
Season 6


Her voice was barely a whisper on the wind, carrying eerily over the lake's rippling waters.

"Draconis ultimum spiritum est inveterati ... " she said, her eyes glowing brighter with each word."cum ea excalibur potestas diminuitur. Do surrexerint Morgana et Mordrid ... "

Her magic spun through the air, twisting with each breath of wind, speeding toward it's destination. Then, with a crack in the sky like lightening, stones flew in every direction off what was once a newly dug grave.

The hour was late and both Arthur and Gwen slept soundly, while Merlin furiously contemplated his thoughts, unknowingly watched by Gaius.

The whining sound in his ears was so loud it drowned out the noises of the world around him. He closed his eyes. "Aithusa…" he said in his mind quietly. The whining stopped abruptly. Merlin focused harder. "Aithusa," he repeated more strongly. There was a pause, and then a dull whimper replied and Merlin caught a glimpse of the white dragon's large, scared eyes.

Heart beating frantically, Merlin tried to keep that vision clear in his mind's eye. "Aithusa, you know me…" he said slowly, "I'm Emrys…can you tell me where you are?"

Merlin did not want to use his power's as Dragon Lord to force Aithusa into anything; he wanted to earn her trust.

Her whimpering became louder and Merlin finally realised. She did not know how to speak. Of course, as such a young dragon and with no Dragon Lord or elder dragon to raise her, how was she supposed to learn with just Morgana as her company?

However, just as Merlin met this realisation, he saw another vision through Aithusa's eyes. He saw a gaunt, bedraggled face of one he thought he would never see again. With a half-smile and a demented look on her face, it was Morganna who reached out to the dragon.

Merlin's eyes snapped open, his heart thundering in his chest and he stood up quickly. He glanced around the room, his eyes hesitating on Arthur. He would be safe here. Merlin hurried toward the door, pulling on his boots as he walked.

"Merlin," Gaius said quietly, just as Merlin was about to pull on the handle to leave.

Merlin paused, "Gaius," he replied, his hand still outstretched. He turned his head to the side, looking at his old tutor. He was about to grin lopsidedly and make up a stupid excuse for where he was headed. But, as soon as their eyes met he knew Gaius would not believe a word. He sighed, dropping his hand to his side. "I have to go," he said.

Gaius moved forward quietly. "Merlin, what could possibly need you at this time of night?" He stopped beside the door. "Especially after we have just won the war."

Merlin looked away. "I need you to keep an eye on everything…and Arthur while I'm gone. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Merlin smiled, glancing at Gaius. "Don't worry Gaius. I won't be long, trust me."

With that Merlin swung out the door while Gaius watched him, frowning in disapproval and worry. But, the times where Gaius could stop Merlin were long gone. He'd had to learn to restrain that urge, bite down his fears and do as Merlin said – make sure Arthur didn't do anything stupid.

However that morning those words were much easier said than done.

"Where is Merlin, Gaius?" Arthur demanded furiously, glaring at the physician and not believing his terrible stories of 'picking flowers'.

Gaius sighed, "I don't know, sire."

Arthur blinked in shock, "Then we must find him!" he said quickly, turning around to attempt to put on his chainmail.

"Arthur," Gaius said slowly, "you cannot leave."

"Why?" demanded Arthur gruffly, his head stuck in the arm of his chainmail. Gwen, who was frowning in worry, allowed a small smile and moved forward to help the King.

"Because you must reveal your return to the Kingdom, your people are beginning to lose hope."

Arthur glared at Gaius. "Merlin could be in danger. I owe him more than my life. Now's the opportune moment to go while no one will know I am gone again."

Gwen shook her head, "Arthur, I'm sorry, but I think Gaius is right," she said.

Arthur frowned in annoyance. "I'm sorry Guinevere, but I need to make sure Merlin is ok. Surely you understand that?"

"Arthur, Merlin will be fine," Gaius cut in, giving Arthur a look. "You well know now he can take care of himself."

Arthur grimaced. "You don't need to constantly remind me. Yes I know that." Arthur bit his lip, frustrated with the two of them, "I'm sorry," he amended, "for speaking like that. But I cannot abandon Merlin."

Before Gaius or Gwen could respond however there was a knock on the door. "My Lady?" called Sir Leon.

Arthur looked at Gwen quickly. She gave him a guilty, apologetic look before saying, "Come in Leon."

Not giving Arthur a chance to react, the door opened and Sir Leon walked in. His mouth dropped as his eyes fell on the King. "Sire," he said in shock. "You're alive!"

There was a moment of silence before Arthur composed himself. "Of course I am, Leon," he scoffed light heartedly. "Surely you of all people hadn't given up on me?"

Leon smiled still in giddy shock. "Certainly not, Sire."

Arthur smiled back, moving forward and patting Leon on the shoulder in a brotherly fashion. "It is good to see you well Leon," he said, "Thank you for everything you and Gwen did while I was…absent. You're loyalty and support is truly appreciated." Arthur gave him one last pat before quickly hurrying to the exit.

Gwen and Gaius moved forward quickly to stop him, but it was Leon who made him turn back round.

"Sire," he said in confusion, turning to look at his King. "Where have you been? What happened? When did you return?" the questions tumbled off his tongue before he could stop them, "The whole Kingdom still fears you're lost."

Arthur sighed, turning round. "I'm sorry Leon, it is a…very long story," he hesitated before looking Leon directly in the eye. "I will fill you in, you have my word. Know this for now: the same sorcerer that defeated the Saxon's and the Dragon in Camlan also saved my life and brought me home to Camelot."

There was a moment of silence while Leon comprehended this, the few facets of information Arthur had given him registering slowly. Sorcery had saved them and their King.

"And that same sorcerer," Arthur continued, "has just nicked off, so if you'll all excuse me - I need to find him."

"Arthur," Gwen said disapprovingly, grasping his arm and stepping forward in one quick motion. "Your Kingdom needs to see your face right now."

"I agree Sire," Leon said nodding, confusion still swimming in his eyes. "I fear you people are losing hope."

"And I am certain this sorcerer of ours will return soon, Arthur," Gaius said gravely, casting a strange look at Leon. "Sir Leon, I think it would be best if you did not speak of this news to anyone."

Arthur clenched his teeth in frustration at the whole situation. Merlin was missing, he still had no recognition for everything he had done, and Arthur could do nothing about it! Yet he reminded himself. He knew that his kingdom needed him, but he felt he owed Merlin more. However he had a feeling Merlin too would be telling him to settle the minds of his people and reveal his return. "Yes," Arthur agreed lowly, "For now that is probably best."

Merlin easily slipped out of Camelot, and out through the Darkling Woods, all the while trying to get as much information as he could from the glimpse of Morgana's evil face.

She was gaunt and pale – she looked quite weak. If his vision was true and she was alive…then so was Mordred. He hurried his horse (stolen from the stables) onward quickly toward to place he had seen Aithusa.

In barely half a day's travel, Merlin had reached his goal. Her whining was at its strongest and he could feel her presence. He jumped down off his horse quietly, shushing the beast gently before he moved slowly toward a small cave entrance that he had spotted hidden among the rocky crevices of a large hill.

Suddenly, roaring fire erupted from the hole and Merlin was forced back, stumbling away from the flames and Aithusa came running out, her eyes scared but her fire fierce.

"Aithusa!" Merlin said aloud, his eyes scanning around them for any sign of Morgana. The young dragon belched another burst of flame at the warlock. "Aithusa!" he said in his head this time. "I am here to help you."

Aithusa stared at him, but no longer tried to burn his skin off. Slowly Merlin raised his hand out toward the dragon. Crooning soft, encouraging words in his head.

The crippled, white dragon eventually leaned her head toward Merlin's outstretched hand. Her scaly jaw brushed softly across his skin, the texture strangely smooth, and Merlin's mind was suddenly thrust into another vision.

He saw rocks scattered haphazardly across grassy terrain, a shining sword with a shard missing lying among the rumble. Then, a hand grasped the hilt, picking it off the ground and Merlin could hear Mordred's voice saying, "I won't make the same mistakes again, Morgana," his voice was angry, cold. "I will align with no one, but myself. You're power thirsty war got us both killed. I will have my vengeance against Arthur Pendragon, but I will do it alone. And when I do, he won't have anyone left to die for him."

Morgana screamed in fury, her cry a foul sound in the air, but Mordred was gone; the dark night cloaking his figure.

Merlin pulled his hand back, eyes wide with shock and Aithusa was whimpering again. "Morgana…."

Merlin stumbled backwards, finally hearing the soft voice of Aithusa in his head. "Morgana," she repeated again, as it was the only word she knew. "Morgana, Morgana…"

Merlin concentrated quickly, "Aithusa, you mustn't go back to Morgana. I can help you. I can teach you, you must trust me…"

But, the white dragon was pulling away, stretching out her wings, and crying into the night.

"Long live the King!" the Kingdom chanted, joyous laughter and cheering echoing in the halls of Camelot as the whole citadel celebrated his return.

Nothing had been said about what had happened to him, and Arthur knew the knights were curious. And he knew that he owed them an explanation. But, all he could think about was Merlin. He wanted to leave this feast that should be honouring Merlin, not he, and find his old servant. He needed to make sure he was safe. As much as he knew Merlin could take care of himself, Arthur couldn't help but worry about him and his scrawny frame.

He turned to Leon who sat to his right, not next to him, but one seat along. Arthur wanted Merlin to sit at his right hand, and though he had not said this tonight, he had been earnest that no one sit there.

"Leon," he said as quietly as he could over the loud chatter and clinking that echoed the great hall. "Tomorrow I want a meeting at the round table. Just the most trusted knights are to be there. No servants or anybody else."

Leon nodded seriously, "Absolutely Sire." He paused for a moment, and then opened his mouth to say something with a frown across his brow, but before he could, George the servant walked over with a pitcher of wine.

"More wine, Sire?" he said pompously and Arthur's already pent up frustration peaked irrationally.

"No, George. I would not like some more wine," he snapped angrily. "Nor would I like you, or anyone else as my manservant. You're dismissed."

Arthur tapped his fingers agitatedly on the table, avoiding Leon's gaze. "Sire," Leon however was not going to avoid Arthur's. He bent his head to peer closer at the King. "Where is Merlin?" he asked.

Arthur stopped tapping abruptly. "I'm not sure," he said quietly.

"I'm sorry Sire," Leon said, leaning away politely. "Merlin was a loyal servant for years, I'm sure he had his reasons for leaving, I mean battles are not for everyone-"

"He is still loyal," Arthur said a little harshly. "And he did not abandon us."

Leon glanced warily at Percival who had been silently watching their conversation in concern. "Sorry, Sir Leon," Arthur said quietly after a moment. "I'm tired; it's been a long few days."

"I understand, Sire," Leon said quickly and Arthur turned to Gwen.

"I need some air," he said quietly to her.

Gwen gave him a look, "Arthur it's late," she said. "You cannot start looking now-"

"I'm not," he assured her. She raised her eyebrows in disbelief. "I just need a break from all of this noise."

Gwen looked at him closely. "Ok," she said softly. "Arthur, I know you're worried. I am too, but you did the right thing today. If he hasn't returned tomorrow I'll do everything I can to help find him. I owe him too; he brought you back to me."

Arthur smiled softly and squeezed her hand. "We all owe him."

Arthur slid outside as subtly as he could, briefly greeting patrons as he exited. He let out a long, low breath and lent against the well in the court yard, staring into the dark depths below. He just couldn't understand why or where Merlin could have gone. Was it another secret that Merlin didn't think he could share with Arthur?

Suddenly in the darkness below a watery blue arrow appeared, pointing to Arthur's right down an ally. Arthur glanced around quickly; the two guards in the courtyard had slid down the walls and appeared to be asleep. Arthur looked back at the arrow, heart beating faster in his chest, before he hurried in the direction that it pointed.

He ran down the ally, following a second shimmering gold arrow to the right when,


Arthur jumped in shock, "Merlin!" he gasped, and despite everything, Merlin grinned. "Where have you been?" Weak with relief Arthur grabbed Merlin by his shirt and pulled him roughly into a hug.

"Sorry," Merlin half-laughed, hugging Arthur back. "Juts been at…the tavern, you know."

Arthur pulled back and glared at him.

Merlin's smile sobered. "Not funny?"

Arthur shook his head, "no."

"Right…well then, I was looking for a dragon."

There was a long moment of silence. Then, "What?" Arthur snapped in shock.

"Aithusa, actually. She was the one whining in my head," Merlin explained quickly. "She was Morgana's and-"

"You're actually insane," Arthur interrupted half in fury half in awe. "Who goes alone to find a dragon allied with Morgana!"

"Aithusa isn't evil. I'm hoping I can help her," Merlin continued hurriedly. "Anyway, there's something more important I need to tell you. But, I'm not sure if it's true and-"

"Merlin," sighed Arthur, "just spit it out."

Merlin breathed in quickly. "I think Morgana and Mordred might be alive. Again."

A/n I'm so sorry! I know this took forever, i wrote three different versions of it, then went into Merlin withdrawel and got seriously depressed about the damn finale! (I watched a lot of sad youtube video tributes to them) Why did they do that arghhh makes me so angry. Anyway, that then spurred me on to make sure this got out cause you guys have been amazingly supportive and it's only 2 chapters in and we're all in the same boat and wish Arthur wasn't dead so, I will finish this story! And make the updates faster...

Anyway, yes, not so sure about the chapter. I like some parts, not others so much cause I sort of rushed into this story without thinking much first. But, I have a plan of where I would like to take it. Plus I just really want to see Arthur and Merlin adventures with Arthur knowing Merlin's magic!

Ok, I'm done talking. Hope you guys liked the chapter :)

Sorry again...