
I know, I should be working on my other story, A Drunken Mistake, and I'm sorry I haven't been. But, Mrs. Ferb Fletcher-inator gave me some great ideas for sequels to Feminine Side that just couldn't wait. I promise I will write more on that as soon as I can.

As I said before, this is a sequel to Feminine Side, so if you haven't read that, you might be a little lost. But, you might not. I don't know. This is set in the Prime universe if you didn't know. I hope you enjoy. Please review, but no hate.

Tranformers, their characters, and their products sadly do not belong to me. I just use them. If they did, Ratchet would get the attention he deserves.



Internal Thoughts

~Bond Talk~

Baby Ratch

Ratchet and Wheeljack had been bonded for a couple days now. Everyone already knew because Bulkhead had been running around the base announcing it to everyone. The kids didn't get it as much because they didn't really have anything like it. The closest comparison would be marriage, but that was just touching the surface of what a bond was. All the kids knew was that it was a great thing.

It was funny because Bulkhead didn't even notice Ratchet was back to normal until after he had gone around announcing that they were bonded. But by then everyone knew that. Miko seemed disappointed almost. Probably because she couldn't continue to tease Ratchet about being a femme. She'd just have to figure out other ways to annoy him.

Wheeljack and Ratchet had been spending a lot of time together. They were trying to get used to the new bond. Wheeljack used to be an engineer before he became a Wrecker, so he could help Ratchet with a lot of things. They would work on improving the base and sometimes Ratchet would let Wheeljack help with repairs.

At the moment, Ratchet was working on a part for the groundbridge that he built himself. It would make it so that they could get to their destination even faster. He had been working on this for a while. Wheeljack was hanging in the background because he didn't want to get in the way, but he still wanted to be with Ratchet.

~So, how is the part working?~ Wheeljack asked through their bond. He liked using it more than talking.

~It's working well. I just have to add this last component. This is the piece that will make it go faster,~ Ratchet replied.

~I can't believe you built that groundbridge yourself. It's amazing. I don't think even I could do that.~

~Yeah, you'd probably just blow yourself up.~

~What can I say? Blowing things up is my specialty.~

~Yeah, you're special alright.~

~Aww, thanks Doc.~

~I was being sarcastic.~

~I still take that as a compliment. I love you Ratch'.~

~I love you too, 'Jack. Now will you be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate.~

~Alright, alright, sorry.~ Wheeljack then closed the bond so Ratchet could concentrate. He was disappointed though.

"Thank you," Ratchet said out loud.

When Ratchet placed the component into the part, there was a huge explosion. He had put it in wrong because Wheeljack was distracting him through their bond.

As the smoke cleared, Wheeljack looked around. "Wow, Doc. You're getting to be as bad as me with the whole exploding thing. I guess I'm rubbing off on you. Look at this. Where are you, anyways?"

Once the smoke cleared all the way though, what Wheeljack saw surprised him. There, in the middle of the floor, was a sparkling. A sparkling that looked exactly like a tiny, baby version of Ratchet! "Ratch' is that you?" he asked.

"Of course it's me you id… id… stupid head! Who else would I be?" the sparkling said in its little high pitched squeaky voice. He had tried to say idiot, but struggled and gave up.

Wheeljack couldn't help it. He started to laugh. He clutched his sides and laughed like a mad man.

"This isn't funny! I'm tiny!" the now obviously sparkling Ratchet whined.

"Yeah, that's why it's funny! You're so cute! Your voice is all high pitched and squeaky! And you're soooooo tiny!" Wheeljack replied as his laughter died down. Then he picked up the little sparkling Ratchet and snuggled him close.

"Put me down this instant! I don't want to be held!" Ratchet whined.

"Now why should I? You're so cute and cuddly! I can't help it if I want to snuggle you!"

Ratchet started to whine and struggle, but found that he couldn't escape. He started to sniffle, and then he burst into tears. "Why are you being a meanie head?!" He sobbed.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down! I'm sorry! Please don't cry. Here, I'll let you down," Wheeljack said. He'd never seen Ratchet cry before. But, he was a sparkling. Maybe he still had some sparkling instincts even though he still had all his memories and knowledge. Man, this is gonna be harder than I thought, Wheeljack thought to himself. He then set the sparkling down. The sparkling's sobs calmed down until they were only little sniffles and hiccups.

"Wheeljack, what do I do? I don't want to be tiny," the little sparkling whined after a little while.

"I don't know Ratch'," Wheeljack replied.

"I'm gonna try to fix this." The little sparkling then tried to stand up, wobbled, and fell on his bottom. He looked confused, like he didn't understand how he could fall down.

"I think you better wait. You're too small to be working with tools. You can't even stand up on your own, Ratch'," Wheeljack said.

"NO! I wanna work!" The sparkling screamed. He pounded his little fists into the ground and looked like he was about to have a temper tantrum.

"Calm down, Ratch'. It'll be alright. You can work once you're big again. Right now you just need to relax. I've wanted you to take a break, and now you can. Albeit as a sparkling. But it is still a break," Wheeljack said soothingly, trying to calm the angry sparkling down. It worked.

Then Ratchet raised his tiny arms up, like he wanted to be picked up. The tiny noises he made confirmed that.

"You want to be picked up? The last time I picked you up you started crying. Are you sure?" Wheeljack asked.

The little sparkling nodded. Wheeljack then bent down and lifted up the sparkling. He cuddled him close, and the sparkling snuggled up against him. Wheeljack rubbed his back soothingly. The little sparkling then drifted off into recharge. He's so cute like this. He's so tiny. I think I might actually like this. But I gotta be careful with what I do or say because I might make him cry again. At least I get to take care of him for once. He deserves to be loved and cuddled. Now I can give him that, Wheeljack thought to himself.


Well, that's the first chapter. I tried to keep the personalities the same, but it is sort of hard. What did you think? Leave me a review and let me know what you thought. But please no hate. There will be more chapters to come.