Hey guys! Check it, remake of Kaiju Warriors is now in session! This is one of the three stories that I'm going to combine to create my ultra story! Now before we get on with the story I want to get a few things down first about Halo 4 .

I don't care what 343 says, the halo 4 forward unto dawn looks nothing like a frigate really should. We all remember what the Dawn looked liked in halo 3, now I don't think it looked anything like what it does in Halo 4.

Also wih the armor. Master chief is not wearing Mk VI armor. I have compared the actual armor that halo 4 gives you when you beat the campaign on legendary ( of course I did beat it myself alone ) and the Chiefs armor. They are not the same. Not even close.

Well enough ranting, on with the explosions!

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Colonel Louis Far'pount scanned the map as he searched his mind for some possible way to get out of the mess he had so foolishly put himself in. Had it been any other place at any other time he might have at least been able to call in for reinforcements to come down and pull out him, his men, and the data he had been assigned to collect from this world, but apparently he had pissed of the Covenant more than he had wanted because they were practically swarming his position trying to reclaim the data.

What ever that data was exactly was unknown, and why the hell he would be given an entire regiment to command to take it was way above his pay grade to know, all he knew was that this mission reeked of ONI, and he knew that while he may be in the UNSC Marines and a highly decorated officer, he knew what happened to people who messed with ONI or made mistakes with ONI. Dr. Magnnuson was just one of those people.

I just pray I don't end up like her. He thought to himself.

He turned his attention back to the things at hand, that being that he and his men were under siege.

From practically everywhere.

A soldier parted the drapes of the tent that the French officer was under, and handed the Colonel a pamphlet.

"News from the eastern front sir. I didn't open it but from what I saw sir, I'd guess that we lost the second gate to the eastern front." Said the trooper dreadfully.

The colonel took the pamphlet and opened it, he didn't even need to read it to know what it said.

"Tell z'em to fall back to z'e third gate. I'll send some reinforcements to help hold z'e fort. Just make sure z'at we keeps z'em out of z'is crater!" Said the Colonel, his voice thick with a French accent.

"Yes sir!" The trooper saluted, and then ran off to tell the men the news.

The colonel hung his head in dread: half an hour before they had lost communications due to the Covies frying the electronics with a EMP. How the hell they got their hands on something like that was beyond him, but he had to keep up to date with events that were taking place around him.

The only way to really do that was the same way they had done it before they invented the Radio.

Ze problem iz that it takes too long. The French men thought. The enemy could communicate with each other far easier and quicker than they could. He had every technician, engineer and mechanic working to repair their main communique dish to contact the people upstairs to send reinforcements, but so far they had been met with no success.

"Sir, how do we handle this?"

Louis looked up from the map to see his long time friend lieutenant Vicks Mayer. A robust, strong and a 'Cut to the chase' type of guy, Vicks had been with Louis on countless operations before and Louis knew that this man was someone he could trust.

"Z'at is z'e real question, isn't it." He said.

The situation was grim really. Louis had set up shop inside a crater that apparently had disagreed with the planet a lot as the impact created huge rock walls that he used to help prevent the enemy from attacking from all sides. There were however, three sections of the wall had been destroyed by natural causes, this allowed him to send out the Spartan IV 's to acquire the data.

But when they tried to call for evac, a Covenant fleet had jumped in system, destroying their only ride off world. Now they had been fighting off the Covenant since they landed, Louis was already thankful that they had not used their energy projectors on their location.

But the situation really began to deteriorate once the EMP hit, which was exactly at night fall. Covies started coming in from all three sides in a massive assault to take their position and the data. He had pulled back all recon teams using flares to help with the defense, and each section of collapsed wall had three 'gates' built originally to prevent the enemy from coming in, each gate more heavily defended than the one before it.

The northern entrance was encountering some resistance, but not enough that they had needed to fall back to the second gate, they could hold their own as log as they were kept well supplied.

The South-Western entrance was dealing with significant forces, enough to render the first gate inadequate to protect the entrance, but the second gate seemed to be holding for now.

The Eastern entrance was where all the problems Louis and Vick had to deal with originated from. That entrance was receiving the most activity and therefore the hardest to hold, their forces were pushed all the way back to the third gate. Since then there had been no word from them since the pamphlet.

Another rumble was heard up in the sky, either from a exploding ship or thunder, but the grinding of metal in the far away distance reaffirmed in his mind what actually caused that rumble.

There had been plenty of explosions in the sky recently, and Louis had only guessed that the Navy had arrived, and that proved that they needed to at least stay alive until reinforcements arrived.

"I have an idea, but its risky." Said Louis.

"How risky we talking here?" Asked Vick.

Louis sat back and crossed his arms. "We open z'e third gate."

Vicks looked at the colonel as if he had just admitted love to an Unggoy.

"Sir, we let those gates open the Covies are gonna come and swarm the area."

"Not if we kick z'em out z'e door first!" He said with a grin.

Vick leaned back in his own chair in the command tent. "What do you propose?"

"We set up z'e Scorpions and z'e Cobras to fire as soon as z'e first Covenant Troops show up z'en BOOM! Hahahaha!" The French Colonel laughed heartily and Vicks nodded in approval.

"Could work, but what about Covies in the skies? Can't just leave them there for the Banshees to have at them." Said Vick.

Louis leaned over the table where the map was, and pointed out several points on the crater wall as he said "We'll have scouts up at z'ese points, just to keep a look out. If we see air traffic well just pull z'e tanks back and use z'e Warthogs as support and anti air guns."

Vicks thought about it for a second, then replied "Good plan, lets get it going then."

(=) (=) (=) (=)

Outside at the third gate...

Sgt. McCullen laughed as he pulled the trigger on the hogs' gun as the tri barreled heavy machine gun turret ripped apart a Sangeheli Commander, turning it into bloody ribbons.

Pvt. Daniels simply gazed up at his crazed squad leader and returned back to peppering a grunt who had tried to fry his squad leader with a Fuel Rod Cannon.

"Serge, how many of these guys are there? They just keep coming!"

"Bah let 'em come! They'll just add more to my kill list!" Said the Serge happily as he laid down fire to a squad of Unggoy, which did not end well for them.

Daniels simply turned away and fired on a Jackal who had its shield up before Daniels reacted.

Daniels swore as he hunkered back behind the damaged Warthog as green plasma bolts flew overhead.

Daniels' squad was on Recon searching for any enemy encampments when the order was given to fall back. They had decided to head for the Eastern entrance, since it was the closest entrance to them. What a surprise they got when they found themselves having to ram through hordes of Covenant forces just to get to the third gate. And just as they were about to get to the gate, a stray Fuel rod blast demolished the front of the vehicle, causing it to run into the ground and stop in front of the gate. No one was hurt or killed, but the loss of a vehicle meant just that much less fire power on their side.

Serge however, managed to use the destroyed hog as a staging area ahead of the gate as its main gun was still functional and since then had been peppering away at any foolish Covenant that would get into his fields of fire.

Daniels leaned out of cover just in time to see a sniper round slam into the Kig-yar' gun hand and the Covie howled in pain at losing one of its hands. Daniels quickly put the alien out of its misery with a burst from his MA5C, it died before it hit the ground.

Ducking behind the warthog, Daniels looked up on top of the third and final gate, which looked more like a old and rusted steel dam, to find the wielded of the sniper to be...

"Hey it's a Spartan!" Called out the man next to Daniels.

Daniels turned and gave the man a sucker punch, who happened to be Pvt. Scott.

"Shut up man! Do you want the entire Covie force breathing down our necks because of that?" He shouted.

Scott just shrugged, "Hey it's like the Serge says, they'll never get past us!"

Daniels wasn't so sure, and as he finally got a good look at the battlefield, his heart sank.

Daniels knew that a firefight like this one was bad and usually meant a lot of deaths, but he was just unprepared for the amount of dead Marines that littered the field, it almost wanted to make him gag and throw up. Sure, they're we're plenty of Covies sprinkled in with the bodies of the dead, but they paled in comparison to the amount of soldiers died to protect one damn gate.

Daniels looked up from the dirt and dead, only to see hundreds of Covenant soldiers, bearing down on their position. Blue, green, and sometimes red plasma bolts flew through the air, while the yellow tracers and missiles streaked from the gate in a vain effort to halt the enemy opposition.

Daniels simply ducked behind cover and began to hastily reload his rifle when he noticed the doors to the gate beginning to open.

Horror gripped Daniels heart. The last thing they needed was to let more good men die to protect the gate, or even worse give the Covies a chance to charge through their already battered defenses.

He closed his eyes, and began to pray as he got ready to die.

But instead of feeling the hot sting of plasma or getting stomped on, he heard the familiar clunking and clanging of what sounded like...

A giant shell being loaded? That's impossible! But as he opened his eyes, he saw the familiar and beloved sight of a 90mm barrel connected to the one vehicle that Marines considered time and time again to be their savior on the battlefield.

"Holy shit its a-" he didn't have time to finish as the resounding BOOM and shock wave cut off him mid sentence.

The Scorpion tank was one of the most favorite toys of Marines and other armed forces, mostly because there was usually nothing on the field that could stand up to the raw power of 90 mm of Tungsten slamming with enough force to gut a Wraith in half and sometimes, keep on going.

The three scorpion tanks began decimating the Covenant forces, explosions ripped apart the field and bodies were flung up high in the sky. A few Sangeheli warriors tried to fight back, only to have their bodies completely obliterated by the support Cobras, making sure nothing got to close to the Scorpion tanks. What Covies were left usually hunkered behind Mgalekgolos or ran away in fear.

The Private could hardly believe his eyes, as he could well no longer hear due to the blast as a constant ringing battered his ears.

He saw the Covies scrambling to get to cover, some firing back to distract the Scorpions attention from the others, only to quickly be gunned down or disintegrated by the Scorpions main gun.

"YEAH! Run like the cowards you are!" Shouted the Serge as he began firing the Warthogs machine gun.

Daniels looked up past the broken hood of the destroyed warthog and saw the Covenant forces being beaten back by the sheer destructive power of the Scorpions and Cobras pounding away at their ranks. Daniels breathed a heavy sigh of relief and slid down behind the hog again, exhausted for the nights events, though the ringing was still in his ears. He was just about to open a water canteen when Scott just started shaking him and pointing to the entrance shouting and supposedly screaming. Daniels hearing was starting to return as he heard the familiar sound of gun fire and the voices of Marines that had survived the onslaught.

What's going on? He thought as he began to look over the Warthogs hood again. What could they possibly have that could-

A green beam of destructive energy came streaming from the darkness, streaking forth and burning through the first of the Scorpion tanks. Daniels covered his eyes, as the change in brightness was to much for his eyes to handle. When he looked back he saw the burnt and charred remains of the once proud and mighty tank from which the Marines so proudly stood upon.

The two other tanks turned their attention to the new threat, and Daniels turned to see where the blast came from, only to be met with the floating green head, and in the blackness of night, it looked like a banshee of old in the night, ready to reap his and everyone else's lives.

Of course he knew what it really was.

"SCARAB!" He cried, and opened up with his rifle and began backing up, "Serge, get out of there!" He called to his squad leader.

"Maybe that's a good idea Private!" Said the Serge as he tried getting out of the vehicles turret, when he suddenly fell and cried out in pain.

Daniels ran to his squad leader, explosions could be heard as the tanks and Cobras opened up on the Scarab, their shells exploding harmlessly off its hard armor battle plating. Turning its attention to the biggest annoyance on the field, the Assault platform began charging its cannon, and released the green beam. The beam crossed over the Cobras and burned through the titanium armor plating, and one of the Scorpions was unlucky enough to be in the beam and was left a charred mess. The last and final Scorpion wisely decided to retreat to fight another day, but the Scarab had already diverted its attention away from it and began focusing on the Marines that were left.

Daniels ran to his superior and looked to see what became of him. The answer was as simple as it was terrifying, the damn adrenaline jockey had gotten his foot caught in a piece of shrapnel or some sort of metal, and he could no longer move his foot, and from what he saw it seemed broken at the ankle.

" I'm gonna get you outta here sir."

"Don't bother." Daniels looked up at him with tears in his eyes, his squad leader grinned. "We'll at least we can say that you finally got your first real taste of combat bro." He said weakly.

His younger brother stared at him, then shook his head frantically and said, "I'm gonna get you outta here alive, your gonna get out of this I-"

He looked into the eyes of his brother and saw a willingness to die for him, a drop of water splattered across his right cheek, then another, then another. This continued on until it began pouring rain and it seemed as if all around Daniels was falling apart. Daniels lowered his head in silence.

"But... But... But I-"

"Stowe that bull shit soldier!"

Daniels looked up to see the face of his brother. "Your a Marine! You are to do as you are told. Now go! Get outta here."

Daniels was reluctant to do so at first, then slowly nodded his head. He got up and began to run for the gate, but not before he turned to his brother, who already began helping himself upon to the turret of the hog again.

"Little brother!"

Daniels looked up in time to see the biggest smile across his face ever.

"Take care of Carmen for me! Tell her that I love her very much."

Daniels stood their for a moment, then turned tail and ran. He heard the blaze of gun fire and the charge of a weapon, turned, and got one final look at his brother as he used the chain gun on the Scarab.

The Scarab had taken notice of him, (who wouldn't ) and began charging its weapon, as the blaze of the chain gun continued.

"Shit, NOOO!" Cried Daniels as the Scarab released its plasma and burned the broken Warthog.

Daniels turned his eyes away, as his eyes could not deal with the brightness. When he turned back, he saw nothing left that ever said his brother, or even the Warthog had survived.

"NOOO! JOHN!" Cried out Daniels.

The whirring of alien machinery got his attention as the Scarab had ITS attention focused on him, it's head glowing and pulsating menacingly with green plasma.

Daniels, in a furry of his own rage, quickly pointed his rifle at the Assault Platform and pulled the trigger, a burst of automatic fire came from the weapon and Daniels slowly came closer to the alien war machine.

"YOU ASSHOLES TOOK MY BROTHER AWAY FROM ME! YOU TOOK MY BRO! YOU TOOK MY-" Daniels felt himself trip on a rock, falling flat on his face. Daniels' mouth was filled with dirt and mud, and as the rain began to fall, his bag and gear had become soaking wet. His breath shortened as he felt the familiar smell of ozone, and looked up to see the Scarabs head grinning with green plasma.

Daniels ducked his head, and prepared for the inevitable.

Goodbye ma, goodbye dad, goodbye cruel world. Thought Daniels as he finally heard the discharge of the vehicles weapon.

Daniels felt the heat increase almost immediately and his skin felt as if it would catch on fire. Then it was over. Just as soon as it started it had ended. The Marine checked himself to see if he was dreaming that he was actually- still alive! I'm still alive! But how-

His answer was standing right in front of him.

Daniels looked up and the first thing he saw was a clawed foot, like it belonged to a beast like a reptile. His eyes followed the foot up to the thick and powerful looking thigh, in the limited light, he could see that there were actual scales on this thing, black as burnt charcoal. He looked to his left and saw a long powerful tail come around him in a protective manner. Along the tail were small blue spines, three rows of them that all led to the things back. Daniels followed the spines up the creatures back, and the blue spines grew larger the more they went, until they reached the middle of the creatures back. Then the spine grew quickly smaller the higher they went until they went atop the creatures head like a crown and he could no longer see. The creatures arms were, while very short, also very muscular. And from what he could also see the chest looked very powerful, like it could by itself rip apart a small house. The animal was tall, perhaps three meters tall.

That's when he noticed the armor. This, animal, was actually wearing Spartan grade armor. While the armor that actually covered the body was very little, it did have shoulder plates, wrist forearm armor plating, leg armor, and torso armor that did not reach around the back as with kSpartans.

The Torso armor seemed to be the Soldier variant of the GEN 2 class of MJOLNIR armor, while the shoulder plates appeared to be ROGUE class armor. The forearms were Outerplated with green and tan Forest camouflage, and the legs were a modified version of the LG-50 BULK leg armor that would actually fit legs that thick.

"You might wanna stand back Marine."

Daniels looked up towards the head which, while looking towards the right, Daniels could faintly see the eyes.

Fire red, with a obsidian core. Those were the first and perhaps only words to describe them. The head actually had a very vague similarity to a feral dog, but with no hair, fur or whiskers. Instead more charcoal scales. He could now see where the spines ended, almost king like as the grew smaller the closer they got to the creatures brow.

"What the hell are you?"

The creature smirked slightly, then began walking towards the Scarab as if it were nothing more than a stroll in the park.

"My code name is G95, but most people call me lil' G. That answer your question?" Asked lil' G.

Daniels simply stared on as the Scarab seemed to be looking intently at the new arrival, as if it was intrigued that something could actually stand up to its power.

Daniels still hadn't a single clue as to how not only did 'lil' G' survive the blast, but also protect him as well.

Lil' G then suddenly broke into a full out sprint as the Scarab charged up its cannon to deliver another strike against him. Lil' G had no intentions of that happening as he quickly picked a SAW from a fallen Marine, and began quickly moving all over the place. When the Scarab did strike however, the shot was far and wide as the Scarab was not designed to combat something that fast.

Lil' G quickly made a move for the Scarab front right leg, and before the Scarab could react, he kicked the end of the leg with a earth shattering roar.

What happened next defied all laws of reality to Daniels as the Scarabs leg was actually kicked out from under it; not by a whole lot it actually just enough that the Scarab, lost of its so relied on support, came crashing down and the leg as append under the strain that it was not designed to handle.

Lil' G then JUMPED up onto the frame of the downed Scarab and began to cut down any Covenant forces that tried to take him on.

Lil' G made his way to the control center of the Scarab, as soon as he jumped down the short hall, a Sangeheli Warrior spun around, energy sword in hand.

Lil' G rose to his full height and spoke to the Sangeheli in his own language. "I'll make this easy for you Scarab Commander: give up the fight and leave with your life, or face me in combat."

The Sangeheli Warrior stepped back a bit, shocked that this creature, this ally of the humans, would know his language and speak it fluently. He quickly regained his posture, and spoke in his own tongue.

"You are not a human, yet you side with the humans and use their armor and weapons."

The Sangeheli squinted its eyes and shifted combat stances. "I have heard of your kind, beast. You who can break the very strongest of armies and shatter the strongest of metals. You even make the human Demons look like simple pawns. For it was your kind that stopped the invasion of your human colony."

Lil' G shifted combat stances as well to something a boxer would use to begin a fight. " I see I made a reputation."

"It would be glorious to have your head as a trophy on my Keep."

"Keep dreaming hinge-head."

"I do beast, I do."

There was a long silence between the two combatants, each focused on the other like two lions battling for supremacy for leadership of the pride. Each watching the others movements through peripheral vision, neither side wanting to take their eyes off the others.

All was silent, the calm before the storm.

The two suddenly rushed each other with incredible speed, the gutting and cauterizing of flesh could be heard as both combatants end up on opposite sides, backs facing towards each other.

Lil' G looked down to his chest, the energy sword hilt deep into his abdomen. He smiled as suddenly the energy sword's blade went dark, and the hilt dropped to the floor, lifeless. The wound in his chest slowly but visibly closed and sealed as if there was never any wound originally.

"That was a good snack." Said lil' G.

A soft 'thump' went off, just barely enough for lil' G to register it. He turned around, only to see the dead body of the Sangeheli Scarab Master, a pool of purple blood surrounded the dead body, and claw marks could be seen on its side, furrows so deep that Lil' G thought that perhaps he had damaged more than one of the Sangehelis hearts.

"He was a brave one," he said, not bothering to speak Sangeheli anymore. "To bad he didn't side with the Arbiter. Would have mad a great Kaiju Warrior."

He stopped and thought about it for a moment... "Naaaaah, that's impossible. So far I haven't met a single alien that would be willing to have the chance to transform into a monster of horrific power. Oh we'll, their loss."

Lil' G moved on and touched one of the screens for the Scarabs main control center.

"Now then, lets take this bad boy for a spin!" He said with a toothy grin.

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I wanted to write more, I really did, but this took me 48 hours straight to make. That may not seem like much, but stretched over a longer period of time added with a busy schedule, IT WAS A LOT OF WORK!

By the way, I wanted to address this. There are reviews that are telling me to go back and start writing on a story.

FYI, I feel taken advantage of and insulted when people do that, I really do. And I don't wanna close down a story that a lot of people like just because of a few people who are impatient.

Keep the reviews clear of that kind of stuff really, it just aggravates me when people do only exception to that is if the story in topic is the same story the review is being written about.

By for those of you that don't that, thank you for your kindness and support.