The cobblestone street of Diagon Alley was packed with people busy buying spell books, potion ingredients, magical creatures, wands, quills, and other magical items necessary to witches and wizards. There were other young witches and wizards running around with their parents trailing behind them buying their school books and other supplies.

Lavinia and Contessa had decided to spend the day together. Contessa was taking her daughter shopping for her school supplies. Nia was holding her list of supplies in her hand as the two dark haired women walked through Diagon Alley.

"Nia, what is the first thing on your list?" Contessa asked.

The girl looked at the parchment in her hand. "Three sets of plain work robes that are black, one plain pointed black hat for day wear, one pair of protective gloves that are dragon hide or similar, and one black winter cloak with silver fastenings. I am assuming, Mom, that we can get all of my uniforms at Madam Malkin's Robes," Lavinia said, pointing to the robes shop just a little bit in front of them.

Contessa smiled. "Yes dear, that is where we will get your uniforms."

The two females walked straight to the robes shop. Instantly a witch with a tape measure for garments came to assist them. The witch led Lavinia to a corner of the store to take her measurements. Meanwhile, Contessa looked through the dress robes in the shop. "Well, well, if it isn't Miss Marks," a voice said behind her.

Contessa quickly turned around to come face to face with a long blonde haired grey haired man in black robes with a short walking staff adorned with a dark silver serpent head. "Lucius Malfoy. I was not expecting to see you here," Contessa said, smiling politely to her old school mate.

Lucius slightly nodded his head. "My wife, son and I are here in Diagon Alley to buy my son's school supplies for his first year at Hogwarts." The man motioned to a corner of the shop opposite of where Lavinia was. There was a blonde haired boy and a woman with a mixture of blonde and brunette hair. Contessa assumed that was his family. "Narcissa Malfoy, originally Narcissa Black, and my son, Draco Malfoy," Lucius said. "What brings you here to Diagon Alley, Contessa?"

"Why, Lucius, for the same reasons you are here. My daughter," Contessa nodded to Lavinia, "is going to be starting her first year at Hogwarts, too. Looks like our children will be school mates, then." Contessa remembered Lucius from school. He had been good friends with Severus. Lucius had not been the nicest of boys in school. He had come from a very long ancient pureblood family that only believed purebloods should be learning magic. The Black family was the exact same way. Contessa felt like Lucius was flaunting his marriage to a Black because of Contessa being married to a half blood wizard.

"Yes, it does look like that. I wonder if your daughter will follow in your footsteps and be a Slytherin like you," Lucius said, a sly smile coming on his face. There was a mischievous smile on the man's face.

Contessa ignored the smirk. "She might follow in my footsteps. We will only know once she gets to Hogwarts and is sorted. Either way, I will still love her the same," Contessa said curtly and walked away from Lucius to her daughter.

The girls left the shop. They stopped by the Menagerie and Lavinia picked out a crème colored male cat that she named Axis. While Contessa was buying her books, Lavinia walked over to Ollivander's Wand Shop.

"Hello there, child," an old man said from behind a counter. Lavinia assumed the man was Mr. Ollivander. "You must be here for your first wand. I have been expecting you, dear." Mr. Ollivander disappeared only to reappear a few moments later with a long thin box. "Hear, child, try this one," he said, handing the brunette girl a wand.

She took the wand from the man and they both waited for a few minutes. A gentle gust of wind blew softly, making the small specks of dust covering the shop lift up, a few strands of hair came out of place. "And the wand has chosen its owner. Miss, you are now the proud owner of a nine inch ebony wand with a core of dragon heartstring accompanied with a Doxy wing. A treacherous little creature, those Doxies," the old man said.

Lavinia paid for her wand and left to meet up with her mother. "Mom, I believe we have everything I need."

"Good, Lavinia. Let's go home," Contessa said, wrapping her arm around her daughter.

Hmmm... I wonder what Lucius is thinking of after running into Contessa and hearing that Lavinia and Draco will be going to Hogwarts together. After all, Lucius knew that Severus and Contessa had been together. Any ideas as to what could be going through his mind?