A/N: A slightly sad, slightly happy ROTG oneshot to celebrate Christmas. My take on Jack's first Christmas. I read somewhere that Jack died on Christmas, so I took that and had him die and be reborn on Christmas Eve.


Jack Frost had no clue what was going on. He rose from a lake, was told by the moon his name was Jack Frost, had control over ice, and couldn't be seen, heard or touched by anyone else. After figuring that all out, the spirt decided to just sit and listen to the children. All of the younger where excited about Christmas, what ever that was. On the other hand, the older kids where all upset over something. Jack heard two of them talking about a boy who had drowned earlier that day, saving his sister. Jack, feeling sorry for the girl, went to find her.

It didn't take long to find the Overland's house. He went inside to find the family in grieving. The child, Pippa, and the mother where crying, while the father was comforting them. Jack sat with them, feeling sorrowful with them. He stayed until after the parents and Pippa had gone to bed. Jack sat with the girl, watching her sleep, entertaining himself by watching the pictures that formed over her head.

A sound from the chimney made Jack start and, even though he knew he couldn't be seen, he hid. Jack watched as a big man in a red suit came down the chimney, which Jack was sure wasn't big enough for him to fit down.

The man looked around and seemed confused for a moment before shrugging and swinging a bag off of his shoulders. Two neatly wrapped presents where pulled out of the bag, and Jack squinted to read the names on the tags. PIPPA was on one while JACKSON was written on the other. Jack realized with a start that Jackson must of been the boy that died. "Fool," Jack mumbled under his breath, thinking of how it would hurt the family to see a present for the dead boy.

To Jack's surprise, the man spun around, looking for the source of the voice. His eyes landed on Jack and the man sighed before pulling out a snow globe. "Sandy," he spoke into the glass container, "I have a boy awake here. You knock him out, yes?"

Jack starred at the man, his lips moving silently, as if talking to himself. After a few seconds, Jack was able to make a sound. "You... You can hear me?" Jack asked.

As the man nodded, Jack slowly stood up from his hiding place. "And you can see me?" Jack questioned the man again. Once again the man nodded, this time talking into the snow globe once again, telling Sandy to nevermind.

"Of course I see you," the man confirmed orally, "Why would I not?"

"No one in the village can see me," Jack informed the man. "They can't hear me eather. And they walk right through me."

The man started, knowing that this child was an immortal. A newly born, cluess immortal, but still an immortal. "I can see you, because I am like you," the man told the boy. "I'm North, guardian of wonder. Humans call me many things, but I believe the most common name here is Santa Claus. What is your name, child?" North held out his hand for Jack to shake.

Jack remembered hearing the children talk about this man earlier in the night. He slowly raised his hand and gripped the older man's hand in his. "Jack. Jack Frost."

"Well, Jack Frost, I wish you the best of luck, but for now I must go. I have many places to be before the night is up," North said.

Jack nodded, watching as North put his bag over his shoulder before walking towards the chimney to take his leave. Jack remembered the present for Jackson just before North stepped into the fireplace. "Wait!" he called.

North turned around and watched Jack as he got Jackson's present from under the tree. "I think you should take this." At North's confused look, Jack began to explain. "Jackson died earlier today," Jack told the guardian, "He saved his sister from drowning, at the cost of his own life."

North looked saddened by this information. He grimly took the present from Jack's hands, shivering from the cold the frost that had collected on the box gave off. North placed the toy back inside of his bag before looking at Jack again. North nodded at Jack, turning away from the boy, already thinking about where he needed to go next.

Jack watched him go, not knowing that night was the first time he would help a guardian of childhood. Not knowing that that night would start his 300 years of solitude.

Hope you liked it. REVIEW!