. "I'm sorry for never telling you sooner… I tried a few times…and I wanted to but-"

Arthur smiled softly. "I understand, Merlin."

Merlin nodded slightly, feeling quite complete inside, his heart beating fondly with contentment. "I'm glad you're ok Arthur."

Arthur nodded, "Me too."

"Would have made you a real prat wasting all my time to just die on me like that."

Arthur's eyes widened in disbelief and then he grinned and laughed, patting Merlin's shoulder in a brotherly fashion. "And it would have made you seem a bit of a lame sorcerer."

A/n So yeah, pretty rough start, but I needed to get it out of my head and stuff. Anyway, looking forward to continuing if you guys like it!